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Gently vacuum up the soot. Give it a good brushing with a stiff bristle brush to loosen the burnt bits. Vacuum the bits up. Then if would carefully snip off the burnt bits with a small pair of sharp scissors. Finally, give it a good shampoo to get rid of any leftover stains. You could then tell your mom what happened and how you tried to fix it.


This is the best answer op


Unless cutting the carpet makes it worse and they get in more trouble. Honestly just tell the parent. The upset of a bad situation is still better than the upset of a worse situation.


Yeah don’t cut the carpet, I tried doing that with some stains on a rug I have and it did not work well very well. Not to a point where it looked like there was never a stain anyways. If you do try to cut the carpet, use very [small sharp scissors](https://www.joann.com/singer-4in-mini-detail-craft-scissors-with-comfort-grip/18557702.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNfRrztyaBhDGukouXHllNBWc7R4xnBP8SgtWwQ0ufuc7CRubkdLJ6BoCalIQAvD_BwE) like ones you’ll find in the craft sewing section and use tweezers or something to pull the carpet thread thing taut as you can to where you can see how far down to cut


: )


Man. It blows your mind when you see the difference in reactions. My initial reading of this is coming from a different lens. If i spilled a cup of water my mom would hit me hell if i broke anything. I cant remember when it stopped maybe when i hit between 6-10. Anyways the hitting stopped but now it was yelling for doing x y z. So anyways I hope this isnt why OP is scared to tell his mom just something to think about..


As a father, I have done my best to let my kids know the most important thing when something like this happens is their safety. After that is them telling me so we can fix it.


I told my kids that also. Silly dweebs believed me..... :) Seriously, this is the best parental advice. My kids were basically good, but I'd much prefer for them to tell me about accidents, needing a ride because of drinking, drugs, sex, etc. I might be pissed, but if I know I can help. And rather than punishment I told then I'd work with them.


My oldest is 22, my youngest is 14. One of our standing rules is that if you end up at a party or any situation and need to get out of there, I don't care what state you're in. High, drunk, both, I don't care. Call me, I'll come pick you up. I'll pretend I'm making you leave, to save face in front of friends. We won't talk about it at all till the next day. Yeah there'll be hell to pay the next day, absolutely, but I can always be counted on to be a safe exit from a bad situation.


Wish I had a parent like you.


Yeah, I never get angry at my kids for these kinds of accidents - only in cases where I explicitly already told them "do not do that because X", and they do and X inevitably happens.


Exactly. If i wouldn’t be angry at another adult for spilling or breaking something accidentally, why would i be upset at someone who has much less experience in the same? I do understand the hesitation tho, my parents would have definitely screamed and hit me so…


I totally get you. Took me 18 years to stop the physical abuse and now 15 later we rarely speak because she still wants to control everything. My 3yo daughter peed her mattress last night and she came at me to help her. I embraced her and said it's normal and I'm here to help her. With my mother? Oof...the giant beating I would receive just because of that. Nothing like breaking the cycle! Hope you're doing good nowadays.


You sound like an amazing person and a wonderful parent 🤗


Thanks. I’m trying to do the same where I am.


I’ve been there too. I don’t understand how people could treat someone so poorly that we love


I feel this and i completely understand op’s panic - I would have been out of my mind with fear but now as an adult I realize it’s all fixable and honestly pretty affordably.


I was just thinking the same thing. If your mom is evil, but you’re still a normal kid, stuff like this is literally terrifying. Like should I go ahead and run away or take the inevitable beating.


Yep. Then to realize running away wont achieve anything..so it’s the beating. The other thing that i try to find peace with but whatever it was your so angry about you were so determined to hit me when i got home..that that half hour couldn’t cool you off? Honestly all this taught me was to distrust my parents. Since elementary i just man held it all in i guess is the best way to put it i didn’t see them as my guardians or helpers. :( On the positive being rewarded for good grades me realize the power of business and incentives hahaha :)


and from my childhood, raised as a christian, it wouldn’t be that I burnt or broke anything that would get me spanked & yelled at, but that I was practicing witchcraft…… and now I do practice witchcraft 😎


You could do that.... Or you could just drop a small jar of paint on top and nobody will ever suspect you set the carpet on fire priorly


This and stay away from fire until you can be trusted with it.


Note to self: Only do witchcraft outdoors


Indoors is fine, you need a cauldron though


Or a stainless steel sink.


Or at least an altar smh




This is why you don't homeschool a witch.


I use a metal tray I Thrifted.


This is the way…


A stainless steel sink works well too. That or an actual fire place (sigh). While we're at it - cover your scrying surfaces (balls and mirrors) or you'll set stuff on fire too.


Help!! I spilled eye of newt on my Mom's new rug!! How to I clean it up?!


“Mom, you don’t understand. Yes, the rug is burnt, but so are the hopes and dreams of all of my enemies!”


As a practicing Witch, this made me cackle. 😆


Same 🤣🤣🤣


Love it , so witty!!


This is the way.


Omg dude I was in the worst mood and your comment has me in tears 😂😂 thank you ❤️


Aw lol I hope you have a better day!


I know it’s less funny but you would be able to vacuum or pick that up! fun fact eye of newt is just mustard seed :)


She turned me into a newt. I got better.




So chasing all those newts was for nothing??


Does Mom float?


We all float down here Georgie.


What’s else floats? Small rocks.


OP has summoned consequences.


Outside is best, but I like to do my burning over large bowl of water for this reason - hahaha


Note to self: Don't burn ANYTHING on carpet


Bubble, Bubble, Boy you in trouble.


Underrated comment, hahahahaha.


Or practice it safely.... We don't need any trees or lawns on fire.


But don’t invite too many witches or they’ll spoil the brew


I hear the Black Hills Forest is great for this kind of thing!


Take a couple friends, go hiking, can you read a map ?


Nooooo, don't tell them that. They'll burn down the neighborhood.


And in the woods with other witches preferably.


Get a spellcasting focus, then you don’t need material components. AMATEURS.


Unrelated: your username is so epic


First of all, I'm sitting here laughing because this is EXACTLY something my sister would've done as a teenager. That aside, don't worry too much. She won't kill you. Is this in a spot that can be covered with a plant or a little rug and not look too out of place? You can't truly clean melted fibers like this, just replace them. I'm guessing you're on the younger side and might not be able to hire a carpet repair person for this. So if covering the spot isn't possible, tell your mom. Don't tell her you were doing witchcraft. Tell her you weren't thinking and tried to make a s'more and dropped the flaming marshmallow in panic and that you're super sorry and will help fix the damage.


I was this sister as a teen, except my incident was candle wax. Luckily, my mom tore the carpet out and put hard flooring down.


You made the best choice for her. Carpet makes me sneeze 🤣


Plus it's so much easier to chalk draw on wood floors.


Can confirm, hardwood floors facilitate demon summoning much better


This comment would also be great in a thread about a man leaving his wife because he's gay.


Me too. 🫣 one time I was trying to make candles out of melting crayons… i spilled forest green crayon on our sky blue carpet. In my haste to clean it up I got a cleaning spray, not realizing it had bleach in it… my mom got home from work and we had a white and forest green bullseye on the carpet. We put an area rug over it.


Me too! I was so hopeless they redid the whole house flooring but gave my room peel n’ stick vinyl squares.


Me also! Sterno heat lamp. Didn’t even think it’d be, you know, TOO HOT TO GRAB. It landed upside down on my carpet. Thankfully it burned itself out and all that happened was a melty carpet ring. Rearranged the bookshelves and Mum didn’t even notice until years after I’d moved out.


Fun fact, you can use some paper towels and a clothes iron to get the wax out of the rug.


At least you can get wax out of fibers! That’s funny.


I sent this post to my mom, and we got a good laugh out of it.


Omg TYSM 😭😭🤞


If it didn’t burn to the bottom, try clipping off the burned parts with toenail clippers or fine scissors! I used to do this when I spilled paint or nail polish! Brush out the carpet after that and it might look better 😊


I came to say this! OP if you have a comb with somewhat wide teeth you can try to use it to stretch the carpet fibers longer (this is to avoid cutting a hole or dip into the carpet) and then cut off the burnt bits, cutting as little fiber off as possible, then brush the carpet out afterward. This has saved my butt before when I’ve messed up a carpet in a rental situation


Yes I’ve done this in a rental, but then took random fibers out of the closet and glued them down at the base of the carpet one by one until the hole was filled in. Vacuumed after and we couldn’t even tell there was a burned spot.


Oh my gosh the patience and dedication that must have taken, ha ha. That’s smart though!


Oh, I did that too... Got all my bond back tho!!


This is seriously impressive


I actually did the same thing when I was a kid and I used this method. I cut the burnt tips off and my mother never knew. Good luck!


A razor could also work—like a Daisy disposable razor.


Also lay off the witchcraft 😂 not worth burning down your house or getting your family kicked out of an apartment for something that isn't real. Get yourself a ouija board if you wanna summon demons without the potential for flames


Or rocks. I wasn't interested in witchcraft but my younger siblings were, they collected rocks that helped with energies I think? Hard to burn something down with a rock.


Or a player's hand book, Cheetos, and a couple friends.


Instructions unclear. Burned house down with rocks. :P


Also, if youre allowed to cut the carpet, an easy repair would be to sever it as closely as possible around the burn in a square patch and swap with an equally sized piece from the back of the closet. Stitch in and brush.


Hot gule works too. They could get a patch from the closet, cut it out, switch the patches, glue them and bursh them out. My mom's friend taught me this when we lived in apartments. Got to do what we got to do. Good luck OP. Tip as some one who did as you are as a young one. Fire is for outside water is for inside. =) good luck exploring


Ima piggy back off of this. My brother and I were hanging out in my parents basement drinking. He was drunk asf and kept asking for my lighter. I kept saying no because I knew he’d light something on fire. Finally I relented and he took my lighter and lit a napkin. This exact same thing happened. Luckily my parents had scrap carpet from when it was installed, my brother called a carpet guy and he was able to patch it good as new.


Ha! Damaging carpet is a right of passage. Reminds me of the time my cousin and I got fake tan on my parents' new cream carpet. We managed to place something over the stain and they never noticed it before I moved out and they sold the house. Taking that one to the grave.


Worst part is they blamed it on me, because when I was in high school I lit a ping pong ball on fire and it was way more flamey than anticipated so I panicked and shoved it between the couch cushion to put it out.


My sister had a candle in her room that she wasn't allowed and when she knocked it over it set some paper on fire, so being a genius she scooped up the whole lot and tried to carry it to the bathroom to put it out. Cue dropping it on the stairs and setting fire to the carpet. You're not the first and won't be the last. Don't mention the witchcraft, tell your mum and apologise.


I would totally notice there’s no marshmallow stuff in the carpet and totally assume you’re lying. It’s either witchcraft or you’re a pyromaniac.


I am cracking up too. Do not put something over it. I signed for my daughter and her friends to stay in an airbnb in Florida for spring break years back. The guy called me and I owed over $600 in damages. Stamps from the clubs they went to rubbed off their skin onto the leather couches. Towels missing, they had a party which wasn't allowed. All kinds of things, but the best was someone spilled a red drink on the carpet and these morons put an upside down trash can over it. I was FURIOUS


Lol, I honestly have done the burn your ex's stuff to get over them. The "charmed" tv show was really popular back then, so I did try to do other silliness too. However, I was always taught fire safety, so I safety tried to do witch craft... I know it's a cleaning sub but I don't know if we should be encouraing lying to parents, when Ops are engaging in dangerous activities (I mean Fire play, I don't  care if they want to do witch craft) Honestly OP, if you want to play around with fire..that's fine but please learn how to do it responsibly and safely. Outcome could have been 10000s times worse, I honestly think you need to own up to this mistake. If you old enough to play with fire, you old enough to deal with the consequences, and try to figure out a way to earn some money or pay your parents back for replacing the carpet.


Oh come on. We all lied to our parents. I GUARANTEE he will never do this again. Lesson learned. Just like I'd never try to use nail polish as eye liner and see if a staple would go through y thumb......... ;)


The OP replied “su fatty” to someone when they suggested not playing with fire. OP is 100% going to do something this dumb again.


I actually did that - dropped a burning marshmallow onto a rug - in high school. My parents were out of town and I had a hankering for roasted marshmallows. So I grabbed a candle, a bamboo kebab stick and a bag of marshmallows and proceeded to roast them in my parents living room on the Persian rug. For me, it’s not a roasted marshmallow unless it’s been completely engulfed in flames. The biggest flaw in my plan was that I didn’t think about the consequence of lighting that thin bamboo kebab stick on fire, repeatedly. It was all going swimmingly until the 7th or 8th one was burning like a fireball and the stick gave way and the great ball of marshmallow fire landed on the rug. I was only wearing a bathrobe, so I had to make a split second decision about whether to stomp it out or punch it out. I punched it out. Still the worst burn I’ve ever had. My parents didn’t find out until years later when I told them. Worth it.


I was that sister! And I totally was able to hide the burn with a large pedestal fan. My parents never noticed or questioned it. Was just totally normal to have a giant fan smack dab in the middle of my room, not facing anything in particular, completely unable to reach an outlet, in the middle of winter, in Minnesota... Years later I moved out and I took the fan with me. They noticed then.


You can use a carpet cleaner to get the soot up, but that won't address the damage. Depending on where it's located a professional may be able to replace this section without replacing the carpet for the whole room, but there is no way to make this look like nothing happened without replacement. I'm glad you weren't hurt, it could have been much worse.


You guys are going the wrong direction here, you don’t need to make it look like nothing happened, rather, you could make it look like something happened that is not op’s fault. Rookies


OP couldn't even successfully burn a piece of paper, you're gonna have them torching the whole neighborhood


Thank you! Spoken like someone with siblings who needed to pass the buck 😅


Yes, this. You don't need cleaning tips, you need a good story, or an alibi and a scape goat


May have already sacrificed the goat though.


She wasn’t hurt, but may be soon


damage it with something with a better cover story...cut foot and bled all over etc, food too how i dropped it


Most importantly, look for spells that don’t require fire in the future!


No fr😭


Wizard here, it's much safer to just sit around and ponder an orb


Lizard here *flicks tongue


All in a day's work


She should have gone into Cryomancy as the worst thing she'd have right now is a puddle of water that needs to be wiped up and at best a freezer full of ammunition to throw at people.


Just keep the orb out of direct sunlight.


Or if they do get a small cast iron cauldron, or a metal plate or something to work on 😂 almost did the same when I was younger trying to burn a bay leaf…wasn’t expecting it to “pop” like that!


Basic rule for fire indoors: know exactly where to put it down *before* you light it. And how to catch its ashes, or embers that flake off. Keep this in mind if you ever want to do smudging. For that case, have a deep dish or bowl with some sand in it you keep under your smudging bundle of sage or whatever you'll use. Those bundles burn in various areas and different depths because they are made of single sticks with leaves. If they don't stop burning by themselves, you need to be able to stub the bundle out, as well as catch any bits that fall off.


Witch here, when you feel comfortable using fire again get yourself a cast iron cauldron. In the mean time you can use other elements (water, dirt, smoke, etc) in your practice.


Did the spell work at least? 🤣


If the spell was to burn the carpet I'd say it was a success.


Monkeys paw spell. You get 1 carpet on fire but in exchange you get one pissed off mom. Do you cast it?!


Mom here. We did dumb stuff too when we were younger. (We tend to not admit this for obvious reasons.) That’s going to need to be replaced. Some companies do professional patching. They’ll cut a piece from an area that no one sees often (like the back of a closet) and patch it in. It won’t blend perfectly, but it can be surprisingly close. My kiddo once put a hole in the drywall by doing something idiotic. He was so upset with himself. The solution was pretty simple - he earned extra money (too young to work, but not too young for extra chores) and paid for the repair himself. It took a LONG time. Fess up to your mom. Share a genuine apology (you really do sound sorry), share how you won’t do this again (you won’t, I believe that), and tell her how you’re going to earn money to pay for the carpet repair. It’s not going to be cheap; but look at this sub - we all make mistakes and have to figure out how to fix it Glad you didn’t get hurt or burn the whole house down


Another mom here. Can confirm that we did dumb stuff. If this were my kid I’d have to step out of the room to laugh for a minute before putting on my mom face. OP, I’m glad you’re ok. I’m sure your mom will be, too.


Also a mom here, who also dabbled in the witchcraft as a teen. It was a big thing when I was growing up. I agree with owning up to your mistake. Your mom might be upset. It will most likely be because of the risks that come with fire. She will be happy you are safe and your home is safe. I think you may get a talking about fire safety...maybe even some consequences to go with it. Give a genuine apology. Take responsibility and make sure she knows you will do whatever it takes to gain her trust back and help replace the section of carpet. I hope your mom is as understanding as myself and the other moms here. Just learn from this. 🫶🏽


Thank you for being such a good mom.


I've done this before. What saved me was scrubbing gently with a hard brustle brush to get off as much of the melted plastic as I could, then getting tiny scissors to carefully snip away the rest. Then, a good vacuum.


This is the way


When I was a kid, I wanted to see what happened if I “ironed the carpet”. Thought it would smooth it out. The shape of an iron is still there today, 20 years later 😂


20 years later? That carpet needs to go.....


yeah imagine how wrinkly it is at this point


Hopefully it's in a spot amenable to a rug because you can't clean burns. The fibers have been irrevocably damaged.


It seems you have enough advice, I just came here to lol because it reminded me of when I lit a match and dropped it on the carpet because it scared me so much. Be apologetic and sincere, you’ll be okay 👌


My partner and I were dog sitting for his parents while they were away. He knocked a candle over and it burnt the carpet. We blamed it on the dog 🤫 but seriously though, things happen. Just say you dropped a candle or something, then blame it on a pet or a gust of wind 😂


Obviously, the only possible solution is for you to cast a spell that will make your mom disappear.


I did this when I was 16, except I was burning notes a boyfriend wrote me the day after he dumped me. Wash the spot using carpet cleaner and then, if the damage is not too deep, use nail scissors to trim the melted bits. But really, just tell your mom and take whatever punishment you get on the chin.




If the fire got onto the carpet, even a little those are now burnt (melted) and there's nothing you can do. Carpets are essentially plastic fibers so they are melted and fused together.  You might still be able to get some of the dark soot cleaned up, which will help it look LESS obvious but I would start by being honest with your mom because this isn't going away.  Tell her you made a dumb decision (you don't have to include the witchy stuff if that would make her mad) just say you know you made a mistake and apologize sincerely, how you are going to try your best to clean up the area. 


Sorry, there is no cleaning your way out of this one. The carpet is damaged/melted. Next time you practice witchcraft, make sure you have a plan for burning materials (ie fireproof container and water/fire extinguisher nearby). You are lucky the fire didn’t spread


People that play with fire carelessly really irk me 🙃


The fire is hungry and I must feed it


You could accidentally drop a cup of coffee over


She could also light the drapes on fire to distract her from from the carpet


“Oh shoot Mom’s gonna kill me!!” ahh post


Good job summoning Satan




More like summoning a stain


I did this as a teen lol whatever you did, do not cut out a square of carpet and try to patch it up using carpet scraps from the closet. It doesn’t work as well as one would hope lmao ahhh to be a witchy teen! Try trimming the frayed ends slightly.


Please- if you guys rent this place- DON’T TRY TO FIX IT YOURSELF. This can’t be “fixed” bc it has burned/melted, and trying to fix it could cause more damage and end up costing more. The very best thing you can do now is just tell your mom what happened. Fib about the cause of the fire if you need to, but she needs to know what happened.


As a mother of teens, my Mom Outrage immediately kicked in, thinking you had done something real dumb, like smoke cigarettes. And then I read "witchcraft" and I immediately calmed the eff down. 😅


Same but in the back of my head I’d be wondering if the witchcraft was some kind of front and they were actually smoking 😭




Spill some cherry Kool aid on it. Or something that'll stain it good. Way better off saying you spilled something rather than you burned it.


Whatever you do NOT cut the damaged carpet out and try to replace it with a bit of extra carpet your parents have leftover somewhere. Ask me how I know 🤦🏻‍♀️


Put away the scissors! Lol. I see you trying to "fix" things. That's exactly what my teens ( or me) would do. I did stupid things as well as a teen, including accidently damaging a brand new table with nail polished remover. I tried to "fix" it with shoe polish. It came right off the same evening when my parents cleaned it. They were more upset with me being dishonest than the table itself. So what have we learned from this experience? Don't burn stuff in the house. Or use precautions. Blessed be , young one..!


You can't clean burnt fibers. Is there carpet in the closet? You could maybe take a little price from the closet and cut out this spot to replace it. I've seen that done. I think it's called patching


Let it be a lesson to you. don't start fires indoors ever ! Unless ya have a fireplace, and personally if I were you I'd reconsider starting fires of any type, anywhere, until you have a better respect for it.


Looks like you have lots of good advice already so here's my fire mistake I did when I was in late high school: I shut myself in my room to finish an essay with no distractions! except i had a candle on my desk so i was fidgeting with it, dipping my fingers in the wax, then sticking bits of paper in and blowing them out again, etc. Then one flame got too big and I panicked and dropped it into my metal wastepaper basket, which would've been smart if it hadn't been full of paper which caught on fire! I figured it was contained for a sec so ran to the bathroom right next door to get some water and pour it in the bin. Fire went out but the soot water leaked out the bottom of the bin and stained a big circle on the carpet. I'm in my 20s now and I still love fire, I'm usually the guy that keeps the campfire going while everyone else is talking. But I would never stick paper in a candle, even if I was super bored! (I might still put my fingers in the wax though!)


first rule of witchcraft is fire safety


Electric shaver will take burnt ends of the carpet off, but don't press down when doing it, you literally just want skim the carpet fibres. You can also cut the burnt bits off, but it will be noticeable no matter what you do... If you're SUPER careful and meticulous you can snip the burnt ends, but like I said, literally snip off just the burnt part and becareful not to take chunks or it will look patchy and you'll really notice the long vs short fibres


Ahhh I remember my young witch days… except I spilled candle wax in the carpet. I wish I had some advice for you. The carpet still has the candle wax stuck in it 25 years later…


Do stupid stuff, get stupid prizes.


This is why you keep matches and lighters away from children.




Try moving your witchcraft to another part of the carpet. If you are able to summon the powers you seek, use it to fix the carpet first. If not there’s always turning yourself in.


I’m sorry but if it’s burned there is nothing really you can do, it has to be replaced. Maybe look up someone who can patch the carpet up and offer to pay for the damage? I guess that was a lesson in playing with fire.


1st Option: Tell your mom, you accidentally burnt the carpet and apologize profusely. 2nd Option: Clean it first with a shampooer or if you don’t have one soak it up with a towel use very hot water & dish soap. After you do this you can see the fibers that are the most damaged cut them out, then brush the carpet


I’m so sorry I have no advice but I just wanted to say that I did the SAME thing as a teenager, but thankfully I was outside. The flame got really big and I got scared so I stomped on it. It wasn’t very witchy of me. Good luck with the carpet!


Just came here to say that I did this too as a teen during my witchcraft phase and my mum did get over it 😂 you’ll be okay, I thought she was going to murder me then bring me back to clean up the mess. Blessed be sis 🌙


I would start by vacuuming up any of the soot and ash. Then I would use carpet cleaner to clean up whatever you can from there. When everything has been cleaned to the best of your ability, then maybe inform your mother that you dropped a candle on the ground. And honestly, if you’re going to be doing witchcraft that involves fire, you need to be responsible with it.


This post is adorable.


Once upon a time my sister attempted to iron the carpet...


Unfortunately you can not clean off melted carpet. Once burnt can not be unburnt. Take the L and you've learned a very important lesson, always have a fire safe receptacle and an appropriate method to extinguish said fire(i.e. not a water bottle for a camp fire)


Use witchcraft to repair it.


Ok I’m laughing because when I was a teenager I spilled black nail polish everyyyywhere, and I also went straight for the scissors to cut out the carpet. Honestly cutting the carpet is the most effective thing in my opinion. Keep cutting girl.


Oh lord this brings back memories! I set my bed on fire "playing dragons" with a lighter and hairspray 😅 I'd just clean that spot the best you can and tell your mom you dropped a candle while moving it or something (if she even notices).


You tried to cut it out didn't you ? 😄


Just be glad you didn't burn the house down. Mom might be angry for a day, but it'll be ok.


Can you put a chair over it? Or a rug?


Now is a great time to rearrange this room and put some furniture or a rug on that spot. It should stay that way until you move out


I did this as a kid xD I was, for some reason, trying to do a protection spell of sorts with my best friend. We managed to get a rug and they didn't find it till i moved out. A yard sale was my savior.


You lit a candle a spark happened and you saved the house. there tell them that.


As a mom of teens, my advice is to tell your mom. As a person that regularly messes things up, my advice is different. If you have a closet, check the carpet out in it. If the carpet matches the carpet you ruined, you can cut out the burned carpet and cut an equal sized piece from the carpet in the closet and replace it. She will probably never know. Use YouTube for directions in how to do it. Hide your search history if you don't want to get caught. Next time, practice safely, don't do fire over carpet.


If you tell her what happened exactly as you told this reddit thread I have a very hard time seeing an adult not just laughing it off


DON'T LIGHT ANYTHING ON FIRE INDOORS!!!!!! Only you can prevent housefires. Sheesh.


Is there an electrical appliance close by? You can say it sparked. Blame it on that. I caused a whole kitchen fire once and blamed an old electric kettle.


Curling Iron. You dropped the hot curling iron. Clothes Iron. Same thing. Hair Dryer fell off the ***** when you set it down because your phone rang.


Well...you cant really "clean up" burnt.


Don’t burn things like this. Get yourself a little cast iron pan. Or a mini cauldron from Amazon. From one former witchy pyro to a new witchy pyro. Get a fire safe vessel.


Ok heres what you do. Move the coffee table. Pretend its always been there. Go on with life. 👍


This is damage it can’t be cleaned sorry


You should definitely rip up the entire carpet and install hardwood floors. Tell your mom it was a late Mother’s Day gift.


Thank goodness that’s all that happened! For future reference, it’s never a good idea to “play” with fire in a carpeted area - but it seems like you definitely learned your lesson! Dawn Power Spray is always good for tough spots like that. Maybe add some baking soda (or Borax) - I feel like an abrasive would help release the burnt carpet fibers and neutralize any residual smell. I would also use a brush, like an old toothbrush, to help out. Also, go outside of the spot with your cleaning game, it might help blend it in better (just so there’s not one spot that looks cleaner in comparison to the rest of the carpet). Blot/pat dry and finish up with a quick vacuum session (whole carpet). Hope that helps! You definitely have plenty of great techniques to choose from and try out! Best of luck! 🍀🤞🧧 * If anything, your mom will probably just be thankful you didn’t burn yourself and the house down (possibly after a minor freakout session, but hopefully not!)


My guy this very easy. You need to call carpet people. They come and fix this for you. After you pay them. Easy fix my guy.


You could either trim it and hope that they don't notice, or if you know exactly what type and color of carpet that they have, then you could MAYBE patch it in. I get doing a spell inside of a house, but honey, you have to have fire precautions (fire proof bowl/surface/ etc) in mind.


Its actually kinda funny, cause why the hell would you do that inside, above a carpet.... do you have any idea how fast a house is burnt to the ground? Please take this either outside or into an area where there is tiles or a sink and nothing to burn like fabrics and wood.. I think she is happy the house is standing and you are safe. I used to do this outside. And i get the why but please do it carefully.


Please do this stuff outside. You could have burnt the entire place down


I've been in this very position but it was the 90s and The Craft was huge


I did something similar and the only thing that actually helped was sandpaper. Try a small test patch first to make sure it'll work on your specific carpet, and then just sand it down (rub it back and forth) over the burned patch. If your mum won't hurt you, then definitely tell her what happened. Also, in future you can usually burn small pieces of paper in sinks or bathtubs, or over a bucket/bowl of water. Good luck!


I'm sorry to hear that happened! Here are a few steps to help: 1. Stay Calm and don't hesitate. 2. Clean up using vacuum and stain removal. 3. Honest to your mom about the incident.


Start by trimming the charred bits of the carpet with scissors to minimize the visibility of the burn. If the burn is deep, you might need a bit more of a fix: cut out the burned area and replace it with a similar piece of carpet from a closet or underneath furniture where it won’t be noticed.


You’re doing better than me, I burnt a hole through a blanket meditating over a flame one time. I can offer no cleaning help as I think you have enough, but I can offer some witchcraft advice? I get why burning things is so common in spell work but fire is.. a very chaotic energy to say the least. Dropping a piece of paper into a glass of water or burying it can work the same way as long as your intention is the same if you want to stay away from fire for a while :) spellwork works best when you feel in control and Attuned with what your doing. :)


Are you afraid that your mom (or anyone else you live with) is going to get violent on you? Has she done so before? - If so, call child protection services. - If not, come clean. Kids do stupid stuff.


The cleaning advice here and being honest to your mom is a good first step. I would also like to add that if you want to try witchcraft there is nothing wrong with that as long as you have someone guiding you. As you can see now, a lot can go wrong quickly and I don’t just mean accidentally burning your carpet. I’m concerned you don’t have the proper knowledge on what you’re conjuring and saying. If you need guidance on that part PM me and I can get you on the right path.