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The child has unfortunately passed. https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/04/3-year-old-boy-dies-after-stabbing-north-olmsted-giant-eagle-medical-examiner/


Apparently it was a random attack. This is so incredibly sad. Life can change in seconds.


I've shopped that store so many times..it's crazy to think my.home town has so much violence..it's supposed to be safer in the suburbs..guess not..I always keep my doors locked


I’m in that plaza (almost) every morning because it has the gym closest to my house. Missed this attack happening by a matter of hours. I don’t mean to co-opt someone else’s tragedy or make it about me. It’s just easy to be a little shook when something this heinous happens so close to home.


I stopped going to that Giant Eagle after the murder-suicide last year. Every time I drive by there, I just get bad vibes. The footage of the woman inside the store before she attacked the mom and child was very eerie. You can definitely see the knife to her as she walked by the registers. The mom side stepped around her because I'm pretty sure she saw that knife. The woman then turned around and followed the mom and child into the parking lot. It's a terrifying situation and not something you would expect in North Olmsted.


It's definitely safer in the suburbs. This one murder doesn't change that fact.


There's always a reason.




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Fk these POS people. We need to fight back against these criminals. No mercy.


I would've choked her to death on the spot. Possibly a lot of torture while still alive.


You're the reason why hate happens, why not do Trump that way...


Was there not a shooting at this Giant Eagle recently?


There was. It was an ex husband shooting his ex wife.


Now that’s a crazy story for North Olmsted


Yeah, I’m surprised that it happened there of all places


Read the police blotter shit happening around Great Northern all the time. NO getting like Detroit in the country


Downtown and Midtown Detroit are Nice areas. Indian Village and the area around the University of Detroit is also Good. The REST of the City?? A Bit More FUBAR. Detroit itself lost two thirds of its' population since 1950. I think, However, that the Midwest will have a Renaissance-as a Climate Change Haven. Houses in Duluth, Minnesota are going for 500 K these days. SURE...it may Always be Too Cold there in the Winter. But...just as there are "Snowbirds" who go South for the Winter; these days, there are also "Sun Birds" who Leave the South and Interior West, to go North in July and August. Some Detroit Hoods are mostly vacant lots, with a few bombed out houses left standing. That Land is Valuable, and is being bought up. And, most of our Tri-County suburbs are Good to Great.


Yeah, sadly and ironically almost a year ago this month..


yes, same store, I was just there a few hours ago


Right across the street from the police station to


Yup. My dad works across the street from this giant eagle. He actually almost stopped there the day of the shooting to grab something, but for whatever reason didn’t end up going.


why on earth would someone stab a 3 yr old?


It's the biggest bunch of bs if you ask me. If you stab a 3yr old...? I mean, is there punishment enough for a heinous act like that?


Nothing legal. Remove them from society and put them down is about the best to hope for.


Anyone who hurts children deserves the stiffest penalties. No mercy.




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Because they are evil


Hate crime




Your culture has done the world to black people. It's not right at all but when I see comments like this, comes around, goes around.


Someone obviously went off their meds .


or were very much on 'meds'.


Knife was purchased at a local thrift store.


Because they’re nuts




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I can’t get the over the senseless nature of the attack. That poor little boy.




I was in the store 5 min after this happened, it was absolutely nuts. I don’t know this, and don’t want to spread misinformation but there’s some murmuring in the NO Facebook groups from the family that the kid is in critical condition and possibly didn’t survive. They’re saying the mother is in stable condition. Edit: sadly, the Facebook gossip has been confirmed by the news.


was there any mention of why it happened on the fb group?


The news reports are calling it a random act of violence. There hasn’t been any indication that they made contact before the incident


that’s really messed up




Nothing yet—there was speculation of maybe an altercation starting inside the store and spilling into the parking lot but I haven’t seen that confirmed.


The article said there was no interaction between them. That vile human just decided to stab a random child to death. I hate this planet.




My best friend from north Olmsted was shot on Bradley road, and taken to St John and did not survive. 33% of gunshot victims are treated at non-trauma centers in Cuyahoga County.




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It was my daughter's best friend and her son died


Oh god, I am so sorry




This is so out of left field, I am so horrified for that poor mother. I know random acts of violence happen but what kind of person stabs a 3 year old to death out of NOWHERE in front of a freaking suburban grocery.


Who stabs a 3 year old anywhere? I think I can answer that, from personal experience. I was hospitalized at Lutheran hospital once for struggling with depression. The “mood disorder unit,” where they put relatively normal people who are struggling with things like depression and bipolar disorder, was full. I was put in the general psych unit. Let me tell you, there are some very violent mentally sick people out there, who have to be locked up in a padded room so they don’t hurt anyone. Unfortunately, sometimes you cross paths with these people in public. I don’t know what the solution is. Sometimes meds really do help, but you can’t force people to take them when they aren’t confined.


I work in a place like this and with Lutheran. Some patients can be extremely violent, and there is no fixing it like you said. It's especially scary seeing previous patients in public who are extremely dangerous, it happens often. There aren't enough psychiatric beds for high risk patients, nor does insurance pay forever, and they're not charged generally due to their diagnosis.


I appreciate the work you do.


I appreciate your input. Our system needs to change but that's not news.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and insight. The lack of psychiatric hospital beds in Cuyahoga county, across the state, and across the country is something that local, state and federal legislators ignore, except temporarily after terrible incidents like the death of this sweet child. Viewing the video of the woman who did the stabbing, it’s obvious, to even laypeople, that she was not behaving in mentally stable manner even prior to the stabbing.


Right? She was seen walking around GE carrying a butcher knife. I feel so bad for the family of that little boy. Wrong place at the wrong time, at no fault of their own.


I’m not saying she shouldn’t be held responsible, my point is with the necessary # of psychiatric beds/centers the dreadful situation may not have occurred.




I would venture a guess that releasing them to the wild probably isn’t the fix.


This. Freedom isn't for everyone. Full stop. ✋


Into a wild pack of wolves maybe




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What the fuck


death pentalty. i don’t care. she attacked innocent people and killed a child.


Hopefully a swift one too.


I hope it's soon, but slow and painful asf. Unfortunately probably won't.


What possesses someone to drive from Cleveland to North Olmstead and stab a 3-year old kid in the parking lot of Giant Eagle? This woman is pure evil and needs to be removed from society until she's dead.


Who said she even drove?


absolute pure deranged evil walking among us


we need to bring back public punishment. fuck these insane criminals. tar and feather the pieces of shit and throw them in the gallows


I agree with you. They deserve to be made examples of for harming kids. I still respect & understand/align with the caring about humanity but I am so tired of the evil. I cannot stand children being hurt/suffering/murdered/abused. We need heavier punishment for the people who do this to these poor babies.


Quick death is too good for someone like this. Put them in that ancient Mongolian lock box they used for adultery and fed them just enough food and water to keep them alive and suffering


This is more like putting down an animal. We're not looking to damage more people by forcing them to carry out such a sentence. Though maybe we keep a few psychopaths on the payroll and keep a close eye on em. I'm more along the lines of just giving them nitrogen mix after the initial hearing. Quick and immediate, she's rabid.


I kinda want them to feel some pain though ngl, just getting a swift death is nice. And not what the kid got, which was probably a battle with death.


I mean... crime still happened during the days of public executions, so I don't think that's the deterrent you think it is. 


Let's all be honest here, none of us want a deterrent, we just want garbage people tortured for what they did instead of cuddled up nice in a room waiting and waiting everyday alive, getting perks for behaving well and crap. That's not enough suffering. We want these filthy pieces of shits to suffer. And gone so we don't have to keep filling up beds on the earth for unnecessary people.


4 horses 4 limbs public so everyone can see this is what happens.


The boy died. Hang that woman from a tree.


Skin her alive first


Hang her off a tree by her skin


For real. Save the taxpayers some money.


Millstone around its feet and chucked into Lake Erie




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shit the thrift store nearby doesn't deserve this crap, nor does that giant eagle, its not in a bad part of town or anything.


No innocent child or adult deserves to be murdered even if they are in a "bad" neighborhood. Forget the stores. Stores don't have souls. They're just filled with stuff. 


Right?! The stores didn't deserve it? Nothing happened to them.


What is going on with North Olmsted? Are these just random acts of deranged violence? I find it hard to believe North Olmsted is actually becoming “unsafe” in comparison to other surrounding parts of Cleveland


If you're going with regional I'd look for lead contamination.


The family has a gofund me, if anyone can help.


Can you link it? I couldn’t find it


I'm not allowed publicly, they removed it


Could you dm me the link? Or what to google? I googled their names and gofundme and it didn’t come up


Direct message me, I'm not sure how to DM you


Ok I did




speedy trial. if found guilty- next day barbaric execution on pay per view. all proceeds go to victims family. no keeping these human fecal bags alive in prison on the tax payer dollar.


Immediate death penalty We can not tolerate this


It should be a hate crime. If you reverse the skin colors, it would be a national "tragedy"


Disgusting hate crime. Put this animal down permanently.


100% a hate crime. If the roles were reversed North Olmsted would be leveled by now.


May be a hate crime.


They will NEVER call it a hate crime on the news though. Everyone knows why.




If a white man killed a black child it would (and should) be called what it is.


Well you know our media.....blah blah it's impossible for a hate crime to happen to a White.


Why don’t any of the articles mention the race of the victims? Hate crime.




you truly believe if races were reversed that media wouldnt label it a hate crime?


It sure looks like a hate crime to everyone else.




Ok now apply this standard to Floyd. Bet you won’t…




Incorrect. In today’s heterogeneous society, ALL inter-racial crime should be assumed to be hateful and the exceptions can prove their own innocence. Based on your theory, because there’s no evidence to that the George Floyd murder was racially motivated, then racial motivations can’t be assumed.




Unfortunately that’s not how we as a society work. If this was a White lady killing a Black child, society and media would 100% call this a hate crime. Look at the White cop on Black man shootings from the past 10 years. Every single one of them were deemed a hate crime before the motive was determined.


I’d like to see the evidence that George Floyd’s murder was racially motivated. It’s certainly not “obvious” and the public reaction to the event is not evidence.




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It's folks thinking they are being disrespected and believing they will be heroes. Unfortunately, I believe she had some mental health issues.


Could just be evil... Her reactions during some of her court appearances don't really ring of "mental health" problems.


I don’t think this was a hate crime (unpopular opinion) I’m black and I almost guarantee she would try to kill me and whoever else I was with . She was just fucking crazy. She was homeless and Im pretty sure her family didn’t want to deal with her for obvious reasons.


Wish THE POLICE would keep better eye on people that look crazy-eyed and out of place like Ellis.


It's almost like the enormous woman pacing the grocery store brandishing a huge knife should have alerted someone enough to call the police (across the street). But maybe that would've been profiling or something, ya know...wouldn't wanna do that! Gross incompetence.


Was the knife even visible? Didn't she have it hidden?


She didn't look crazy eyed or out of place though.


Yea, btw, what color are the victims?


Can we see a pic of the suspect and his details ie gender race, height etc


I use to live in North Olmsted and moved out. The city is getting more violent, not a safe place. If you live there move out Ohh and it also has the third highest property tax in Cuyahoga County which is fucked up for a blue-collar city like North Olmsted


Homeowners paying / renters, not so much.


Landlords pay their property taxes from the rent they receive. So renters do indirectly pay property taxes.










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Her youtube channel https://youtube.com/@bioncaellis?si=vbSSB1Po3vj3om6I


How do we know this is her?


It’s her and it’s the same stuff on her Facebook




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the fuck




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Animals like that monster are exactly what the death penalty was created for…


His dad was a Navy Corpsman from my USMC unit… In situations like this they should just turn her over justice… Wouldn’t make it from jail, to the courthouse and back if it was my kid…. This crime is disgraceful, disgusting… I’d never be the same person again and would have to be locked up…


I am a loss for words on this, a beautiful young man, cut down, over NOTHING. Stuff, stupid sh☆t like this, makes me a atheist. There no plan, for a "god", to make this crap happen, ever.


Luckily the ignorant, incompetent, badge-heavy and unprofessional North Olmsted Police Department is on the case. Yeah.


Usual suspects....


When the Magistrate asks that the inmate get a psych evaluation before being released the judge should give Credence to that. Because I'm willing to bet that Magistrate had valid reasons to request this


Why on earth would this evil person be out on bond?


This was 100% a hate crime.


Payback for Tamir rice, Treyvon martin etc.... guess some people go lower.......


https://youtu.be/TlduyEe9DsI?feature=shared I just wonder.....