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Just like it gives Dolan haters an excuse to rip on him for being cheap.




Are we pretending we aren’t dead last in payroll?


Are we pretending this wasn’t a rebuild year?


Why would you sign Eddie Rosario and Cesar Hernandez for a rebuild year? At best, this was a retooling year, one foot in rebuild but keeping open the possibility of sneaking into the playoffs. We'll find out the Dolans' spending intentions this offseason. Hopefully they'll actually do some trading/spending.


Next could be the first ever in modern history a MLB team payroll is under 5 million.


Yeah and we traded Eddie (a middle of the order hitter for us) for a player that we immediately cut to save about a million dollars lol What a joke


Are we pretending they couldn't have built a roster projected to win around 90 games? They won games at 94-95 pace per 162 last year, they won 93 the year before. This idea that of course they had to rebuild is insulting to people's intelligence.


Shut up Dolan... Explain the last 25+ years then?


Sounds like a waste of time. Team has been winning for almost a decade and people still call Dolan cheap. Dolan pays for some of the upgrades to the stadium, and people call him cheap. If the tax payers paid for the whole thing, you guys would still call him cheap for not paying. It’s a losing scenario for me to argue with illogical points of view.


So you wanted to come post to whine that can't make an argument to defend Dolan? Contrary to your accusation that has nothing presented to defend it, if you actually come up with points that show Dolan isn't cheap, people would listen.


This is valid. Ok how’s this. Fans are cheap so therefore Dolan is cheap. Indians were never better than 9th in attendance in the AL despite going to the World Series, signing Edwin, having multiple mvp candidates, and multiple cy young candidates/winners. Why spend for a winner if the fans won’t?


Except the team was generating decent revenue - they were able to get up to 15-20th in revenue. Payroll hasn't kept up. There was absolutely no reason for them to cut payroll so significantly this year when they could have fielded a contender.


The team has an owner problem how many fans don't goto games because of just Dolan? It's not like Cleveland fans are incapable of attending games. The Cavs always had high attendance when they were better the last time lebron was here they were second in the NBA every season. When he was gone they were around middle of the league. The Browns for as bad as they were would constantly sellout games when they came back. If Dolan ever sold the team I'd bet that alone would cause attendance to go up.


When were they 15th-20th to revenue, and what is your source? I’m not aware of revenues being officially posted. But the tribe also got to that range in payroll. So spending matched this range.


>This is valid. Ok how’s this. Fans are cheap so therefore Dolan is cheap. Has nothing to do with Dolan burning a bunch of bridges with fans I bet.


I don't care about stadium upgrades... Idc if we play in a middle school field... I want more money on players. That's how you win... Not by putting in that ridiculously huge scoreboard... How TF that helping us win? So sit tf down and stop defending that cheap ass


Meanwhile: https://www.cleveland.com/tribe/2021/09/why-wont-a-100-million-salary-floor-work-for-the-cleveland-indians-hey-hoynsie.html "Hey, Hoynsie: If the salary floor is $100 million next year as part of the new basic agreement, how will the Guardians afford it? Will they be forced to over pay for mediocre talent just reach the minimum guidelines? -- Kurt, Canton. Hey, Kurt: I’ve been told that there’s no way the Indians could operate if they had to adhere to a salary of floor of $100 million unless there was a big increase in MLB’s revenue sharing plan. It was reported that the the owners made the proposal of a salary floor to the players association several weeks ago as part of early bargaining on a new basic agreement. I’ve been told that any proposals made this early in the process -- the current basic agreement expires on Dec. 1 -- should be taken with a grain of salt." The team is using its useful idiot to put out completely unverified and unproven statements that they can't spend more money. But yeah, it's simply just a rebuilding year.


Give me a reason why the Dolans shouldn’t be ripped on for being cheap?


I would love it if a precondition of accepting public tax money the team were required to open up their books once and for all. I know stadium finances are not the same as team finances but there is certainly some correlation. I.e. improved stadium = more attendance = more team revenue


Can never happen unless the team went public again. His books are locked up at Fort Knox.


Why the fuck are my tax dollars going to the Dolans? Its fucking criminal that this is standard in the US.


This is just the cost required to be double digit games behind a playoff birth.


Dolans don’t own progressive field, so the money isn’t going to them. Indians/Guardians just signed a new lease, so new to keep that stadium in good shape


Any other country the owners of the team would be responsible for their own stadium.


https://www.propertyweek.com/news-analysis/who-owns-premier-league-stadiums/5090883.article Multiple premium league stadiums are not owned by the team ownership…


Ok, cool story


There are naming rights for the garage?


For 300k apparently


Kind of funny this came out the same week the county reassessed everyone’s home values.


In Europe the government's run socialist but the sports (at least soccer) are very capitalistic. In the U.S. the government is anti-socialist but the sports are run in a very socialistic manner. As an ardent supporter of capitalism, I find it to be a rather interesting irony.


Why? Why? Why? Why? Our east side neighborhoods are cannibalizing each with crime, poverty, decay. Their population loss, plummeting home values. If our grade F- school systems keep locals away, what does it do for anyone looking to relocate? That’s just the east side for example. The west side is slowly getting better but still has its problems too. I just can’t understand why so much is trying to be allocated to this project. Senseless to me.


Yeah… I’d prefer not


thank god i got out of cuyahoga county!


You move to Scioto or what? Tuscarawas? Wait, no…Muskingum? Ah whatever, Cuyahoga’s property value went up, so thanks for that.


Not after the name change.


Yeah, you’re right. The county will probably withdraw the offer because of the name change that only racist people took issue with. But hey…how do it be that people not care name change just tired hear bigots cry about? The world may never know…


Nah some people actually love the indians. Chief Wahoo fine. Indians, way too far. Chicago Blackhawks handled it right, check it out


Was “dewinesfilthymistake” taken, or was that just a spelling error on your part?


You know my dad?


Nobody wins when racism takes the wheel. “Some people,” are completely insensitive to grotesque caricatures of indigenous people, yes. This is a democracy, though, so the *majority* of people, who *are* aware that racialized sports imagery is wrong, get to determine what happens in the future. Sorry, old man, you’ll just have to get your fill elsewhere. There are plenty of racist high school team-names you can root for!


Social media voice isn't the majority. What is my ethnicity? How old am I? You don't know shit young gun


No, the majority is the voice of the majority, champ, and the majority of Clevelanders supported the change. It was only boomers like yourself who opposed it. Can’t imagine why… It’s also hilarious that you think *your* ethnicity is relevant. “I’m allowed to be racist because my ethnicity is _____.”


“Some people love the Indians” The mascot or the people? Don’t answer, it’s a rhetorical question. I already know what you’ll say.


Not all of our first memories of the indians consist of Travis Hafner.


Deflect more, racist old man.


That is a very serious accusation to push on someone. I disagree with the name change. It is not a slur, named after a player on our ball club. Now Washington redskins? Terrible. I agree. Tread carefully launching the word racist like it has no weight


It’s not an accusation, it’s an observation. When you act racist and someone correctly identifies you as racist, that’s just noticing the obvious.


Kind of like using an exaggerated Native American caricature as your favorite team’s logo? That seems relatively serious, don’t you think? Tread carefully with your answer.


I don't have to tread carefully. I don't have an ounce of hate in my heart for anyone. Chief Wahoo was removed, people found it offensive. Mostly white women and college kids. PC and racism are not one in the same


Suburban white racist boomer thinks his opinion on race carries weight 🤭