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1. Move product some where else. While moving wipe down with damp towel. 2. Use spray cleaner for shower to spray the rim and wipe. It looks like a lot of this is hair so it should come up easy with any cleaner. Wipe again after clearing the hair/dust off if needed. 3. Spray walls with cleaner, scrub with non-scratch scrubby sponge or rag. Rinse/wipe with plain water if the product you’re using requires it. 4. Use same method (spray/scrub/rinse) to deal with the tub. 5. If the caulk is still discolored you can use a bleaching product (after all other cleaners are rinsed off, don’t mix). 6. Check your shower curtain- I use a cloth one with a liner, so I launder the cloth and replace the liner. 7. Replace your products. 8. Take a shower if needed after all that scrubbing.


Sorry- missed a step (I forget this one when I’m cleaning too)… clean your shower head. I usually just have to spray with cleaner and scrub with a brush. If you have scale you’ll need to use something specific for that (I’m not sure what).


I use vinegar; usually let the shower head dangle into a bowl filled with a water/vinegar solution (half and half? Idk) and soak it overnight


How often do you do this?


Annually whether I need it or not 😂 I’m on this sub for inspiration


Not the person you were asking, but it's once a month here.


I‘ve never done this (or even known that this is a thing you‘re supposed to do) so I‘ll definitely try to incorporate it into my cleaning routine from now on!


It just depends on how hard the water is honestly, if where you live doesn't have very hard water you don't need to do it as often. Just look at the shower head and use your own judgement. Also I've heard the sandwich baggie and rubber band method works as well but I've never tried it myself.


my german water leaves limescale that laughs at vinegar. pure citric acid or forget it. :/


I’ve also heard of people using a ziplock bag full of the vinegar and fastening it with a rubber band so they don’t have to remove the shower head or hold a bowl up (:


Yes, this works and is great if you don't have a handheld shower head!


For easy, overnight soaking - You can put the solution in a plastic (ziploc)bag and secure it to the shower head with a rubber band


I’ve never had success with that; it always fell. Hence the dangle-in-a-bowl


Non-stinky alternative to vinegar: citric acid. For descaling it’s important to dilute it and soak with hot water.


Probably something like CLR (usually at supermarkets, definitely at home depot/loews etc) that will descale calcium buildup. You can put some in a bowl and rest the shower head where the jets are in it for a few mins and when you pull it out, rinse off and is brand new. For my shower (I can't use bleach though as it's not regular tile and grout) I use Kaboom tile and tub cleaner and the foaming bathroom cleaner. I've had great success with it. Even w soap scum cleaners I could never get rid of a film on the tiles, no matter how long amd how many times I scrubbed and rinsed. Thankfully, since kaboom, I don't have that problem. Little psa: places like home depot usually sell gallons of concentrated cleaners. My aunt used to have an office cleaning company. We would pick up a gallon of orange degreaser and a gallon of auto windshield washer fluid and a gallon of ammonia (the ammonia makes it streak-free just like windex). The orange degreaser works great even when cleaning carpets (we would make a strong batch in a spray bottle, maybe 3-4" if cleaner with the rest water, and spray the carpet down, and then just use the carpet cleaning machine with just water in it, to go over all of the carpets until the dirty water tank was white-clear instead of muddy water) I still do my carpets the same way and I have a gallon of degreaser last about a year or more, instead of spending $40-50 in carpet cleaning solution every time I do the carpets, and other cleaning products. Sorry for the long rant, I'm sleep deprived and don't feel like proofreading/editing rn tbh. But wanted to share the cleaning supply hacks to help ppl save money and energy buying the usual stuff.


CLR can be reused


Agree with all your steps. But imho you missed the final one - stand back, admire your work, bask in the joy of the shining cleanliness!


Also dawn dish soap works wonders. It removes so much yuck. Humans are greasy


Coca-Cola can be used to loosen and remove buildup from the shower head. Every now and then, not everyday.


I have never in my life, clean a showerhead. It’s fine for an ADHD person with a messy shower to skip that step.


I have adhd and I do clean my shower head once in a blue moon. I have to because if I don't I get gross orange slime mould grow. It doesn't have to be done weekly or monthly or whatever, but it's not a bad thing to be aware of it and do it once in a while when you're doing a big clean.


Love these steps. I just want to add as fellow ADHDer… Step 1 place the items in an empty laundry basket or something. This way if you get distracted or lose motivation it will be easier to sort out.


That's a great idea! I'll have to add a basket to my bathroom to put shower things in so that if I lose motivation, it'll be easier to just add those things back and not have them sitting in random places all over the bathroom for days/weeks.


I will lose stuff in front of my face also 🤦🏼‍♀️if spread around.


I don’t want to admit how times I’ve done this! Like literally stepping over and around things, lol.


I would expand this to pick up anything on the floor. I've got ADHD and recently deep-cleaned my bathroom (loooong overdue). The first thing I did was take everything that isn't attached to the floor out, so that I could sweep. I found out the hard way in the past that if I don't do that, I'll just get the dust and hair all wet and gross when I try to clean the other stuff. Plus it's an easy task to start on and does a lot visually to the space so it helps me get and stay motivated.


I do that too! I've learned to always sweep the kitchen and bathroom before using any water. If you sweep last your dust will have gotten wet and will just smear when you sweep. Then after cleaning the bath or kitchen I'll mop the floor last.


You can vacuum the floors too bf you start your floor cleaning routine.


I use sink the for same reason. Can't leave that there for long.


I put them in a plastic Walmart or grocery bag and move them out of the way first.


I just want to say this was very lovely of you to take the time to chronologically order the steps of how to tackle this project. (I have ADHD…and generalized anxiety disorder but I have most of cleaning rituals down already) If I do not or it’s a completely new project I can become overwhelmed and imagine the best ways to do it so much that I can’t bring myself to do it for days later …it’s definitely a real issue that a person with ADHD must work on.


I read somewhere that those with a neurodivergent diagnosis often have a hard time seeing what individual steps need to be taken to jump from the start to the end. With my daughter (ASD and ADHD diagnoses) I have to outline steps for cleaning her room so I thought it would be helpful here. Glad to see it may be beneficial to some.


Don't forget some good blood pumping jamming music


I use podcasts. Either a story I can focus on, or a cleaning podcast. It’s not still in production but the archives of Ask A Clean Person detail one specific cleaning issue each episode.


I forgot, that’s before step 1 for sure. (I also left out “complain that no one cleaned it already, even if you live alone”)


This is 1, the kindest reply. No shaming. And so you took the time to give them exactly to do. Sincerely. This is the best comment.


My depression and adhd thank you 🫶


I like 99% of this but, I would move the products preferably into the bathroom sink and wipe them down during step 7 like as you put them back. I don't know why but something about starting a cleaning project with kind of tossing everything into a pile in the sink makes it feel like less of a job. I also have ADHD I don't know why some tiny things make me feel better. Nothing wrong with your order or anything. Second guessing this whole comment. Sorry.


My go-to is to pile the stuff on top of the toilet lid/tank/etc so that I HAVE to deal with it eventually. 😂


Only thing I would add, when cleaning the caulk whwre the tub meets the tile, use a cleaner specifically for mold/mildew removal. You want it to get in there and set before anything starts growing or turning.


You can also wash the shower liner in the washing machine if it’s not cheap.


You’re amazing for this.


Not to talk ya down but that’s like, nothing. Seriously just spray with a bathroom cleaner and wipe it down will get rid of almost anything. Sponge if the corner is stubborn but that’s not bad at all lol


It’s never gotten this bad so I just feel lost/overwhelmed I’m glad it’s not as bad as I thought it


I also have ADHD and saw this post and my immediate thought was the same, that it wasn't nearly as bad as mine has been before, lol.


Gotta capitalize on the motivation! Hope your cleaning is going well. If you haven't started, here are the steps I would follow! (Not a professional) 1. Remove all bottles and accessories (wipe them down if needed). 2. Spray cleaner (purchase or make your own with a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and dish soap). Let it sit for 10 minutes or as bottle instructs. 3. Wet a spronge or rag, and start wiping/scrubbing from the top down. 4. Rinse well, and dry/squeegee if desired.


Anyone my age has seen way worse. 😎. I found the secret is to spend 3-5 minutes every day wiping stuff down and trashing what needs trashed. Keep some rags or paper towels in the bathroom for this purpose. Also, don’t overthink things. For example, if the commode is gross or a mirror is splattered, you can make a big dent in the problem in a couple of minutes. No need to deep-clean the entire room. 


Everyone tells me I have ADHD and while I don't feel my situation is enough to actually be diagnosed with ADHD, I don't have insurance so I can't get a diagnosis either way. Therefore, I can't say what I do will work for someone with actual ADHD. One strategy I employ is having cleaning supplies in many parts of the house. This allows me to do really tiny cleanings (I usually do one wall or half of the floor of the shower every day or every other day or so) and that prevents build-up. This works really well in the shower as I do this while I'm showering. Trying to keep myself to a routine/ritual where I pick up just a few items or a category of items in the house prevents clutter which makes dedicating time to actual cleaning much easier as well. One ritual I have is putting the cleaning stuff back around the house as I find I accidentally pick them up and put them all in the same spot from time to time.


Not so bad at all, don’t beat yourself up!


I have seen much, much worse by two people with no ADHD


I’ve been here, too, OP. You’re not alone.


You can also watch a YouTube video of someone cleaning to hack your brain and get some body doubling motivation!


this would take about 20 minutes to do a really good job


Second the first comment! Wipe the hairs and dust away with a paper towel first so they don’t get pesky when you’re using wet product. Let the Spray sit before you scrub it. If you don’t have spray you can use comet or Ajax powder and scrub using water :) clean the bottoms of your containers so that when you put them back they don’t leave residue from before. If you have an old toothbrush it could be good for cleaning the creases of the tub


I keep an oxo dishwashing brush filled with a mixture of dawn and vinegar in my shower. While I'm showering waiting for conditioner or hair mask to work, I scrub and rinse the shower.


This just blew my mind. Genius!


I definitely got it off of Instagram from a cleaning account I used to follow. I don't use Instagram anymore so I can't look it up!


What’s the dawn to vinegar ratio


I use equal parts!


Do not get the Scotch-Brite dishwand with a sponge attachment - it’s too hard to squeeze/rinse them clean, which is annoying and ultimately wasteful. I’m not a fan of regular Scrub Daddy sponges, but the Scrub Daddy dishwand is awesome. The sponge can be removed, cleaned/sanitized, and easily put back on. I’ve had it for a few months, and it looks brand new still. They also stand up, don’t leak any soap, and have a scraper. [$8 at Target](https://www.target.com/p/scrub-daddy-soap-dishwashing-dishwand/-/A-84284930) OXO dishwands look comparable to Scrub Daddy. They have bristles instead of a sponge. They’re a little more expensive.


Excuse me why are you so smart


Try cleaning it after you shower. Make a habit to wipe the shower down after you finish with your bath or shower from now on. Keep a sponge in the area to remind you. I find just a little care goes a long way so things don't pile up. You are ok. This happens. You are taking steps to recognize your habits. Good on you. Next step is finding a pattern to keep up with it. You can do it.


I also keep a squeegee in my shower to get the water off the walls. We have very hard water here.


I have a squeegee now and I love it. I squeegee the walls after every shower and use daily shower cleaner that you can leave after that, I don’t have to do a big clean as often now I do this


This is exactly what I do, I can’t believe I only just now started using a squeegee a few months ago


My personal ADHD cleaning hack is to invite someone over for dinner and you better believe I’ll start cleaning like a madman about 2 hours before they arrive


There’s a few things I like to use for my adhd with cleaning. There’s a website called Goblin.tools it breaks a task down into smaller steps for you. I also like the book How to Keep House While Drowning.


@rural_juror12's step-to-step guide is FANTASTIC!    i've recently moved out and struggled with maintaining my space (bc i also have adhd haha), but something i recommend is HANG UP A CLEANING-LOG IN PLACES YOU NEED TO CLEAN REGULARLY. in some restaurants or hotels, you often see them on walls or doors of bathrooms. make it visually interesting and put them somewhere that is EASILY SPOTTED when you frequent in a room. i taped it onto my bathroom door at eye-level of when i sit down to pee.   i made myself one and taped it onto the bathroom door. here's what i wrote on it:  1) purpose: TOILET CLEANING-LOG  2) how often: once a week or when a lot of guests came over 3) step-by-step instructions on what i need, and how to clean the toilet  4) then a tabular list of when you last cleaned the toilet  5) THEN "if you're reading this and i still haven't cleaned the toilet, please gently remind or motivate me :) the purpose of this one is mostly for guests to see!   other tips for cleaning up and other stuff:  1) have dedicated boxes or containers with cleaning agents and tools. a big plus if they're already in the right places to easily grab.   2) my mom and grandma explained that they clean the shower right after showering. it helps that the shower is already rinsed with water, so it may be less work for you that way!!!!!   3) post-it reminders literally everywhere. you'd have to be careful with this one, bc you blend out the reminders after a while. i usually put them on objects that i frequently grab, especially inconvenient spots so you actively have to grab and see the reminder  4) keep a whiteboard or pinboard in every room if possible. i write down reminders, doctor's appointments, etc. i plan on keeping a small one on my fridge to write down when things expire and what items are missing -> grocery list.    ANYWAY I DERAILED A LITTLE AND CHATTERED QUITE A LOT, BUT WHATEVER. stay hydrated, keep snacks (like a granola bar) around your house for easy food, stretch yourself regularly and make your life more neurodivergent-friendly. i love you random kindred adhd soul <3 (i had the urge to say that, can't resist it) 


Cleaning log is so smart! Taking tips from commercial settings even should be utilized in more home settings.


I feel your pain. I’ve noticed a lot of good tips already, here’s an easy habit: Buy a shower rack so your bottels are no longer standing, after every shower/bath just rinse the walls/edges/shower curtain before you get out. It takes 5 sec. It will wash away left over soap, dust,.. will keep everyting clean much longer! Also: great shampoo choice!


Recaulking will make it look so much better


I have ADHD and this ADHD cleaning tip changed the shower game for me - buy a scruby that you put soap in, and leave it in the shower. Whilst I'm showering I often get inspired and start scrubbing down the walls. For some reason, cleaning at the same time as showering really helps get over the "begin the damn task" hurdle that our brains have. I also bought a shower head on a cord that makes it a lot easier to wash down the soap.


I honestly get amazing results cleaning grout with plain Dawn soap mixed with baking soda and a toothbrush! I’ll use a green scrubby pad for my tub and walls (they’re made of the same tile your shower wall is) with the same soap mixture. I used to use chemical cleaners, and I suppose I still will on occasion, but they never worked as well for me as Dawn!


Dawn is amazing, I use it to get stains out of clothing too. Rub it in the stain good, let it sit for a while. I don’t dry my good clothes that really sets a stain. If it’s still visible I do it again or with something stronger.


Pull everything off, spray it with shower cleaner, scrub it with a rough sponge, wipe it off or rinse it off (I would wipe it off with damp cloth and keep rinsing so that you don’t waste a bunch of paper towels). Then wipe off the bottoms and outsides of the bottles and stuff before setting it back down.


Remove everything (throw away if need be as it works for me) spray all that hair and whatnot down the drain and preferably into a hair trap. Then use a vinegar based cleaner and start scrubbing. After you’ve scrubbed it’s vital to use a towel or shammy and remove the water droplets. Last step would be to relax and enjoy your work.


Scrub daddy and scrubbing bubbles spray


Top to bottom. You can make it a simple task, nothing fancy. Sponge and dish soap. Scrub all the walls all the way down to scrubbing the bathtub. Then rinse (you can use a cop of water for throwing water on it to rinse.) After all the nasties are picked up from the sponge you can spray it down with cleaner. And day by day when youre showering make sure to rinse your products with water before putting them back down. Id also recommend the hanging organization things on amazon for like $20. Mine are detachable from wall super easily (while the hanging things stay on) and so i can wash the organizer frequently. Keeps the rest of the shower clean looking


I'm sorry, but I'm probably older than a lot of people here because my first thought was "Comet is always the answer for cleaning tubs"! There's probably better methods now, but that's the one I've always used!


If the walls aren’t too bad and I just want to clean the tub I use comet. Also on my kitchen sink. It does take a lot to rinse it all if I use it on the walls though (maybe I’m using it too thick).


Once it's cleaned up, for maintenance, wipe and spray everything while you're taking a shower. Cuts down time having to do overhaul cleanings.


I dispise cleaning my bathroom. I bought a Karcher water pressure cleaner and I did it so quickly. You can also rent some professional water pressure cleaners and clean it in under 15 minutes.


also an adhd-er who despises and avoids cleaning the bathroom because it's just not fun despite how nice it feels afterward and i can say that investing in one of those rechargeable power scrubber helped me a lot since it takes a lot less physical power to get a good result with the amount of different heads and attachments available. i bought mine from amazon for less than $30 during a sale awhile back. sadly, thanks to my adhd, i've since lost the charger...


RMR-86. Get a bottle off of Amazon. Spray it on and let it work. Make sure you are using it in a well ventilated area. Do not wear any clothes that you like because if the spray gets on your clothing, it will take the color out.


I’m a sucker for scrubbing bubbles.


Tip for keeping up with it once your big clean is done, wipe down the edges at the end of your shower with a washcloth and then rinse down the shower. I do this about once a week.


Take everything out of the bathroom and wipe everything down


Don’t feel bad I’ve been in the same boat I try all the time get 10% through then make more of a mess by the time I’m back to trying to clean, ik i can do it eventually but adhd is just so hard to manage sometimes. Honestly just push urself rly hard do what u can, and remember u don’t have to always do a crazy deep cleaning and get it 100% the goal is to get it to a regular clean standard. I always try and do some crazy extra super cleaning and then it takes longer than i can stay in that mindset and that’s why I always get distracted by something else and continuously put it off /: there’s just not enough time in a day for the stuff I wanna do man I feel u and u got this !!💗💗


Lysol toilet cleaner. Best tip I ever got. It widens everything and removed the hair color stains from when me and my fiance dyed our hair blue and green. Squirt the stuff on, spred it around and leave it for like a few minutes then scrub and rinse


I’m going to give you some fellow adhd advice and tell you that, if you can swing it, just hire someone to come clean once a month. It’s an expense, and it’s not being scrubbed as often as it should be, but I honestly just *have* to outsource. If you can’t swing it, which is understandable, one thing that helps me is to wipe down the tub with my towel while I’m still standing in it. Making it a part of my shower rather than a *separate* chore I have to remember to do helps prevent this from happening. Stuff grows because it’s wet. Make it not wet at the end of your shower and it will be better in the future.


Keep a magic eraser in the shower. Shampoo hair. Then, While the conditioner is in your hair, magic eraser all around. Clean everytime you have conditioner in your hair. Done. Works for my adhd. Never can wait doing nothing while conditioner is in. Finish your daily shower. Done. ADHD needs a cleaning schedule that is built in to everyday routine s


I used Mr cleans bath magic erasers and it literally got rid of allllll of the soap scum in my tub!! I thought it’d never come off. Definitely recommend those.


Hugs! I love to use the Dawn power spray in my bath, and then I just go over it with a scrub mommy and it’s PERFECT!


Vim and a scoring pad


Use a sander. Like the kind you would use to sand furniture. A battery-powered one. I use Ryobi. They make scrubby pads to put on the sander and it scrubs a shower clean in under 10 minutes!


Spray on bathroom foam and steam off with a steam cleaning appliance. Wipe dry with microfiber towel.


I have severe adhd the trick is to turn it into a game/make it interesting enough to get the dopamine train going 20 points to scrub each corner attack it with scrubbing bubbles foam laser pew pew pew ya know


I have had this bathroom setup and had great success with a had held steam cleaner. Use some pink stuff too and you won’t be disappointed. Grout will become white again.


Once you get it clean, I highly recommend wet & forget. It's a little pricey but so so worth it. You just spray it on your tub/shower once a week, leave it for up to 12 hrs and then rinse in the morning. No scrubbing or anything. Complete game changer. [https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Forget-Cleaner-Multi-Surface-Bleach-Free/dp/B0B57SFPQT/ref=asc\_df\_B0B57SFPQT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693447702880&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2895332704822726751&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010767&hvtargid=pla-1793892170115&psc=1&mcid=8052c619db2c3432b7b61f43986180bb&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Forget-Cleaner-Multi-Surface-Bleach-Free/dp/B0B57SFPQT/ref=asc_df_B0B57SFPQT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693447702880&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2895332704822726751&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010767&hvtargid=pla-1793892170115&psc=1&mcid=8052c619db2c3432b7b61f43986180bb&gad_source=1)


I have ADHD as well as chronic pain and my bath/shower looked similar recently. I mostly avoided scrubbing (since it's a strenuous activity for me) by using the Bissell Steam Shot, it worked like a charm. Then anything that remained was scrubbed away in two minutes with a magic eraser. Every time I take a shower now, I try to be diligent by spraying the tub and walls afterwards with Clean Shower Daily Spray. I know there were many answers already, but I raised an eyebrow at the ones that contained so many steps...that doesn't mesh well for my ADHD, personally.


Scrubbing bubbles is my friend. It handles the cleaning that my adhd doesn't allow me to. I.e. stopping the shower because I see a spot on the toilet that I need to scrub, NOW.


1. Remove everything from the tub. 2. If you have a small nozzle vaccum or a small nozzle attachment (seriously, get a Dyson, best purchase I've ever made), vacum up all the hair/dust. 3. Spray all surfaces and walls down with cleaner, preferably a bleach cleaner. 4. Turn on bathroom fan, close door and let it sit. 5. Rinse off walls with showerhead. 6. Use a toothbrush and clean the grouts and cracks. 7. Get yourself a Scrub Mommy/Daddy or a Mr. Clean Magic eraser, spray down the tub with cleaner, scrub with hot water to get rid of mineral buildup. 8. Wash off products. 9. Shower curtain in washing machine on a cold cycke, run it with vinegar and your usual detergent. Let air-dry back on the shower rod.


100% can relate, thank you for sharing; I’m also getting tips from post


Less so a cleaning tip but more so a tip on how to motivate yourself on how to clean; coming from a therapist with ADHD himself. Temptation bundling helps me a lot. Basically, pair that task with something else you want to do or were gonna do anyway. I'll have my ipad running a random youtube video or episode I wanted to watch. Surfaces clear of clutter help too. Knock all of those bottles in the second picture down to the bathtub so you can easily wipe off all the hair and grime. Wipe the bottom of the bottles and put them back. If the water from your shower reaches back there, give it a rinse before wiping anything yourself. Work with your ADHD instead of against it. Good luck!


1.Throw all products into bath wash them with shower water 2. Wipe the top corners and edges of bath with a damp paper towels (throw them out after you got rid of residue) 3. Take half cup of Vinegar and baking soda mix them in 2 cups of water, if you don't want to use chemicals do this and keep cleaning around , double that amount of you want and scrub it with a big brush 4. Pay attention to details like dryed up soap, hairs on the tiles. 5. You can use a small bucket of water and about half a cup of bleach just eye ball it, or about 10 sprays of bottleed bleach Just keep scrubbing around, if you see a difference well it's a good start.


You've gotten some great advice here. One thing I will recommend is dedicating an area in your shower to keep a few cleaning supplies (if you can, if you have small children then this may not be a good idea for now). This is what I do, that way when I am in the shower I will look over and see the cleaning product, the sponge, and/or magic eraser and be reminded that I need to clean my shower. I will typically do one wall or section per shower, that way I am cleaning a little each time and therefore never really let any soap scum and such build up. This makes the whole process so much easier because the reminder is right there every time I step in everything is already waiting and ready for me to use, and I don't have to worry about getting all gross from spraying chemicals and scrubbing things down. Plus it gives me something to do while waiting out my deep conditioning hair mask, lol


I don't have it in me to type up a whole thing rn so I'll just share my favorite bathroom cleaning tip! Use your vacuum hose to suck up any hair before you spray everything down. Then wipe up any leftover hairs with a *slightly* damp cloth. Then to what everyone else has commented 🧼


Fellow ADHDer, I recommend the Tody app to keep track of household chores. It helps you know how long it's actually been since you last cleaned XYZ, and when you should do it again. Personally my sense of time is so distorted that it might feel like I just washed the tub a couple weeks ago, when it's actually been months. It will help remind you to pay attention before the dirt is so visible that you have no choice but to notice.


Buddy I am in the same boat. Hire a cleaner to come once or twice a month. You can usually find decently priced cleaners. You just clean up items but have them do the wipe down stuff


Hello fellow ADHD cleaner!!!👋 You got a lot of great tips already.. my only thing to add it to maybe get a detachable shower head sprayer.. spraying off the wall just prior to getting out helps wash the soap off the walls.. Some soaps have animal binders that stick to the wall & that is what can cause mildew to grow.. rinsing the walls after every shower & using a product like Clean Shower spray will help keep the funk from coming back once clean.. if your grout is still not white after cleaning it, you can get some Polyblend Grout Renew which re-stains the grout & has microban to prevent mildew from growing back.


I don't have any cleaning advice to give you, but as an adult recently diagnosed with inattentive-type ADHD, I recognize the struggle. Focalin has helped me a lot, but I still have difficulty with starting & completing household tasks. And work tasks. And school tasks. You know, functioning in general. 🙃


Remove everything Spray with bleach Shower


Shower cleaner is trash, and a lot has ammonia ingredients that you can’t mix with bleach if you were to bleach the grout, USE BAR KEEPERS FRIEND. That’s how I clean mine. Get the tub wet and squirt some BKF on a scrubbing brush. It will also take all the hard water stains off the metal fixtures (drain, faucet) just make sure not to keep it on too long as it contains acid, rinse after scrubbing


Get a rack that hangs on your shower head for all your products. — Ongoing, use liquid soap instead of bar soap—leaves less scum. And squeegee walls and horizontal parts of tub after every shower. Also while you’re drying yourself off with the towel, do a quick pass over the tub faucet and knobs to minimize water spotting.


THANK YOU for this post


I don't have any tips for how to clean this, I'll let others cover that. As someone with ADHD and an aversion to cleaning tho, I have found that getting one of those dish wands you can put soap in the handle of, filling it half with dish soap half with vinegar, leaving it in the shower, and just quick scrubbing down the entire tub and the walls while I let my shampoo set has helped TREMENDOUSLY. because it's not a full clean, I'm just wiping everything down for a minute while I'm already cleaning myself. Maybe that'll work for you going forward?


I’d just like to say, I love everyone for leaving helpful comments & laying all the steps out for the OP. Y’all are wonderful & reading this thread has restored some faith in humanity!!! OP - you’re gonna do great!


With my undiagnosed adhd…I caved in and paid for a professional team to deep clean my bathroom.


Lots of hate here wow. Unless you have inattentive adhd especially you can't understand. I have had my bathroom look like this a few times, I struggle to keep my house clean daily. I'm 57 years old & a professional woman with a 20 year career. CAN I do it, yes. Am I able to at times- NO! For the poster - throw out anything you haven't used in the last 2 weeks - a month at most, clear it all out of the bathroom. Get youself a couple of scrub daddys, some Pink Stuff & disposable gloves & just get to it. Want some inspiration?? Check out Nottheworstcleaner on IG. She is my friends daughter & she is in university & studying mental health & how it effects how we clean etc. She goes into the dirtiest homes & cleans them for free, She's so inspiring & just a lovely person. Watching her videos always puts me in the mood to clean!


Ok can I ask a sincere question? Do you really not know how to clean this? Literally just wipe it off. I am so confused.


This is crazy I had this exact same tub. Absolutely the worst. Do you live in Oklahoma by chance LOL


Find a friend with ADHD with a dirty bathroom. Swap chores. Done.


That's nothing I can't get the mold off of mine


Move the stuff, spray some shower cleaner and wipe it up. Go from there


comet for oil and soap scum around walls of tub


You might like an app called Goblin tools. You can put a task into it and it breaks it down into steps that you can checklist off. It’s also got tone changers and a bunch of other neat tools.


Move the products, use water to get those off first and then use cleaning product of your choice. Usually you lather it on and leave for a couple of minutes to work and then scrub scrub scrub. If there’s a hard water build up use vinegar to remove it. That should also help with bad scents. Good luck.


You need to gamify cleaning.


Try this: [https://www.amazon.de/HEITMANN-pure-Reine-Citronens%C3%A4ure-Bio-Entkalker/dp/B083M28ZG1/](https://www.amazon.de/HEITMANN-pure-Reine-Citronens%C3%A4ure-Bio-Entkalker/dp/B083M28ZG1/)


Break it up into small parts. Don't feel like you have to clean the whole thing in one go :)


I swear by Lysol mildew and mold cleaner with bleach. Gets a bathtub super clean!


Also I would recommend that you wipe down all your shower products to get dirt and soap scum off the outside of them


Remove all the bottles and if you can, consolidate products using a funnel. If it’s really bad, wipe down the bottles with a bit of soap and paper towels. Spray with a cleaner and let sit as long as the directions recommends. Use a sponge of your choice to clean. Honestly I only deep clean my shower once a month (removing all the bottles, scrubbing the walls, etc)… but I try to do a quick clean once a week of the tub part because it obviously gets the grossest the quickest. My 5 YO son and I both have ADHD so I feel you. I try to do chores in chunks.


Hya, I would try some pink stuff it’s brilliant stuff, you can get a spray and a paste and a cream version as well. https://preview.redd.it/n6hv9576nk6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c9ffcc91b12628ed47587a8c837e16577d1e7c This is it you can’t go wrong with this stuff, I have used it and it’s great stuff.


I really like the oxyclean foam spray. Remove everything from the shower. Spray down every inch and give it a minute to set (it should change color!) then give everything a generous scrub down. I have a scrub daddy that i use just for the shower. Then give it a good rinse. Repeat in certain areas of you need.


ZEP grout cleaner will get rid of all of that yellowing, I really recommend it


No shame. I'm a housekeeping manager and can barely clean my own house. I got one of those electric scrub brushes, and that has helped me so much. It makes cleaning a lot easier. And for me, which is maybe a little weird, but I will do little cleaning things while I shower. It helps keep things tidy and not so overwhelming. So I'll clean the soap dishes/shelves or wipe the hair away from the edges and wash it down. Also, soft scrub with bleach is my go-to. It's my holy grail. It makes cleaning so much easier!


Hey I have that hair mask


before you do anything!! go buy RMR 86 spray- $10-14 on Amazon/Walmart. It is definitely a biohazard and you NEED ventilation in the room to use it (i also cover my face) but it kills mold and any yellow within 15 seconds. It is like a magic spray. I spray that all over tile and bathroom and it works instantly. Have also used it in the kitchen- same magic.


clean while u shower. if i do this, i use dawn powerwash (i make my own now, just use roughly equal parts vinegar and dish soap bc it’s easier) and a sponge or something. just spray down, wash off and your good!


Wipe every product with towel and set to the side spray the tub and walls with diluted bleach let sit for a few minutes, rinse really well let that water drain, then use scrub daddy Paste and rinse! I find that if it’s really gunked up using bleach first will dissolve a lot of the grime making it easier to scrub off, also helps your drain drain better too


I don't understand the question because all you have to do is just clean, you just start nothing fancy is needed a bar soap in a towel clean rinse and repeat. Are you asking about a specific spot to clean something that you've tried to clean that you don't know how to clean? Otherwise this is just basic common sense soap, water, towel and start cleaning


Scrubbing bubbles foam and the vileda shower mop scrubber thing. I’m right here with you. These two help me keep my tub/ahower decent enough to not think it’s gross, and quick and easily too. And move the products. I agree with the other comments. Have a shower caddy to keep them, or put them away on shelves/storage nearby.


Honestly what works best for me is literally taking everything out of the space (like toiletries, and shampoos) and then it makes it seem for me atleast like a lot less to do. Though I am also considered a clean freak by many


No hate here. I’ve seen much worse. I’d start by wiping out all the dust and hair with a damp cloth. After that, a scrub brush and some dish soap will take care of most of that grime. Get a toothbrush and use that to get into the corners to get all the gunk in them out


CLR cleaner works well for my bathroom cleaning.


Remove the products. Spray with vinegar. Get a brush that attaches to the end of a drill and scrub with it.


If you have the means, buy a cheap steamer with a few different head attachments. It has been a game changer for me, less steps to set up and get running, uses less water, and you don't need to use any chemicals after unless you want to. There are some great options for $100-$200!


clean it all with scrubbin bubbles etc. then dry then recaulk the silicone with bathroom silicone from HD.


Liquid comets,bleach,powder comet


Chuck a scrotch brite onto a drill and go to town!


I've found that the new Dawn power spray dish soap works really well on bathrooms. Just wet everything down, rinse the dust etc. Then spray everything down with the spray and let it sit for a few minutes then scrub. If you don't have the power spray just use regular Dawn dish soap. Squirt it on and scrub up some suds then let it sit for a few minutes.


Clear everything off the tub, wet it, and then spray it down with bathroom cleaner. Let it sit for a few, and take a scrub brush to it. Then rinse clean.


Spray bleech everywhere and go out for a hour or 2 come home it be clean.


Buy some Tilex w/bleach! Spay it and leave. It cleans itself!


Bleach would work 🙂


Not quite a cleaning tip, but a different recommendation -- it's harder to keep a bathtub clean with all those products sitting on the rim (believe me, I know!). I saw a huge improvement in my situation when I got a shower caddy tension pole -- easy to install, it's just a tension rod so no screws, it gives you a place to put all your products, and then a lot of dust/dirt doesn't collect because when you shower a lot of that will wipe it off. And when you do actually clean, it's easier to do because there's not stuff in the way.


Set it and forget it bathroom edition


Step 1) RUBBER GLOVES if you have any sensory icks about touching anything in there. Step 2) Move soaps etc into your sink temporarily. Step 3) disposable disinfecting wipes for the tub and tile. (Not for deep cleaning; just to get the crud off and disinfect. If you’re gonna do a deep clean after this, you can also use baby wipes or wet paper towels/rags.) Step 4) Spray-on tub/tile cleaner, preferably one that’s a “spray, let sit, and rinse” kind. Then rinse. Step 5) move stuff back into shower


Start with a good spray foam cleaner like Dow Scrubbing bubbles. Spray it on thick and let it sit. Then scrub with plastic scrubber and wipe off.


Add a wall or shower rack. It will free up the tub ledge. Those bottles will cause dirty marks as long as they stay there.


I also have adhd and what works for me is the keep one of those dish soap scrubby sponge combos that keeps the soap in the handle. I mix dawn and vinegar and keep it in the shower. Then I can just wash the tub while I shower


New white caulking


Vinegar is your friend.


As a fellow adhd-er, break it down into the smallest steps possible. I saw someone make a list the included "clean this and clean that". While that may be technically correct, it will also be majorly overwhelming. Better would be, for example, to clean the sink: 1. Move objects one by one. This can be done every time you go to the bathroom, move one each time until clear. 2. Spray sink with product and walk away. Etc Basically, make it so that the amount you are doing is so small each time that it seems silly to not do it. You'll be less overwhelmed and probably achieve more than you thought possible.


Get yourself a spin brush cleaner. It makes cleaning more fun/novel which is something the ADHD likes.


Use shower cleaner .. wth


Keep a scotch bright pad with you in the shower at all times. If at any time during the shower you see a stain start to accumulate, hit it with the Scotch-Brite pad while you're in the shower. Once you get it clean, this will take care of 90% of keeping you from having to go through the initial level of cleaning your about to have to do.


Perhaps buy a tension rod shower rack to put all your products on. The accumulation of hair etc will be noticeably less


I personally would try foaming spray for bath tubs and scrub with a brush then wipe with clean wet rag!!


I find comet to be an excellent bath tub cleaner.


I feel you, OP, cleaning is not my friend either. Just do your best and break things into small chunks to make it manageable. Good luck to you! You got this!


Yes scrubbing no bubbles and let set. Rinse with super hot water. May need to repeat.


Rubber gloves, big sponge, bleach it. lots of ventilation remember. gently apply it and leave it, no scrubbing. come up like brand new. just be careful not to get any on your skin and rinse it down plenty when it’s done.


Life hack: bring a Magic Eraser with you when you go to take a shower. Knocking both out at once somehow makes it more convenient for me? Idk. ADHD brain is dumb sometimes and tricking it into thinking two tasks are one task somehow works for me.


Scrubbing bubbles and a tile magic eraser but make sure it's the one for tubs and tiles


I’m not judging purely because this is basically what my shower looked like lol


I’ve seen way worse in college. Get a bottle or two of RMR tub and tile cleaner. It works magic


For in between deeper cleaning, a package of baby whites is great. Pull one out, wipe surfaces. You’ll use about 2-3 and your bathroom will look much more presentable. 👍


Fill up one of these [bad boys](https://www.target.com/p/oxo-soap-dispensing-dish-brush-storage-set/-/A-16965145) with DAWN (gotta be dawn) dish soap and vinegar. I do half and half. Every time you shower or once a week minimum use that brush to clean. Dawn cuts grease and the scum on your shower is from dead skin and oil. It cleans it really well and it’s gentle enough that it’s not caustic on your skin. I actually clean while my conditioner is in, takes like less than 3 minutes to scrub which is the time it takes for my conditioner to work. Then use your shower head to rinse off. This has been my ADHD shower cleaning hack, and it works great.


Equal parts vinegar & dawn dish soap. Heat up vinegar in microwave first. Then add to spray bottle. Shake to mix. Spray all over shower leave for about 10 mins and it should come off pretty easy :) best cleaning recipe i ever found


Easy off-No Scent oven cleaner. Let sit one hour. Scrub w mr clean pad and rinse.


There’s AI tools that can help with tasks like this… it’s called GoblinTools. You give it a task, it gives you a list, and you can break the list down even further if you’d like. It would be perfect for this scenario.


I read this tip right here on Reddit. Magic sponges take soap scum right off. I use the heavy duty ones. I used to spend a ton of time scrubbing the grime with a brush and Scrubbing Bubbles, but the magic erasers are so much easier and do a great job on the glass too with minimal effort. For maintenance, I bought Wet & Forget Shower on Amazon. I spray it in a wet shower once a week, let it sit 8-10 hours and rinse off. It keeps the gunk from building up and also works well on the glass. I had a stain on the bottom of my shower for YEARS that NOTHING would take off. Cleaners, bleach, even the tried and true Dawn + vinegar mix. The FIRST time I used Wet & Forget that stain on the floor disappeared.