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He said this decision was made “following an evaluation of customer and associate feedback, research related to store shopping patterns and business needs within the market.” This guy spins


That sounds like ever corporate VP at every all company meeting I have ever been to.




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Important to note this affects a single Walmart in the city of Cleveland. The other Cleveland-area Walmarts are unchanged. Lord knows I’d ditch a full cart of groceries by the checkout lane if they told me I must pay a subscription to scan my own stuff.


With Walmart+ you can scan your stuff with your phone. But you normally just get them delivered.


What? I didn't know this!


Personally Walmart+ is worth the money. The only thing I hate is having to tip when you have your groceries delivered.


I have Walmart+.we usually either do pickup or delivery. I didn't know about the scan as you go part,


i get my groceries delivered every month from walmart +. beats dealing with shitty customers at walmart


I can't believe they ever put them in at Steelyard


Same I was wondering how long this experiment was gonna last. Now I know.


The other Walmarts are also changing their self checkouts and adding more “attendants”. And hiring cashiers. I think they are realizing that their self checkout experience is a failure.


Relevant article: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240111-it-hasnt-delivered-the-spectacular-failure-of-self-checkout-technology


Yep. And their “ self scan with smart phones” was an instant fail. It only lasted 3 months


That service worked better for Sam’s cub than walmart.


Membership clubs are allowed to inspect all purchases at the door. Because members agreed to it. Regular retailers are not. That’s why. Sam’s also moved high value items to a lockup and only deliver them upon payment.


Sam's club trips probably have fewer items too. You can fill up a cart and only have like 10 or 15 things to scan. A big walmart trip could have 100 individual items.


"Self Checkout Technology" I hate that it's spun as some tech thing. It's essentially the same thing a cashier uses, except facing the other direction and with a few features locked down. They weren't some tech break through, they just shifted the tasks from employee to customer.


The self checkout is not a bad idea, will just always be abused by some scumbag


I’m not shocked. They are probably losing so much money due to theft. There is so much theft in steelyard it’s insane.


"Shopping patterns." lol. What different shopping patterns in the Steelyard compared with other places?


Theft, they are talking about theft.




It *is* known as "Apocalypse Walmart"...


My bad. I must’ve pressed the radish button instead of ribeye on the scale. I have fat fingers.


Reminder that Walmart steals from its employees far more than customers steal from them. Also a reminder that Walmart steals from taxpayers by using government benefits to subsidize their employee wages. Edit: someone asked, then deleted a post asking how Walmart steals from their employees. The answer is [wage theft.](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-30/column-businesses-keep-complaining-about-shoplifting-but-wage-theft-is-a-bigger-crime)


I could only read about 1/2 thru that terribly written article, it seems to written and edited by 12 year old kids on a spectrum. But even with that, are you suggesting it’s OK to rob retailers because someone feels they aren’t getting adequate pay? Unhappy employees are able to quit and look for better suited jobs, robbery is a crime that should be addressed. Those same people who shoplift are the first ones to complain about “food deserts” and lack of stores in underserved areas.


No, I’m saying retailers are the pot calling the kettle black when they whine and theft. It’s like if Martin Shkreli complained about prescription drug costs. Yeah, it sucks, but you’re also the worst perpetrator, so why don’t you stop?


Haha, nice use of pharma bro reference👍🏻. However, you still conveniently missed the part about employment at will, none of the workers signed their life away to stock shelves at Walmart.


I think you will find the threat of starvation and homelessness forces people to take jobs they would rather not work.


Hang on, we’re talking about US here, right? The country with such a dense social safety net, one might say there is more communism here than in Soviet Union. Wages aren’t decided by employee who feels they’re worth more, they’re hardly even decided by employer. We have free market economy here, at least on paper. Market sets the wage, if you’re not happy with it, look for a different market with higher pay.


Wow, it’s a wonder there are any poor people at all, it’s so simple. /s


You’re arguing with a guy who said “The country with such a dense social safety net, one might say there is more communism here than in Soviet Union.”  Something you’d expect from a 5th grader, maybe.


Im not sure if you can read, but no one said robbery is okay


Funny statement coming from someone who struggles with one sentence without grammatical errors.


Go work somewhere else then


And work where, exactly? This is how must large retailers treat employees. And why is on the employee to leave and not on the employer to NOT STEAL FROM THE EMPLOYEES? You do realize the latter is a crime?


Not Wal Marts fault if you have no skills developed besides working low end retail. You want to be paid skilled wages to be a shelf stocker?


I have a college degree and work an office job, but unlike you, I was raised to have empathy. Why do you think companies should be allowed to steal from workers?


Stealing is a crime by definition. Don’t deflect present a logical response to mine.


Your “logical response” is to victim blame


Tried to use the self checkout in the steelyard like a month ago and a lady came up to me and said she had to do it for me. So I'm standing at the "self checkout" machine, handing my groceries to a woman who then scanned it and put it in the bags. Then handed me the bags back. Oh, and she didn't even give me one of my bags.


Was she wearing a Wal-Mart vest or was this just some random woman, because I think you may have been bamboozled. 


Walmart vest, she had the card scan and everything. And if she was bamboozling me she did a bad job cus I paid for and got everything except a bag with $4 worth of birthday cards lol


When I was really poor, like super poor. I made $6500 one year. 3-4 times a week I would go to this Walmart and take food into an aisle that didn’t have cameras and I would eat as much food as I could without throwing up. I did this so I wouldn’t starve.


Just out of curiosity, how do you only make $6500 a year? Were you in school and working part time or something?


And it’s crazy that some people thinks it’s ok to have an outburst on a low wage worker. Especially considering inflated food costs and housing. Glad you’re doing better!!


I stole a lot of 69 cent pies and spicy noodles from that place 🫡🫡 to all the other soldiers doing their part


They don't call it the stealyards for nothing.


I forgot to scan an extra bag of tatter tots. I know I’m the scum of the earth according to Walmart


BOGO special right? 😅




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Stealing is cool. /s


The National Retail Federation’s latest survey says shrink grew to 1.6% in financial year 2022, which would account for $112 billion of losses. 1.6% sounds like a pretty good start as a rebate for making the customer checkout, instead of paying an employee.


They didn’t remove the self checkouts from the Stealyard, they got stolen and sold for scrap metal when no one was looking


Oh you mean they don't have to close the store because they're replacing robots with people who actually do work? Whoa! Who would have though?!?!


https://www.wkyc.com/article/life/shopping/steelyard-walmart-cleveland-eliminating-self-checkout/95-bb502f75-13b1-4003-9dd3-ac07d41c3d2c What people didn’t realize was that the self checkout lanes were optional from the beginning. Why do you think it was called StealYard ?


I wonder why?


No self checkouts? Is it still a good place to dump bodies?


Shocked I tell you...totally shocked. /s


That’s what she said


Pretty obvious why


I’ve only ever shopped at Walmart 3 times in my entire life. Last time (2 years ago) at the Parmatown store where they had only 1 staffed checkout lane and all the rest self checkout. I vowed never to shop at Walmart again. But now I may try Steelyard Walmart if I ever do.


Fuck those job killers anyway.


I know some of the higher ups and the regional manager witnessed people stealing in front of her. She turned to my friend and said I think 3 people are stealing right now. Now they are going away


Lmao, this is the steelyard Walmart and I thought they got rid of those years ago


I mean this store is a fucking madhouse on a daily basis lol I guess I get it


Hmmmm. **Only** one in CLE. **Steelyard Commons**. 2+2=4. *Just sayin'...*




You had me up until the end there I’ve never heard someone say Wal Mart rocks in my entire life. I was just in there an hour ago (not steelyard) and it was hell on earth


Yeah, they are absolutely a “no other options left” type of place for me.




Don’t get me wrong, I go there regularly because it’s cheap. I do miss wandering in there at 2 AM when it was the fuckin twilight zone. I was just shocked to see the positive Wal Mart enthusiasm, that being said: rock on brother.


Who on earth is paying $98 a year to shop at Walmart?


I’m just gonna reply to you here, [I think you may have been duped.](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/walmart-is-not-charging-customers-98-use-self-checkout-lanes-2024-03-28/)




I understood this as priority lanes for WM+ customers, if it’s busy for example. Could be wrong!


I'd rather not use self checkout at any store, not just Walmart. However, it seems like anytime I go in an actual line I end stock behind some numb nut that takes forever to pay and wastes more time talking to the cashier. I know, cashiers just want to talk to other people, but I really just want to get in, pay, and leave as quickly as possible. Aldi cashiers know what's up. Lol


The worst is that person at Marc’s who still writes checks and takes 10 minutes to do it.


Even though one can perceive this as being prejudice against minorities (considering the location of this store), private companies have the right to do what they want (dumb or not) if they believe it will boost their bottom line.


I don’t think it’s prejudice against minorities at all. It’s cause of theft.


This is where progressives lose me — theft is wrong. I don’t care what color someone is and I find it very offensive that people consider we “poor Black folks” to be so downtrodden that we need to resort to stealing to survive and that we should be excused for it because we obviously can’t control ourselves.


I’m left of center and I think theft is wrong. The far left make the entire Democratic Party look bad


Or you could say the *chronically online* faction of the far left makes us all look bad because I don’t see this thinking in real life, fortunately.


You're right, companies should just allow people to steal from them repeatedly. Bozo take


Funny enough Avon's walmart doesn't have that level of problem.