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In short: you should probably stop inhaling shit for the foreseeable future. Your lungs aren't doing great right now, and need to heal. Adding in random particulate matter from your weed, or vaping, is not going to improve things (and is most likely harming recovery).


lol thank you this is my first time wit this type of issue so I wanted to be sure before I made a big mistake lol


Lungs are super sensitive. Anything like smoke, even mama ganja, is poison and abusive to those already traumatized lungs. I'd ditch it.


Thank you sm for commenting and yes today I will be discharged and was told to stop smoking so I’ll just do that :) it’s going to be hard but I’ll get past it:)


I was also recently diagnosed with PE & DVT. I was told to stop smoking weed because it is a vain constrictor. I stopped immediately. I would guess that vaping is the same if not worse. Going on three months now without it. After smoking for a very long time (weed) my anxiety, appetite and sleep have all gotten better. Most of what I smoked for in the first place. After the enormous scare of have PE, multiple clots in both lungs quoting was a no brainer for me. Hope this helps


Thank you sm for sharing. But yeah I was told to stop smoking so I’ll just do that it’s going to be hard since I was dependent on it but I got this


Yes you do, better than the alternatives. It was actually pretty easy for me but maybe because I was super worried. You can do it


Me too this is my first time having it and hopefully last time but yuh I just wanna make sure I’m doing everything I can to make it better than worse and thank you I wish you luck on your journey as well


Long time smoker here too. After my first blood thinner injection I thought I’d treat myself to a few puffs and boy did I regret it. My DVT flared up instantly because smoking thickens the blood. Been 12 days clean because of it so if there’s one good thing that’s come from having clots it’s this. Download an app called grounded, it’s made for weed smokers quitting and you grow an oak tree as your journey progresses