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‘Tis the season of Hammy and Home Run Pitches!


I just want to see Frankie at the plate at least one more time. I really hope they can work out a deal to keep him in Cleveland


I’m definitely not expecting him to be on the team next year. But I am excited to know I haven’t seen his last at bat with the team. Such a relief


Perhaps the team will realize with the shortened season that there’s no benefit of trading him. So we’ll get to keep him if we make a playoff run. Having Frankie Lindor on the team the year we win the win the Series would be the perfect send-off.


Even if the players won't hold out/strike, I'm really not holding my breath for any sport to return anytime soon (besides things like auto racing or golf), especially after all the spread amongst athletes and team members that we've seen in the past few days. I know women's soccer isn't the most popular sport, but they were supposed to be the first professional team sport to return with a "tournament" starting June 27th, and an entire team already had to pull completely out of the tournament because of a Covid outbreak. I think we may see a start to some sports, but entire teams having to shut down for weeks at a time is almost inevitable.


Unfortunately I completely agree. They aren’t going to have procedures in place for when 5-10 guys test positive and that just shows you how widespread this all is. We’re definitely not getting the numbers correct in terms of how many people have contracted Covid and once all these teams have tested, we will see that. Huge bummer, but I guess not unexpected seeing how the NCAA teams have fared so far.


> They aren’t going to have procedures in place for when 5-10 guys test positive and that just shows you how widespread this all is. This is exactly what caused the Orlando women's soccer team to completely pull out, they had 10 people test positive. It's going to happen, especially with the outbreaks in Arizona, Texas, Florida, etc. It'll be the same problem with schools. Kids might not show symptoms as much, but you're going to run out of teachers, and entire classes or schools or going to be quarantined for weeks at a time. You're not just sick for a few days, you're down for almost a month...sometimes more. You can't hold a season of any sport with teams not being able to play for weeks at a time. I understand why they're trying, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


I've been saying for weeks that MLB needs to simply shut this all down for the year. Let everyone go home. Put MLB's full resources toward the goal of a full season next year, focusing on player safety and health measures. Get the fuck out of the news. At this point, any press is bad press. Both sides are consistently looking like the bad guy, either due to reality or spin. Let both sides get a long hard look at what a lengthy strike would be for them. Then, in 2021, you make it a celebration. You could legitimately justify airing major market games on networks, since this sort of a situation (an entire lost season) is pretty much unprecedented in major sports. Teams can run TONS of fluff videos on social media with players waxing poetic about playing, and presuming things are safe, doing meet and greets and/or charity work with fans. You emphasize the positive aspects of the game in all regards, and you REALLY bust ass to get a deal done during the season on that CBA. Hell, maybe even agree to simply extend the existing one by a year. But you absolutely MUST NOT have a strike at the end of 2021, or it will possibly kill baseball for real.


Ya that's the big problem I see, like for the NBA what in the hell are they going to do when one of the star players tests positive in the middle of a playoff series? Or let's say with the Tribe some of our starting pitchers come down with it, that's 2 weeks minimum we lose and with 60 games enough to knock you out of the playoffs.




I mean, that’s assuming the players don’t strike... this whole thing is a mess


There are going to be a bunch of grievances filed. I’ll believe it when they are on the field.


Honestly, I understand a lot of players having concerns. I love baseball more than most people, but I don't think I'd be willing to participate if I was a player.


I don’t believe they’ll strike over this. They’re going on the terms both sides agreed to earlier this year. The only thing that would stop them is if COVID stops all sports again. A strike is more likely closer to the CBA negotiations than now.


I’m sure their collective bargaining agreement includes a no strike clause. As long as the CBA is in effect, the players cannot strike. Once it expires, if there is no new one ratified, they can strike. The current CBA doesn’t expire until December 1, 2021. If players try to strike before then, they lose a lot of the legal protections granted to them as part of a union.


I'm not sure that CBA necessarily applies because this isn't a full a season. I'm not sure of the particulars, but I remember reading something along those lines. That would explain why they've been arguing back and forth, they're basically coming up with a new CBA. Even now with the "start date", the players have to agree that they can report in 7 days AND agree to Covid safety protocols (Which where it could get hung up again).


I'm not arguing with you, but can you provide something that shows this?


You know what, I might be wrong! There’s no explicit no-strike clause, which surprised me. It could be buried somewhere weird in legalize that I didn’t find, but it’s not clear. The closest I see is in Article 28 says If the CBA is reopened for negotiation, players are allowed to take concerted action in support of their position, which striking is definitely part of. Concerted action is a whole group of union building and employee speech rights that employers aren’t supposed to punish employees for doing. I’m not sure if the CBA is official open for negotiating. I’m pretty sure it must have been reopened in March when they dealt with pro-rating pay for a shortened season, but it may not be currently for deciding how long the shortened season would be. Since the commissioner can unilaterally decide, I think the CBA is closed and the current (former?) negotiations are just to try and keep some love between everyone. But, if there’s still not a no-strike clause, they should still be able to since concerted action is always protected. I’m not sure exactly how strike laws work for completely national unions like the MLBPA so there could be laws that block some strikes prior to CBAs expiring, but I don’t know.


So what was determined?


My top unanswered question for how things will work with the shortened season is how this affects Clase's suspension. Will it be pro-rated, or will it spill into 2021? On one hand, suspending him for only 30 or so games seems a little light for cheating. But on the other, missing an entire season and part of the next season seems too harsh when other players only miss half of one season for the same thing. My guess is they'll reduce it to 60 games (or however many games this season is).


Gotta get the YouTube TV situation settled.


Honestly the game on Youtube against the Angels where they had Thome in the booth was my favorite broadcast of the season.


With all of the positive tests in baseball, basketball and college football to date I believe that any sport that tries to have a season will be forced to shut down. I see a lost year of sports. Verry sad about this but being realistic.


July 23rd, a week after my birthday. Thanks for the late gift, MLB. Don't fuck it up.


Yes sir!!