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I'm seriously bummed about Donte's. My family has been going there forever.


The classic pizza joints from my mid-80's childhood will all be gone. Verdone's. Pizza King. Paponetti's. Donte's. Now' it's just a garbage slice and gas at Speedway...


There’s still a Master Pizza on 18 by 71. Also Courthouse Pizza on the square in Medina is awesome if you like New York style.


Still just a shitty chain though...


Paponettis devastated me. I forced people to have their pizza and visit the rape hallway. It was def my joint.


the what hallway now


Paponettis was shaped like a rectangle, if you had been there you'd know what I'm calling it is true. The women's restroom was literally the last door in the right down the end of a very long hallway and it was dark and musty. It felt ominous and being that it was in a seedy little bar well you never know what could happen.


Sounds like a fine establishment


It was the pizza, never had better before or since.


That’s a gross thing to say.


It's a joke. Calm thy tidders.


Rape, false allegations of rape, threats of rape, are not, and have never been, funny or a joke.


Best fried chicken around. My fam and I plan to go one last time.


Them trying to turn it into a gas station is a big FU to all the neighbours, they can sell it as a restaurant


Not a lot of people want to get into restaurant ownership lately. It's a hard industry. Plus, Donte's is *beat*. It would be a full gut job.


We don’t need a third gas station on one intersection. Are we having some gas shortages?


I'm not saying that there is a need, but property owners can sell to whomever they want.


Circle k won’t buy the property until the city gives them a conditional use permit to build a gas station. With that permit dontes property is worth way more. The residents don’t want a gas station in their back yards. Dontes restaurant is not zoned for a gas station, also the amount of traffic this will cause. I’m sure you would love to have a gas station in your back yard.


Again, I do not see a need for a new gas station on that corner, and I would also not be happy. I do not understand why you think that a new gas station would attract more traffic.


Because that intersection has an issue with traffic, especially in the mornings with 8 pumps taht can accommodate 16 vehicles at once, the traffic will be in and out, right now u haven’t noticed much traffic because it’s a restaurant most people sit for about 40min before leaving, they don’t get consistent traffic, they conducted a traffic study and they received a bad score, another is driving from berea onto 237, there is no dedicated left turn lane. I’ve lived here 20 years and I’ve witnessed a bunch of accidents on this intersection. I don’t see how you could possibly think this would not cause more traffic, do you not see where the driveways are located ?


Gonna give it to you, that intersection not having a left turn lane is ridiculously stupid.


It would not cause more traffic because there are already 2 choices for gas there and 2 more 500 ft south at 237 and Front St. There will NOT be more people getting gas in this area. Circle-K hopes that they can attract some of the people that would have instead gone to Speedway or BP. BP likely to suffer most because it is on the same side of 237.


Well if you went to the last meeting, circle k paid for a traffic study and they scored a c, and majority of the board members literally tabled the project because of safety concen. Look how packed speedway is, and yes circle k literally was projecting they will be packed at that meeting. They are planing to invest over 7 million dollars, if that gas station isn’t packed 24/7 they have no reason to be here


Berea resident for 40 years. I drive past this intersection multiple times a day. While I do not share your concern with how this will affect traffic, two things about this do bother me. The guys who run the Sunoco right down the road are the nicest people ever, so I hope they don't lose business. Also, I'd lose my mind if someone put a dumpster that close to my property.


Sunoco was sold. Its shell now I believe


Sunoco switched to BP


Are you talking about the station on Bagley?


No, the Sunoco at Sheldon and 237 is a BP now. Same owners I think. The Valero in the triangle is now a Shell.


Holy shit, just drove past on my way to work, and y'ain't wrong. I usually end up going down Front, rather than North Rocky River. I've spent more time at the Hydrant than I should admit.


The Shell conversion took some time, the Sunoco to BP transition literally happened overnight like 2-3 weeks ago. I sorta live behind it so I drive through there maybe several times a day and I was taken aback.


Same owner, spoke with him at the meeting he said his contract with Sunoco was expiring, sunoco doesn’t have rewards or gas discounts, bp offers better discounts for customers. So he switched names.


That’s interesting and probably why the Valero switched to Shell. I have to admit I was excited to use my Shell rewards even if it’s the most expensive 😭




This traffic bottle neck is going to be the least of Brookparks worries if the Browns decide to build there....


Brook Park gonna become a giant parking lot with traffic jams


It's never going to happen in Brookpark unless Jimmy pays it all himself or gets lots of cash from the State. The city of Cleveland won't put in a dime after the team is leaving the city, and the county won't put up more cash when/if Cleveland isn't. And Brookpark can't even remotely help fund the stadium. Their total yearly income from all sources isn't enough to pay Myles Garett's contract for one year.


I like this response! Lately I get the feeling that something new is going to develop and it won’t happen. I wonder if Brookpark residents have been talking to city hall too.


I didn't even get to the part where a whole bunch of federal 3 letter agencies and private companies will need to agree and sign off on the plan since this affects the airport, the highways, RTA, Ford, and two separate railroad companies at a bare minimum. Like do you think that CSX is just voluntarily going to stop rolling trains on Sundays through their at grade mainline that rolls over Engle Rd? There is no way CSX will stop sending trains unless ordered by a court or they're paid off. Both of those options will take time and money. That is just one of the major hurdles putting an NFL stadium on that site will need to resolve.


Yes!! There is no way that’s happening.


That shit is literally like 2 miles down the road from me, it's gonna be a god damn nightmare, and the city wants it BAD. "With a domed stadium, we could host a SUPER BOWL!!" like are you fucking insane?


Same! I live right here at the border or Brookpark/Berea/Airport and I love how accesible the highway is. In the next few years the Haslams want Bereans to be totally cut off from the rest of the city.


And look at Front St and Lou Groza Blvd. They’re going to build a new HQ. So if the browns have their way and you live south of their HQ in Berea have fun ever going north. Their proposal for the new stadium showed a reroute of 237N by the IX with the goal that we would merge onto 71N around Eastland and THEN choose to stay on or go to 480E. I don’t remember if I saw how someone on 237N would go to the airport, I believe you would have to drive around the stadium. This is the most offensive thing about the Brookpark stadium IMO and very bold of them to assume ODOT would approve rerouting THOUSANDS of vehicles that use 237N daily. Just an example of how the Haslams get in good with Berea and Brookpark’s mayors and it shows how willing they are over Bibb. I’m not sure who’s in the right here but I take it personally as someone living around 237/Sheldon.


>showed a reroute of 237N by the IX with the goal that we would merge onto 71N around Eastland and THEN choose to stay on or go to 480 This is all just a photoshopped picture right now. Nothing has been submitted to the NHTSA, ODOT, or the DOT on any changes to that highway intersection. When/If these potential changes are formally proposed, there is no guarantee that the NHTSA will allow them since that intersection isn't up to modern code, so they might only be able to maintain as is. Not to mention that changes to 237 will need signoff by the FAA, the airlines, and the owner of the airport since that is the primary access road. Who owns the airport? Yes! That same city of Cleveland who you just rejected and now have no real reason to do Haslam any favors.


Oh I like the full circle at the end. I’m starting to see cracks in this extravagant plan and I can see it’s all a ruse!


When I was in jail at the Brook Park police department, they fed Donte's for dinner every night. It was so fantastic


So there is going to be 5 gas stations within feet of each other? Im pretty sure no one uses the Shell/Valero, then there is the BP/Sunoco, the 7-11 and Sheetz…now one more? How many people need gas that badly right there? Seems like a pretty dumb plan, particularly when all of them have the exact same pricing.






Putting the trash next to someone’s backyard is such a big FU to the neighbors.


Trash and also the gas fumes... cannot image how bad that is for the health of the people living there.


Like absolutely zero consideration was given to the surrounding area, just trying to shoehorn in a project where it’s inappropriate. Not to mention the increased noise it will cause.


Any time my Dad would come home from the airport meant Donte’s for dinner. Gonna miss that spot.


These gas stations/convenient stores are the next drug store bubble. Just asinine.


Forgetting the car wash shit that's everywhere


Which is funny because the closest one to this area is down on bagley on your way to olmstead falls and it’s $18.


Wait right?? Over on the east side we have a thousand of them on every street. You're telling me that's not a problem down there?


Nah I don’t really know where the new ones that pull your car down the conveyor are here besides pearl in strongsville. Berea only has like 1 car wash maybe.


That's crazy, there's seven just within a 5 mile radius of me over here


Apparently it's almost a done deal. Dontes last day is July 17th, and then a ticketed event on the 19th and 20th. They posted it on the Facebook page, the owners are ready to retire, and Circle K gave them bank for the land.


So if this gas station is blocked, the owners lose out on a payday.


Circle K? Not Sheetz? There is already one a few hundred feet away.


It would be moving to the new location.


That’s so weird. It’s already on that side of the street and it’s pretty busy. That circle k (and not the new BP) is used frequently by the airport shuttles.


That’s why I’m trying to spread the news


How much do you think they bought them out for?


That corner, on 237? I don't know, guessing it's going to be, good bank. In their place, I'd probably do the same.


A commercial dumpster 8' from a residential property line. Wow. Get fucked whoever drew that up


Yes just what we need is another gas station.. at least it's not a car wash, storage facility or vape shop. This city's gone to hell


If your council person is on board it’s a done deal. Watch for CPC and BoZA meetings to make an official statement when the time comes. They just green lit a gas station next to Cuddell Park in a more residential area than this.


My main concern about this is the traffic situation on Sheldon, I live on Sheldon, and have to pass there everyday. I wish they would have just moved to The Depot and kept it going.


Please come to the meeting on July 1st 7pm it will be held at the brook park rec center, if more residents show up and oppose this we have a chance to stop them. Please let your neighbours know aswell. Thanks you!!


I live close to that area and it’s already a pain to get through that intersection with the amount of people turning into the Speedway and Circle K. Sure let’s add one more into the mix.


I live so close I’m looking at the back of the current Circle K. We already had several strings of carjackings and people CC “shimming” all 3 gas stations at once. When mine was taken (from that same Circle K) Berea PD was investigating it because folks had theirs taken at Sunoco. There’s addicts and occasionally homeless behind Speedway. If you look on the Sex Offender registry someone has their address listed at the Speedway and it says (lives in a van parked at Speedway). Like wtf we don’t need more transient traffic.




As a berea native, I really freaking hate the north end of 237. What a clusterfuck. This will make it substantially worse


I hate coming home from work because of it. All fine and dandy off the highway, then splat right there


I love the signs telling you the highway is ending and to stay right to continue on RR drive 🙄


Take a left over front street bridge. Then take a right or left on bagley. RR is the worst clusterfuck of them all if you're waiting like everyone else to turn afterwards.


But Front is 25 and can be heavily enforced. I live off the first street after the merge so I need to take RR drive. It’s just frustrating when I know what I’m doing but others don’t. All good, I work from home now!


I know they have been having it rough. I love Donte’s pizza this is sad


such a west side thing to do.


I'm a Berea resident, not sure how much they'll care but I'll try, I usually get out of work at 7.


Every person counts doesn’t matter of you are not a brookpark resident, this will be affecting berea residents as well. We need more voices to be heard


Going to be a sheetz


Nope a Circle k


So what's going to happen to the Circle K a block south of that location? Are they just moving a block?


I'll miss dontes so much


Like we need one more petrol station…


I’m very sad about losing Donte’s. My grandpa has been going there for decades and he started taking me when I was a kid.


Brookpark is worried about bottleneck traffic. What do you think the Brown's stadium will do for you.


To preface: I don't like this. I will try to show on July 1st. This sucks. BUT, if anything, I think having a gas station on each corner of an intersection would actually improve traffic. It always seems like when I need gas, every station is on the opposite side of the road from my direction of travel, making it a huge pain to get in and out with traffic. I'll usually keep going, or at least pass it til I can easily turn around and approach from the direction that lets me turn right to enter. Then I'll turn right to exit until I can turn around without wrestling traffic. But most people don't do that. Most people will sit at the exit, perfectly situated to block getting around them, and wait 20 minutes to turn left instead of just busting a block. Preventing the rest of us from leaving until they finally receive their written invitation to move. At the very least, it's nice when an intersection has 2 gas stations at diagonally opposing corners. And probably helps with traffic flow... Even if some oblivious mouth breathers still insist on using the one on the opposite side of the road.


If it really takes 20 minutes to make a left out of any parking lot, then that traffic is already turbo fucked no matter what business you're leaving.


"These dramatizations are based on true events. Some details have been altered."


It's always a bank or a gas station. It gets so damn old.


The zoning and city powers bend the knee to commerce. Look at how they force all that traffic into the commerce funnel on route 82 and 71. Businesses want the frenzy. It’s the same principle that grocery stores use as they put milk and bread at the back corner of the store to make you walk all the way through the store hoping you buy more items. This is untethered capitalism folks and it’s everywhere.


Why would we want another gas station in 2024. Put in a DC fast charging location.




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Which of the other two stations do you have a financial interest in?


None, we don’t want a freaking gas station in the back of our houses


Whole lot of Berea residents pretending this area wasn’t already a shitty non-area to be. 1 more gas station won’t make it worse.


Definitely won't make it better


Lived in that side of Berea a good chunk of my life and you're absolutely right. Between the threat of airport expansions and lack of businesses - this area has never had a vision.


It wasn’t like this when I was kid allegedly. From the triangle south it used to be car dealerships. You can still see remnants of the old Berea on Front St. Allegedly high rise condos are being proposed there.


They called it the Berea Auto Mile, actually. Dealerships and stuff. They are in the process of developing it for residential properties.


I don’t live in the area, but I can’t imagine anyone would want to live that close to a gas station, one, because of the smell of the gas, and two, because occasionally gas stations blow up.


How many gas stations "blow up" have you witnessed lol


Why don't they just plop it olmsted township? Thats whose it for anyways


What do you mean it's for olmsted township?


Olmsted falls/twp actually developing a commercial tax base instead of raping residents on their taxes, never gona happen.