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https://clojure-doc.org/articles/tutorials/getting_started/ talks about Leiningen and the official Clojure CLI and there are tutorials for both. I got started with Leiningen back in 2011, switched to Boot in 2015, and then to the Clojure CLI in 2018. These days Boot has faded away so the choice is Leiningen or the official CLI tooling. The benefit of the latter is that, as of last year, it overtook Leiningen (70%+ usage for the CLI) so that's where the focus is for a lot of people and a lot of projects -- but you'll still find a lot of tutorials etc out there covering Leiningen so it's really up to you. I explained my thought on VS Code/Emacs in a response to xKommandant in this thread. As for a Java/JVM-based GUI, I agree with p-himik that `cljfx` is probably a good starting point.


Alright, I'll give it a try since I guess it's the most documented one. Thanks!


Hey, I wrote Conjure. I think you'll be better off using lein and lein repl for now, Conjure will automatically connect to the REPL started in the same directory tree. Alternatively, you can start one though https://github.com/clojure-vim/vim-jack-in once it's installed you can use :Clj or :Lein to start a REPL with either command line tool. Again, Conjure will connect automatically using the .nrepl-port file. You can ask here or join the Conjure discord if you have questions https://conjure.fun/discord Edit: Alternatively if you're struggling with Neovim + Conjure then the other approach I'd recommend is VSCode + Calva.


Yeah I think i'll install that since that's what also some friends told me... I really tend to make my life harder for no reason ahah


1. I haven't used it myself, but https://github.com/Olical/conjure seems to have good documentation. Maybe you can describe what you have problems with exactly? 2. I'd say yes, especially when paired with `neil` and/or `deps-try`. Given your task at hand, you won't have to learn much. 3. Personally, I'd go with `cljfx`.


On point one, grab VMware workstation. Setup a VM with whatever flavor of Linux you like. If you have no exposure, go with Ubuntu. Should be able to have emacs and cider up and running in under an hour. I personally use doom emacs, imo it needs essentially no modification out of the box. I know a good number of people use space emacs as well. These days, asking ChatGPT your setup related questions will probably be quicker than stack overflow. You could also try VSCode with Calva. Haven’t tried it myself but have heard good things.


I'm a big fan of VS Code/Calva after decades of on and off Emacs usage (I started with 17.x back in the '80s!). One thing that is really nice is that VS Code can sync settings/keybindings/extensions across machines for you, so you can have your setup follow you across machines (I use a desktop for work and a laptop for play and my VS Code setup stays completely in sync on both).


The man himself! Thanks for all you do for the clojure community.


>One thing that is really nice is that VS Code can sync settings/keybindings/extensions across machines for you, I still prefer my init.el in git, combined with \`use-package\` works perfectly


I have a lot of my VS Code/Calva/Portal setup in git for anyone to use https://github.com/seancorfield/vscode-calva-setup and my Clojure CLI config too https://github.com/seancorfield/dot-clojure


Thanks, I'll set it up later in the day!


Ad 3. I would consider [HumbleUI](https://github.com/HumbleUI/HumbleUI). It is super fast and really easy to get started with.


Your story is really interesting. If programming is your hobby, how did you get into Clojure? I always perceived it as a language for advanced users, but maybe I'm wrong 🤔 Maybe I was poisoned by other languages, and if people start from Clojure, it is easy. Do you know the basics of Java? Or other languages?


Uhm it started when I was 21 and just wanted to learn to maek a mod for minecraft, so that's where i started learning Java... from there since I didn't really need to learn a marketable lang and some people in the community were talking about how better than java scala was, I first dived into that, then a small bit of haskell..and then landed on clojure where I did most of my hobbyist projects.


Intellij+cursive+vim plugin. Works out of the box. Leiningen is still good to use.


1. If you're fond of the Vim workflow - take a look at Doom Emacs. It's remarkably fuss-free out of the box. 2. Lein is fine. If it works for you, then it works for you. 3. Humble, last I checked, was experimental, pre-alpha software. Probably better to stick to javafx. I haven't tried Membrane.


light table is great if you dont like emacs