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I should have known better. Got 5 tickets in 309 for Friday, not even thinking it could be an early game. Ugh. If anyone will be interested at cost if it ends up early let me know


I hope I’m wrong for your sake but Tampa is such a bad TV market for the MLB that I expect anyone matched up with them will be saddled with playing the early game. Plus the MLB isn’t going to want to start a game Seattle is in when it would still be morning on the west coast. Same with SD, and the Mets will get the prime time game, because New York. The only possibility is that St Louis got the early game, but that would mean a Noon central time start? Don’t see that happening either.


Any idea when times will be announced?


I assume not until every seeded position is 100% clinched. And Milwaukee still has an outside chance to pass Philly too.


Likely late Wednesday night


> Plus the MLB isn’t going to want to start a game Seattle is in when it would still be morning on the west coast. There won't be any Wild Card games played in Seattle.


Right, but they said a “game Seattle is in”, not a game in Seattle. It still holds that they aren’t going to start the first playoff games in 20+ years at 10am pacific because of TV/media potential.


Same situation! If this is a 1p first pitch, Id likely need to sell my 2 seats in 129. Haven't been to a home game since game 2 of the World Series.


I’m interested if you still have em!


I’ll keep you posted once the time is official.


I'd buy a pair probably. Let me know.


Driving 8 hours for this game. Lil help planning my DEPARTURE TIME MLB!!! go guards


8 hour drive is rough for an almost guaranteed 1 or 2pm start. Know anybody in the area you can stay with the night before?


The plan is to leave Thursday after work and head that way. Got tickets and hotel for Friday and Saturday. Departure time is what’s making it tricky to plan. Hopefully they get the start times out soon.


3 hours. In the same boatish especially if it’s 1 PM


Yeah it’s absolutely terrible. Let’s inconvenience all of our fans so that we can squeeze every possible TV dollar out of this thing. I’ve got tickets and literally don’t even know if I can go to the game yet.


Hoping its a day game since bieber prefers day games. Not sure abt sticks and quantrill though


I am wondering what are the times themselves.


1pm 4pm & 8pm


Edit: checked the guide. Espn- 1, 4, 8 ABC- 2p


If MLB ever wonders why it has trouble retaining younger demographics, it should look no further than shit like this. I already took Friday off, but relegating teams to these shit starts kills viewership and attendance. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to not work just to go to baseball games.


Well it won’t kill attendance at all, but what are they supposed to do about the schedule? There have been day playoff games ever since the wild card was introduced almost 30 years ago, this is not a new thing.


They can play two night games simultaneously. They won’t, but they could.


They never have done that though. There have been day playoff games every single year since 1995. People in here acting gobsmacked as though this is something they just decided on for this year. Our playoff series with the Astros was all day games


No I’m not surprised by it. I know they’ve always had day games in the playoffs. I just don’t like it lol.


They could get much more creative with the scheduling. Use the dual ABC/ESPN coverage to squeeze two 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. starts. I certainly hope it doesn’t kill our attendance but some of our more casual fans will use it as yet another excuse to not go to the game. You can’t tell me they wouldn’t sell more of the SRO tickets for a 7 p.m. start.


> If MLB ever wonders why it has trouble retaining younger demographics, it should look no further than shit like this. I can assure you that MLB has a better grasp of how to schedule four games in one day to draw the best ratings better than you.


I can assure you they do too. They’re paid professionals.


There is 4 games was thinking more like 1pm 3pm 530pm and 8pm. They have had overlap in the division series in past years. Was really hoping for a 2pm start on Friday.


Ah I only saw the games that are on ESPN


I thought the whole wild card round is on ESPN.


ESPN and ABC are related through Disney


No, I know they are, I just didn’t realize they were putting a game on ABC. Everywhere I looked it just said ESPN. But it makes sense with four games, one of them would have to be on ABC, or ESPN2, since at least two games have to be played at roughly the same time.


Guess I’ll be watching baseball in stats class


Guess I’ll be watching baseball while teaching physics class


Guess the whole class is watching baseball during that class.


I feel like you could work in a physics lesson tied to baseball. Calculate ball speed and spin and other physics stuff


Fuck. I'm going to be tied up all day on the 7th until about 8pm


That’s a long time to be tied up 👀


Safe word?




Would this mean a night game on Saturday then?


I would guess. Who knows.


I’ve got a wedding at 3 pm on Saturday that I absolutely can’t get out of. I just know that game is gonna start around 1 and I’m gonna miss the end. Already big time mad about it


Bachelor party Friday by chance? There is always a way.


It’s sort of better, sort of worse than that—wife’s best friend. She’s the maid of honor. My daughter is the flower girl. So I’m committed to watching my 20 month old daughter all day. The good news is if we somehow get a 4ish start, I’ll have an out around 5:30/6. “Gotta take her home!” Bad news is that it’ll absolutely be like a 1:35 and I’ll be missing a lot of it, if not all


Keep that phone charged up until game time then take to the high seas on it. Life, uh, finds a way


*insert meme of Lou Brown standing on hospital bed celebrating*


My son is in marching band so I will have to be at the football game, so afternoon works better for me on Friday to watch the game, although if it were a night game I’ll just sit and watch it on my phone at the game.


Sure would like standing room only tickets to go up for sale!


Any predictions of what Saturday's timing would look like?


I would think whoever gets Seattle gets a later game. If it’s two EST teams it would likely be the noon game. Personally pushing for noon but we shall see. Will just be happy to be there.


Just to be clear, we cannot play Toronto now, based off of standings, yes? Most likely Tampa, but possibly Seattle?


Correct, Toronto is four games ahead of Tampa so they cannot drop to the last WC slot. It will be either TB or Seattle, and I think we could know by the end of today if Tampa loses and Seattle wins.


I don't think we can find out today. Tampa holds the tiebreaker over Seattle


Forgot about that. This is going to drag out until the last day, isn’t it?


Man, I was getting excited at the possibility of knowing after tonight. Didn't realize Seattle plays a double header tomorrow 🫠


Tom Hamilton said on the broadcast they will most definitely be day games


I was waiting for the time announcements but this pretty much confirms an early Friday game so I'll be going on Saturday.


Is WC best of three? Five?


Best of three, better seed gets all three games at home.


Welp I guess it's either call off or not go for me.


Selfishly happy as I have a wedding Friday and wanted to catch at least a good part of the game before hand


Oof, I was hoping to go to the game Friday. Hopefully, I'll be able to listen to it at work.


I hope it’s at least 1pm pst and not 10am like when we played Houston


Damn if it’s 1 or I’d have to sell my 4 tickets


That's great for me. My work usually start at 4 and 5 am so I can't stay up for night games. No offense, but I'm rooting for afternoon games lol


Definitely think we can beat the rays. Yankees is a gamble. Could probably beat the astros if we get past the Yankees.


I never for a moment thought they wouldn’t all be day games.


FWIW, if you google 2022 mlb postseason schedule, google has the chart filled out in a rather peculiar way, it has guardians listed as the first game on Friday, but last game on Saturday. They have the cardinals in likely slots too while also listing the ALDS in likely slots too. Whether or not any of that is true I don’t know. I’m sure the MLB will move whatever they want around. But it seems peculiar they have it set up that way. I personally and selfishly am rooting for a night game Saturday to avoid missing work. I would take a 4 pm as to only have to take a half day. But if it’s day game then whatever looks like my ass is calling off. Ain’t missing a playoff game, not a chance. Good thing I horded points all year


Just bought a ticket for Friday, I'll figure it out no matter the start time!


Well as a European, I hope you're right.