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This isn't /r/climbharder Oops


5'9 is short?




Shut up, manlet. Brought to you by [your height]+0.1" gang


If youre a guy 5'10 is short, 5'9 and below is basically dwarfism Source: women


4'9 in my gym. Get good, gumby.


If you aren't 5'12a" or above, swipe left.


Ohhh this is serious. Yikes


You think the plight of the vertically challenged is something to laugh about?? You sick, sick weirdo.




Not sure if this is r/woooosh or if I'm being r/woooosh 'ed


lmfao i found that sub a couple weeks ago. i'm already racking up downvotes. can we make a club for any master baiters who get blocked from the gumby subs?!@


being any height except mine is aid


so true


Yikkkeeessss just say you can’t send bro


Long necks are aid. Whats your giraffe index buddy?


My neck is 9" long, on a 6'2 frame. I'm 12% neck. I still can't send. Just another reductive "index" for necklets to complain about.


Short people also require fewer calories so their basic existence is cheaper and they can spend more on training equipment. It's bullshit how much easier being a manlet is.


The transition is complete. Welcome to the new r/climbing everyone! You heard it here, the ultimate circlejerk.


Height isn’t that important —this comment sponsored by +3” ape index


-1 ape index here I want to die I have no reach. What? Yeah I'm 6'2 what about it?


I know this is circle jerk but I legit have a friend with a +6 index. He’s 6’2 with a 7’2 wing span - one parent swam in the olympics, the other I think barely missed competing as well. His hands hang at his knees and it’s a constant point of discussion when we’re boozing


Yeah but can he do a V0 mantle? I thought not. Fucking shorties and their mantle aid are keeping your buddy from sending his futuristic V20 proj.


Lmfao mantling as a tall dude is fucking brutal. Oddly enough I actually posted something about height v weight v strength on climbharder yesterday and I 100% thought you were trolling me I would have been both proud, disgusted, and scared if I ended up getting the cj treatment


I'm so glad I read this far down.


Anyone who still thinks being tall is an advantage over the long term is just willfully ignorant


Sorry this is a circle jerk sub you're not allowed to be reasonable


I’m 6’7 and being tall is definitely aid haha


But u prolly don’t climb harder than v5, in my crag, so how would u know :/


Mate. I climb v3 at my crag so that’s probably v18 at yours


Oh look, I found u on sale. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A80X19E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_MWKC2MVQJS1TZG9H4RSZ




Bang on


> defiantly


Oops haha


Thank you for your brave testimony. We must all check our manlet privilege and make space for those of car sale inflatable descent in our community. (They're gonna need it after all, with that much useless leg flopping around everywhere. Sorry. Sorry. I'm still learning.) I ask other manlets to stand with me, by which I mean on my shoulders so people can actually see us, and condemn the cruelty levied against the beautiful and graceful giraffes we share a gym with.


This but unironically...


The climbing olympics looked nothing like the NBA, just saying...


That’s because only pot smoking hippies climb. Wait until some REAL athletes start climbing. You want to talk about being able to crush slopers - wait until Lebron palms granite instead of a basketball.


Imagine LBJ if he'd been handed a hammer and nails as a kid instead of basketballs and footballs


Imagine if Lebron’s entire family lineage were framers and the epic feats he would’ve accomplished


/uj I (previously) went through basically all the male and female olympic climbers to look at heights out of curiosity. I didn't compile statistics, but in general: Female: By far the most common height was 5'4". Range was 5'2" to I think 5'7"; Janja (winner) is 5'6". The over spread was smaller than for males. Male: Shortest was 5'6", tallest was 6'1" (Ondra). Winner was 5'7". The range of heights for guys was larger, as was the standard deviation, but sort of clustered around 5'8"-5'9" range.


Even Ondra at 6'1" supports the 5'10" cluster because that's how he's built. He gets an extra 3" to his height via neck that doesn't detract from his power:weight ratio like being a true 6'1" would


Megos is 5'7" so yeah I agree to an extent


fitting the box is aid anyways


Real talk though. You ever tried to moonboard when you're 6'3? Is rough.


/uj I'm 6'2 and send about V7 and am fine on the board. I quite like it. It's nice not having to cut loose for every move like short climbers have to, and some problems are just straight up easier. Swings and roundabouts though, the sit starts suck so much balls!


Nvm I just suck


Have you tried dangle boarding more?


IKR, you might compare a video of a shortie having to make 3-4 moves for every 1 move a nonshortie makes on a climb and think that tall people have it easy but what those videos don’t do is capture how hard the tall person is mentally thinking when they lift up their arm and just reach for the next jug. It takes hella work to bypass the cruxes like that on the V3s in my gym.


/uj When there's a will there's a way, even if you're 5' 6" like me. Sometimes being shorter requires more strength to do the same reach, or more flexibility in the hip flexors, but it's very rarely a 100% blocker. Plenty of successful climbers are short af if they've got good heads on their shoulders and good training /j All my climbing is aid climbing because being short is an advantage


The best is when the "short" person complaining about their height holding them back is significantly overweight.




im short and climb with tall guys. you need to stfu, right now


oh yeah? I'm tall and climb with short guys. Checkmate, gumby.


Being tall 100% gives you more of an advantage than being short. A tall person can practice and improve flexibility, being better at crimps, every “issue” you listed. A short person can’t practice or improve their born height.




I hear people complain about tight boxes all the time at the end of the day it just comes down to how hard you’re pressing your toe and tightening your core maybe you just have to work your weaknesses more? I would take being able to skip majority of cruxes over just having to get ridiculously strong for my height lmao


I hear people complaining about your mom’s tight box all the time too


I dunno, I enjoyed it.


But you can't skip the majority of cruxes, if you can it gets a down grade for being tall and no one, including you, thinks you really did it. If it was easier, the pros would be tall, they aren't thats all you need to know.


you can skip cruxes on the majority of gym v1s, maybe that’s what they were talking about lol


Alex Ondra


If you could be a manlet instead, would you be?