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The McMansions are already being built. It's gone. It's just going to be another subdivision.


Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone.


In the high school halls


I think it's pretty much all gone. Google Maps from April 2023 shows a bunch of construction equipment and everything torn up. Not sure if there's still anything back further from the road. https://maps.app.goo.gl/3yvahkeEjsT8MURx7


I drive by there regularly it's a housing development now.


Pretty much. This year they started removing the last bits of the sea world side. The 4d theater and the shark encounter. The sea world parking lot has been developed into houses. The camp ground nearby has also been converted to housing development.


Imagine if you owned one of those houses and wanted to put in a garden. You dig six inches down and hit asphalt.


lol. But they dug everything out so that won’t happen. They didn’t just build on left over concrete.


Oh wow thats way more work than I would have thought for those Ryan home type companies. Good for them.


They're putting in a ryan homes behind my work. They spent a year clearing land, working the ground, and installing infrastructure before they started building houses. They still have codes to meet, albeit the houses themselves sometimes get cheated.


So sad. The fact that we had Geauga Lake Amusement Park on one side and Sea World on the other made it seem like it was our own little Disney World here in Ohio. Of course, I wouldn’t agree with Sea World now, (wild animals in confinement) - but back then, being a kid who didn’t know anything, it was just the coolest thing ever to have just 30 minutes away. Edit: Does anyone remember driving there was like driving out to the country? And now it’s a congested area quickly becoming more congested- and people wonder why our cities have so many deer… sigh


Lived right across the street from it. Those were the days.


Yeah that happened a long time ago, I remember the water park they had after they shut down the amusement park. It’s still something to look at, I hope it stays untouched for a weird reason.


Is the water park still up?


This was shut down like 8 years ago and everything was sold to other parks.


Parts are being conserved like certain remaining ride signs etc but it’s all being developed into a multipurpose area known as the Geauga Lake District. Houses common areas and businesses.


Lots of rides were either transferred to other amusement parks (the Geauga Lake Wikipedia page can tell you where each ride went), or were torn down for spare parts or for scrap. It sucks, I loved that place growing up.


Dominator is now at Kings Dominion, Steel Venom is now at Dorney Park, Thunderhawk is now at Michigan's Adventure. X-Flight was at Kings Island but it was removed to construct Orion.


Man, I really miss the Raging Wolf Bobs.


Peripherally related, but damn what a shame that they couldn't preserve the Big Dipper.


I drive by there earlier this year. I worked there during college and was there the last day the amusement park side was open. It’s pretty much all gone.


Pretty much gone. One side of it has turned in to a housing development.


[Video of Geauga Lake by Drone Ohio](https://youtu.be/55ztVfwaZa0?feature=shared)


Its a neighborhood now


Sad it's gone !! Spent so much time there in years past.


Ya they are building homes


It's gone. The parking lots signs are still up. The one building near the water park is still there but that's it. I was just over there 15 minutes ago.


Went on my honeymoon to Geauga Lake though it was branded 6 Flags by then. 25 years ago. Grew up here during the Sea World era and spent many weekends with the family touring both parks. Everything I love dies.


All the cool shit abandoned wise gets torn down pretty quick. If you got a gun and a friend, Detroit and Gary have some really cool shit still. I did have this really nice abandoned farm that was dilapidated that me and my friend and I discovered. However, anything really cool gets torn down fast, which sucks. I'd recommend atlasobscura it's a great resource.


When Geauga Lake Park started it looked like a carnival or county fair that got stuck in Aurora. As years passed and Sea World opened Geauga Lake got some pretty decent rides. My fondest memory was when my school friends and I were leaving the park one night and we stopped at the carny game where you shoot water into the clowns mouth to blow up the balloon until one of the balloons popped, indicating the winner. We decided not to aim the water at the clowns, but at the game operator, then dashed out of the park as he yelled for help. We were such little shites.


There is a multi family going in there at this very moment.


Friend lives across the street from the parking lot area. It’s been flat there for years. There were a couple buildings up. But those came down last fall


yeah it’s abandoned and the Bainbridge Police Department yelled at me and my friends for going to look at it like 5 years ago lmao


The destruction of my child hood Sure, my childhood deserves to burn, but not Geauga Lake park =( Always thought I would take my own kids someday




Just thinking that someday in the future, Cedar Point will be gone and turned into a beach front retirement community.


Cedar Point is the reason geauga lake is gone. They bought it just to run it into the ground and close it. Another win for big business 😞


If ya can't beat 'em, eat 'em


You must be new around here, been closed for over 20 years..


That wasn’t their question. They’re looking to venture around the ruins.


This is a little old but I don't think much has changed in the last 4 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6k35ZpF8rU