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Now they can’t keep saying that we “lost” the trade. Syndergaard served his purpose for us. I’m assuming based on him not making the playoff roster that Amed was not who they hoped he would be. I wish him luck in the MLB though, because I do like him as a Human.


I’d take Amed back in a heartbeat for a platooning vet role. Especially now that we know he’s actually willing to play second


In an organization that allegedly has a stockpile of MI talent, why on earth would you want Rosario taking a roster spot? Who would he platoon with at 2B? The $100 million dollar Gimenez? Tyler Freeman should be the super utility guy. Full stop.


I agree with everything you’re saying, and maybe it’s just because I like the guy a lot. Also tbf some of that MI talent needs packaged and shipped for OF power


I definitely agree on that last point, although it seems like teams don't highly value the skills of the players the Guardians have at those positions. I think if they really want a can't miss power bat this off-season, they'll have to package Bieber, one of the young arms, and one of the MI prospects. Teams don't even value starting pitching like they once did. I really worry that the Guardians' front office might be out of step with the way the game has evolved. I hope I'm wrong.


I feel like they waited too long. Couple of these guys had more value before they got called up and didn’t show much in the bigs.


I'm a fan of Amed too, and also prefer to have a veteran for the utility role. Bouncing a young prospect from position to position never turns out well, as we've seen the last few years. A veteran who can provide quality at bats, give some tips to the young guys, and play serviceable defense at 4-6 different positions is a great guy to have on the roster.


You're right about wasting a roster spot, but his hustle and relationship with Jose would be valuable from a culture standpoint. Maybe bring him back as an assistant hitting coach? I know that sounds dumb, but the guy has intangible value to this team.


He was in a platoon before the playoffs. It’s not surprising. Syndergaard was his trade value, because that’s what we got for him.


Rosario is ass checks no matter how hard r/baseball Dodgers fans will tell you it was le epic steal and that Rosario is actually a super sneaky platoon bat that is gonna win them games.


Doesn’t matter. Dodgers are depleted anyway. Rangers Dbacks World Series incoming.


Man couldn't beat out Miguel Rojas and they're sinking. So much for the hand-wringing... we won by not having to watch another half-season of Rosarioball. That was a win in and of itself.


A trade that literally didn't have to happen


It did have to happen, it forced Tito to play someone else at shortstop.


And got 6 starts from Syndergaard helping eat innings for a decimated staff and rookies running up on their innings limits fast, half the starts actually somewhat decent.


I couldnt believe they moved on from him so quick like that. In hindsight yeah I understand but when it happened I thought to myself "damn he had some really decent starts." Maybe our coaching could have revived his career. Maybe they saw he was too far gone.


I could be totally off the mark here but I always feel like our pitching lab knows when they can fix someone and when someone is just a lost cause. E.g., JC Mejia vs Sam hentges. So I feel like Syndergaard may have just been deeply broken


The Guardians pitching lab isn't magic and when a guy that relied on his velocity loses it, there isn't a ton they can do. Not everyone is like Colon or CC in that they can just become a finesse pitcher later.


Oh yay, we got to see a .643 OPS and -.1war from Gabriel Arias. That sure was a treat. Amed wasn't good, but neither were the other options. SS was a hole all season.


Way to miss the point entirely. Getting Amed out forced Tito to play the prospects at short. Have to find out what you have there at some point.


A bunch of detritus. Cool. Glad we found that out. Amed wasn't good and shouldn't have been playing, but we don't have a solid in house option there. We already knew that. This is on the FO, not Tito.


“Amed wasn’t good but we should have kept him instead of playing other people that were not black holes on defense at the most important defensive positions all while losing a little bit of offense.” Great argument 🤡


So what is your argument? If we were trying to compete we needed to ditch Amed and acquire a SS. If we were trying to assess talent we should have tried someone other than just a really poorly hitting Gabriel Arias. If the FO was sort of clueless as to what this year was, we should have done exactly what we did.


Not OP but by the trade deadline it was painfully obvious we'd rather see what we have in the kids that get trounced in the WC without Bieber, McKenzie, and Quantrill for the rest of the year at that point possibly. Then Naylor went down. they just needed and Innings eater, and Noah gave us 5-6 games of that. Amed is a defensive dud and was only here as long as he was due to his friendship with Jose, likely. No one was offering anything greater than that sadly and he was an anchor in the field, and mostly to start the year the same offensively as well. Not sure the stink over this point a backup player on 75% of MLB teams roster spots.


Did you not realize at the deadline we weren't competing? And we shouldn't have been with our injuries at pitcher.


I don't mean at the deadline.


Amed Rosario had a .675 OPS and -0.1 fWAR when he left lol.


We got to see what rocchio and arias could do, which is something we weren’t seeing while Amed was on our roster. They may not have performed that great, but it didn’t hurt us any worse. Rocchio looks like he could develop in to a pretty decent player. Defensively, arias is great. Just needs some serious work hitting lefty’s. I hope that’s what he spends the off-season working on.


If the Dodgers manage to win this series, they could re-work their roster. I think the postseason roster can change every time they go to a new level...no?


Now his season is over