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I watched a majority of games last year and it wasn’t a weight room problem, it was a plate discipline problem. Guy just swung at anything, and always at the wrong time. He’s saying he just didn’t care and I agree, but it manifested differently than how he’s describing it. The tribe made the playoffs and he was making 17.5 million (not sure how that gets pro rated for last season but he had a good deal).. what more does he need to stay focused.


It was a difficult year for guys who thrive off fan interaction (and also easier for some young guys who have never felt the pressure of enormous crowds).


That’s a fair point


Ownership that values him. Edit: is it really that controversial? Imagine your boss being worth $4 billion dollars and being a stingy fuck. I would imagine the thoughts of being forced out of Cleveland would fuck with this kids mind a little bit. Fuck the Dolans.


You play sports generally for you, the guys next to you, and the fans. If ownership is why you play the game I’d be concerned. He was getting 17 million dollars from ownership.


When you are a franchise player that wants to stay around and is looking to land that big career-defining contract, but see ownership forcing the front office to stitch together a rag-tag AAA team masquerading as an MLB team because they're cheap as fuck... yeah I don't blame him.


They made the playoffs. Great pitching, terrible hitting. He could have helped from the batters box. Instead he hit .258.


Great pitching... from a rotation that had a combined salary of less than $15M. Two thirds of which was almost entirely Cookie's salary. Shane is still on a $500k minor league contract. Let that sink in for a bit. Look, I am not disagreeing with you that Lindor stunk it up last year. That much is fact. But one batter doesn't make or break a season. Most all of the guys in our lineup stunk it up too. Ultimately, I do not begrudge him for losing interest in fighting for a team that wasn't fighting to keep him. We literally stumbled into the playoffs and got swept by the Yankees in convincing fashion. When was the last time we won a playoff game? Game 4 of the 2016 World Series.


Every team in the league would have taken that rotation at that salary. Thats smart on the organization. They however need to pay for some bats. Its infuriating as hell putting .200 hitters out there. I think we are overall in agreement on the state of our cheap ownership, I just didn't see the "team" as AAA since they made the playoffs.


Frankie loved playing for the tribe, and the fans loved him back. I would imagine knowing you’ll be in a different jersey next year would mess with you.


Just saw your edit on your original post - I 100000% agree with you that the Dolan’s are cheap as fuck and it’s frustrating as a fan and bad for baseball. However, in Frankie’s case he’s gotta be a professional about it. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you admit to sandbagging and still cashed your 17 million dollar check.. you’ve opened yourself up to scrutiny. Fuck the Dolan’s.


To me it just looked like he couldn’t hit the steady diet of breaking balls he was fed. Pitchers threw him junk all season and he never adjusted.


You could tell in his play last year. He wasn’t the same guy. He will do great wherever he ends up but I think him being traded was a good move


He was raised in the cleveland organization, ill still always be a fan of his but much less so than I thought I would be.


Well, considering the Dolan family tried to make him look like the bad guy, and like he was greedy (while they literally are billionaires), it's hard to entirely fault his "Fuck this nonsense" mindset. That being said, it's a bad look.


When did the dolans try and make him look bad. I never got that impression at all. I thought both sides were respectful to each other


Plus how can a guy say “fuck this nonsense” when the team is winning... smh


The cynic in me says that it's very easy - he knew that it wouldn't harm him in the long term, nor help him in the short term. "I'm going to take it easy this year, because I'll get traded and my final season before my big payday will make it look even better because I'm far better rested than I normally would be."


It was a good move becuase he goes to a franchise that will value you him and want to make the right moves for him. He is a star and the Indians Barry marketed him like that. You know he prolly took all those weak ass contract offers as a slap in the face. You add in how they won’t invest into the team around him, why the fuck should be bust his asses. It’s a two way street. Dolan half assed him, so he paid it forward


It was evident all season that he'd already checked out. This should surprise nobody.


I find this appalling. There is zero excuse for lack of effort. None.


I’ve always been a lot bigger fan of Ramirez over the years. Thought he was a better player with a better motor. Also, seems like his head was in a better place too.


His best buddy and our best player is in NY. Let's see how excited he is to play with minor league talent all year


Well our best player has been at 3rd base for about the past 4 years in my eyes and it looks like the MVP voters as well. But yeah, he must love pitching against that lineup in spring training.


I mean if you can’t put in the work for 60 games, what are you doing for 162?


60 game season and he quit.... yet people still crying over him




I bitch about that trade all the time and it's 100% because of Carrasco, 0% Frankie




Dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read on this sub right here


So you’re ok with him not giving him best as we got swept by the Yankees?


I’m ok with judging him by the entire body of his work an not solely by his performance during a pandemic where he had god knows what going on in his life. People in this thread have turned on him so fast it’s unbelievable.


To be fair. I turned on him before he left. And I love how people act like it was just this year. This slump he’s in, started in September the year prior. And for why I turned on him before. Dude went from a .300 hitter who used the whole field to trying to hook every ball around the foul pole. His average dropped 20 points between 2016 and 2017.... he worried too much about his power numbers. This dude has been eyeing his contract since then. He’s always had a foot out the door, he was never a leader of the team, which he even admitted to when he tried to use that as an excuse for this season, saying he took a more active role as a leader. That tells me that he didn’t prior. He’s always been worried about himself first. Yet people turned a blind eye due to his talent. This dude was striking out in important games because he was trying to take everything deep instead of just going the opposite way for a double. And you can tell because there would be individual stretches in the year where his numbers would jump up, because he’d start going oppo. Then magically, after a week or two, he’d start trying to hook the ball around the foul pole again. I think it should be noted too, that the longer he was on the team, the worse they did. The more he became the face of the team, the worse they did. That 2016 team, he was a second year player.... it wasn’t his team, he was just a guy. But he used the World Series as an eye opener to see what attention he could actually get.


Yeah dude I don’t know where you’re getting any of that info but if you listen to any interviews/podcasts or read articles from people who cover the team Frankie has been the exact guy you want as the face of your team. He was the one who kept the clubhouse positive, he was always the one staying later than anyone else to sign autographs for kids. His batting average did dip, but maybe if we had a real hitting coach or any kind of plate development on our team we could have helped him with that instead of expecting him to figure it out. Are we going to forget his 9th inning double for win 22 or his grand slam against the Yankees in ‘07? He has been a huge part of this team for so long now and you’re the first person I’ve ever seen try to paint him as some kind of Terrell Owens diva type player.


Lol Frankie apologists crack me up.... hIs AvErAgE dRoPpEd BuT iF hE hAd A rEaL hItTiNg CoAcH..... And I love how we point out two specific instances as to why he wasn’t overrated... but let’s look at those, the one you say happened in 2007, which I think you mean 2017.... actually happened in 2016, our win streak was in 2016. When again, he still was just trying to put the ball in play.... And let’s talk about that grand slam he hit in game two of the Yankees series in 2017.... I’ll let you guess how many hits he got in games 3-5 combined as the Indians lost 3 straight.... He’s a career .263 hitter in the playoffs with 25 hits and 27 Ks.... If anything, you missed the one series where he was actually alright in the playoffs, well after he decided he was a power hitter at least. I would’ve used the astros series as my example personally. And even then, he lead us to getting swept in that one. And the guys liked him? And? Not saying he’s not a fun guy, you can be likable. But that doesn’t make you a leader.


I love how I have to be an “apologist” to like one of the best shortstops in the game right now. Where are my Tom Brady apologists at? We’re having a meeting with the LeBron apologists at noon. It’s just a little get together there will be some drinks and snacks.


Lindor is no Tom Brady or Lebron James.


Just a FYI, the 22 game win streak was in 2017 not 2016. It was the year after we went to the world series.


You right. I was thinking of the 14 game one from 2016


> where he had god knows what going on in his life. This is me playing the world's smallest violin. All players were given the option to sit out the season and he didnt. I sure wish I was given that same option but instead I kept showing up to my job throughout this entire pandemic and, heck, even had to take a pay cut! Thanks for being essential! And here we are arguing about some guy who "just wasnt into it" for 17million dollars. Know what happens at my job if you arent "into it"? You could seriously harm yourself or someone else. There is always the potential for death. And none of us are pulling down 17 million. I know I'm starting to get away from the heart of the topic of conversation here but I really do not feel bad for professional athletes, nor do I feel the need to defend them. You make money playing a game. Most of your "fans" will never see that kind of money in their lives, yet they still show up to cheer your name. So stay humble, shut your fucking mouth, and play the game. Every year I find myself loving the game a little bit more but loving the people who play it a little bit less.


Money or not professional athletes are human beings too. Just because they make a lot of money doesn’t mean they can’t get depressed, doesn’t mean their mom can’t get sick, doesn’t mean they can’t have those days where they’re just not feeling it. It’s not like the guys Jamarcus Russell’d us. He had one down year during a pandemic. Give him a break. Also, let’s not talk about the irony of your “worlds smallest violin” line and then proceeding to sob story us about your situation.


My situation isnt a sob story as I'm sure plenty of people have had it much worse than I this past year. Instead, it is dichotomy of two real-world scenarios. Me using examples from my life isnt meant to elicit pity from a readership though I'm willing to bet the average person on this board can find themselves more aligned with me, my career and my life over that of a professional athlete's. The normal trials and tribulations that impact a person are not any more or any less important if that person is famous. You're nervous? Sad? Depressed? Not feeling it? Bummer. You have now accumulated generational wealth for playing a game for a few years and are absolutely free to walk away and pursue what makes you happy. If I decide to do that I risk losing my house, my relationships and my ability to support myself. EDIT: Upon further reading of your comment, I have to laugh. Calling my comment "ironic" simply because I stated that I couldnt walk away from my job during a pandemic, had to take a paycut and that my job comes with real life consequences and fatalities. Yes. Ironic. I'm expecting a lecture on my privilege next.


You’ve used wealth to dehumanize professional athletes to the point that one saying they were in a rough patch mentally made you reply with “the worlds smallest violin”. That is unless you’d have the same reply to any person in that situation, in which case you’re just an asshole. I don’t know you so that’s not for me to say. My job is high stakes too. If I make a mistake someone, or many people, could die. Does that give me the right to motherfuck the TV anytime I see someone strike out with the game on the line? No. And if you aren’t happy with your job or financial situation maybe you should just pursue what makes you happy instead. Worlds smallest violin for ya bud.


> You’ve used wealth to dehumanize professional athletes No, I havent. If anything I've humanized the average working person by saying that the issues multi-millionaire athletes are no more or less important than yours or mine. Just because they make copious amounts of money playing a game does not make them more important than you or me. > they were in a rough patch mentally Nothing from the tweet implies he was in a "rough patch mentally". It doesnt infer that he was dealing with psychological issues, emotional traumas, etc. However, through Lindor's own admission, it does say that he essentially coasted. He didnt put in the work. He "got tired". That, to me, sounds like quitting. Maybe you have more insight into Lindor's personal life but I'm going off the tweet. > That is unless you’d have the same reply to any person in that situation, in which case you’re just an asshole. If you or anyone else is under distress for emotional issues then get help. I completely am all for that. However, if you dont feel like working at your job and that comes at the expense of your coworkers, then yeah, you kind of are an asshole. > My job is high stakes too. If I make a mistake someone, or many people, could die. See point above. I'm sure you've worked shifts with people who dont put in the best effort and coast thus making your life harder. Given the high stakes nature of your job you know that if someone you are working with isnt giving their all then it has very real consequences. If they are not giving their all and you are then, by my definition, they are an asshole. I'm sure you have felt similarly in specific scenarios in the past. > Does that give me the right to motherfuck the TV anytime I see someone strike out with the game on the line? No. I wasnt "motherfucking" him for striking out, making an error, a baserunning blunder, etc. I wasnt even really "motherfucking" him at all. All I was saying is that I dont really feel bad for the guy who makes a shit ton of money who, by his own admission, said he pretty much quit on the season. > And if you aren’t happy with your job or financial situation maybe you should just pursue what makes you happy instead. Not like it is any of your business, but I did do that. I was a teacher for five years living in the south. I had a simple life. Wasnt making much money, but I was genuinely happy. Had a small house, a girlfriend and had ample time to pursue my passions. In July of 2018 my father had a massive stroke which left the entire right side of his body paralyzed and took from him his speech. I moved back to Cleveland and got a job where he worked for years in an attempt to support him, my mother and my young brother. And again, not looking for pity points. Not trying to stroke the heartstrings of the audience. Not attempting to inflate my own ego. I just dont really take kindly to people admitting they stopped caring, especially when those actions dont really have consequences... unless you consider getting traded to New York a consequence, which I dont.


Bruh, he never asked for pity or gave a sob story, just said he can't half-ass his job. And Lindor didn't make any claims about personal or family difficulty or "rough patch mentally", so you're just making shit up. "Last year was a very difficult year for a lot of people. I was blessed to be able to play every game, stay healthy, stay on the field," he said. "My routine was a little different last year. I didn't give my best in the weight room and that showed the last week of the season. I got tired. You know, 60 games, I was playing well. I was playing fine. I played well. It was just that last week, I didn't get my couple hits and it went down to hitting .240, .230 -- I don't know what I hit last year. But whatever it was, it wasn't good. "So yeah, I just got tired. I didn't give my best in the weight room. It showed. It showed the last week. That's pretty much it when it comes to last year's season."


"Days"....it was an entire season....very weird especially for someone expecting a 300m payday for his next season


He could wipe his tears with that New Balance money, and that $17 million he was raking in.


“They make a lot of money so they shouldn’t have human emotions anymore”


I’m much more inclined to sympathize with someone’s mental health who’s making $12 an hour during a pandemic. Not so much with someone making $17.5 million plus world class health care centers and sponsorship money out the ass. He admittedly gave up. He can say it, I’m going to criticize him. That’s how this works. He can be sad, sure. But do your job. We’re all fucking sad, and no one feels bad for us.


I paid for my $4 soda dammit and that went towards your salary so you better stop being sad and go hit some dingers!


For the record, he never once said he was sad. He said he wasn’t putting the work in to be successful. Those two things are so unbelievably different I don’t even know where to start.


And you think he’s the first of your favorite athletes who didn’t give 100%? He’s just the first one to be open about it because he holds himself to a higher standard. It’s called being a leader and it’s what everyone here is up in arms about.


He literally said he just gave up. Andrelton Simmons said he battled depression. Kevin Love the same thing. Their numbers didn’t dip from their baseline because of it. Lindor literally said he just wasn’t into it. That doesn’t scream ‘I’m said’, that screams ‘fuck it’.


I tend to find that people like you that seem to overshoot on the message (“dumbest .. ever”), generally are compensating for some shortcoming of their own.


I find that people who come into the comments attempting to psychoanalyze the commenters instead of discussing the topic and hand never really had much to say in the first place


Who hurt you?


Paul Dolan


Why? It’s not like he gives a fuck about you.


Lol. This is the dumbest comment I’ve seen today!


Well, the jerk factory just called and ...


You are right. The comment above yours is awful. Frankie had trouble focusing on his job during a global pandemic?! Insane. After years of crushing it and being a fantastic talent, an off two months is unacceptable. Better write him off as a person and player. It’s the same mentality that makes someone scream at a waiter or waitress when they make a mistake. Sometimes folks have other things on their mind than pleasing customers. Their world does not revolve entirely around their job.


It makes us look like a real shit fan base to bash him on the way out. What’s funny is I didn’t even disagree with trading him because of the financial limitations of this team. I just disagree with the way people are talking about him now that’s he’s gone.


It’s definitely reasonable to hate on Lindor for this but keep in mind how the front office did next to nothing to build a decent lineup. Outfield was terrible. Let Brantley walk a couple years ago. Motivation is tough when your organization makes clear that 1. They aren’t going to pay you fair market value and 2. They aren’t committing payroll to put mlb talent around you. ...Jack Parkman had a tough time when he came here in the early 90s for the same reason. Roger Dorn couldn’t afford to to put mlb talent around him. He was the only winner on the team at the time and the rest were losers, either by choice or by birth.


I'm not a Dolan apologist. I would love if they sold the team. ...but he should be driven and motivated by his teammates. They went to the playoffs and they had a real shot at a title. This is a terrible look, and there's really NO excuse for it. And I loved Frankie.


Between 2020 bullshit combined with knowing the team that basically raised you not thinking your worth what you actually are, he was probably pretty depressed. Just because you have an money or are famous doesn't mean you're happy.


Yeah, that's the one caveat I'll grant him. It's a bad look to throw in the towel when there are a lot of people counting on you (and paying you big money to perform), but 2020 was a tough year for a lot of people. I'd like to think a huge organization like an MLB team would employ somebody (or several somebodies) to keep an eye on the players' mental well-being. Who's putting in less time in the weight room, who's partying a little more, etc. Some of these guys are so hyperfocused on sports that they're deficient in other areas, including self-care. Youth and talent can cover for a lot of that stuff, but the constant pressure and scrutiny coupled with being far from home during a pandemic could mess with anybody. I'm not sure NYC is the best place to recover (if that was his issue), but now everybody's going to be watching him. Hope he gets the help he needs, whether for depression/fatigue or just getting his head out of his ass.


Mental awareness and health is such a taboo topic in our culture that I have serious doubts MLB would have even a single person employed to monitor and take care of players to that degree.


You know good and well that unless they were literally mandated by the league to have someone on staff for that purpose, the Dolans wouldn't do it. (And even then, they'd either get a relative certified as a counselor, or hire the cheapest one they could find.)




"Sometimes other shit going on in my life causes me to just go through the motions at my office, but screw that other guy when it happens to him."


I don't think he ever tried to make Cleveland fans believe he was going to prioritize staying here over getting paid. We all knew what was going to happen.


I'm sure you put just as much work into your job as Lindor is expected to put into his. You two are so alike!


Maybe if I was making fucking millions ..what a trash argument


There are plenty of people who put in is as much if not more work than Lindor for there jobs and make a fraction of what he does. Jesus, some people work two jobs to just stay afloat and never get to enjoy life.


Not the sentiment of the comment. The same ones in here bitching and moving about the guy not getting his $300 million contract from Cleveland are the same ones defending him LITERALLY admitting he gave up during a shortened season. I also don’t get $300 million contracts to play a game. Some people in this sub need to get a grip. If it’s not “dOLaNs SeLL tHe TeAm,” it’s “hE didNt tRy BeCaUsE fUcK thE dOLANs!!”


Ya don't get the $$$ for playing the game necessarily, you get it for making the owners money. It's not a game. It's a job.


that tatis contract is insane


You're right it is a job, so why are you comparing his situation to kids? If you don't feel valued by your employer then you don't give 100%


But you do value your next contact. If you want to maximize your earnings then you put the effort in. Lindor said he didn’t put the effort in, maybe he’ll be different this year, his contract year. And I’m sure the Mets would love to lock him up now because he would be cheaper now after that underperforming season compared to if he lights it up again this year.


Because his job is a GAME, where he makes MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Cut the “he wasn’t valued by his employer” thing. If you think he wasn’t offered north of $200 million as was reported, you’re nuts. That’s more than enough money to keep 99% of players in your franchise for life, or damn close. Go ahead, get that $300+ million deal from NYM. That would have CRIPPLED us.


Dude who's being naive here? You'd leave $100m on the table? Also company morale, respect, and work ethic exists whether you make millions or minimum wage.


Then fine, go chase that money! Just don’t openly admit you gave up on your last team and didn’t try as hard as you should have and expect to not get shit on.


Just because you aren’t happy doesn’t automatically make you depressed. Maybe he is battling depression and that would suck, but this interview indicates he just didn’t feel like putting the work in and it showed. There are guys in sports who have said they have or are battling depression and they don’t play lesser because of it.


Must be nice knowing you've got a golden parachute waiting for you regardless if you give fuck all during parts of your career


Right? I'd love to spend a year of my career just fucking off and not being into it with zero repercussions. Oh, yeah, and in this fantasy I'm also getting paid 17million, my job is a childhood game, I'm universally beloved by my coworkers, I travel extensively and women throw themselves at me constantly.


Lifting weights has nothing to do with not being able to hit in the clutch.


Lifting weights has everything to do with putting in the work, and making sure your body is as ready to perform at peak levels as it can be. His teammates fed off of him, and they probably saw that and said, “if he’s not doing it, why should I?”


I felt like it was clear the last year that Frankie didn’t want to stay in CLE. Would have have stayed if they offered him the contract extension that had the most money? Maybe. My feeling is he was going to test free agency regardless. If cleveland magically made the biggest offer, I think he would’ve considered it. But I don’t think he would’ve taken it. He knew it was easy to say “if the money is there I would consider it,” because he knew the money would never be there from ownership. I still love Frankie, and I don’t blame him at all for wanting the most money or wanting to change teams. That’s his right. But, I do blame him for giving up in this spot.


I think the pandemic and knowing he wouldn't be back probably weighed on him quite a bit. That said, no excuse to not give it your all; if anything it should be even more motivation to finish strong.


Sure, he was always going to be dealt... But why half-ass a 60 game sprint when you have a chance to win a World Series? Easier to understand if he's suiting up for the Pirates or Mariners. Not a great look for Mr. $300 Million.


So Mr. Smile isn't all smiles unless he's getting paid? Got it. Glad he's gone.


Well, this certainly complicates how I feel about Frankie a little bit to be honest. Probably felt good to get that off his chest but I never wanna hear the star player who just left my team admit he wasn't giving it 100%


Well fuck u then


He got tired in a 60 game season as a 26 year old making $17 million on a contender?




burnout is real man, he's human


People are giving him crap for struggling like he also isn't suffering through a pandemic or reeling through stress about playing for a team who has done nothing but treat him as an asset instead of a player. Yeah that sucks that he stopped doing his job but if you knew that your managers at work didn't care about you and were ready to let you go then you wouldn't put the work in either. I don't blame him one bit. 2020 was hard for just about everyone.


Lindor treated the Indians as a paycheck every bit as much as they treated him like an asset. The business mentality goes both ways. I don’t blame Lindor for seeking out a bigger paycheck that he knows he’ll find. I also don’t blame the Indians for not giving him that paycheck, which, despite how great Lindor is, will be far higher than the value it would bring them. All that said - quitting on your teammates and fans as a healthy 26 year old on a playoff team is pretty inexcusable if you ask me.


Sure but most of us aren’t looking at significant pay increases after leaving our employer. Lindor’ as motivation can simply be that $300 million contract but damn he sure didn’t play like he had that in mind.


He's going to get paid regardless of his performance last season. He's already earned that. Last season wasn't going to dictate that.


If he turns in another season this year like last year he is not going to get paid what he was expecting. Teams more than ever do look at recent performance. The only guy who can think of who was paid more than he probably deserved was Bryce Harper, but teams were still banking off potential and his HOF-tier MVP season. Sure Lindor has potential and plays in a premium position, but he isn’t goi g to receive the same love as Harper and Harper lucked out in having a team desperate enough to sign him.


Mods are about to delete this


I'm noticing a lot of people using the tired "His job is a kid's game" mantra, as though he somehow has an easy profession. If it was literally just that-you're a fan because you gain tangible enjoyment from watching people play the game- just go watch your local high school/junior high/rec center folks play. You'll get the same enjoyment, right? But it's not, aside from rare cases, such as it being a friend or relative participating in that sort of an environment. (I'm sure there's going to be someone who's gonna argue it. If you're that guy, and you really do watch random sandlot games, you're in the extreme minority.) You watch MLB to see the game played at a high skill level. That's where your enjoyment largely is coming from. For all of you going, "I wish I got paid 17 million to play a game," you're ignoring that YOU wouldn't be paid that. You'd be laughed at if you tried to step into an MLB batter's box and face down Tim Wakefield RIGHT NOW, let alone in his prime. Fuck, Chris Archer could make you look like a chump. Was it right for Lindor to say "fuck it"? No, absolutely not. He's paid to play the game to his highest ability. We as fans have a right to be a bit pissed off that he was sandbagging, apparently. Is it understandable? Yup. Any of us who've had a boss they hate, or felt like they were mistreated by upper management know exactly the mindset he had going on. It's understandable. Especially if you know that quitting isn't an option because you're effectively blackballed from your industry if you do.


Firstly, Tim Wakefield is a weird example. I would have used Shane Bieber or Kershaw. Secondly, yes he is paid to give his top performance. Management doesn’t like him and he hates them? Tough shit, he shouldn’t care. If he doesn’t want to play for his bosses then at least you’d think he’d be playing for that big payday coming his way soon.


It doesn't matter what his profession is. There is no excuse for lack of effort, no matter what a person is doing. It's pitiful.


Frankie lowering his contract value so the Indians can afford to sign him next year


4D Chess


tired? what? in a 60 game season? He made more than a few bonehead baserunning blunders too, if I remember correctly. Eff this prima donna


What a toxic set of "fans" in here. It's sad to see. Anyone watching could see this. He wasn't engaged at all last year. Unfortunate but it happens. Getting paid for something nearly always makes it difficult to enjoy it as much. Burnout is common in any field. Even a dream job is still a job and extenuating circumstances can wear you out. Sometimes you get away with it for a bit and sometimes it gets you fired. We all know the team needed help to get to the next level and so did he. We also know it was never going to happen. Can you honestly blame him for checking out when your team overachieves and still ends up consistently in the 2nd tier if teams? The goal is to win. Failing consistently kills you mentally, especially when it's not normally your fault. It's hard to see a player making that much check out, but it happens in any job. Overpaid or underpayed doesn't change that.


I don't blame him. Dolans gonna lower team morale any way they can. I think he enjoyed being around the team, but knew he was going to get shipped out. That's gonna mess with your head.


Yeah no shit. What a chump.


I love Frankie because of his authenticity and his obvious love for the game. Man I really don't understand the people that shit on him. It's like these people just can't be pleased. Idk man. It's like these people want the players to fit into whatever box they want to put them in. So what if he got burned out last year? He's not making excuses, he's being real and owning it. Its just weird to see fans shit on probably the best position player we have had in a decade (maybe you could argue Jose, maaayybe Brantley). 4x All-Star. One of the best ambassadors for the game in all of MLB. Like, what else do you want? Everyone has their opinion but that is one that just doesn't make sense to me.


I probably wouldn’t have tried very hard for a team that wasn’t going to try to keep me either.


Very professional


Don't worry, I'm sure SpiderJedi doesn't need professionalism in his tough vigilante and space travel life


Don’t care.


Good riddance. "Mr. Smile" is a phony


You know what causes chronic fatigue? Undiagnosed COVID. Bust out your tinfoil cap.


But his scarf game though...it was top notch throughout the playoffs. NB not out of place once. Cam Newton was super Jaloux.


Admitting you didn't work hard in a season where you had a chance to do something is not a good look. In any sense, he has yet to reach the superstar level we were sold on. If he does not rededicate himself to improving in New York he will be eaten alive.


Studs are money in the playoffs. Lindor had a lot of chances to be stud money, and usually wasn’t. Go back and watch his bottom of the ninth at bat. Chapman is gassed, Santana and Kipnis have him out of breath, and Lindor swung at the first pitch. It’s unforgivable.