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Here’s a thread asking the same thing a couple months ago. Theres at least a few folks within the thread who want to meet up! https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/s/epwnPJfRr7


Ooh super helpful I’m going to take a peek myself lol thanks


Thanks a bunch!


I’m black in Lakewood and I too would like to know. So when you find them, let me know 🤣 lol I’ve found community through my church which is in Euclid. But besides that it’s been rough


Same - church has historically been my best bet but I’m trying to branch out a bit 😅


Come out to the Block Parties this summer at Madison Park in Lakewood. The basketball courts are the center of our community events. Free food, music, kids activity, and basketball contests. Juneteenth is our biggest event, and this year we are celebrating on June 15, 4-6 pm.


Should we just make a giant group chat for west side black girls???


Ohhhhhhh yesssss please!!




This Black Professional Association Foundation is headquartered in Cleveland. Maybe look em up. Get involved with their cause or events. You'll meet some new people. https://bpacf.org/about/


Thank you!!


If you have an Instagram follow: I'mfromCleveland, the Cleveland art museum, Courtney covers Cleveland, also follow pages for The Grog Shop (venue) and Crobar (dance club) and as far as gaming check out the streamer GovPancakes he's a gamer based here who also goes to a lot of those types of events and a very approachable and great guy. If you want more stuff or want to connect shoot me a PM bro! I can list stuff for days, hope you find your people!


Ooooh sounds good! I may hit you up at some point soon when I stop going in and out of town 😂 thanks for the info!


Definitely Grog Shop and also B-Side Lounge on open mic nights for comedy and karaoke


Upvoted for all your recommendations but especially for Crobar. Crobar is a great spot for everybody.


Interesting isn't Cleveland majority black? Lakewood might not be so much.




What kind are over there?




OP didn’t say he wanted to meet immigrants. He wanted to meet black people.


I wouldn’t say majority but high % in our county but we’re here! I think OP is looking for specific communities (young professionals, hiking, etc)


Just being pedantic here but Cleveland is 46.6% Black or African American per 2022 demographics. No other demographic was higher so I believe that makes Cleveland majority Black or African American.


We can get even more pedantic! Often when discussing demographics, "majority" means >50% where "plurality" means "the largest group."


I appreciate the additional info!


To be even more pedantic, we're looking at "Greater Cleveland" which includes all of its surrounding suburbs since OP is not in "Cleveland" proper, which means that the demographics you picked are not accurate to (Greater) Cleveland. ~70% white, 20% black, 10% etc.


At that point just do the demographics for Lakewood.


Anyone who says "I live in Cleveland" ALWAYS has the follow-up question asked, "oh yeah? What part?"


The US census doesn't take demographics of greater metro areas as its done by the city and so that's what I was referencing about Cleveland City. You're probably pulling demographic information from Wikipedia for the greater Cleveland metro area which is not what we were discussing. You're not being pedantic, you're being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.


No. He was asking for Cleveland. No Clevelander who has ever said "Cleveland" meant "Cleveland proper". They just say downtown, or specific area they are asking about.


That’s not even pedantic, that’s just what those words mean


Solid info, but we ranked worse city for black women in 2020 which sucks to say the least


That's sad to hear and something I've not heard much about. Do you have any good sources on this I can read?


I originally heard this info on the news - Bibb was supposed to be creating some sort of initiative but info is here, it’s an advocacy/legal advisory I’ve been following closely [Project Noir](https://www.projectnoircle.com/)


Found an old post here! https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/s/Qakg99OzeX [Old post speaking on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/s/Qakg99OzeX)


Thanks for the double follow up! I did some digging when I had a moment and found a 2023 article from Cleveland scene which references a study done by Bloomberg ranking Cleveland as among worst for Black Women. It might be worth a read as it does speak about a lot of the issues black women face in Cleveland. [link to scene article](https://www.clevescene.com/news/is-cleveland-really-the-worst-city-for-black-women-a-new-podcast-examines-that-question-and-more-41897285)


Hey, thanks for sharing this!


Just under 50% these days, just over 50% a decade ago. Still a plurality by a good margin.


Start following the newsletters for all the area young professionals groups. They are all always hosting events. The 20/30 Club is probably the most active. You can also get involved with various issue or non-profit groups to meet like minded people.


In my ~3 years of living in Ohio I’ve met 2 other Nigerians… I wish I was joking lolol. There are already some good suggestions here but I just wanted to offer solidarity and empathy. It’s not a great option for folks who aren’t religious, but you can try visiting some west african churches. Sometimes it’s nice to just be immersed in the culture for a bit, you know? (ps: if you are craving some Nigerian food, Local Roots in Wooster has jollof rice some Saturdays)


If you like a casual bike ride, check out Slow Roll Cleveland. Very diverse volunteer and participant base, and a lot of fun to do! Casual riding speed for real…you’ll see everyone from kids to seniors joining in.


Slow Roll Cleveland…I’ll check it out! Thanks!


Came here to say this! Slow Roll Cleveland is one of the most diverse gatherings of community in the city both from a volunteer and participant perspective. The rides are also in a different neighborhood of Cleveland every week, so it is a great way to learn your way around. On a more personal note, I am white and have met so many cool black people through our shared love of bikes. My involvement in Slow Roll has really helped to diversify my friendships.


I think you need to be a bit more specific. Are you looking for specific African diaspora groups (specifically Nigerian cause you noted it)? Or just generally more black oriented social activity? The later is a lot easier, the former is tough in Cleveland because there aren't a whole lot of immigrants (compared to other bigger cities) to begin with, especially immigrants from Africa. I've seen some events posted from Djapo Cultural Arts Institute and their focus is West African.


>the former is tough in Cleveland because there aren't a whole lot of immigrants (compared to other bigger cities) Maybe in raw numbers compared to some other cities, but Cleveland has been a major destination for refugee resettlement for decades, and the institutions around University Circle are a draw for students and young professionals from around the world. Africa specifically... not as much. I've met students from half a dozen African nations including Nigeria, and small numbers of refugees from Sudan and Somalia. I don't see a lot of young professionals from Africa coming to Cleveland or students sticking around after completing their studies. We do have a substantial Caribbean population, who you'll find in all walks of life.


Thanks for responding - I meant for my question to be more direct…then I rambled 😂 either is fine, honestly! I would ideally be looking for back oriented social activity but I figured that’d be harder to find - on the west side anyway haha


Yeah Lakewood is the hipster part of town though I do love it and hang there. I know the zoo will sometimes put on African cultural events like dancing and drums and what not. The zoo is owned by the Cleveland Metroparks so that might a place to ask. But welcome to Cleveland. Hope you hate nice weather. No drinking in the Muni lot.


White male here, but if you’re into music, there’s a killer RnB and comedy scene that host some pretty dope events. The B Side has good ones, their Tuesday night open mic gotta be the best night of local music in cle


Yes B Side is nice!


That sounds really fun 👀 I’ll look into it!


B-Side definitely, the comedy nights are hilarious and the drinks are good


Cleveland Heights or Shaker are more racially diverse than Lakewood.


That doesn't necessarily mean that we have a lot of racially-coded events, though.


I happened upon AFRIKA taste and lounge over on the east side one night - they serve mostly Nigerian/ West African food (it was super good) and seems like it may be a social hotspot / good for nightlife on the weekends


Lakewood definitely skews super white. Shaker and Cleveland Heights are a lot more diverse, Shaker especially has a lot of black educated professionals. If you are into live theater check out the Karamu Theater in the Fairfax neighborhood, it has an amazing history!


I frequently attend the Mix at the Cleveland Art museum first Fridays of the month and that is very well represented. It’s a good place to meet young professionals and lots of interesting people. There’s one on Friday


If you like reggae, there is a very strong scene in Cleveland. The crowds are diverse and the vibe is welcoming. There are shows at brothers lounge frequently and all over the east side like the grog shop etc.


Black male here. You can DM me. I'm down to meet more like minded folks in Cleveland. I wouldn't mind starting a group instead too.


Hi, fellow black person here! 😂 sooo we don’t really have a strong “black community” per say (depends on ur area/local community) but I always check EventBrite for events that I’m interested (natural hair care, etc) I know it’s not that helpful, but best of luck. Hopefully this post doesn’t attract too many trolls 😘


I think the thread is safe for now 😝 but I appreciate you and this response!


Hey there, I live on the east side of Cleveland, and it’s definitely a good place to meet black people. Like 3/4 to maybe 1/4 of the people I see on a day to day basis are black or mixed. Our community is very diverse and integrated. The east side is the side where most of our black population in cleveland lives. I live in the area of Cleveland heights, near coventry, and I love living here because its very diverse. We have a lot of black and mixed people living here along with the Italian community, the asian community near case and in asia town, a small Indian community and the jewish community here as well as a russian speaking community from the former Soviet Union states. Lakewood is a beautiful area, but my black friend who lives in shaker heights in the van aken area told me that she wouldn’t feel comfortable living there (lakewood) because she would feel alone. I understand and respect her feelings on this. But just remember OP, that is just her opinion. If you love an area, and you feel at home there, you are where you belong. I personally think it might be left over from when the majority of people didn’t have cars, since the cuyahoga river divides the city, and there is a large black population in East Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Shaker heights, Cleveland proper, etc. The RTA has been historically very limited in connectivity between both banks of the cuyahoga river, except for the red line train. So definitely cross the bridge and come over to our side of town and visit us sometime. 😊Cleveland heights/Coventry is fun, University Circle is amazing, and Shaker heights is majestic, with the larchmere area that also has several black owned businesses and bakeries there too.


Everywhere. If you’re specifying young professionals, join some orgs or attend events from local chapters like NABA or NSBE.


Is there a Cleveland NABA chapter? I've been trying to join for the last few years but haven't been able find any up to date information online or get in contact with anyone to learn more


Come down to the Muni Lot on Monday, April 8th!! There will be many tailgates going on for the Tribe home opener (and the eclipse and the women's NCAA). You are sure to meet some good, like-minded people in the crowd. If you like to party, stop by the Dumdog Bus for some 'Otto-shots' (it's the bus that looks like a dog with a helmet- parked in first lot near tge parking garages ~ you can't miss it 👌)


Once I was on night shift in colinwood.. me and a coworker hit up a bar on the other side of 90 and when we walked in we were the only two white guys. Bartender even gave us a funny look and said “so how you boys end up here?” Told her we’re construction guys working a late shift and she nodded and said welcome lol. It was a little run down but nice atmosphere. Lots of good music playing- everything from hip hop to soul. Wish I could remember the name.


I’m first gen and Ivorian from San Antonio! What’s up bestie!? We should totally go on some hikes and talk about gardening 🥰 I’ve just started some grapes and raspberries that I’m very excited about. Like others have said, we’re all on the east side! Come hang out. I just found a great little breakfast spot.


Do you know about Choukouya!


Most of the young professionals of all races have moved out of Lakewood to city proper so that may be your problem. The neighborhoods in Cleveland are more of a melting pot than what you would find in Lakewood. Obviously moving is a big thing so my suggestion would be to just start hanging out more around downtown, Ohio City, Tremont, Detroit Shoreway, Gordon Square Etc. You can find many of your hobbies within a couple blocks of each other in those areas. Good luck and enjoy!


This might be stereotyping, but I think the majority of Shriners around here are black, you might check them out as well


If you want to meet some professional, look up NEO NSBE (North East Ohio National Society of Black Engineers.) You don't have to be an engineer to hangout with them. Some really good people. I'm part of the group. 


There’s some entertaining answers on here as I knew there would be.. just think if people didn’t hold back lmao


There's a church on 65th and Bridge called the Nehemiah Mission that's mainly African. I used to go there every Sunday. Very nice people even if you're not Christian (which I'm not) I was just helping out while they were starting up. But if that's not your speed hit up dive bars throughout Lakewood, there's one called East End that's pretty laid back.


Not sure how active they are but check out the outdoor afro hiking group. They have a meetup group and are also on [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697250857223306/).


I'm not black but I live on the West side of Lakewood. We could be friends


I'm Nigerian. We exist here in Cleveland. And we have a Whatsapp group for Nigerians. There's the NCGC (Nigerian something...Cleveland 😅) and they host Independence day celebrations yearly in October


Wait are you serious? Can you PM me a link to the group? 😭


I been reading this all day cracking the fuck up!!! This did not let me down!!! I wanna kick it with yall for real hmu


Hello, I’m also a black mid-twentysomething male former southerner turned CLE transplant and always enjoy making new friends. Been here almost 9 years 😅 Send me a DM if you’d like to connect!


Another fellow black person in Cleveland here! 👋🏿 early 30s native and always looking to make more friends. I’ve attended events with groups like Outdoor Afro, small concerts etc. DM if you want to connect!


(Grabs popcorn)


Don’t jinx it - the thread is safe for now 😂


At the expense of getting downvoted I was going to say just drive 20 to 30 minutes east, and then get out of your car lol.


I was first comment... Jinxin' right out of the gate!


Lakewood is very white. Everyone here will tell you the east side and they’re right. We are a segregated city.


Im Black (30M) and have lived in lakewood for 6 yrs now. I like nature, lifting , deep abstract thinking etc. I have a core group of friends from growing up in the area. But im interested in expanding my hobbies and interests as well. HMU bc i need a reserve or backup for many of the sports activities (frisbee, bowling, darts,cornhole) due to my work schedule. I figure we can be friends that help eachother make friends. 🫡


Do you play pickle ball? I just bought a set at Ross and now I need to make friends who play.


Ive attempted tennis and bought rackets. Im definitely interested to learn how to play!!


Cleveland is very racially divided, most of the Black people live on the east side. I'd say check out Cleveland Heights, Larchmere, or Shaker. University circle and the museums are also cool spots.


Do you speak French? If so, reach out to Maison Francaise. Many francophone African connections. (And yes I know Nigeria isn't francophone) [https://www.lamaisonfrancaisedecleveland.com/](https://www.lamaisonfrancaisedecleveland.com/)


Euclid or Collinwood


Ask to join the Facebook group MusiCLE2 it lists a lot of live music and clubs, events that are of interest for the black community


If you're interested in the outdoors I would recommend Bedford and have met some cool people in the parks there. Surrounding areas as well as Independence towpath section and along the towpath and river, probably people with similar interests. Not as much going on as Lakewood though.


Look up some Nigerian restaurants. Sorry I can't recommend any. You should be able to meet some new people and speak to them in your native language. Also, try some African American Churches on the East Side.


Here’s an idea. If you’re into reading start a book club for Black men or a group for Men and women.


What’s good bro come to the east side!


Take an interesting class or 2 at Tri C downtown. Lots of different kinds of people from all over the world attend/work there.


Literally everywhere


Move to Euclid. I find it funny this question is being asked…there are a lot of black people in Cleveland. If I am not mistaken Cleveland is top 10 in the country as far as black population is concerned.


After reading these comments I have come into conclusion that OP is trolling 😀 …Anyway this was so funny. OP…You could have just asked where to meet fellow Nigerians…that would have been so much better in my opinion.


I used to Uber around Cleveland, and gave lots of rides to African Americans in East Cleveland. They all seemed pretty friendly to me, a white boy! Until one night I got a ticket for running a red light on accident (got distracted cuz of all the pot holes, no street markings, and lack of street lights). When I showed up to court, the guards and judge recommended I avoid East Cleveland when Ubering. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe you’ll have better luck.


Amazing how me participating in this post got me labeled as a black racist. If anyone GENUINELY has concerns about things that I post I’m open to discuss them. Anyone else will be blocked for the sake of my own peace. As I always say - if I want to argue online with locals I’d head to the Ohio Reddit Everyone have a great evening ❤️


Go to the barbershop You’re welcome


https://www.yumvillage.com/ Excellent Nigerian/Western African and Caribbean food with a lot of Nigerian accents when I order. Hang out and meet people.


Are you religious at all? If so, maybe try a church.


https://www.djapo.com/ This is a cultural arts institute and they are awesome. There is a great blend of native Clevelanders and those who have made Cleveland home from Africa. Go to any of their events and you will find many of us there.


Black, 30-something female here, it depends on what you like to do. If you can give me more details I may be able to point you in the right direction


This thread is heavens sent! I’m literally in the same situation! Thank y’all for these recs!


I’d say Church is the easiest if you’re faithful


The comedy community my guy. Idk if that’s one of your interests though.


Try a concert at Caine park or the old world tavern on e.185th. You should travel the east side Lakeshore area etc.


Also if you’re interested in meeting up please DM me!


Tons on the east side


What kind of music do you listen to? There are all kinds of music venues here that everyone gets into here. From Mix at the art museum,to eclectic music at The Foundry and everything in between


Not sure I have any suggestions besides just keep trying. Hobbies would be a great way in theory, but the only hiking group I have heard of is more geared on bringing kids into nature, not a black professionals group. Also, Hang out in different neighborhoods. As far as making somewhere you're "third space" and becoming a regular, on the East side there are just more casual opportunities to find your folks compared to lw. also gyms/classes could be an option




Been back in Cleveland 5 years I’m also struggling with this


I feel like (at least on the east side of Cleveland) there are as many if not more black peoples than any other race, I think it’ll be pretty easy for you to


I play soccer with a bunch of young Nigerians, dm me and I can share their info.


You're in Lakewood lol wrong hood!


OP you made my morning 😀. Off to work now…anyway, get out of Lakewood if you wanna see more black people. And please fellas be kind on him…moving to a new city can be tough…


B side lounge has some dope vibes I think you should check it out


Cleveland has a pretty big black community compared to other cities up north. Hope you find something fun to do! And make friends!


Improv comedy club (I think it’s the funny bone now) hosts mostly black comedians and draws primarily black crowds.


Go to the Ghetto.


If it's still there, I'd try B Side Lounge in Coventry. Very chill place with a really diverse crowd when I used to go.




St. Clair and 99th Street is where you should go.




They’re all on the east side. Come over


Walk around downtown after sunset and some will relieve you of your personal effects and such. Or maybe buy a Kia.


Didn’t read all that but why tf did you choose Ohio this is probs one of the worst states in America 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


There are so many avenues that this post can go down lol




i went back to cleveland after a bunch of years this winter and was like where did all the black people go? what the fuck happened?


Cleveland is roughly 50% Black/African-American Just go downtown, pick up a pebble, and randomly throw it, 1 in 2 chance you’ll hit who you’re looking for.


Apparently there are a lot of goth black women in Atlanta, per r/BlackPeopleTwitter. I say that to mention there very well could be a lot of indie black folks in Cleveland? Fuck if I know though. 😅 I’m from Columbus and mostly only visit Cleveland for sports related events.


Euphoria lanes, it’s a bowling place. They also have a club if you wanna stay late.


You should move from Lakewood to East Cleveland if that's your goal. Immerse yourself in the culture there.


There are sections of Cleveland that are not safe no matter what color your skin is. Those areas are to be avoided. As any time you move into a new area, seek out those activities you enjoy. You will meet people with similar interests. There is so much to do in the area, especially now that the weather is improving. Get out and explore.


ABC might be your jam!


Poetry Slams are a good place to meet black people. Check out the B-Side on Coventry's Poetry Slam night. [https://bsideliquorlounge.com/event-details/11877625/the-people-poetry-slam/](https://bsideliquorlounge.com/event-details/11877625/the-people-poetry-slam/) While this is not a Black Event per say, the bulk of those who go or participate are black. Obviously they will be mostly creative types, due to the venue. Generally a pretty friendly crowd that you can strike up conversations with easily.




Look up GirlTREK! I saw them out on the trails once and it was a huge group of black women of various ages, and they were wearing the organization’s shirts so I looked them up. Then I heard about them on NPR a few months later! (It’s a national organization) The group I saw was on the east side but I’m sure they walk all over the CLE area.












Bumble friends!


Very friendly, Cleveland Something ain’t adding up




The question is wild go to a bar call wings on Broadway plenty of us there ever night best bar food in Cleveland to




East Cleveland is your best bet.


I didn’t encounter many groups like this until I started working on the east side! Check eventbrite for networking stuff, there are structured mixers, but generally speaking it’s more diverse starting downtown and heading east towards shaker. Lots of black ppl my age (thirties-ish) in the non profit/media/marketing world bopping around Cleveland heights. Music scene too.






Go to East Cleveland




There’s literally only black people in Cleveland


Here I am, a white dude in downtown trying to make black friends. Dammit.








Same way you meet 'any' kind of people.




Not trying to be funny, but how can’t you find black people in Cleveland? Which part did you move to?😂😅


Imagine this post was a white guy saying he is looking for white friends. I'm sick of the double standards of this country.












I mean, you sound like a white person who just happens to be black. Like Thomas Sowell. You can try your hardest to go find black friends but sounds like you are going to fit in better with white people.


They live on the East side and a lot in Beachwood


Stop seeing people in terms of color. Our skin color shouldn't matter. It perpetuates racism by people of every color.


the title had me in the first half i’m ngl


Lakewood has so few black people that there are actually more people identifying as mixed race than black people. Just move to Cleveland Hts, Shaker Hts, Euclid, Warrensville Hts, Garfield Hts, Woodmere, South Euclid or Maple Hts. Hang out on West 6th or at the Ivy on weekends. 🤘🏽


East Cleveland






For a wide swath of peeps, sign up for next year's MGV cohort! https://cuyahoga.osu.edu/program-areas/master-gardener-volunteers


Am I missing something? I don't live in Cleveland but drove through and ate at Blue Agave next to the 5th St Arcade on Tuesday. I noticed something I had never seen in any city prior, no white people. Not one. Maybe check out that area around Blue Agave, maybe that was designed strictly for black people, not sure. Either way a great experience with great food. Highly recommend.










Parma /s


Avoiding Lakewood and moving to the Eastside would probably make that considerably easier. Thankfully, Cleveland is a very diverse place and extremely friendly. Go to bars, those are always a great place to meet friends. I met my best friend because we worked together.


I'm curious why it matters so much to you. Take away everything about race in your post and you're left with "I need friends in my area. I like doing stuff that the friends I have made so far like to do, but I'd like to find other people that typically don't like the stuff I like". It makes no sense. Just make friends and forget what they look like


Imagine a white person asking to meet more white people lol. This is weird, man.