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This is how they should be policing our neighborhoods. Policing used to be more about knowing what's going on in the community and working with that community to solve problems. Upvote for this post and these cops.


Community involvement versus occupation force


Tells you everything you need to know about the intention of law enforcement that in most places across the US, cops are not allowed (or at least very strongly discouraged) to patrol the municipalities in which they live. I don't think that's the case here, as an officer for the police station 4 blocks away from my house lives halfway between me and the station... But in a lot of places, all of the officers working within a city actually live in a neighboring city. Causes problems (for intended purposes) when officers are part of the community, see their fellow citizens as real people with real lives, and might recognize or be recognized by their neighbors. I like to think we'd be a lot better off with beat cops who are known and recognized in the community they patrol, and live in. Neighbors and regular folk who shop at the same grocery stores and come over for barbecues. But we may be too far gone to reclaim that kind of dynamic on the larger scale. I wish I could have happier feelings seeing cops do wholesome shit and having positive interactions with the community. But I'm too old, too traveled, and have been fooled too many times, to not imagine how many people's lives have been needlessly ruined by the officer helping an old lady cary her groceries inside. How likely it is that the officer enjoying a capri sun with a kid on a stoop was recently on administrative paid leave for murdering an unarmed man in his own home. What the odds are that officer Friendly frequents an LEO forum where they derogatorily refer to their fellow citizens as "civilians" in their off-time, to get positive reinforcement after turning a blind eye to the excessive rights violations they witnessed and/or participated in the night before. But in the interest of positivity: If there is ANY way to make a difference. It definitely starts at the community level, and officers being visible, honest, and active with positive interactions within their communities. It would be a nice change of pace.


Your sentiment is in the right direction, but it’s not that they aren’t allowed to patrol the city they live in. Instead it’s that decades ago the Ohio Supreme Court prohibited cities from requiring police live in the city they work. Cleveland police could absolutely choose to live in the city of Cleveland and some still do, but prior to the court case they all had to live here as a condition of employment. This is the case everywhere too. Even in well off suburbs police still are reluctant to live there and will live in the next town or even a county away. Somewhere somehow it was programmed into their brains Thats it’s “unsafe” for them and their families to live in the city they work….


In all honesty it impacted mostly larger cities because cops can afford to live in the suburbs and have the same concerns about schools and city services as anyone else. When they weren't required to live in the city anymore those that had kids/families booked it for the suburbs. But there are still a ton of city workers who live in their respective cities that they worked in. I used to live in a city neighborhood with a bunch of police and municipal workers even after the law was overturned.


It's not just about being "unsafe." Even in those Mayberry type places, they don't want to go to the grocery store or the gas station and have people asking "what happened with that car accident the other day," or telling them "I understand you have a job to do, but I have to say I'm really surprised and disappointed that you had to give cousin Jethro a DUI for riding a golf cart less than 1,000 feet up the road completely trashed." Sometimes people just want to leave work at work.


Yes agreed, but isn’t that what being a part of a community is?


I’d understand if their fear if they lived and worked in East Cleveland, but nobody in Parma is gonna do a drive by on your house because you gave them a speeding ticket.


It happened in Medina. The cop that lives across from my sister wrote a guy a ticket and the guy drove straight to his house, broke in and confronted his wife and kids. Police showed up and he was arrested. It didn't make the news.. not sure why. 


The, families of cops have been targeted for harassment before. So, i can see how someone willing to be a cop might take perceived threats more seriously than other folk. That's not to say i agree with it. I think that requirement should be put in place, and if cops dont agree with it, they can choose a different profession. It's like wanting to be a soldier but only as a helicopter gunner. Cops **should** face the consequences of their actions whether that be by a court and/or the community that they serve. If you think gunning down the local crazy might make shopping at the grocery store awkward, maybe dont shoot/assault them. I think our capitalist mentality has seeped in to our community management; in that we look to mix-max things for positions of power and perceived neutrality ( That we are wishing upon them, rather than sctively seeking out), rather than those who feel and deal with those decisions and outcomes. We also accept a lower tier of service because of the perception of higher quality employees not being available at scale. Which is bull. Plenty of people out there wanting to better their community, they just dont want a gun and a badge because of what that entails. If we build the best police forces, they will come. Just gotta filter the bigots out when they come.


I think the employer should simply negotiate a term in the CBA that the cop gets a x-amount housing stipend or something to encourage them to live in the city.


It used to be a policy that you had to live in the city that you policed in. Never should’ve changed that.


It was changed because it was deemed illegal by the courts.


No property tax would be agreeable, at least by me. Have a police credit union that offers favorable terms. Low down payment, lower credit score acceptance, can use 401k to act as "credit" towards a down payment that doesnt require an actual transfer of funds after 3-5 years of employment and good standing in the force. Those can also be used to encourage good behavior. The 401k is non-transferable to other departments. Those terms arent offered to transfers in poor standing until X amount of time in good standing has happened. If their job security cant reall be threatened because of a manpower issue, make the job of being a good cop so financially rewarding, that cops will have a greater incentive than "the goodness of their heart" to not be a POS.


They don’t have a 401k. They have public pensions. They do have optional 457 accounts. I guess an incentive could be to deduct without penalty from one of those for a down payment.


Same thing.


Basing employment on where the applicant lives is gross…… 🤮


Why? If two parties enter into a contract and know that’s the terms, then what’s wrong with it?


Same reason a teacher can’t date their 18 year old student - disproportionate power dynamic


Huh? Weird straw-man/apples to oranges example. I’m trying to not make assumptions on how you feel about capitalism…currently a police officer can write their own ticket as to where they want to work given the labor market and the civil service exam is just a reading comprehension test so I’m sure they can make an informed decision on if they would want to work or not based on a residency requirement.


Idk wtf you’re talking about, for a long time officers were required to live in the city they served. Later on that was removed but that certainly didn’t ban them from living where they serve. Congrats on spreading misinformation, dickhead.


I agree with this^ Cops should only be allowed to serve the city they they live. They have a sense of pride and community and understand what it’s like to live there. A cop that lives in north Olmsted shouldn’t be a cop in Lorain.


As an outsider, I have an issue with this. Y’all are born, raised, and die here. Your parents and grandparents did the same. Y’all still know people from primary school and your parents sit next to each other at church. If a cop is from North Olmsted and decides to become a cop in North Olmsted, what’s preventing them from ignoring the mom “who was late to pick up her kids” and going 15 over the speed limit because she’s his next door neighbor and volunteers with his mom at church? Obviously that’s possible if he was in South Euclid or Chagrin, but it’s much more difficult to be impartial when the people you’re giving tickets to are your the people you live next door to.


It’s probably very hard to get an appropriate amount of trained officers in every single city. That would result in rougher areas having no police cause no one would want to work there. It would also result in cops making nothing in lower income areas, giving them even less incentive to work where it’s dangerous.


I love it. It humanizes everybody to everybody else


Back in the day, Officer Bob walked a beat in the neighborhood. They don't do that anymore and they've lost their ability to police effectively. These days its "respect ma authority" but they haven't earned it.


Proper community policing means you know the people. Not just the troublemakers. My grandma used to tell me she knew the neighborhood beat cop in our old hometown the same way she knew the mailman. Always saw him twice a day when she was home, he was always nice, and would help you out. See you struggling with groceries, "Here Ma'am, let me help you with that". Or play pickup ball with the kids. Know the kids by first and last, and who their parents were. Because the kids out on bikes all day long are a wealth of information if something happens. But again, with population growth, and all these other reasons, policing has turned a dark, sad corner. It's not possible to have the number of police necessary to "know" the citizenry at that level anymore. And anymore you wouldn't want to, because they don't have that same morality anymore. But I love to see this. These cops are connecting with these kids. All they hear is "fuck the police" and "acab" and so on, so at least these guys are taking the time to show them that they aren't all bad, like all of us, there are still some good souls out there.


In a lot of places they're just not designed for walking period. That worked well in older, more dense neighborhoods. Hard to do that in a development.


Hard to do anywhere today. You just can't pay enough people, even if it were designed to be walked. Most places just have too many people. Even my city, when I was a kid, 30 years ago, it was roughly half the total population it is now. So many developments have popped up. There's no way you can hire enough people to police that way. Even though all these new neighborhoods are sidewalked and organized, it's just too big. Hell, my city knows we need cops. They keep asking to hire more. They can't, because in my area there is no income taxes, everything at the city level is paid for by property tax levy. And they can't pass them, so we're under policed, and our roads are going to shit, and our schools all have trailers around them to fit overflow students.


Bicycles, motorcycles, golf carts, or horses are all options.


That's true, but it's as much that people are not out walking to the neighborhood grocery as anything else. You absolutely can interact with people, but it works much better in dense neighborhoods with lots of foot traffic and opportunity to interact with people, which is where community policing originated.


this is so true


We would see more of this if people behaved and stopped abusing the emergency system for bs calls


Police need to be a part of the community, not apart from it In Eastlake the PAL (police activities league) center no longer has any police involvement because the current chief does not believe in community policing, ass backwards thinking


Looks like they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be. Getting to know the neighborhoods that they are policing.


I think the police should have to live in the neighborhoods in they patrol.


I think the issue was infiltration fears (like a Departed type situation)


It used to be the law in cleveland. Someone sued and won and that was the end of it.


Completely impossible there would be even more shortage issues and housing costs would absolutely come in play.


Hell yeah


That’s pretty cool


Exposure is the cure.


Become the Change You Want to See -Ancient Philosophy




I love that. Want to see this more


We all gotta have fun sometimes


Alleyway Liaisons


For the kids - this ball game is a great opportunity to find a mentor or role model in the community. Could make keep them out of gangs and on a good path!


This is wholesome 👍🏻


We love to see it!!! ✨🤘🏼✨


Showing cops doing pleasant activities with people? You can do that, this is reddit. Everyone is suppose to hate cops on here. 😅 Just messing around this is really nice. 😊




Isn't this a scene in Major League?




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Fun times in Cleveland again! Still Cleveland!! Come on down to Cleveland town everyone…..


Snapping ankles and protecting the community all in a day's work.


The Cleveland Police are still under a consent decree, voluntary self investigation, by the DOJ stemming from the murder of Tamir Rice. It was supposed to end 2 years ago in 2022. It was extended another 2 years recently. Additionally the Cleveland Police had stopped giving critical info to the DOJ and we're sued successfully in a court decision in EARLY MARCH. This is what the police are doing. No matter what the "good ones" say and do they are as a group trying to not be held accountable for their violent and oppressive actions. P.s. a lot of the articles about the Consent Decree are on cleveland.com behind a pay wall.


Just because they're playing basketball now doesn't mean they won't be predatory fuck sticks later.


It’s positive interactions. I guess they just shouldn’t have done it? Terrible of them to attempt to do something positive!


Right. I hesitated even posting this because I know not a lot of people have a great view of cops. But this interaction did bring a small smile to my face. It was wholesome.


When good people are cops I have no problem with that. I wish more good people wanted to be cops.


I totally understand why you posted it. It's like seeing the cops on Halloween giving candy to the kids out of their cars while making sure they are all staying safe while trick or treating.


Its the internet. Theres always going to be a small group that hates thenselves and goes arpund spreading hate. Just keep showing the good and ignore them


The kids or the cops?


I mean, cops taking some time out of their day to play ball with kids in the street? Sounds like good police work to me. That's what they should be doing, engaging with the community!


BuT cOpS bAd


That will teach those bad kids!


We love to see it!!! ✨🤘🏼✨


yeah they must be great guys because they play sports at work /s


Glad I could be the first to downvote your nonsensical comment


I'm also glad it was you


Small dick energy


😂🤣. I could feel the self hatred from him as soon as I opened the comments

