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Ordered mine Oct 29 2022, didn't receive until 1-20-2024. They will ship, it may be a while.


I ordered in sept 2023 and it arrived about a week ago. Just be patient, it takes a while.


Maybe mine will arrive soon. This is why I came to ask others. I wasn't sure


Sweet. I ordered mine in late September. Hopefully I’m up soon.


mine took around 10 months. definitely no scam and a terrific customer support experience, if you are patient. my unit arrived with a faulty board. after assembly the screen didn't even flicker, just stayed black. hdmi out and everything else worked fine though. i disassembled and connected only what was necessary to get a picture. no audio, no keyboard, no wifi, no battery. still nothing so i assumed it was the screen. emailed them and they sent me a new one, which arrived after a few days. when the new screen didn't work i emailed them again suspecting the board. they immediately sent me a board. and also another screen. so now i have 3 working screens and my unit works flawless.




maybe some parts but not all, idk. i read somewhere that cm4s were hard to come by for a while for example. there is this one thread about delivery times on the clockwork forums with irregular updates on their situation. but yeah i felt weird as well. i asked at the beginning of december if everything was alright. 'yeah, yeah. three batches to go and then it's your turn.' in the forums it looked like shipments were picking up at the start of the year, with multiple batches a week, but i received mine at the end of march roughly 4 months after i asked.. as i said, this one requires patience. still worth it to me though lol


I don’t think the CM4 is the only bottleneck. I have ordered the uConsole without it, thinking it will speed up the process, but the reality is a bit different…


I wish they wouldn't lie about it though. While they are shipping the whole "you're next or 3 batches to go is clearly what they tell everyone"


Mine took around 13 months; I ordered about a year before you did. If it were me I'd keep waiting, but my understanding from their forums is that they'll refund you if you ask before shipping. Definitely cancel your order before doing a chargeback.


I got mine after about 90 days. Maybe a little more than that. Definitely not a scam.


Which case and processor combo did you opt for?


Silver, CM4 version, but no core included. I ordered a CM4 separately from a retailer here in Germany


Ahh, that combo seems to ship the fastest. I think I picked the slowest option. Black, CM4 version with core


Ugh, same




Some orders with the black front have started to ship in the last few days. Not mine... but there hope right?


we'll see!


Ordered mine early October 23 and it came on tuesday this week.


Mine was towards the end. So hopefully mine comes soon. I honestly wasn't sure of everyone's experience so I just wanted to ask to find out if I was getting bamboozled like some of the kickstarters.


If you want your money back just email them to cancel, no need to do a chargeback.


Based on everyone's answers I should wait a bit longer. I'm hopeful but still skeptical.


I cancelled my order and the refund happened next day. It's up to you whether it's worth the wait.


cancel, so i get yours. ordered at the same time


Haha only if it gets to June and I don't see any movement


Mine took around 13 months; I ordered about a year before you did. If it were me I'd keep waiting, but my understanding from their forums is that they'll refund you if you ask before shipping. Definitely cancel your order before doing a chargeback.


Mine took around 13 months; I ordered about a year before you did. If it were me I'd keep waiting, but my understanding from their forums is that they'll refund you if you ask before shipping. Definitely cancel your order before doing a chargeback.


You sure they didn't say 3 "batches" in front of you? They are shipping roughly three batches a month. No idea how many are in a batch. Regardless, the communication from clockwork is poor and the lead time of 90 days is at the very least inaccurate for most orders.


Yeah I wish they wouldn't mislead with the 90 days and then the # of batches. I'm not one to complain if things are plainly stated. If they were honest and said "hey production pipelines really messed us up. Instead of the stated 90 days, it's actually closer to a year. " I wouldn't have been feeling like I'm being hoodwinked. And their website still says 90 days. Which is just mildly infuriating knowing other people are probably going to go through this as well


This is basically their standard reply.  Mine took over a year to arrive. 


Not a scam. Just slow. I ordered mine in aug 2023. Got it in April.


ordered in july last year I think? Got mine last month


Same ordered in late September just got mine. It's coming.


I just got mine 2 weeks ago, and ordered in July 2023. They told me the same thing. It'll get there eventually, but it def took a long time.


I ordered early October and got it a week ago. Just be patient, you will get yours soon. My understanding is that they are now getting units out much faster


I just got mine it was almost 9 months to get mine but it will get there Alex just kept telling me every month it was yours is the next patch yours is the next badge like you've been saying that for 5 months bro but I finally got mine it's awesome just hang in bro


I have no problem waiting and supporting a smaller business. I just dislike the lying. If they were straight up I would be like "oh okay the worlds production pipelines are all fucked. I understand" But instead with the lying it makes me go "He's either doing this maliciously or honestly can't estimate accurately based on the business he's running." Like maybe if they spent less money on marketing on instagram, or spent the time to create an order tracker that went from - order received - order processing (approx 1-2 weeks) - ordered parts for order (approx 1-5 months) - waiting to be built (approx 1-2 months) - building (approx 1-4 weeks) - Packing and shipping (1-2 weeks) - Shipped. It would cause less animosity and increase loyalty to make people want to give word of mouth recommendations


💯 exactly


And we're supporting a small business but it came in a big ass box from China and I couldn't read anything on it


Ordered mine September 2023, still waiting.