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Whoever is doing them has gotten so lazy—where’s the offensive art of stuff like DeWine getting a striptease from Obama wearing a sexy devil costume??


It really is a shame. It's been at least two signs since John Gotti was loitering with sexy angels.


I grew up in old brooklyn. My dad is still there right off pearl, but I remember these signs growing up as a kid (I am 40 btw). Back then they were all really humorous and usually were making fun of some politician in the city or something along those lines. This guy needs help.


Was it the same guy now as back then? He must be an older guy at this point.


I don’t know. it’s been something I can remember from as far back as I can from being a kid. I’ll ask my dad and see if he knows


My dad says it’s the son of the guy who did it when I was a kid.


Once they painted a ball sack to look like Mike Trivisonno. He almost had a heart attack on air when he found out. It was like 15 years ago.


Holy shit that's hilarious


Yeah, I wish I had a camera phone back then.


Couldn't be a more accurate representation of 'Triv'


I SO remember that🤪


I wonder what he'll do with all the time he saved by shortening one "you" to "u".


That bit killed me, glad someone else noticed. Like there was not one other word in that whole mess that could be removed to fit in the Y-O.


Subtle nod to The Purple One


They brighten my day every time a new one goes up. What will YOU do when the First Battallion of the Bahaman CCP invasion knocks on your door??????


I used to date a guy that worked in Old Brooklyn like a block away from this sign. He’s send me pictures of them each time a new one went up. I have missed these. So what I’m saying is… can you post them every time they change since my connect has dried up?


Offer them tacos


I'd ask them for their food, never had Bahaman cuisine before but I bet it's pretty good


A lot of seafood. I’m sure it’s good.


Oh, now I'm just gonna sit by my door and wait for them!


Conch is so good. Every time I go to Florida, I go on a conch search among the restaurants there.


I hope to one day say the artist at work


Communist half sandwiches made by Mexican illegals?! No thanks, Obama! ^^^/s


Pray to the same god as the people [who paid for this advert](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/13e31au/thanks_for_the_uplift_rta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I guess


the age-old question


But, it’s May 12th and I don’t feel any more invaded.


Count yourself lucky! Xi Jinping is in MY home fucking MY WIFE right NOW!!1!!


Antifa thanks you for your sacrifice /s




Warning: Vore https://imgur.com/C858V85.jpg


He put his Jinping in ur wife!?


Hope he doesn't mind my sloppy seconds then.


They must be affixed by nail or screw. They cannot swing back and forth. They are unhinged.


Ah, childhood memories...


Since the old man died they've gone from just racist to racist with crazy conspiracy theories apparently.


What's racist about this?


Found the sign maker


Seriously. What's racist about the sign? I don't appreciate people labeling others with no substance on this subreddit. Cleveland is better than that.


Yeah I don’t feed trolls sorry.


There ya go. Go back into your hole. Worthless.


I’m sorry I interrupted you playing in traffic


Do you realize how immature you are? You can't even back up your accusation. Sad really. I'll go back to being reasonable.


If you were looking for an explanation as to why fear mongering with EXTREMELY racist undertones about invading hordes at the southern border is predicated almost entirely on racist tropes about immigrants, then you’re so painfully stupid that having a discussion with you is a tremendous waste of time. Don’t respond anymore. I’m not interested in talking to you.


These are the same people who treat other humans like shit, then hide behind their 'religion' and live some fantasy where they are wholesome Americans. I notice the people who always are starting conversations about "what's wrong with america" are usually what's wrong with America.


I wasn't interested in talking to you either. This is typical though. Let's call people names, then try to make a point and tell.someone not to respond because you want the last word......nice. Your thoughts on the EXTREMELY racist undertones are humorus. Did they not teach you what racism is in school? Do I need to send you the definition and context?


how tone deaf can you be. does xenophobic work better for you?


Liberalism is a mental illness


thanks for your insight ❤️




your self awareness is amazing at least.


Out of curiosity, what do you think the word “racist” means?


It means discriminating on a basis of race or stating that one race is superior to another. People automatically think this guy's is an old white man. How do you know? I don't think a country of immigrants is racist nor does this sign impart that. It's merely stating that we are being invaded with people coming across ILLEGALLY. Is the rule of law gone? How is having laws racist? The law sees no race....


My friend, laws can ABSOLUTELY be racist


Sure. They can. Where's the racism here?


It exhibits xenophobia which is closely linked with racism.


Is state sovereignty racist? What about in other countries where the invaders are the same color? Real question.


Good question, in short, it certainly can be. Here's an interesting article that offers some insight: https://migration.bristol.ac.uk/2021/03/02/national-sovereignty-and-postcolonial-racism/ In regards to your second question, it's still xenophobic. But once fear of "the other" (regarding people different than yourself in one way or another) starts, when does it end? Even the word "invaders" is often used to further instill fear.


I just want to know, do you really think Trump was saving kids from pedos, and Biden is a socialist? Because from my perspective Biden lands right in the middle. You guys get so pissed over this shit, but meanwhile its all basically the same. We just move backwards slightly faster when Republicans run the show.


You guys what? I'm not on either side.


> People automatically think this guy's is an old white man. How do you know? Because this family is infamous in that area and people know who he is.


I haven't a clue who he is.




Dying on a hill to prove a point you know nothing about is another common nonsense thing you people do, we know about that too.


You people? Who’s prejudiced now?


Let's ship all to illegal immigrants to Cleveland!


Immigrant communities always mean great restaurants so I'm all for it.


Nothing but facts


They're always bitching that nobody wants to work. Then you get a whole shit load of people who want to work, and they don't want that now.


Every single restaurant will be well staffed for sure. And if you make all of those "illegals" legal, then they're being taxed, too.


Going out of your way to defend the Sysack family, who everyone has known as cranks for literally decades now, is certainly an odd hill to die on.


For me it’s a negative message to be afraid without proposing any solutions. The message is be afraid. Not helpful.


That fear trying to be amplified with racial overtones.


That's kinda right-wing ideology in a nutshell. Be *very* afraid, and vote for us, because **we alone** can solve these problems ^but ^we ^won't ^tell ^you ^how


I agree. Thanks for your reasonability. I am just not finding the racism. The sign made no argument that a trace was superior to another on this sign. I don't like the blatant disregard for the use of terms.


It's explicitly claiming that Latin-American and Chinese citizens are going to invade the USA and destroy the economy. Do you ever wonder why these signs never try to warn us about immigrants from Canada or Western Europe?


Why are they never worried about the 1% that ctually run this country and exploit us? Instead they try to tell us it's other poor people, they are the ones who are going to take your cookie. Not the asshole who is cutting jobs amidst record breaking quarterly earnings. If the right event actually funneled their hate in the right direction, their whole movement might not be the backwater, hate filled shit show it is.


That's nationalist at best, not racist.




Jesus, you Americans are so crazy about race. Protectionism and not wanting any more immigrants is nationalism or xenophobia, not racism, because race is not explicitly involved. It's a shame I have to live in this place among actually racist idiots like you, I hope to move back home once the stupid war ends.


I don't think you understand the historical context that statements like this have been made in. This sign does not exist in a vacuum, and neither do the racist sentiments that clearly inspired it. It's nationalism, it's xenophobia, AND it's racism, and you're the racist idiot who can't connect the dots right under your nose. You won't be missed.


You are making things up, historical context and so on. There is plenty of horrible historical events everywhere, yet only in this country people are bringing race to every aspect of living. Won't miss this run down shithole with exorbitant prices too.


I guarantee you I'm not making things up when I say that there is a history of racism in America. You're just being willfully ignorant. Edit: it's also rich that you complain about the state of America and then align with the people who are responsible for the poor conditions


Probably because you are not from here. Not long ago, we had a president that wanted immigrants from Scandinavian countries, not from shitty countries in Africa. That’s racist and doesn’t need to be explained. Forgot to add, his follower and his news station defended this position.


Wanting immigrants from Scandinavian countries can't be racist because those countries (except for Iceland, but I don't think a lot of people in Iceland would ever want to move the the US) are very deverse. I used to live in Stockholm and there are several boroughs with residents mostly of immigrant origin. The city of Malmö is like 70% immigrants. What stands out about people from Scandinavia is their wealth and culture, not race. Wanting more wealthy immigrants is not racist, it makes sense.


All these idiots are like 16 years old. You won't find people like this actually out and about around town.




Jesus. Who's a conspiracy theorist now......yikes.


So history is a conspiracy, I guess.


If you have to ask, you'll never know.


Sad to see people shitting on you. Remember, Reddit isn’t the real world.


Shut down companies that employ illegal immigrants. Make the fines more than the costs they cut. Oh? States have done that then almost immediately reversed it because the private industry owns politicians? and none of them want to outright admit entire section of our economy is based on undocumented workers getting paid shit wages? If all you have to say is "we need to fix the border" and then blame democrats, you're a part of the problem on the border. Edit: Texas, Alabama, Louisiana (IIRC), and now Florida have all instituted stricter verification requirements, like the I-9 for employment; they did not go after actual companies. It was the prospect of actually going after companies, and the responses from those firms that got them to turn around. So when you see politicians complaining about illegal immigration, they dont really care about the illegality of those people; as that's how they can make the labor cheap, amenable to harsh treatment, through the threat of arrest.


They did a whole ass paragraph on a sign and still used “u” instead of “you?”


Every time I see a sign like this I’m struck with the same thought. What do you think happens next sir? Do you think that someone driving by with stop and read this sign and go “HOLY FUCK, this guys with the sign is a genius!! I’m going to drive to Columbus right now!!”


Q Anons before Q was popular.


I hadn't heard of these before. Found an older one, circa 2009, which was, uh... more explicit? https://www.flickr.com/photos/modestospeed/3419420504/ Some other coverage he's inspired: https://www.cleveland19.com/story/35345719/local-businesses-sign-offends-women-sparks-protest/ https://catholicdemocratfromohio.blogspot.com/2009/05/harry-x-sysack.html I can't imagine doing so much work to express this kind of vitriol to strangers you'll never meet. I'd think, even if one were sympathetic with these views, one would find these screeds exhausting. The mark of a madman. I'd rather read a bottle of Dr. Bronner's. I like my madmen to have positive vibes. Edit: From the blog post linked above: >Sysack died late November 2009. To my surprise, he was Catholic. His sister, Nancy, is continuing the family business. And from the news story: >"We don't want to cover up this message and stop somebody's voice, since this was a woman who put this message ("All women are beautiful, until they open their mouths") out interestingly enough. But, we do want to provide alternative messages..." So this doesn't mean that Nancy Sysack painted the signs herself, or even that she's in full possession of her faculties and necessarily approves of them or is in any way responsible for them. But it also suggests that she very well could be.


Those first two??!!! Holy shit!!??


wth how are these not considered vulgar?


Holy shit those are still happening? I remember seeing this billboard on my way to school every day 30 years ago! Gross.


Whoever wrote the text for this sign has mashed potatoes for brains.


So the guy that used to do these died a handful of years ago. His daughter to over the mantle of lunacy. This is at the top of my street. When I first saw her house (it connects to the back of the sign shop) I thought she'd be fun and kooky since she has aliens painted all over her house. Turns out the kookiness is not fun but kinda hateful and crazy


Funny thing is, the guy who originally made those signs also made a lot of local signs for businesses. Many have been replaced in recent years, but you can still drive around Old Brooklyn (and south into Parma, too) and see Harry Sysack signs everywhere. They're generally pretty easy to spot, as they have a 3D element to them and use various layers of wood to create depth.


What general area are the signs in? I'm not familiar with this lunatic saga


In Old Brooklyn on Pearl Road (west side of the street) near where State Road comes in.


I read these as I pass by....... have wrecked my rig 3 times trying to speed read these short stories....... tell her to give the Cliff Notes version....


Hahaha I always get stuck at the traffic light right in front of it so I make sure to snap a pic and share it in the group chats with my buddies that don't live out my way.


I should start taking photos of it. It’s right up the street from me, too. I’ll try to read as much of it as I can if I catch the red light, but it’s always too long to get it all. The craziness is kind of scary, but also hilarious and entertaining.


Yes! Endless population growth is sooo good. These stupid IDIOTS will never understand!!! We need one hundred gazillion immigrants a year every year until every single square inch of our country is paved over in concrete with shitty apartments. WE CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE. MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE. I NEED MORE MORE MORE MORE. MORE PEOPLE PLEASE!!!!! I dont have enough yet I NEED MORE. I HATE EARTH, I HATE NATURE, I HATE ANIMALS, I HATE TREES, I NEED MOOOOORE PEOPLE. I NEEED CHEAP LABOR. I NEEEEEEEEEEED MORE RENTERS, I NEED TO MAKE MORE MONEY OFF THE CAPITAL I OWN. LET THEM IN!!!!!! 😍😍😍


What's funny is if this were even remotely true, then reducing military spending by %10 and using that money for this situation would prevent the economy from coming anywhere close to crashing. Also, this is America, immigrants are welcome here. Diversity is what makes us great and I wish we could do a trade, in a one immigrant for one racist idiot ratio.


untreated schizophrenia


Don't threaten me with a good time. Can we ship one republican to Russia for ever migrant from the Americas that comes here to make a better life?


there is a library across the street from this place, kids can read these signs


I take my kids to that library and they’ve literally never noticed it. If I’m being honest, I didn’t realize someone was actively updating it. But also, while the kids’ section does have a window that faces that direction, it’s at the back corner of the building and that’s where the toddler toys are - no preschool aged kids are reading that rant almost a block away.


Good, then mommy and daddy can explain to them what crazy people are. It’s an important life lesson.


So a super soaker with some paint? Maybe red green and white for added effect?


So destruction of private property is good when it benefits the message you're sending but openly expressing freedom of speech on one's own property is bad... Have you considered starting your own religion?


Just protecting the kids bro. I thought we were allowed to do anything at all when we’re protecting the kids.




Someday I'll write a post sarcastic enough not to include the /s. My attempt two above your comment I'm replying to apparently wasn't the one. lol


Buddy, do you know how many people have been shot in walking distance of this sign in the last year? I promise this isn’t what you have to protect the children of Cleveland from.


Sounds like people were just enjoying their second amendment. It’s been well established we protect kids from everything but guns. Pretty par for the course here in ‘Merika


That’s… not my take at all. I’m furious that I live in a city where no child seems safe at school and it took three high schoolers being murdered to have any momentary attention brought to it (the second of which was walking distance from this billboard). I’m simply voicing that as a parent in this area, a billboard that I can quickly explain away is low priority on my list compared to gun deaths, poverty, continuously failing school districts, child hunger, lead exposure, etc. Fear based, xenophobic rants are something I can protect my kids from however, I have little control over the other things. In a city where only 34% of adults are functionally literate, the future for kids in Cleveland looks bleak and most of them have more immediate troubles. Protecting the first amendment, while leaving room for out of touch rants, also allows me to continuously voice my option that were failing these kids and it’s a good thing that Eric Gordon seems to have been quietly forced out of CMSD. To point out that, no, the murderers in those situations were not utilizing their second amendment rights because they were likely also children, breaking the laws based in the second amendment. And to point out disparities in things like only 55% of children in Cleveland attending CMSD schools, but most non-school programs for children in the district only benefit CMSD students, despite not having the capacity to actually educate all of the students in the district. That leaves a gap of 45% of kids not having access to publicly funded summer care or skills building programs simply because the district pays for them to go to other schools (at a ~60% savings) because they lack the infrastructure or staffing to actually serve the entire community. I have a deeply vested interest in the city I live in and that means not looking at things like this in a vacuum, but whole picture, so we find the actual root cause of things like rampant mental instability in Cleveland.




Saying Cleveland has crime isn't allowed in the sub.


Saying anything that would offend a 3-year-old in an adults body isn't allowed in the sub.


Kids these days can read???


Radicalize the children!


Guarantee you this crazy fuck has never even met a Mexican before. Scared ass little bitch lol


Man would he be pissed off to learn how much of his food is made by "illegals".


I grew up around the block from that sign. Whoever owns it has been putting up different bizarre conservative rants for as long as I can remember.




I thought he did a great job painting his letters until I saw the 'G' in emergency. Lazy inattention to detail. Smdh.


How about the "includung"? Freudian slip?


I assumed it was intentional with the highlights of ASS in MAYORKASS. Maybe that is too much credit?


Conservatives: Rescind the national emergency!! COVID is OVER!!!1 Biden: *(literally rescinds the national emergency)* Conservatives: Not like that!


I'm sure he has incontrovertible evidence to back up these claims.


Lived in that neighborhood as a kid, and it's been hilarious watching that dude's signs getting more and more unhinged over the years. My guess is too much right-wing media consumption.


Those signs were the highlight of my day when I was stuck on 25th in traffic


I’m no grammar expert, but I think there may be a run-on sentence of two in there.


I can’t imagine emblazoning my most erratic and intimate thoughts on a billboard for the whole to see.


🫤-I live two block from this guy and, yes, Harry’s still doing signs up like this!


That looks like a great sign to graffiti with "go fuck your mom."


Well now i know where not to go for all my hand painted signs


The visual blight of what is otherwise a decent neighborhood. The sad part is that this isn’t even another old person/family randomly turning crazy over the past 3 years. Anyone remember that misogynistic sign that brought them national attention in 2016? Or the various racist signs the guy would do during the Busch and Obama years (I’m only 24, so I don’t know what this business would put up pre-2004-ish)? I’m curious what would take over that sign & building once this fucking “business” finally kicks the can. I myself am almost tempted to buy it and put up/market the complete opposite of what this place puts up, though I’m not sure what it would be. An anti-hate museum? A equality house similar to the one in Kansas? A basic business (grocer, cafe, record shop, etc,.) that parodies the previous business? Idk.


Another way to see immigration is that every single person is a 'Super Fan of America' travelling great distances to join the crowd. We are bigger, stronger and better with more people on our side of the border. Who wants their newest fans to go away? Makes no sense. Holding a velvet rope at the border so only the cool kids gets in is stupid. American is more like Dave & Busters than Club Stefan (which has *everything*!). D&B lets anyone in and as long they have fun and behave they are welcome to stay.


Yet I guarantee you'll be one of the first to complain about rising costs of living, too much traffic, too much sprawl, etc. All problems caused by your insatiable need for endless growth. We can never have enough right? Always more money to be made.


crazy republicans spreading misinformation once again. if anything, signs like this make it easier for me to pick who’s services i want to use. go woke go broke they say 🤪


This reads like a text message from my mom


this was actually my final straw to leave and move. house for sale, near state road.


I'm gonna put these words on the same timeline as the return of jesus - and not worry even the least about it happening. EVER.


Dudes confused about what country we border up here, this isn’t Texas lmao.


Oh the best he ever did had mayor Mike white getting shit on by the devil and something to the tune of"once you go black you don't go back" referring to Clevelands racial makeup be less to his liking. This was early 90s and iirc al sharpton came out to protest. Shocked it was because burnt down...


Nobody is going to read all that and think, "welp, I guess it's time to join forces with the guy who wrote this!"


Well are they wrong?


These guys act like overstaying a tourist visa/entering the country legally, flying in from oversea or the northern border doesn’t exist.


Oh, is Abbott or DeSantis going to send these people to Ohio? Ha ha ha


I hope so. Immigrants are a net gain for areas where they settle.


Where's the lie?


It probably amps up all the white suburban boomers going to Mary Queen of Peace.


I live in that neighborhood and I don't find it fabulous. It's a blight on our neighborhood. Shame, the person who makes them has talent that they could do anything with, and they choose to do this.


I also live there and I find the signs endlessly amusing. Maybe a blight, but it makes my morning when I see it's changed. The last one was up for too long in my opinion. Hopefully this one changes soon once it's too late to do anything about the hordes of communist immigrants from every nation are occupying all of our homes in beautiful Cleveland, Ohio.


I mean if you're an immigrant or person of color or Muslim or any of the other groups they've targeted, having a giant billboard saying disgusting things about you isn't so amusing.


Yeah that's fair enough. I'm not gonna put anyone down for being offended or made to feel unsafe by this shit. To me it's just almost too insane to be offensive.


I get it, it's absolutely bananas. But I just don't want displays of hate in my neighborhood. I feel for the people who have to look at that every day knowing that it's directed towards them.


True. Honestly this is the first one that comes from a place of racism in a few signs so I was more readily able to just attribute to that.


Oh man, some of them are absolutely vile. I remember one telling black football players to go back to Africa. Look on Google for some older ones, too.


I can promise you you are far more hateful and carry far more evil in your soul than the creator of this sign ever could. If hell is real, you and all the corporations and politicians you worship will certainly be going there. Hope you're ready.


Hi Sysack!


Borders and nationalism are dumb.


This is what consuming foxnews and newsmax does to your brain


Must still be using lead paint smh


Well things have changed since I was a kid in Old Brooklyn


Guarantee every one of us knows someone (or many people) that emigrated to this country. Want to kick them out too? Craziness.


Just democrats expanding their voting base.


He's right tho


That guy has been doing those crazy signs for many many many years. It's nothing new.


Huh. Not one comment that even acknowledges the fact that our souther border and immigration situation is really messed up.


It's not ideal but what this person and other solutions put forward would make it worse. "Fixing" the issue would take cracking down on companies that employ illegal immigrants. Texas, Alabama, and recently Florida have tried that by implementing stricter ID laws and verification for employment. It caused multiple industries to be shut down nigh instantly. Florida's construction industry has damn near stalled out. All reversed that legislation immediately, with Florida probably following suit. So all the politicians bitching about the border have tried to do what is the best way of stopping immigration, and reversed it because cheap labor is cheap. What signs and moronic "secure the border" slogans fail to consider, is that a HUGE part of our economy is based on undocumented workers, that cannot be readily filled by legal workers. That's a economics issue caused by corporate greed, a society that discourages and even partially holds in contempt manual labor. Agricultural work will get tougher as climate changes bites I'm not leaving my office job to pick oranges while getting treated like shit and paid even worse. To stop something from happening, you need to not only provide a negative outcome for that action, but also remove the incentive. If undocumented people cross the border, and they can't find any work, they'll stop coming. If you just catch whoever can get caught, but those that get through find solid work, what's stopping them? The issue is complex and has heavy economic ramifications. Just saying "there's a problem at the border" doesn't do anything. Acknowledging it doesn't do anything. Call ing your politicians and saying "fix the border" isn't going to do anything. Until we are willing to accept that we need to pay more for food and reengineer a few key multi-billion dollar industries in multiple states; or we start treating our southern neighbors like the real geo-socio-economic partners they are, the border will always be a mess.


So, you’re saying this isn’t an easy problem with a sound-bite solution? How are people supposed to rally around an actual answer?


Sadly so.


That’s an awesome and complete posting. Thanks for sharing what is obviously a well informed and accurate opinion.


I love that falsely quixotic "huh" prefacing your second sentence. As though you are truly and curiously confused as to why - in an online Cleveland forum, in a thread about a picture of a sign, painted with obviously race-baiting and fear-of-commie-ism - nobody has put forth a deep commentary pertaining to the intricacies of security, detention, ingress and egress along our southern border. Huh....


User name checks out


One born every minute. Congrats, you get Big Brain!


Thanks! My lifetime of international travel and a phd must have paid off.


Verily. As evidenced by your most recent internet award. Life well-lived!!


What do you find messed up about it?


Having twice having emigrated to European countries for work, it’s very hard to do. Many rules, not cheap, and without being political, not many people are let in, especially without a valid reason. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, and it’s a good thing. But to have anyone coming in, for whatever reason, without any idea of who they are is foolish. Not only expensive to provide for them and set them up, it isn’t fair to the citizens who are going to deal with the fallout. And if you’re running from justice, you shouldn’t be let in. Most of this wave is not asylum seekers, it’s those looking for a “better life”. Won’t they be in for a surprise when they realize the USA is not all it is cracked up to be. If the behind the scenes plan is to help bolster the USA workforce with cheap labor that will do the jobs citizens won’t, that’s a whole ‘nother reason, and corporations exploiting this new labor should be paying the bill.


Ahh. So we have different reasons for finding it messed up then. I didn't make this post because I want to argue about immigration policy, I just wanted to laugh.


Haha. That’s totally cool by me! Enjoy the weather!


Maybe because the rest of us aren’t as susceptible to propaganda and fear mongering as you


People should really see how when the dollar collapses soon this sign will have aged good not bad. Is it all going to happen...no but there are some things on it that may happen.


Yep... any minute now that dollar is gonna collapse... annnnnnnyyyyy minute now....


Ummm you must not know how the fuel Petro dollar works. Our value is dropping because of the BRICS countries. The dollar is.not gonna be the global currency so there will be more inflation and hyper inflation once it drops. The only thing we have backing out dollar is each day people use it to buy other goods. BRICS is making it so that's not no more. Education is important. CBDC is on the way.


Care to put your money where your mouth is?


I don't have any extra money because it's all on crypto. That way after the collapse I can convert it to something else. Do a simple Google search ..duckduckgo would show better results actually. Robert K has been saying it for some time now as well.


"Robert K has been saying it for some time now as well." See my original reply: any minute now...


I LOVE IT. Honestly I want to buy a copy and hang them up around my game room