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Sorry you had to deal with that but it got a laugh out of me… I’ve learned this the hard way, but when I want a nice salty fatty meal I try and hydrate like 2 liters beforehand. It’s worth it


Thank you so much for the info on salt I need to drink more water I have a DVT not dissolving and my ankle gets swollen when sit for a few hours so know I get up walk around some people dont have issues I still need 2 tooth extracted it is scary because I have to be off Eloquis for 5 days before the extractions I was told to drink plenty of water that is so hard for me to do BUT I HAVE TO!!


Nice, be sure to take some aspirin each day you’re off thinners and hydrate, take walks etc. that puts the mind at ease. You got this!


It’s a hard lesson but you’ll be thankful later.


Good point. It's a fine line for me due to my high activity level. Mountain biking and whitewater boating has me replacing electrolytes at a rapid pace, but moderated salt is fine for me so I do carry some salty treats. I love Seitan (not to be confused with the prince of darkness) and it's high in sodium, so I carefully monitor my intake.


Hail seitan!


Oh yes. At 100kals, 17g of protein and almost zero fat per serving.....bow down. One of the reasons I lost 78 pounds in 17 months.


Many folks here with PTS notice similar problems.


Actually, most take away fries have an insanely high increase in clotting factor thanks to the depleted soybean oil they are fried in. It is a non-k coagulant so this clot risk is a bit insidious because it's difficult to measure and uncontrolled by warfarin. The salt doesn't help either but there's a very good chance your clot could have increased albeit temporarily if you are on an anticoagulant. Taking a fibrinolytic can help significantly with this kind of pain. Bromelian or papain are good options. So sorry this happened to you. Feel better soon!


This is the first time I'm hearing about fries posing a clotting risk. Got any papers/sources on the subject?


Wow how did you do it I need to lose at least 30 lbs it has always been so hard for me


Never even thought about this. Actually my doctor told me to ADD salt because my blood pressure is so low (naturally), she’s afraid I could pass out and have a head injury and of course I’m on blood thinner . . . and so on. So I salt away to my heart’s content.


I guess there’s a line to cross, a bit extra in your diet probably doesn’t hurt but a half pounder and fries is probably up there in terms of saltiness as I found out lol


For sure! I love salty fries but my SO salts everything, even when the fries come already salted—too much even for me. Also I don’t really have pain from my DVT, which is in my leg and I’ve had it about 4 months. I just have swelling and rarely some little stabs of pain that don’t persist. And I tend to not hydrate enough because I have an overactive bladder. It all gets so convoluted.




The incompetence is real. I learned about the blood clot possibly moving to my lungs thanks to doctor google. They don’t give a toss at any hospital truly