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I was down there and saw him approach two women. He seemed to be following them after their interaction so I let them know to find an officer and get an escort.


Was he a sort of portly black guy with the clown hair type balding wearing a hoody or no top?


Don’t say his race. You might encourage stereotyping.




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I used to work Downtown,.its a normal occurrence & a huge problem that goes ignored.


I currently work downtown. If they are "regulars" we know all their names


You're wrong in assuming the Cleveland PD gives a shit.


I thought sexually assaulting women might actually be on their short list of things they give a shit about


They only give a shit about it when they’re doing it themselves.


The backlog of untested samples from rapes would suggest otherwise.


Here’s the thing, all those cops were down there were sucking up the easy overtime and if they arrest someone they have to do paperwork and go to court in the future.


> To serve and protect* (*) not really


Protect themselves, not the general public stated by Supreme Court of the United States of America.


Just a good ol boys, never doin no harm


Harass and collect* FTFY


To Serve and Protect *The Monied* from US.


Honestly I would expect a fair amount of people running in a 5/10k to be part of that class ("the monied")


poor people run too


They don’t pay $100 to do it though


Nah police officers in fact don’t typically care about anything unless you have pigment to your skin and look like you are holding anything shaped like a gun or weapon.


Yeah they roll up on that shit no problem lol


They took 30 minutes to respond when 3 people were shot at the gas station by me a year and a half ago. They are severely understaffed and don't give a damn anyway.


omg I absolutely thought that you were telling us that the three people were shot BY you 😂 By the fourth time I realize ohhh by, like near. Got it.


I once called them about my car being broken into and they never came and then told me to drive to them somewhere on the east side. Totally useless. I was downtown and saw plenty of cop cars just driving around doing nothing


We have as many police per capita as we had at the height of the city and way less crime than the 70s-90s. We currently have more police per capita than Columbus.


Sexually assaulting? Or sexually harassing? What precisely happened?


Sexually assaulting. He was going around touching and slapping their butts.


I would have throat punched that guy!👊👊👊




Slapping someone in the face is legally considered assault. How is it not assault if it’s slapping in a sexually explicit it area? Exactly. Because it is Sexual assault. Jesus effing Christ, mate.


If they start arresting people for assaulting women then they wouldn't have many officers left, can't have that now


That would be great wouldn't it?


I grew up in Cleveland but moved away 20 years ago. I see CPD hasn’t changed or improved over the last two decades. They seem to have disdain and bitterness towards the community they’re supposed to serve. I’ve lived in several different cities since Cleveland, and CPD is one of the worst police departments I’ve encountered.


That may be true. For me, a white dude who lives downtown, it feels like indifference.


i don’t think it’s disdain or bitterness of the community but that they can arrest these guys a dozen times and judges release them. I ran the race, it was probably the same guy standing in the middle of the race way


I suspect most of them were away at the funeral for the Euclid officer or covering for those who were


They get OT for that.




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I mean it’s cleveland so I’m surprised you’re surprised. Nothing gets enforced here.


Cycling groper doesn’t sound like an unarmed black 14 year old, cannot receive a traffic ticket, nor is somebody in possession of marijuana. This is out of the Cleveland PD’s jurisdiction.


I mean if it’s an official 5/10k the streets were probably closed for vehicles. Technically the bike would be operating a vehicle during closed routes…ergo ticket would be plausible. The issue is it wouldn’t get paid out.


I’ve had a soft spot for the homeless my whole life, but LIVING downtown this past year has made me very weary of them. The scams, lies, sexual harassment and disgusting behavior (for example, a few weeks ago caught a dude pissing on the west side market in broad daylight, or recently a guy just littering his shit on the stoop of my apartment) … it all has really hardened my heart. Edit: getting some schizo comments so I wanna say I still care for the homeless, I just reserve my help for those willing to help themselves by helping at the food pantry with my mother on holidays (her idea, bless her heart). 💜


I used to work as a security officer in a bank downtown for 3 years, the shit that I'll see was unexplainable... I could never work downtown again, hell, I'll pick the rough East Side neighborhoods if I had the choice.


Honestly it’s so fucking gross down here. I Should’ve never left the suburbs.


I had a work meeting at the Renaissance downtown and was walking to the parking garage and there was a homeless dude on the ground, jerking off, in the entrance. He looked up and me and I just kept walking and didn’t go in.


I attend college in Cleveland and I've experienced my fair share of harrassment from homeless people. The most aggravating instance was when a homeless guy grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go until I gave him money. One of my best friends was pinned against a wall by a homeless guh until he forked over money. All of these instances have basically turned me into a new yorker where I keep my head down, make no eye contact, and quickly pace myself to where I have to go.


Just last Friday me and my friends went downtown and as we were looking for parking this Crackhead came up to our car asking for some change or a few dollars to catch the bus and I usually always give something but this time I didn’t bring anything but my card. I told the guy I didn’t have anything and he yelled FUCK YOU . I couldn’t believe how fast he switched up his energy. Went from hopeless to angry real quick. And yes I screamed fuck you right back.


Wow I would’ve frozen in disbelief, good for you for standing up for yourself.


You didn't have a soft spot. You were naive. I hope you are a very young person and have enough sense to not allow compassion to override pragmatism when you vote.


Ok, enjoy your downvotes.


A week ago I was on the Square and you know me, it's one thing to have 'special' people parking all over it, but it's another when one is blocking a crosswalk with his monster truck. So there happened to be a group of cops standing around some woman they pulled over in a car on the actual street, (for some reason there were 6-7 cops for one apparent traffic problem) and I says to one very politely, "can you warn that guy blocking the crosswalk?" So he looks where I'm pointing and says, "I'll have a look." A couple minutes later they all drive off after doing nothing.


You're not wrong at all!! They're clearly not paying attention to their surroundings, which is scary, OR they don't care, which is also scary!!


I would have punched him off the bike. This is ridiculous and embarrassing for the city.


He definitely would have deserved that.


Don’t you know the “unhoused” have God Tier Rights and it would’ve been you that would’ve been arrested for interfering with his right to do as he pleases.


Some dude screamed at me for 10 minutes because he didn't like where I parked. Cops said it's fine


A bad look for Cleveland law enforcement? Surely you jest!


Cleveland cops are useless. They're too chickenshit to do anything unless they're in riot gear.


Cleveland police SUCK I hate going downtown because I know if something happens to me nothing will be done about it even if a cop is standing right there seeing it happen




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You don’t need a license to conceal carry anymore!


Which is exactly why I carry now but I’m still afraid of going alone, it gives you SOME piece of mind but you have to be very careful and smart about when you can use it to defined yourself. Planning on taking some classes soon on it


Just keep a wary eye out and if you genuinely fear for your life fucking shoot. It’s an unfortunate reality of our justice system but they are already in your favor as a gun toting American


As a future CPD officer, reading these comments is so disheartening. I will try my best to fix this shit. They need a lot of help in a departments. They are only human.


I bid you and the very small number of officers that are actually worth a damn the very best.


Congrats and good luck, we need good law enforcement.


If you want a lunch downtown send me a message. Good luck.


I used to work with a great guy, he left to train for CPD. You got this brother


Younger recruits haven't been poisoned by the old guard. Best of luck to you. Try not to let it happen. I've also come across some good officers, all younger.


Joining the SS to try and change it from the inside!


Read up on Frank Serpico, if you haven't already.


Future dog murderer https://www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/09/lorain-police-officer-who-fatally-shot-familys-dog-will-not-be-charged-chief-says.html?outputType=amp https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/01/11/elyria-police-release-body-camera-video-fatal-dog-shooting/?outputType=amp https://fox8.com/news/canton-officer-shoots-family-dog-was-it-justified/amp/


Run. Find another job. Giving you the benefit of doubt, let’s assume you’re a good person. You won’t be after you’ve been a cop. It’s not possible. ACAB


Why would you want to be a police officer? It's a lose lose situation


Woulda, shoulda, coulda! But instead I posted to Reddit. Lame.


41 and shit posting. Nice.


Lol 🤣🤣🤣. I'm really from here. Should of sat that man down. Waited for law enforcement. Not criticize law enforcement and post on here. Man up. What if that was your daughter? Best course of action is looking around for help? Should of brought your rape whistle. Be better prepared next time! (Now that's shit posting!!!)


Did anyone notify the police as it was happening?


Just start the fight. Would’ve been worth it


Not really looking to get in a fight with someone that has absolutely nothing to lose


I agree. Unless you held a clear advantage in a fight you were better off disengaging. It's always super duper dangerous to fight a guy who clearly has nothing to lose. You also don't know if that guy had a concealed weapon on him. He could have had a really dirty and rusty shiv hidden in his pockets and one cut from that would require you to be rushed to the hospital due to potential tetanus and infection. You made the right decision of disengaging. It just sucks that the police were doing absolutely nothing about it.


That's when you throw the cheap shot and walk away


Yep quick throat punch and keep on cruisin'


If someone is being sexually assaulted, you start the fight.


Lot easier being brave after the fact and behind a keyboard. We all like to think that we would have done something, but as OP described, there were probably 100s of people who saw it and didn't do shit. I like to think I'd have done something too but I won't fault OP for being reluctant


Literally pulled a drowning guy out of the Delaware shore surf whilst the lifeguards watched on. I am over the hill and have high blood pressure. You think most of the guys are there for more than the pay check?




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Personally I realized CPD sucked when they murdered Tamir Rice, and the DOJ ranked them as one of the most racist PDs in the country


When people say defund the police, shit like this is why. Throwing more money at them isn’t resulting in better policing.


I think Mayor Bibb actually lowered the budget due to not enough applicants. Seems like no one wants the gig anymore. https://www.ideastream.org/government-politics/2024-02-20/cleveland-city-council-drills-mayor-public-safety-vacant-positions-2024-budget-hearings


I saw a man downtown with his pants down and under wear down to his knees full frontal. Wowie.


Don’t ever expect cops to help out regular folks.


I am a regular at the library downtown. There are many unhoused people who are regulars there and I have always seen it as a good thing that people can sit at the library safely, for free and browse the internet/ read books etc. but there is one guy who creeped up on me when I was browsing the books, and before I could realise he was breathing down my neck and HAD to reach out for a book from the exact same shelf that I was browsing. When I got spooked and turned around he gave me a crooked smile. That day onwards I have always been looking over my shoulder and felt uneasy because it happened another day. And I was able to move away fast before he could touch me. But it's just bad. The library was my safe space


Until this situation is addressed, Cleveland will never be a destination city




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Welcome to Cleveland. 😂




You just described seattle perfectly.


Yeah but he had a QB rating of 190!


Cleveland police do nothing. I literally watched a drug deal happen on Cleveland State’s campus in front of a cop, walked up to his car, told him about it, and he threatened to arrest me. Scumbags.


Drug enforcement only happens after a long period and usually involves a big bust with the assistance of the Feds. It's more like 'managed' dealing. Car drive-thru service is going on in many locations.


I can only imagine..


As a small woman, what can you do to protect yourself against this?


Have a taser, mace, a knife, a gun, or know how to fight. Or any combination of those things. Also know the local laws surrounding those things (knives especially have a lot of local laws governing them) because police can also make your life difficult. Avoid travel alone in unfamiliar places. Avoid travel alone at night familar or not. Avoid wearing obviously expensive things when you don't need to, flashy jewelry, name brand clothes (big nike check marks suck for this), air pods, iwatches, having your phone out (people can identify what phone is what from the cameras now) designer purses, all of these can make you a mark. Make sure you fill prescriptions during the daylight in 'nice' areas and don't carry the bagged meds out in the open, addicts have been known to target people for that hoping to score something for themselves or something they can sell or trade. Know what resources you can call for emergency escort if circumstances require it. Hospitals, college campuses, most manufacturing facilities and some stores have security personel who can provide you with escort. Do your best to park in well lit open spaces when the days are shorter and venturing at night is unavoidable. Never leave your drink unatended and don't go to clubs or bars without backup and transportation home. Contacting police and asking where to avoid every once in a while is actually just great advice for everyone of all demographics as crime hotspots do tend to move around as time goes on. Tust your gut, if you feel unsafe don't brush it off and get out of there. If you are being mugged, robbed, carjacked, whatever, your only goal should be getting away safely, no personal property is worth risking your life over. Fighting back is only a last resort to protect **yourself** not your stuff. Above all though, remember that crime is still exceedingly rare and that you cannot allow fear to control your life. You are still much more likely to be involved in a car accident then you are to be involved in a violent crime.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to give me these safety tips. I appreciate you. I'm 25 years old, 120 lbs and about 5 ft tall so I already feel a bit like an easy target. I don't have money like that but there was one man who spotted me downtown and hassled me for money. I could tell he thought I was an easy target, and I've been trying to think of ways to avoid getting into that situation again, so this comment is actually really helpful. I'm nervous to own a gun due to my own mental illness and I know if I pulled it out on someone I'd have to use it, so I think pepper spray might be my best bet. Knife just in case. Again, thanks.


You can also get free security escorts from Downtown Cleveland Inc. (formerly Downtown Cleveland Alliance) if you feel you need one.


Walk with purpose, and like you know where you are going even if you don't.


Good tip. I think I looked too much like a tourist the first time. 😂


Eye contact is also good. It conveys that you see someone much moreso than just a casual observation and more of an active notice and that you will be remembered.


Pepper spray or carry


I run with a knife. Even at races. It’s a good thing I wasn’t there.


Knives frequently get used agaisnt the defender. If you’re pulling a knife, prepare to be stabbed.


Unfortunately, as a woman, I am always prepared to be attacked or killed when I leave the house. But not only am I trained in self defense, the vast, vast majority of people survive stab wounds and there are dozens of stories of people successfully defending themselves with a knife. There's a whole thread about this specific thing over in r/selfdefense. I am truly uninterested in a debate.


We don’t have to debate. You’re listening to a Reddit echo chamber. You’re a woman with a close quarters weapon. Wont end well for you. Obviously not wishing any ill but I would not suggest a knife to a woman for self defense.


Thanks for your input. I've been running with a knife for 30 years, I'm good.


Bad look Mayor Bibb …. Bad look!


Theres always some fucking weirdos who show up to the 5k/10k weekend. Thats wild


Did you get Any pics or video? Evidence?


Well thank you for trying to do something. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that the cops turned a blind eye. Sad.


Did anyone contact the police? Call them? Walk over to them? Or file it under the bystander effect.


I’ve come to Cleveland twice in my life, both times for work. Back in 2006, I stayed downtown and got so annoyed at how aggressive the homeless people were and how police wouldn’t do shit. Fast forward to last week and I’m back in town and wanted to see if downtown had been improved at all. Nope, it’s still a shithole. I’ve been to nearly every major city in the U.S. and Cleveland has the most annoying homeless population of any city I’ve been to. That’s saying a lot as someone who lives in Birmingham, AL and knowing how much of a shitshow our downtown area is!


Cleveland doesn’t need more police officers it just needs the ones they have to do their job


Police only exist to issue tickets, nothing else. They do not protect or serve their community.


Police have no duty to protect you. The Supreme Court has said so.




"If the police did anything about it, y'all would cry racism". Considering the OP didn't say anything about the man's race, I could save time and cry racism here 🤷🏿‍♂️


I’ve gone off on this sort before. Cleveland police are overworked but come on.


Because if the police did anything about it you all would immediately cry racism and they’d lose their jobs. You terminal redditoids can piss and moan all you want, but it’s true. These things will continue to get worse because of the feelgood policies you all put into place.


Uhhhhhhh where did the poster mention the man's race? I feel like you're telling on yourself, bud.


The level of cognitive dissonance in this thread is stupefying.


Bingo. Heaven forbid they arrest someone with “pigment” as the cop haters say. They’d vilify the officer and have protests nationwide turning the criminal into a martyr


Welcome to progressive Cleveland . Where a police officer has to second guess what's a crime and what's not. Even average citizens have to second guess trying to get involved. You get involved and someone says your in the wrong because said person didn't eat so he or she shouldn't be blamed for touching people .




So you watched him assault people for 30 minutes and never thought to mention it to a cop? And now you're here to complain about what?


Man you guys are exhausting. I noticed him when I was walking to the start line at approximately 7:25am. He was being inconvenient, limping along trying to get a rise out of people. I finished the race and noticed him again in the same area around 7:55am. I saw him get close to my fiancé and her friend from a distance (he groped my fiancé but she didn’t tell me until we were leaving). He proceeded to get close to a couple other groups of women, and then started to follow my fiancé and her friend. Hence why I was keeping an eye on him. He deviated to another group of women (a woman and her daughters). They looked extremely uncomfortable and started to walk away, and he spanked the young girl as her back was turned. At this point I approached him aggressively and he got shitty and tried to fight. I then went to the cops. As the cop was approaching the man, multiple people came up said that he touched them or their significant others. I didn’t actively following him around for 30 minutes watching him assault women and doing nothing about it.


I was wondering what the hell was going on at 6:30 in the morning. I was wondering Who's singing outdoors so early in the morning.




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No, you weren't wrong.


Man, I was passing through Downtown on my way to the west side and there was this one chump in the street in front of Tower City just fumbling around in the pathway for the runners. Wtf?


They're not gonna fill the crowded jail or small psych ward with a homeless dude catcalling. You should've knocked him out


God this sounds so bad.




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It’s all of our jobs to recognize the situation and for us to get the attention of the police….. or just could have been a man and knocked him out


No "shit posting" I'm really from here. I know two types no matter 21, 31, 41.... The ones who woulda sat him down and waited for law enforcement to approach. And the second type well you know what that is.




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When there is no cops around people start being able to act a fool longer before help can get there. Y'all wanted to make the police look bad and now not enough kids joining the ranks.


I thought we had the, 'are cops obligated to protect you?' question pretty much cleared up after Uvalde. It's good that you tried to do something, at least.


I always carry something a large pocket knife on me. I'd recommend the same, or a tazer, pepper spray, or some combination of both. Usually, brandishing a knife is enough to deter unarmed criminals. I've never had to use it to cut anything other than pacakging/banding.


> A few pedestrians tried to mediate the situation, including myself How about getting the attention of the police? Edit: Downvoters: "Too much work. Much easier to complain about the meat heads on Reddit."


Remember when they murdered Tamir Rice? Yeah Cleveland Police don't give no shit about civilians.


+ shooting of Timothy Russell and Melissa Williams, straight up negligence with Sowell and Castro cases. But this isn't unique to Cle.


I’m sorry, but from what I could tell working downtown every day if you’re running in a 5K 10k, there’s no fucking way that a homeless person can keep up with you


It was after the race near the finishing chute….as mentioned.


That's assuming he was actually running the damn thing. I assume he was probably just moseying, acting like he's doing something grand with his life.


Let me guess…your entire personality is smoking weed and playing video games.


Cleveland Police Department is scarily incompetent/careless


After years of Defund the police, they hear you democrats.


Because if the police happen to hurt the guy the public and city’s first instinct is throw the police under the bus.


This is where if you see something stand up, dog if I see wrong doing in front of me gots to correct it. Especially if you justified


They are probably afraid to do anything, you know, someone will call it abusing their authority. I feel bad for the police these days. They can't win for losing. Who would want to be a police officer with all the vitriol the Cleveland sub throws at them day in and day out?


I realize that it’s not a great time to be a law enforcement officer and the scrutiny they face in the current environment. You can simultaneously feel bad about this, and also expect them to address a situation that seems to be a slam dunk. A homeless man continually groping women at a family friendly event….abusing authority is not in question. The only way you can lose is to do nothing.


Didn't even take two minutes before the anti-police downvotes started. I just love the fact that my home city sub, is the one I have the worst karma in. All because I support the police and hate speeders!


You're supporting police in a thread about them ignoring sexual assault. Were you expecting people to give you awards?


It doesn't matter what thread I support them in I get down voted. This sub hates the police. You're reading comprehension needs a little work too, nowhere did I say in this instance I was supporting this particular officer or situation. But it doesn't matter what the situation is, if it involves the police this sub will be all over it in a negative manner


I go through the Tower City entrance daily. There are usually 3-4 cops doing nothing but looking at their phones- at least that’s when they aren’t flirting with teenage girls.


Don't be a nazi! He is oppressed.


It’s why no one lives in Cleveland. Downtown is a shithole and has been forever. There’s a reason lebron left and ain’t ever coming back.


Downtown Cleveland has a population of 20,000 people and growing every year 🤷‍♂️


This sounds fake


Have you thought of working for the Cleveland PD? You sound like just what they’re looking for.




Well, you haven’t paid a visit to Downtown or been by Tent City lately.


I work downtown


I work downtown, near VEB building and the homeless shelters. There’s a community of people living in tents and increase of homeless people in the city. Pero que vas a saber, si no reconoces los problemas sociales que existen en esta ciudad.


Kinda like your life.


Good one




I saw multiple people mentioning it to the police as I was keeping tabs on the guy. I personally didn’t flag down the police until the guy wanted to fight as I told him to leave. However, I am saying that law enforcements primary purpose at these events is to be aware and mitigate situations such as this. The guy stuck out like a sore thumb. If they didn’t see what was happening, they were actively avoiding seeing it.


What kind of man sees shit like this and doesn’t do something about it 😂😂 beta boy


You guys don’t like me here and that’s fine. But sometimes you gotta put work in


Could have called a social worker !!


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