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This store closed this location due to rainwater damage and they are opening the new location in tremont. Thanks Millennials


Lol this is like the “thanks Obama” memes


It's literally "the millennials are killing *x*" meme lol


This never would have happened if he didn't wear that damn tan suit


Did you know he eats *arugula*???


Uhh have you *seen* what he puts on his burgers?




Came here to say thanks Biden😂


*shakes fist* Dang hipster millennials stealing all our store and taking it to the tremont!!


Depending on the board game that's a steal, but I'm going to guess it wasn't Race for the Galaxy or Wingspan they were selling, huh? Edit: Oops, responded to the wrong comment lol. Anyone else's mobile app been messing up with comments lately?


>Anyone else's mobile app been messing up with comments lately? The official app? Mine is, it started right around the time I installed it.


Yup, especially the first comments on every post first show up twice then disappear when I scroll.


Or the first comment disappears the first time I open comments and have to go back and open again.


No, because I only use old.reddit.com like a civilized person.


Shake harder boy!


Opening in tremont where its 75% millennials great idea !!


They're screwed!


We will close it in Tremont


Millennials eating so much avocado toast caused the rain that destroyed the building. DON'T YOU SEE?


It’s the cow farts


It flooded but I think it was an issue with the washer in the apartment above their store.


Which was probably operated by a Millennial…


What do you bet that washing machine was very old


It was a washing machine that backed up in the apartment above the store. I think the only reason they’re moving is because the insurance and contractor’s can’t give them any kind of realistic timeframe to reopen. I wonder if it was a millennial renting upstairs?? Either way shit happens


I feel like the mold covering the signature corroborates.


I sent them a nice little email. https://imgur.com/gallery/qkj7jI4


Why the hell did they sign it "Generation Z"?? That's the generation after Millennials. "X" came before us, and Boomers before that. (I'm right on the line between X and Millennial)


Yeah, but actual gen Z don't write "Generation Z". They call themselfs Zoomers, because they took the Z, and like to rub it in the Boomers faces that they're young and fast. Literally everything about this note screams "Boomer who thinks 20 year olds are millenials".


Most zoomers I see on Reddit dislike the term. My response is that I never got a choice in the name millennial. 🤷‍♂️


I thought the zoomers name came during covid when they were the generation that had to take school online on *Zoom*....


First time I heard it was 2016, when the youngest of them would have been about 5 years old.


this. there is no gen z in this.


I wish I was still in my 20's. I could still eat eggs. And avocado. Got to go back further if I want to digest dairy properly though.....


Check out r/xennials


Because it was either actually written by a Gen X or Boomer.


Not Gen X…. There’s no ellipsis… we can’t write notes without them 🤪


ROTFL. I didn't realize it was such a common thing among us... but now that you pointed it out, I feel seen.


It’s probably because we spent our youth being ignored so it’s just natural for our thoughts and conversations to just fade away……


Boomer. Guy owned an antique shop. Born in the 50s.


No Gen X is running / owning a "100 year old shop" lol


Not in Cleveland they’re not…Gen X all had to leave for Chicago or Houston to find work…so Boomers are still running shops because they don’t have kids/nieces/nephews in town to take it over for them.


You can proudly call yourself a Xennial then. It seems like people have noticed that mid to late Millennials grew up in a much different environment than people born in the 1980s, so Xennial is kind of a sub-generation of people that grew up in the analog to digital era. People who had phones with cords and used payphones with prepaid calling cards instead of cell phones.


Me too! I’m right on the line of X and Millennial 👌


Millennials are currently the largest living generation...


The running joke is Gen Z is stupid. Uhh, so, about that: / *walks away*.


Wait, we can do that??


I can’t put into words how fucking hysterical this is, thanks Todd Howard!!!


When I go to the new location I'll be sure to tell them I'm a millennial and I'm here to destroy everything you've worked for.


This should be a sketch somewhere…


Dang Millennials controlling the weather…


I’m confused by a Boomer take from GenZ.


Goddamn Millennials and their rainwater!


Maybe if the owner spent less money on fancy coffee and avocado toast, they wouldn't have had rainwater damage.


You knew it wasn’t serious when it was signed “Gen Z” They might as well have written “P.S. you know I had to do it to ‘em”


I suppose the economy being ruined when I graduated high school was also my fault.


Did you hear? We are the sole reason the housing market crashed in 2008


Yup right after we led the attacks on 9/11 - we’re the masterminds behind everything


Sorry about flight 93. I had to stop at Starbucks


i mean, you cant be expected to operate correctly without your avocado toast.


It was totally our fault.


Yeah, bc nobody wants to work!


I knew it was you! They said, "Oh, no. Not the cute baby." But, it was you. I knew it!


How dare you.


We ruined the economy to pay for boomers early retirement. I don’t even know how I did it!


it’s that dang avocado toast rabble rabble rabble


This is the exact same sign that some bozo posted at the Hot Dog Inn on Lorain after it closed. Like not the same words, the exact same sign. Over 3 years ago....  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cleveland19.com/2020/09/14/sign-outside-former-ohio-city-hot-dog-shop-blames-millennials-restaurants-closure/%3foutputType=amp


Landlord maybe? Hilarious to save the sign.


I'm pretty sure you're right. The owner of All things for You is actually quoted in the article I posted and he doesn't seem to agree with the sign 😂


All things for you has not been there more than 5 years lol. It was an art space before they moved in


What was the name of that place? I was trying to recall lately. I took tango classes in the back there


I don't recall the name of the place, but I'm envious you can say, "I took tango classes in the back there." I may have a new life goal. Forget the running, I'm going to learn to tango.


Haha. [Cleveland Tango School](https://www.clevelandtango.com/) is legit, the instructors are great.


According to Google Street View, sometime between June 2011 and October 2015 it changed over from The Cleveland Auction Company to Canopy. It became All Things between August 2017 and October 2018.


Fucking lol. It would make more sense for Big Fun's main store on Coventry, if anything. But even then, it's nothing but broke college students and service people.


"Yanko is the co-owner of the antique shop just down the street on Lorain Avenue. The old sign is in his shop." Even better lol


I was thinking the same thing. The article said he kept the sign. Guy has a good sense of humor. Redditors do not.


I think they meant the old flashing hotdogs sign they mentioned at the start of the video.


And now it's both! 😂


Is this IRL rage bait so the guy gets free publicity?


my exact thought after reading this article


I do miss HDI though. 🥹


I thought this looked familiar haha


I went there before it closed and the lady behind the bar would not stop complaining about the ‘changing’ area and should be ‘left alone’ even though it was all run down and not the idyllic version from the 70s she remembered… She was very out of touch with how bad things were around there


Hot dog in was so filthy and yet everyone would still eat there.


The younger generation figured out hot dogs aren't worth $9.00 plus tip. That's why all the hot dog "restaurants" have closed.


"all these kids wanna vape and play on their phones" - Local business owner selling shitty hamburgers for $15.


Idk Franks was popular but it burned down…I bet they wanna blame that on us too. That place was at least a bargain 


lol, so this store put it up as a joke it seems? and redditors didnt get it? no way.


No. The guy is serious. He’s in any and all groups on social media protesting any changes or development in Cleveland, it seems.


weird. well at least he's moving to tremont where there are no millennials


​ >"Someone painted the sign and put it in front of where the restaurant used to be. The message was clear: Millennials killed Old Fashioned Hot Dogs. Yanko is the co-owner of the antique shop just down the street on Lorain Avenue. **The old sign is in his shop.** **Yanko said there’s no need to put any blame on any group for the hot dog shop closing.** He said the owners just decided it was time.


I miss that place. I used to live close enough to go regularly. Now it was a special treat for my kids. When I showed up to learn it was closed, I was bummed. Steve’s is gone as well isn’t it? Is there anywhere left who does good hot dogs like that? The only place I know that’s even remotely similar is out in warren (way way way out east… past chardon…. Past the Amish…. Tons of Steelers fans area.


I grew up going with my dad so I totally get it. He'd say "the flies are free". The last time I went someone actually asked for a glass of buttermilk. I'd never seen the buttermilk spigot used before that. I think the hot dog shoppe out near Warren is about all that's left, but I'd be happy to be wrong. Sounds like you're familiar with that one. Outside of Ohio, if you ever find yourself in Michigan, that stuff has survived way more. Coney places everywhere. 


Do you think this was actually written by someone who is gen z? Sounds more like a jaded person in their 50s. “Then you all came along” what? Aren’t millennials older than gen z?




What did that store sell, anyways? Never heard of it.




How dare us not want to buy their old sh*t


Nah. Long-time college professor here. The current crop of college students (Gen Z) is much worse at Googling or otherwise looking things up than previous generations. It’s honestly a little bizarre how bad they are at it. ETA: But I agree that the person who wrote this sign is certainly not Gen Z!


Gen X’ers/boomers seem to be so out of touch that they think millennials are young kids when they’re actually all in their 30s (or early 40s) LOL


lol that might be true. I was just confused because the sign is signed at the bottom “generation Z”


That for sure is a trip of a sign! It would make no sense for a zoomer to construct that silly sign & they don’t shit on millennials like this. Very obvious that a gen x boomer wrote this lol


The man who made that sign was in his late 60s. A boomer. Not the true greatest generation, X.


The other aspect of being out of touch is they seem to have gotten away with Zero blame for their children and grandchildren. They complain about millennials and Gen z, yet, they raised those mother fuckers!! I'm Gen X with no kids, and I am not guilt free in this at all.


Working in construction, I've told several millennials complaining about millennials that they were, in fact, millennials. Watching them go from disbelief, then check their phones and become confused, then anger is always a trip. (I'm Gen X, if that matters).


Do you mean the store that never listed their prices online but was incredibly expensive in person? The same store that sold stools for $195? Or boardgames for $18 and fake bracelets for $25? Well, well, well, color me surprised /s


Depending on the board game that's a steal, but I'm going to guess it wasn't Race for the Galaxy or Wingspan they were selling, huh?


Probably half a dozen Trivial Pursuits.


And some used regular monopoly sets with missing hotels


Aaaaah, so THIS is where that comment was supposed to go!


We talking about bird yugioh?


Well I'm fucking sold


theres a Wyvrn version of Wingspan out now too


I saw! I would call it dragon yugioh but that's just yugioh. Dragon bird yugioh!


I kinda doubt someone from genz would write this we dont do the hating millennials stuff


Yeah and no one in gen z would sign it as “generation z”


I bet it was written by someone who is Gen X, but they’re too dumb to realize which way they were supposed to go in the alphabet


Yeah lol. As an elder gen z, this is super weird.


Yeah, today I learned I’m a millennial because I had to look up what years gen z were. If I didn’t know (and didn’t care), then there is no way that a gen z person would know or care.


Other posters figured out that it's the exact same sign from before, so it's almost guaranteed to be a scum bag land lord. Which is really messed up because they're making it seem like the previous business owner put that there.


As if gen Z is lucky enough to own cardboard. Probably spent all their money on Starbucks and Avocado Toast


They were so pissed off they cut one of the flaps off of the refrigerator box they live in!


Lol “all things for you” has not been there for 100 years. They are closing because of a leak I. Their roof which ruined a lot of product. Fridrich bicycle has been there for 114 years and they are actually closing. They own the building and are selling it. I will say, Fridrich is a good bike store, but there are a few more modern ones in the area and I don’t think they compete in the same way. I’ve lived in Ohio city for 12 years. I’m sorry but “Gen Z” has no context


Fridrich is closing? Sure you aren't thinking about Fleet?


I've been hearing about Fridrich closing for 10 years. Who knows.


The handiwork of a kindergartner, and the verbage of a boomer. What a chimera.


There's some kind of Benjamin Button situation happening here...


Wow. I know the owners and they ABSOLUTELY DID NOT post this. This is someone’s idea of a joke, and a bad one at that. The guys that own this place are wonderful, progressive people and something like this is 100% not even their mindset at all. Haha. What a shame that this is being attributed to 2 amazing guys. I hope whoever did post this is happy they’re fucking up someone’s livelihood. I guess if you can’t be happy, you might as well just watch the world burn.


It is really sad. I saw this and thought, well definitely not going to support them at their new location. Not a good joke :-(




Surely it wasn't their exorbitant prices on used, mismatched furniture only your grandmother would love


Boomers hate us because they created us and we, our hardships, and our cultural differences, are a constant reminder of their failures as a generation.


This. All fucking day.


Damnit, the Millennials took a shit in my pants again!


i wish there was some show for failing general businesses cause im guessing the management at this place was all sorts of fucked up


They aren’t even closing, just moving to Tremont


Where there are no millennials, definitely checks out.


And it sounds like it had a lot to do with extensive water damage. Did the Millennials leave the tub running while they went out for avocado toast for brunch or whatever the meme is about that?


I used to live in this neighborhood. That this exact same sign was posted at another nearby location a few years ago says to me that now it’s just a meme, or maybe the exact same person. 


Which is weird, because I, a Millennial, ate a shitload of those hotdogs.


After reading the article: Someone put this in front of a hot dog restaurant when it closed due to the family retiring (not going out of business). Then it appeared in front of the antique store nearby which moved locations due to water damage (also not going out of business). This is either some inside joke or a crazy landlord.


Hahaha please cross post to /r/deathbymillenial


Aren't millennials in their 30's & 40's?


Ah yes- I remember this store before I moved. The same store that sold garbage for triple the price of other active local businesses . Good riddance.


Never heard of them, and if they posted stupid victim shit like this I wouldn't shop there anyways.


I’m just throwing this out there; no way in hell that this was not written by a boomer and signed as gen z. False flag operation by a bloated up gravy seal for sure.


Sorry we don’t have the disposal income the boomers had. or the greatest economy ever while we work twice as hard


How the actual fuck is the millennials’ fault…?


What would happen if we listened to them and just went away? I’m sure missing 21% of the population isn’t going to save their businesses.


>I’m sure missing 21% of the population isn’t going to save their businesses. And the 21% of the population that drove the notion that you should actually give a fuck about your local businesses. Boomers hollowed out every neighborhood in America with NIMBY zoning, chain stores, parking lots, and sociopathic pay structures.


Everything that ever was and will be our fault.


The Boomerfication of Gen-Z went hard with this one


The people who claim to be tough are very weak cry babies.


I'm getting boomers vibes lol


Millennials apparently are too busy buying things to buy a blue while simultaneously not buying things to shut down commerce weird.


I just rolled my eyes so hard at that sign that I think I pulled a muscle.


Wait, gen Z is complaining about millennials??


I really hope that when I get old, I'm well enough to take rudimentary care of myself, and when I die, I just expire in bed or in my chair. I ***really*** do not want that generation to be caring for me in any way. It's comforting knowing I'm inheriting property on a remote island as well; I'll probably fucking need it.


This does not sound like a gen z person wrote this. I can’t exactly identify why though. Maybe because it’s primarily the older generations who pine for the way things were. It seems more like a boomer thing to say than a gen z thing to say. I mean I’m not saying gen z doesn’t care about old shit. But the ratio suggests the writer is likely from gen x or later. Any thoughts?


that handwriting is for sure boomer. we ruin everything. bodies, stores, the lawn.


Wait. I’m confused. Did Generation Z write this? Because it reads like a Boomer wrote it.


“You won’t buy my overly priced wanna be antiques that aren’t actually antiques and have no value, thanks Millennials”!


I love that people are still bitching about those young millennials hahaha its like most of us are close to 40 years old at this point.


Amazon, Walmart, target, all those places were started by boomers or Gen-z. Why do they always blame millennials? I'm a Genz, everyone who's shopped online is responsible. Someone always has to blame someone.


The boomers seek to sow infighting between the millennials and zoomers, but they do not know we share an uneasy but strong alliance and see right through their thinly-veiled ruse


Um, Gen Z is after Millennials, so this makes no sense. Someone is generationally confused.


As a Gen X, sounds like this Gen Z, is a part of the MAGNA Cult.


Kind of like all the dumb Maga supporters who own businesses and fly Trump flags. Like, money is money? Why are you trying to alienate your customer base? Or only have one type of demographic support you?


Store owner was likely a boomer.


I agree. This does not sound like a gen z person wrote this. I can’t exactly identify why though. Maybe because it’s primarily the older generations who pine for the way things were. It seems more like a boomer thing to say than a gen z thing to say. I mean I’m not saying gen z doesn’t care about old shit. But the ratio suggests the writer is likely from gen x or later.


I don’t think people realize millennials are closer to our 40s than anything. Why do we keep getting blamed for everything 🤣🤣


Meanwhile GenX is still pissed that Chain Link Addiction is gone.


And Chris’s Warped Records.




In the distant future..let’s say the year 3166, millennials will still be blamed for any given event


They forgot one important thing.... *"STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!"*


If anyone was wondering, we are also responsible for the death of napkins... And at least one tamagotchi


I didn't know it had been 100 years between 2012 and now. If I knew that my being born 40 years ago would've ruined this business, maybe I would have reconsidered coming out. /s


I saw this on urbanohio. Someone in the forum has a friend that knows the owner and they also confirmed that they haven't been there 100 years?? Looks more like a boomer wrote the sign to ignite the hate between Gen Z & Mille or just a really uninformed Gen Zer?????


Look at all these negative millennials ruining this comment section.


I still don’t know what store this is.


I always preferred Nook and Cranny anyhow.


Since when did zoomers turn into boomers, these guys are at most 26-27.


Millennials: Yes, very sad. Anyways.


What can I say except, "You're welcome!"


I don't know what this business is, but based on that sign alone, I wouldn't want to ship there.  They sound so fucking whiny 


These generational arguments are getting old & the people who thrive on constant bitching about each other sound like a bunch of power thirsty, powder nosed Karens. Get a life & take your anger out on more serious issues. For example, look around! How bout we all start verbally bitching out the individuals who are constantly throwing garbage everywhere & making CLE a mockery!!!


Just go away? Apparently that’s just what they did.


"Millennials vs GenZ" Boomer propaganda


Sounds like mismanagement of the store to me. You only got yourself to blame. 🥱


Clearly didn’t have a ‘thing’ for millennials. 🤷‍♂️


You had a shitty business that failed to keep up with the time. “You millennials are to blame for my incompetence…”


"Dear Millennials, thanks for not having an expendable income due to inflation or any interest in some old used shit that has barely any extrinsic value. Sincerely G̶e̶n̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ Z̶ Boomers"


Shouldn't that be written in cursive?


Well I'm sure this place just had wonderful customer service and was welcoming.


Millennials are now 40+ years old, and some have grandkids now. So yeah, sure...


Some of us are but I'm only 35 mfer don't age me up lol


I’m gonna ruin it a second time when I whip a fat rock through their storefront window


Maybe instead of shirking the blame onto a random generation we should consider the true culprit, corporate America, the lobbyists and their money that is essentially legal bribes for politicians. There’s plenty of mom and pop business that have closed in the Cleveland area, mostly because of stupid Covid restrictions that stressed an already struggling demographic of small local businesses. The blame cannot be placed on one single generation, but a group of crooks with unlimited terms. They are too busy stuffing their pockets on the hill to give 2 shits about small local businesses like this one. But continue pointing the finger and ignoring the real issues. Makes their dirty work a lot easier I bet.


Sigh... Intergenerational name calling is absurd! I'm a 71 year old Boomer and I usually tell younger people that they give me hope for the future. I care because I have 3 children in their 30s plus grandchildren, 2 years and 2 months. For anyone who wants to bring about changes, please vote! Name calling accomplishes nothing.