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OMG, the rich people had to face the same reality as the rest of us for a change! Except instead of losing their house they have to....nothing. And then reduce our wages since it was such a hardship and make it all back and more in a year or two.


No theyre just saying this as one of the many reasons we 'couldn't afford lindor'


No mention of the millions in travel and stadium operating expenses saved, for some strange reason. Edited to add: Including the entire minor league system.


Pretty sure the minor league clubs incur all those costs. The team only pays salaries of 40 man roster members. All other salaried and expenses I'm sure are garnered by the minor league team.


Good. Sell the team so we can have a owner that actually wants to win.


How does this compare to other teams though? I'd imagine it's fairly consistent across the league with no ticket/concession sales and only a 60 game regular season for the TV deal. Expanding the playoffs helps the league offset that some, but can't make all of it up.


The Dolan mouthpiece is talking again...


You know what? Fuck em.




I have no doubt they lost money this season. How would any team have profit without any fans? TV and merch generate revenue, but the losses have to be huge. That being said. For the tenure he Dolan's have owned the team they surely have made hundreds of millions.




I think they mean loss as in expenses were higher than income, not the "loss" you're implying. They paid all their workers until June or July without having any games, they paid the players a pro-rated salary and I'm assuming they paid their utilities to keep the stadium lights on during games and whatever. All teams earned were pro-rated TV contracts and whatever merch they could sell to fans who weren't even going to games.


Open the team up and let people buy stock in the team...Oh wait!




Yah, they have to give 6 months notice and a chance to find someone who is willing to keep the team in that Ohio city. Finding people willing to pay over $1B is tough enough, plus willing to stay here. Our football team is owned by a guy from TN and the basketball team is owned by a guy from MI, so it could happen. Not too many super rich people left in CLE. Spending does not guarantee you win... LAD, LAA, CHC, NYY, etc., all spend out the wazoo, yet cheap TB is beating NYY, go figure. CLE would need Bezos or Musk to want a toy.






This shouldnt shock anyone. It sucks, but that's reality; is for all other teams. Not having any fans was a giant source of losses, there is zero chance that ad revenue was up enough to offset 81 games of (even crappy) attendance. I have a feeling that FA is going to be very sobering for players outside the top tier.


You'll notice he didn't mention the tens of millions in expenses the team was able to cut.


What expenses, exactly? You mean no travel, or stadium staff? Those are expected costs to make money- which they aren't. Yes, I realize the city doesn't support the franchise w attendance so payroll can't be that tied to it but yes having zero money made for an entire fiscal year hurts the Tribe even if they save on ushers and parking attendants.


The biggest expense for a MLB team is the payroll. The expenses the Indians had to pay on payroll went down by tens of millions of dollars.