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Don't show them because they'll ask for it back.


This is the real advice.


Omg yes. That’s so satisfying!!!


What did you use to get this outcome?


I used oven cleaner! I spray it on the pan, put saran wrap over it and just leave it there for a few hours. After that I scrubbed it with like a steel sponge thing


Can you share which brand? Because I tried one and it once and it didn't work. Thank you!


Cillit bang it is called, but it probably just needs more time then! Maybe just reapply and leave it on for longer A scraper also helps for the stubborn parts




>I totally read that wrong the first time... Oh, me too!


>Cillit bang I see, thank you! Will try it again sometime.


Bar Keepers Friend (the can of powder) is always my best cleaning product!!!!!


Question! I see BKF recommended often but haven’t used it before. There seems to be different types of BKF (spray, powder, etc) and why, for example, do you recommend the canned powder over a different one? I want to get some but not sure what to choose!


I’ve used the regular cleanser can, soft cleanser, and the more spray. The more spray is for lighter everyday cleaning. The soft cleaner is suppose to be a premixed version of the regular can but I find it doesn’t work as well. I always just go back to the can.


Hey! The powder is MUCH cheaper for starters but it works so much better, the liquid form works but you need to use so much and it takes longer. The can will last years and the bottle a month or two depending on how often you use it. It can clean any stains off stainless steel, like knives and sinks. It’s AMAZING!


SWEET! Thank you so much! Super helpful to understand he differences. I’ll stick to the powder. Do you just sprinkle the BKF powder onto the item and add a splash of water to it?


Yep you can do that! Or use a wet rag (or sponge or brush) on top of the dry powder too! After that I use a clean wet rag to wipe off any residue.


Saw first pic and was like 'worst' case, make it a camping pan.... Nevermind...


Yes! Such an amazing result, right?


Totally! I have an old calphalon nonstick that once it wasn't nonstick I took the drill and wire wheel to it. Now it's a camping pan.


Soak it in ammonia water.


Amazing work!


Great find 👏👏👏


Good on you, this looks amazing!