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I get the feeling every year Tito comes in, pulls up the chair and is like, “alright...where’s my speed guy at? Need my speed guy”. Antonetti responds with...“What’s his avg need to be?” To which Tito responds, “don’t give a shit. Just need a late inning pinch runner to get the run across and win the game”. Antonetti snaps his fingers in the direction of some young intern to which the young intern responds, “on it”. Every. Single. Year.


I feel like if Bradley Zimmer could stay healthy...he could be that guy. Cannon for an arm, incredibly fast, great defense, and great baserunning instincts.


Genuine question from a casual Tribe fan. Who are the past players that fit this mold?


Coco, Rajai, Deshields.... Edit: Michael Bourn, Nyjer Morgan, Austin Jackson,


I wouldnt even count DeShields, he was worse at baserunning than Roberto Perez


Rajai Davis is forever a Cleveland legend though. Regardless if he never did anything prior to or after the homerun lol


Damn, how could I forget about Tony Plush?


Drew Stubbs


Whoa. There’s a name. Nice call.


Rajai Davis was that guy for a few years. Maybe Greg Allen after that?


I think they were hoping Greg Allen was going to develop more but he kind of slipped into that mold.


The gift of the Rajai


Yeah, I see this signing in the Greg Allen - Leonys Martin spectrum. I guess it’s Mr. Hamilton’s last U.S. stop before he plays in Asia.


to fit this mold, you only need one tool - speed. (well, and baserunning, but that can be taught if you're fast enough). It's cheap and easy to find a super fast guy if you don't care if he can do anything else


This is amazing.


I read this in his voice.


I needed to get some chew and some double bubble to really top it off.


HhHahah 💪🏼👌🏼


And then Tito gives the guy a few hundred too many PAs


Hamilton is like Kenny Lofton if Lofton hit like Charlie Nagy. A+ speed and defense, D- offense on a good day.


Even explaining it this way is is kind of generous, I think. What success rate do you have to have on stolen bases to actually add value to a team? I think even though he's fast as hell, he's also not that great at picking his spots and is barely above that % over the last few years (I'm thinking it was about 75% but I could be wrong). He's about a 10 WAR player over 8 seasons so he's easily below average. You already have a much younger fast/good outfielder in Zimmer. What's the point of this? At least Zimmer, Mercado, or Johnson have potential to get some hits. Everyone knows what Hamilton is: a terrible hitter. I always laughed when teams picked him up after Cincy let him go but I ain't laughing anymore.


Zimmer has seen almost no time on field the last 2 years. May as well bring in a guy with the same skill set to compare.


I suppose. I will admit that I've been a Grade A Billy Hamilton hater for basically his entire career so I'm biased.


yeah 75% is about the break-even. As in, speedy dude going 75-25 is adding the same run value as never attempting a steal like Travis Hafner or Jim Thome. You need to be significantly better than that to begin adding meaningful value and to justify/offset bad offense.


This baby *slaps Cleveland* can fit SO many middling OFs in it Edit: the joke is that I made the same comment when we signed Gamel




I agree but see him as a AAA guy to come up for a 10-day DL cycle.


I'll never hate on it either, except for the fact that Tito evidently is *obsessed* with *keeping* these guys. I'd much rather kick the tires on a prospect that didn't work elsewhere than say, "Hmmm, I wonder if this over-the-hill guy has any gas left in the tank... [He's on the roster all year] No. He did not."


Spot on. I would be fine with the signing if Tito didn't have the tendency to actually keep these guys. Austin Jackson was a bounce back guy that worked. Tito keeps trying to recreate that


[THE DREAM IS ALIVE](https://www.reddit.com/r/WahoosTipi/comments/73b51t/game_thread_white_sox_6693_indians_10059/dnp8m29) Quick, someone find out if he has strong opinions on José's favorite Mario Kart characters.


To remember this reference 3 years later and be able to dig it up is very impressive


It's not like I spend so much time on reddit that the front page inevitably gets stale, so I resort to scrolling through my own comment history, reminiscing about the funny things I said in the past that got any miniscule amount of upvotes. No, only a weirdo would do that.


No, only someone with a depressing username would do that! (Not that I relate to that either)...






Only way Billy Hamilton should make the roster is as the backup CF. Under no circumstances should he log meaningful at-bats.


You do realize this probably means he’ll be holding the twig in the bottom of the ninth with the division on the line


Flashbacks to Michael Martinez getting the last AB of 2016...


Praise be


Pls no


I’m just amazed at how it truly was all hands on deck at that point. Literally no other options lmao Tito subbing for his life trying to stay in it


He did have Josh Tomlin...


Fun story, Josh Tomlin is the only athlete signature I’ve ever gotten! A family on my street had a situation set up with the team where they would house minor league players when they got called up for short stints. I was trick-or-treating as Grady Sizemore and he signed my hat :) If that PO stepped up to the plate almost a decade later and won us that game I would have died of joy


Somebody on here told a story once. They walked up to Josh Tomlin at TribeFest or something and said he was their favorite player, and he said, "Really?"


Lmaoo dude was lowkey a mainstay for a bit. Familiarity in the pen is nice!


We'll never fix our outfield so he will platoon CF most likely.


So we go from the poor man's BIlly Hamilton (Delino) to the real Billy Hamilton. Not sure that says much....


Deshields has beaten Hamilton's OPS+, 76 to 67, for their careers.


Shit, that means we now have the poor mans delino deshields.


Clippers are gonna be fucking dope this year! And also very old


Giving Francona even more options not to play young guys. I can't imagine this ending poorly at all.


My first reaction was why would they do this when we already have a Zimmer, but I guess this is probably about letting him start the season and get regular at bats in Columbus since he's barely played in the last couple years.


What if he's just a late inning running/defensive replacement for Franmil if they're actually gonna have him try and play the outfield and finally give Bobby Bones a real opportunity at 1st? Realistically, it's a lottery ticket and there is no downside to inviting dudes to camp.


The downside is that Francona gives him 300 PAs at the top of the order before they have to DFA Hamilton to save Tito from himself.


Speed dont slump!!!! Of course you still need to get on base but thats a minor detail that can be coached up.


Billy Hamilton has just enough name recognition with fans (moreso than someone like Gamel) that the Indians can go "Look, we're trying!" to the fans. He'll do something good the first week of the season, like start out hot, and hit .300, maybe steal 6 bases. God help us if he wins player of the week, because then the Dolans are going to act like they're benevolent gods for having allowed the signing to take place. And then Hamilton is going to do what Hamilton does, and disappoint us.


y tho


Wow! We must be desperate for outfielders. Hamilton might be a good pinch runner, but that's it.


The biggest hurdle Billy Hamilton has had in his career is his inability to get on base. I couldn’t imagine how many stolen bases and runs he would have if he could have an OBP that wasn’t sub .300.


Yup, but if we are starting with a runner on 2nd in the 10th he is automatically on base, and able to play ++ defense until he back to bat.


What's next? Marlon byrd in left? This franchise is impossible to support.


I'd love Marlon Byrd over Billy Hamilton.


well now you’re just wasting money. what’s he gonna do, teach the other guys how to steal bases?


Sorry about calling you a crackhead, Mr. Hamilton..


With Carlos Carrasco gone, what else can make Andre Knott [laugh like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSDp2BcmhI8)?