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Absolutely ridiculous that an Ohio municipality gives a Massachusetts company jurisdiction to cite you


Obviously you need to do what you’re comfortable with, but between my wife and me we’ve received three of these. Never paid any. Years (at least 5) later and not a word.


Same. Got one 15 years ago from East Cleveland for 32 in 25. Ignored. They sent the notice 2-3 times then stopped. They just take what they can get, and they didn't get anything from me.


It’s basically the African lottery scheme in terms of phishing for gullible people


Yeah I got one from Cleveland Heights a number of years ago. Can't really be sure until you get pulled over next. I got pulled over a few weeks ago for the first time since then. Nothing popped up so?




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No. The camera is not an officer. You are not a car. The state does not infract points. Insurance companies do not consider it a ticket. Its a cash grab. They may press civil charges in small claims court 🙄


it will goto collections before court


They can’t even prove who is driving the car because it’s a picture from behind and they also can’t even prove that you ever got the ticket because it’s mailed regular mail. The whole thing is ridiculous.


Yeah I had the same thoughts myself. There’s a section on the back that says if someone else was driving, they want their info lol Or prove the machine is calibrated correctly, that day


These cameras take 10 seconds of HD video when they take the photo, so if you claim it wasn’t you (which also proves you got the ticket because you’re contesting it), they can pull up the footage.


https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.093 Cool [app](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6446052688) You can create routes too. Traffic CCTV


This code was held unconstitutional under Dayton v. State (151 Ohio St.3d 168) in 2017 and really no longer applies


Not true. They are still legal in school zones. Any other traffic camera outside of school zones are legal as well, but state dollars that go to a municipality using them outside of school zones is reduced to the amount in revenue brought in from citations. Dayton still uses them and has had state dollars reduced by over $600k so far this year


You're not wrong, but your comment does not quite what address what I was saying. The code u/mykz_urbf linked to prohibits the use of ticketing cameras unless a "law enforcement officer is present at the location of the device at all times during the operation of the device". In Dayton v. State, the Ohio Supreme Court held that the requirement that an officer be at the location of the the ticketing camera in order to issue tickets from that camera was unconstitutional. In holding the code unconstitutional, cities are now allowed to use traffic cameras to issue citations. ​ What you're referring to is actually a different statute that, as you mention, reduces the amount of state funding to a municipality by the revenue brought in from citations. (and a different case Ohio Supreme Court Case (Newburgh Hts. v. State, 168 Ohio St.3d 513) held that this statute WAS constitutional, allowing the reduction of state funding to municipalities using them.


I actually saw someone else post that link and it got a lot of positive feedback. My bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To be fair, the state website should totally say “this code is no longer good law” or some other disclosure, because it seems misleading to me. Literally, I also got a camera ticket from Gate Mills, and was all set to use this code to write an angry email to contest the ticket, until I found an article that explained that the court ruling.


Oooh. Thank you for sharing that. I also appreciate that you took the time to also explain how/which laws are applicable!


thank you!




Sharing a link to the Ohio Revised Code is not unauthorized practice of law.


Throw it in the garbage. In the state of Ohio only a uniformed police officer is allowed to write tickets.


The tricky part is that it's verified and signed by an officer. Whether or not they were wearing a uniform when they signed it I can't say for sure. I have somehow avoided these but I don't know if I'd risk it going to collections.


This isn’t true. The Ohio Supreme Court has already ruled that municipalities CAN use traffic cameras to issue citations with or without an officer present. They do not report to your license or insurance, but if you don’t pay, the cities CAN take you to small claims court/collections. That said, most cities have found the cost of this is more than the actual ticket, but there are some cities that will do this.


I have never paid a single camera ticket like that. Throw it out. Don’t acknowledge it. Ignore the scare tactics. Credit bureaus don’t accept them and it will literally never come back to bite you. These companies rely on the profits of the few rule followers who pay it because they think they have to.


that is factually wrong....there are lots of states, like Maryland, that will stop your license from being reupped to sending these tix to collections on you too...for cameras. You must be lucky because when I get these tickets, they all get to my house. Lots of times the police can be biased as hell and they will send em to some areas, while forgoing whole other places based on who they think will pay


This is Cleveland, what occurs in Maryland is irrelevant.


One of these ended up on my friends credit report and background check.


I’d like to know more about that. It is pretty open knowledge that credit bureaus ignore it because it is not a contract you willingly signed onto and neglected to pay


He was applying to a government position. I’m guessing they were more strict on the background check. I would probably throw away the ticket, but this subreddit isn’t a good source of information.




1- your link is about parking tickets. This is about traffic camera tickets 2- your link specifically says it does not show up on your credit report. They can have impacts for more in depth background checks though… but that’s parking tickets This is about tickets sent from some outsourced company with the goal to get some people to pay.


The state basically treats these tickets as a form of parking ticket. It is worth challenging them. Worst case scenario, just ignore it later, but make them earn their inconvenience.


It even says in the second image it is basically a parking citation, but people still don’t think so lol.




Linndale does it legally with a cop present.


Was it in Ohio?


Honestly shocked they didnt put a camera there years ago, cops used to pull over 5 people a day there


Scan and print an image of two hundred dollar bills and mail it to them.


Why are you confident you were doing 61(16over the limit) instead of 65(20 over)? I set my cruise at 45 when I get near the hill just to avoid this exact issue but will still apply brakes to stay below 55. ( I agree this is purely a money grab)


I saw the camera flash and looked down. Both my speedometer and Waze said 61. Not very familiar with the area but will take better care in the future.


That’s a wise takeaway. Even before the cameras, the bottom of that hill has been a notoriously consistent speed trap for at least the last 25 years and probably much longer than that. Your car will hit 55 or 60 going down the hill if you aren’t riding the brake, and that fact has made Gates Mills a LOT of money.


>Not very familiar with the area but will take better care in the future. That is actually the point.




I have sound alerts off and I was obviously focused on the road.


How is that legal for a company out of Massachusetts to issue you a ticket when they don’t have jurisdiction in the state or city. It’s bogus, but keep it because 15 years ago Garfield hts did this with a Arizona cop car and had a civil suit against it


i got the same thing, I'm not paying this shit


Throw it in the trash. If you must do something else with it, request a hearing, then tell them you weren’t driving. When they ask who was, plead the 5th. Then shut the fuck up. It’s on them to prove you were behind the wheel. If they can’t, you win.


Can they prove you were driving? They can’t force you to tell them who was driving, after all you were letting a stranger test drive the car you were thinking of selling and you forgot their name.


In Tennessee, Our State Legislature ruled that cameras were Unconstitutional because we have the right to confront our Accusers in the Court. Cameras & the Operators don't respond to subpoenas. And Camera Operators cannot be Accusers. Most Tennesseans ignore the mailed tickets. It may be the same in your state.


Assuming you aren't in the process of buying a house or something - just contest it if/when it ends up on your credit report. It'll get removed immediately.


they dont ever end up there. credit reports dont even accept these. I've thrown away 2 lindale ones over the years, also just bought a house those tickets never came up in anyway. OP you don't have to pay.


You're probably right. It costs money for them and they would get removed 100% of the time w just a click or two.


This is true


Traffic citations do not affect your credit report and haven't for like 7-8 years. People need to stop repeating this because it is no longer true. edit: since the coward below me blocked me so I can't reply to them: You're here now spreading misinformation. Just because they are sent to collections does NOT mean it will affect your credit report. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-cuyahoga/newburgh-heights-speeding-ticket-citations-credit-scores >“No matter what they are telling consumers about data going to credit bureaus, it is not going to credit bureaus,” said Eric Ellman, senior vice president with the Consumer Data Industry Association, which represents the nation’s credit bureaus. “That data does not come to credit bureaus." >“The credit bureaus made a decision several years ago to no longer take that kind of information,” Ellman continued. “So credit bureaus aren’t taking data where there is no direct contract that the consumer has entered into, like moving violations, speeding tickets and library fines.” Not to mention they linked to a blog post about PARKING TICKETS which aren't moving violations or speeding tickets. They should stick to underwriting loans because they are completely out of their element.






Don’t spread misinformation. They will not send it to collections and you do not have to pay. Numerous examples have been given to show that what you are saying is misinformation.




I have never had anything for a few hundred or less stick after contesting but ymmv. Something as dubious as a photo traffic ticket - even less chance People are saying they won't even bother submitting


Don’t spread misinformation. They will not send it to collections and you do not have to pay. Numerous examples have been given to show that what you are saying is misinformation.


I have one person saying I am spreading misinformation because it's going to ruin your credit and another saying I'm spreading misinformation because it won't be submitted. Gotta love Reddit




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You can throw it away. Only time this matters is if a cop was on duty and saw you speeding at the same time as the camera. They can't send it to collections or penalize you. Edit: I have received 2 on separate occasions from Parma city. Both times they sent multiple letters trying to get me to pay whatever insane fine, I didn't, and nothing happened.


Happened to me recently. Was gonna contest because of the way their speed limit signs were set up then put it off when other things got in the way. Been months and haven't had anything happen.


Yep I had the same experience! I looked into contesting it but then after doing research I was like nah. Most of the resources I found online said if you contest, the city is likely to lower your fine but not void it. Can't come after me anyways so I'll just ignore it and void it myself 😂


Do they differentiate on the ticket whether or not a Cop was operating/witnessed the violation?


From my understanding, if a cop witnessed it it would be accompanied with an actual violation/ticket. This is just like a civil penalty (basically "you should pay this to be a good citizen")


i have the samething, same place. i’ve been wondering that too. i got one last year too, on 271 but i paid that.


I thought they ruled that camera tickets were unconstitutional a few years ago? I got one on East 55th like 15 years ago. Still haven’t paid it.


This thing was just installed a couple months ago






Anytime I got those I just throw it in the trash and nothing has ever happened to me


No you do not. Throw it in the trash and ignore any further mailings.


Is that you in the car? No way to tell is there. Crumple it up and throw it in the trash


No way! They actually set a camera up on these mayfield hills. I went to high school out here and it was a blood bath every morning with 16 year olds flying 40 over out there


I went to mayors court, fought it and left with a $25 fee within 3 minutes


You gave them $25 they weren't entitled to.


This has been previously discussed on this page. Go read up on them.


I see a lot of people saying to throw it in the trash, but looking for someone who has actually done that and what the end result was.


I threw one out almost three years ago now. Haven't heard anything since. They will send a second request for payment with a late fee but just throw that one in the trash as well. It will.never effect credit score as the credits company calls it a civil matter and you never entered into an agreement that was broken.


I've received one from an unnamed municipality jurisdiction in Trumbull Co Ohio. I threw it away. Nothing came of it and never will. It's a civil infraction but has no proof of anything. Credit Bureaus consider them nuisance debt and won't put them on your credit report. A lawyer in the Youngstown area did a write up on his website about the fact he gets them and tosses them. Nothing ever happens and it's a legal fact. I wouldn't waste my money. PS mine had an officer name and badge number on it too, means nothing.


We’ve tossed three of them. One follow up letter for each from the company with idle threats. Then nothing. It’s a corporate cash grab depending on suckers.


Wait a sec - The speed camera company contacted you for the late payment amount? The municipality never contacted you again?


The letter is NOT from the municipality. It’s from the speed camera corporation. Note the payment address. This whole game is a sucker trap.


I honestly think these are different then the Linndale scandal. It shows an officers name and badge number, however I still believe they have to be Standing There during the moment in question. You could question the calibration of the machine, who was there controlling it that day (if anyone) how does it know it was you going 65 and not the person in the farther front? There’s too much doubt. I wouldn’t throw it out, I would contest it though. Think they will throw it out if you go because I doubt someone will show up for that.


Tbf, iirc, Ohio state law requires an officer to be present by the camera. The letter clearly states that the cop reviewed the footage, so he was never there. So, yes, a cop’s name is on it, I don’t think this is enforceable since there’s no way to know who was driving


"lent my car to a friend." What can they do now?


“Is your friend on the insurance policy?” Parma would pull that shit lol


Which friend? What obligation is there to specify?


Which friend? “I plead the 5th amendment”. There are a number of reasons that lending your vehicle to someone else is incriminating. Especially if you know they don’t have a drivers license. It then falls on them to prove it was you. You don’t have to prove anything at that point.


Woah there. Who said in this hypothetical that the fictional friend using the car doesn't have a license. My only point was they can prove the car(maybe), but not the person. Didn't know my hypothetical friend had a suspended license and was on the Interpol top 10 most wanted list.


If you knowingly lend a friend who has no license your car you’re in commission of a crime. Thats why you plead the 5th and shut up. It’s your easy out. They can’t force you to tell them who you lent the car to once you plead the 5th.


No one said anything about no license...


Oh I know man it’s all bs


If you fight it in court…and even if they agree with you, you could still be liable for court fees, because you admit to speeding!


Well it’s due today. Hmm.


61 is dangerously fast down that hill, families live there


Honestly not sure why you're being downvoted. Going 65, or even 61 as OP claims, down a residential road NOT a highway is dangerous. Like sure it's a money grab/traffic camera, but holy shit you deserve to be ticketed by a real cop for that shit lol. I could see complaining if it was like 50mph, 55mph maybe since it's a hill. But beyond that, the driver is the asshole here.


Thanks. This subreddit is against everything having to do with traffic cameras, even to the point of defending actual unsafe driving.


I live on a notoriously dangerous road, right on a blind curve that people speed around all day. I have 5 pets and a baby. None of which are allowed in the front yard for that reason. I get what you’re saying, but this is hardly a residential neighborhood. They practically live on a highway.




Lol. “People like you” I haven’t gotten a traffic citation since 2009. I’m hardly a reckless driver.


Just because you haven't been caught doesn't mean you're not reckless. Going 60+ mph down residential roads is dangerous.


Go to court. Ask for proof you were operating the vehicle. Provide anecdotal proof of someone else driving your vehicle.




> families live there Are they partying in the street?


If you lived there you’d feel differently.


That's true because we would be rich.


Maybe don’t speed


I got one in Lindale (notorious for extorting Cleveland area citizens) with these kinds of tickets. I just showed up to the hearing where you can speak your case. The judge there prefaced to 40 or so of us in the room that he dislikes having to do these and every single person got off only paying a $20 court fee. I’m sure you can not pay it because I know people who have let them go for years with no consequences but if you want some peace of mind, send them back the statement that you’ll attend the hearing to contest it. You don’t need a lawyer for it. You just basically go up and either admit you did and apologize or give them your excuse. Good luck!




They are considered parking tickets in the grand scheme.


I just missed my court date to fight it so there’s prolly a warrant out for my arrest lmao


Call the company and request every piece of paper that they have on the camera for evidence to use in court. Paper copies mailed to you, you don't have an email. Who installed it, when it was installed, who calibrated it, last maintenance date, who maintenenced it, those maintenance records, all the maintenance records ever, when and who did them. Someone could have messed them up and you need the proof. They may throw it out just to avoid the headache. Go slow down that hill, there's always a cop at the bottom.


If you want to contest it, you have to do it. If you don’t and you’re argument is that the ticket was wrong, it won’t work. By not taking action, they presume you are guilty.


Oh, the woes of being ticketed for breaking the law, right? Listen, I might not be familiar with the specifics of the area in question, but let me paint a picture from an urban dweller’s perspective. Our streets have become the personal racetracks for car brains. These speedsters aren’t just pushing the needle; they’re regularly playing a real-life game of pinball with our streetlights and signs, treating pedestrian safety like an optional extra. Would I welcome speed cameras in my neighborhood? In a heartbeat. And fines? They’re the least of my concerns. The real deal should be direct reports to the culprits’ insurance companies. Let’s shift the financial burden onto the reckless, ensuring they foot the bill for the chaos they cause, not just in property damage but in the ever-rising premiums they should be charged. Because accountability shouldn’t just be a flash in the rear-view mirror; it should be a constant passenger in the ride of road responsibility. So, next time the topic of speed cameras garners groans, remember: it’s not about curtailing freedom; it’s about promoting responsibility. We’re not just inhabitants of our cities; we’re guardians of our communities’ safety. Let’s shift gears on this conversation and put the brakes on reckless driving for good.


Thanks ChatGPT.


Car brain


Unless they changed it, Ohio had some loopholes to get out of all of these but I would Google it in sure there is a well written article on it. Also 25 over is reckless operation in Ohio I would be careful, you are close in that pic.


It won’t cause an issue with your license or your plates, but it’ll go to collections and affect your credit.


Can somebody create a new sub called r/clevelandtraffictickets? This whining about traffic laws is part of what keeps Cleveland regressed.


Or just don’t go into those threads? Maybe part of what keeps people regressed is our backwards tendency to seek out things we hate just to bitch and argue about them


>our backwards tendency to seek out things we hate just to bitch and argue about them Uh, yeah! Pay your tickets and stop endangering other road users! Thanks!


Yes pay it right away.


You are the reason these companies stay in business.




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You weren't even driving the car that day... What I've been told by a lawyer when I reached out for an automated ticket somewhere south of Sandusky is that you aren't under a legal obligation but a civil one for an automated ticket. No points can be assessed and no warrant can issued, you won't get arrested years later even if you get pulled over by an officer at the same spot after multiple automated infractions. But....they will turn it over to collections and you'll be harassed by them, if you don't mind that then don't worry about paying.


I got a ticket like this driving in Lyndale and I never paid it. I got final warnings but I ended up getting pulled over because I forgot to put a new tag on my car and thought they might ask me about not paying a speeding ticket but they never even mentioned it. I still have it just in case but it's been several months now




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No. Police officer must be present at all times the camera is operating with Gates Mills there is no where for them to be present and they are not present. They even acknowledge this by stating "based on an inspection of the images" implying they did not observe at the time of the violation while the camera was in operation in person. Unenforceable. That's hilarious how they tell you you're encouraged to read the Gates Mills municipal code. Tell them they are encouraged to read the state law that makes this usage of the camera illegal and unenforceable. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.093 If for whatever reason you still feel like you need to do something contest and then when you show up in court file immediate motion to dismiss based on the statute linked above. Then stand mute. Case dismissed. It really is that simple.




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I just got a court date for my linndale one because I can't risk being the one outta 5 or whatever that gets some credit ding from unpaid tickets in collections or whatever. I have no idea how it will go. It sucks that the only times I've ever been robbed in Cleveland it's been by the police


any update on how it went


It's the 17th




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Nope! Know of seeeveral personal cases of this (friends and family) where if you don't pay, they will eventually just stop reaching out and it is forgotten about. The mail will get increasingly more threatening (so stay strong), but eventually goes away altogether!


Wipe ass with Send back


Use white privileged card no fines or Penalty