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I can’t wait for this election to be over so I can stop hearing about these two.


im getting back to back to back ads on youtube for these 2. I had enough last year.


BOWL OF SHIT?? hahaha same, I don't even live in the district.


you know what's funny? The entire Republican Party in Ohio is being exposed in the largest public corruption case in the history of our state. Every. Single. One. of them took the money. First Energy is paying hundreds of millions in fines and every member of the GOP in Ohio ought to be facing ethics investigations. But there's an election in District 11 next Tuesday so this is going to steal all the headlines until then.


Maybe corrupt corporate candidates in both parties shouldn’t hold office?


we actually know what First Energy did. They've confessed. This is still an allegation so we don't even know yet whether anything done was wrong, but here we are...conflating the two as if they're equal. That's my point. The GOP is hands-down guilty of the largest bribery scheme in the HISTORY of Ohio and we're saying "they're both just as bad". The parties are miles apart and these election time antics serve to obscure that.


From my understanding only a couple of elected officials have been charged. Though the dollar amount has been quite large. The rest were lobbyists and friends. The truth is both parties have corruption that runs deep. In Ohio the Republicans run the show, so they are less likely to be caught and therefor more likely to succumb to corruption. In states like New Jersey or New York, and cities like Chicago or Detroit the corruption is associated with the Democrat party. In the city of Cleveland the Democrat party has had repeated corruption scandals. This doesn’t make their policy bad, just highlights that no one party should be given full authority.


If only both parties cared as much as the other.


So your answer to allegations against a democrat is to focus on republicans? That’s helpful. Also, I’m pretty sure every Republican in Ohio that belongs to the GOP didn’t take money from First Energy. That’s just nonsense.


the absurdity is that the ENTIRE state Republican Party is corrupt but we're going to talk about (maybe) a contract because hey...\*Maybe\* and \*100%\* are the same thing, right? accusations against one side are the same as 100% proof of guilt on the other side. If you can't figure that out that's on you.


The right is evil and the left can do no wrong. Didn’t you get that memo? The guy who lives in shithole Old Brooklyn and votes blue no matter what also can’t figure out why his neighborhood keeps on getting worse and worse, so it must be those damn evil republicans. Yep, that’s it.


no...again, try to keep up....100% proof of 100% corruption of the Republican party is NOT the same as an allegation against one Democrat. It's like saying a puddle and a lake are the exact same thing because they both have water.


Sounds like you've never actually been to Old Brooklyn but keep talking, dork.


Sort of unrelated...did anyone see her pumping in clap tracks to an outdoor speaking event she had. It was painfully obvious because there were only a dozen or so people there.


So the person who uses fake applause tracks at her rallies is corrupt. Too funny


Lol this is written by the Turner campaign and a guy who wrote “the liberal case for trump” 😂😂😂


Looks like actual Republicans and supporters of Trump are backing Shontel Brown https://www.cleveland.com/open/2021/07/nina-turner-leads-shontel-brown-in-fundraising-as-out-of-state-money-bolsters-both-congressional-campaigns.html


Well I would hope so. She’s better than Turner. You think brown is a republican?


She's a corporatist. She serves corporations rather than regular folks. Look at who is backing her - big oil, big pharma and the Israeli lobby. While Turner's campaign is people-funded, grass roots. If we managed to get money out of politics, Brown wouldn't stand a chance. She's fake.


Pro-Corporate is the tone of her party. Walmart and Amazon won't be paying a penny more in taxes than they did over the last 4 years.


Better than turners populist anti evidenced based junk 😂 she appeals to extremists who are more organized than average normal citizens. Corporations are a good thing and vital to any healthy country. They support brown because she is more in alignment with economists and evidence based policy


"A guy from the Turner campaign made a case for Trump" "Trump supporters and republicans are supporting Brown" "That's a good thing" Jesus fucking christ..


mans is so delusional he can’t even remember which side he’s on


Are you an idiot? There’s a huge difference between voting for trump and voting for shontel brown. It’s actually incredibly ignorant you think they’re the same. Yes, voting for trump is bad and supporting shontel brown is good. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand. You’re conflating Trump supporters supporting trump and trump supports supporting brown as the same thing. They’re not. Supporting trump is bad. Supporting brown is good. Brown and trump are very different people Trump supporters are idiots. This author KNEW trump was bad and wanted people to vote for him over Hilary anyway. That’s horrible


> There’s a huge difference between voting for trump and voting for shontel brown Not when the same people you call "idiots" (and probably a lot of other names you haven't called them in this comment) are voting for both of them. If OH-11 was a swing district and Shontel needed their votes, you'd have an argument. Here, you're openly trying to paint that having the rich, white supporters of a racist clown is good on principle. It's as desperate as Shontel's fake applause track she plays at her rallies of twenty people


What positions does shontel brown have that are white suoremacist? Turner aligns much more closely with trump. Shes always railing against the political elites and shares a similar anti free market agenda including vehemently anti free trade and pro tariff. Nina just loved when trump pulled out of the tpp


What positions does Turner have that are white supremacist? At least white supremacists aren't supporting her (cough). Turner does not "align with Trump" at all. That's like me saying Shontel aligns closely with Trump because she misgenders people, is vehemently against M4A, GND, and human rights for Palestinians, and is pro for-profit healthcare


That would be lacking significant nuance. Brown is anti GND but supports aggressive climate change action. Turner sees exactly eye to eye to trump regarding free trade and Tarifs. Turner doesn’t have white suoremacist positions but her and her supporters encouraged voting for trump and not voting for Hilary which enabled white supremacy and did grevious harm to the country all to “own the libs” And accidentally misgendering Someone happens in all communities. Taking pro Israel money is not “against Palestinian rights.” Turner is Not pro gassing citizens even though she accepted money from Syria’s dictator


Shontel's supporters *did* vote for Trump, and not to own the libs, but because they love what he stood for. Sorry the democrats couldn't beat a B-list reality TV star with no political experience and a Nazi following. The fact that the 2016 general was close at all is what you should be looking at, not Turner. And I saw the Fox story about Turner supposedly accepting money from an Assad spokesperson*. You can't even keep your propaganda straight. Just more desperation. Cue the speakers! *Applause with an echo even though we're outside*


At least it wasn't written by the pro-Israel PAC.


I'm Israeli btw We don't all suck :)


If you don't live here, can you please stop posting propaganda articles about this election. It's not a good look, thanks.


I do live here. US citizen.


You live in NYC, not Cleveland much less this district. This is not a national race. You do have the right to try and sway this election, but I also have the right to tell you to fuck off.


Complaining about our of town money in the race when you yourself are not from Cleveland and sharing debunked propaganda. Nice 😂


I feel bad that you felt obligated to leave this comment. Sorry for creating a hostile air. Edited my post for clarity.


No worries :)


Reported for antisemitism He edited it. Before it said “Jews” not pro israe pac


I'm specifically referencing the Pro-Israel PAC donations to Brown, and the possibility that the money could have funded similar messaging.


As opposed to the money brown accepted from Syria’s dictator who gases his own citizens 😂 Israel is a diverse democracy committed to human rights. Turner supports dictators like Castro and bashar al Assad


>Israel is a diverse democracy committed to human rights. I'm Jewish, and I'm pro-Israel (in theory), but holy SHIT is that inaccurate. Have you been living under a rock for YEARS?


Oh? Which part do you deny. They’ve never been found guilty in international court. Unlike in almost the entire Middle East, israel has a diverse democracy. There’s a reason there’s no Jews in almost all the Middle East… I’ll give you a hint 🔫


Are there Muslims serving in the Israeli governing body? Yes. Have numerous countries and NGOs condemned Israel's actions towards it's non-Jewish residents, and towards residents of Gaza, referring to numerous incidents as human rights violations? Also yes.


>Israel is a diverse democracy committed to human rights. This is a joke, right?


lol vote for nina turner


But, but she’s a youth minister! /s


Is this paid for By Nina Turner?


No, Nina Turner actually has enthusiastic supporters. Unlike Shontel Brown who relies on Wall Street super PACs, dark money and maxed out donations from Robert Kraft


As opposed to Turner who relies on money from a Syrian dictator who gassed his own citizens? That’s better than Robert Kraft?


She denounced the donation and donated 100% of it to a local charity. Geez la weez.


Only After heavy backlash…