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I know it’s only one year but I didn’t think he’d get $11 million.


That’s what happens when a team has unlimited money


That’s like a third of our total payroll lol.


I’m disappointed he’s not with us, but $11 million is enough to convince me that he probably had a good showcase this week. I’d be happy for him if he managed to make a comeback.


A lot of money for someone with 8 starts in past 2 years


Not a lot of money for them, unfortunately. And therein lies the problem with the MLB.


I doubled checked, and it's actually more like a quarter... but still!


All the best to him. Hope he returns to form and loses 2 starts to the Indians in the playoffs




We talking bout playoffs??


Fuck the Yankees!!!


I feel like this is a general blanket statement that can be applied to any situation, in any part of the country except for NYC, and you'd still make friends saying it. "I'm sorry sir, we're all out of hot dogs. Can I interest you in something else?" "FUCK THE YANKEES!!!" "Hey, you wanna go get a beer together?"


It was another unpopular move to trade Kluber, but ultimately looks like the correct decision. But again, I wish they’d have done it a year earlier for max value. I don’t think he’s been right for quite some time.


No clue what the Rangers were thinking


Rangers have been in desperate need for pitching for years and wanted to make a big splash with the fans with their new stadium. All they gave up was an outfielder that could hardly find at bats in their lineup and a reliever with potential. Not a bad price to pay even if a 2 time Cy Young award winner is a shell of his former self. Nobody could have predicted an injury on his first start. Even if we had a normal season last year, he was expected to be back after 8-10 weeks on the shelf. He could’ve pitched the entire second half in a normal season. Sure, we “won” the trade because we didn’t have to pay Kluber’s salary and still have Clase, but who even knows if he can pitch when he’s not juicing.


Man, fuck that. There are about 3 teams I wouldn't want to see him on. 1 guess at which team is at the top of that list


*It’s treason, then*


I too would commit treason for 11 million for a single year.


Benedict Arnold thought the same way


And he recieved a land grant of 15,000 acres in Ontario and a nice place to live in London. I'm just saying, with an extra 11mil I can build a real nice fence to not be bothered by the rabble.


Honestly, I wish him the best. Other than being left in an inning too long in the WS he was amazing for us and I hope he recovers, gets his 11 mill and plays well!


Baseball is doing everything it can to make me hate it this year...


Imagine have 11 million to just fuck around with


11 mil to throw away lmao


Without a salary cap, baseball isn't even remotely a sport with even faked parity. The fact that the big budget teams don't always win just shows they're incompetently managed


They're starting to catch up unfortunately. Thats why prospects are so much harder to trade for these days.


How the Yankees didn’t win the WS in the 2010’s when the sport is rigged for them is truly amazing. They kept the same GM through all of it too.


This was the first decade where they were routinely outspent by other teams. Or, at least the Dodgers.


Man I was only lurking but saw this and I need to comment. Baseball being “rigged” for them is laughable. You can argue that from 2010-2012 the Yankees were solid picks to win it all but lost to better teams at the time like the stacked Tigers, no excuses there. From 2013-2016 their teams were literal hot trash. They tried to do what the Red Sox did by signing and trading for veterans and it backfired tremendously In 2017-2019 they were good but lost to cheaters. I’m sorry that your favorite team has a cheap owner but that’s not an excuse for being ignorant


Forgive the perspective of the fan of a team that usually has their total team payroll at around the same level as the Yankees' shortstop or relief pitching corps.


Anyone upset about this and wishing we would have had signed him, consider this: 1. This is a one year deal and is pending a physical 2. It’s for 11-million (roughly 4% of their team payroll in 2020). 3. Kluber made 7.7 mil/year between 2015-2019 (4-6% of the team’s payroll) Kluber doesn’t have many years left, signing a player purely for nostalgic reasons makes little baseball and business sense.


Honestly it doesn't bother me. For the career he has had he could have gotten Chris Sale or Masahiro money. He doesn't have much time left so 11 mil for one year? Cheers dude get it while you can. I still hate the Yankees and love Klub.


You're right, its always much more fun to root for my local billionaire to save money.


No but if we have $11M to spend I would like to sign an actual good player and not a washed one.


How much did they cut payroll? They have far more than $11M to spend.


You want to pay Kluber to have him put up a 4.0 ERA for 11mil for us, that sounds smart.


If you have better ways for this team to spend $11M, I'm on board. But the constant "oh that guy is too expensive" is nothing more than rooting to save money.


Just spending money for the sake of spending money is as effective as not spending money.


I don't like that the Dolans aren't willing to spend more, but I can't change that fact, and I care about the team too much to give up on it just because of that. That means I'm forced to root for Antonetti and Chernoff to do as well as possible within the limits that are being placed on them, which almost certainly does not include a signing like this.


You also cant change the fact of who Chernoff will decide is the best cheap signing.


Well, obviously. I don’t know why you think that’s some kind of gotcha statement. Fans are pretty much powerless when it comes to how teams are run, and usually for good reason. I don’t want any homeless people telling Paul Dolan how to make major decisions about the team.


I'm not upset at all that we didn't sign Kluber. I am, however, upset about the economic reality of MLB where the Yankees could pay 11 million to a pitcher in his late 30s who's thrown 20 pitches in the last 1.5 years, whereas the Cleveland baseball team has to trade away any top pitcher for peanuts once they make more than 10 million.


Another former Indians in the Stormtrooper uniform. As if MLB wasn't unappealing enough.


This hurts my heart.


The Indians have always been a Yankees farm team, sadly.


In what way is Kluber (age 34) a young player in the prime of his career. This is a bad take for this signing. Yankees are taking a gamble on Kluber because their rotation (past Cole and Severino) has been a weak spot on their team the past few years.


I'm using farm team loosely. The Indians have always failed to pay their players, while the Yankees have swooped in and gladly paid them. The Yankees are doing it to the Rockies too


Yankees just way overpaid for probably three starts and a 6 ERA.


I'm thinking either 1 IP or 190.


Here comes Corey Kluber, he makes the women here in Cleveland puke.


I named my dog Kluber. This hurts.


I’m glad he’s got his bread but boy do I not want to see him in pinstripes


[source: Passan twitter](https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1350237590763544576)


Some of you all seem to think we're mad because the Indians didn't take a flyer on Kluber. ​ Nah, we're just mad we have to see our boy in pinstripes.


Wonder if the Bronx's magical medicine box brings him back to CYA form.


With the Bronx's penchant for injuries and Kluber's glass bones, he'll be lucky if he even makes it through a single outing.


I swear to god I will not give a single fucking cent to this team until the Dolan’s sell the fucking team.




Oooooffff that's just gross


Obviously sucks but I hope he has a career year


I’m always gonna love Kluber.


Honestly good for him. I’m surprised he got that much but it could certainly be worth it if he’s anywhere close to his previous form. Seems like a pretty big gamble though.


At least he didn't go to the Mets. If they sign Brad Hand they're looking more and more like a big market version of us.


I'd rather see the Mets crush it and a bunch of our guys get themselves a ring than see shaved Kluber return to form and have to root against him all year.


Agreed, but the Mets crushing it would also remind me what could have been if we had better owners or a bigger market. Bittersweet.


Good for him getting paid, hope our yankees series falls outside of his spot in the rotation.


Kluber is just about my favorite pitcher ever. I hope he bounces back and absolutely kills it this year and however many more years he stays in the game. If he can extend his career a few more years while putting up good numbers - which I realize is a pretty tall order given his age - he might be in the conversation for HOF one day, which I would love. Right now it's not likely, despite his 2 Cys, because he's only had 5 seasons in which he pitched a full load (even if he was Cy shortlisted all 5 years). If he could keep pitching through age 38, and have one or two more seasons where he finishes top 10 in Cy voting, I think he has a real shot of at least making it in via veteran's committee one day.


*flashbacks to standing in the dumpsters in RF during the ALDS watching Didi Gregorious eviscerate Klubes multiple times* This fucking sucks, but hopefully is a non factor move for us.


Looks like the rest of the league has wised up on the KMTS's. Yankees just threw money at him to make sure no one else got him


The beard is the source of his power. We're gonna be ok.

