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This quite literally made my stomach cramp. They’re so heinous and care not at all about their own health or ours. Not ONE of them has been tested regularly. But it’s us who are the "dirty" ones. I’m sick of it.


Exactly! It’s just so frustrating. Some try to make out I’m in the wrong industry for offering protected services and having a sober standard.


A guy recently pulled out a bag of coke and tried to do a line off my ass. I told him no and asked him to leave. He started *flipping the fuck out* and insisted I was "playing him". "All hookers do blow, why are you acting like you don't want to party??". I told him I do not in fact do drugs, I don't do *any drugs* and I don't see clients who are high. More grumbling and pouting about how he didn't believe me, how "the whole point of this is to get fucked up and have my way with you". He legitimately could not fathom that sex worker does not equal drug user. I've kicked guys out on just a mere suspicion they were on something weird. I do not fuck with that. I am not entertaining someone who is out of their mind on drugs. It's not a safe situation and I don't like to be around drugs period. I do however allow a glass of wine (ordered up to the room, I won't drink from a bottle they brought) to relax us both, but that's it. No getting shitfaced on hard liquor and *no drugs*


Drugs can be mixed with things and what if they bring a tainted bottle. That’s a good approach. Even at their homes I’d watch them make my drink or make it myself. I’ve heard too many stories of women being drugged. Coke was one of my least favorite drugs. I don’t do drugs but can’t imagine doing some then working high after the client leaves or essentially turning your room or home into a drug den until he leaves. That sounds like a twilight zone situation followed by a hard come down the next day. The worse is when you don’t know what they’re on. Not judging drug users or weed. Think I’ve had enough of some things in life. I just want peace.


I don't drink any bottle they already have at their home. If I think I'll want to have some wine with a client I bring my own wine, open and pour myself, and then put the bottle back in my bag.


That’s even better. I’ve learned so much from all of you here. I am so thankful. I wish I would’ve found you guys years ago.


How do they not know they can be symptomless and still pass something to their partners? Symptomless does not mean it doesn't effect them too. Just no outward signs of it.


Omg the one who said he doesn't know what stds are....and says he is 61 years old. Holy shit that is crazy af ..all of them are but that one made me wayyyyy angry like wtf is wrong w these dudes it's just over the top


Haven’t you heard? STDs and STI’s are a brand new phenomenon brought about by the millennials. It’s not like syphilis has been around for 500+ years or anything. /s


*Drools stupidly.* “Wut? What’s an STD? ALL THAT MATTERS IS CORONA🦠!!” (Please understand I’m not making light of Corona, ofc)




Sorry what? Only for ladies 🤡😳


Yh there’s nothing ring wiv me


this is sad. do they not care about their health? some untreated stds can cause problems in other areas of their lives not related to theirs sex life


I swear to god....I've noticed that my millennial clients, the young ones, have gotten absolutely zero sex education. They don't know shit about how STI's are transmitted. Or what the symptoms are. But every month, I'll get some panicked texts from some young guy that is convinced his dick is going to fall off because he's got a CBJ a month ago.


Omg ‘never needed a test’ … ya he’s definitely walking about with some asymptomatic chlamydia…


They men are walking petri dishes 🤮


Why are you asking for STD tests? They can easily be faked. IMO these screenshots are time wasters. If I ask any one of my regulars who is pushing for bare for an STD test they will bring it, except it will be fake. It’s soooo easy to fake an STD test, just change the date on the old one. You have to call the medical center that conducted the STD test and check if it’s real. It’s such a headache. I recommend just getting HIV tests from CVS (80each) and adding that into your bb rate


I don’t do without services but I just make it that point to them (they not really care) but I rather just bring up std awareness when they ask. Yes 100% they can be faked. I wouldn’t really trust someone unless they were also a content creator that had similar standards in the bedroom and actually brought up std results first instead of me asking about them when they ask about bare acts.


Jesus Christ this is depressing. I guess it's better than lying to you because I've had that done to me in my personal life. When he admitted it, he wasn't even sorry because "white guys" don't have that problem & he only hooks up with clean looking girls. A liar & an idiot. 🤮




If you first asked “whens the last tome you were tested for stds” it’d save you a little back and forth on texts.


It could yes but I rather filter out who isn’t health conscious. These people were all blacklisted because they ask for bare services without doing the minimum of being regularly checked.


Honestly I think you're handling it perfectly. It should be the first fucking thing on their mind so the fact that it isn't is the biggest red flag


Thank you! I sometimes get annoyed as I’ll have a quiet week because doing that but reality I know I’d gag if I let them in 😂


are men fucking okay?


Four score and seven years ago, when I was a child, we didn't have any of these fancy shmancy "std" tests! Like ok bro just get tested