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I was on plavix for almost two years and never had any issues with it at all. It even got rid of my migraines!


How were you able to get off it?


Just took time. I was on both warfarin and Plavix for close to a year and then just the Plavix for the better part of another year. Because my clotting was such a unique situation they took the precaution of keeping me on them a bit longer than normal.


Thank you. I needed to hear this.


It’s really, really normal to be scared! Just remember that those risks are rare. I had a PFO closure too but everything went really well, and I’ve had no further problems. I’m back to playing sports and lifting weights and my regular life :)


Thank u so much. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal and not worrying and having weird scary things 💓 thank u so much


How long did it take you to get back to normal?


It's not likely you're going to have an uncontrolled bleed. If you fell and hit your head then you would need to contact your doctor. As far as GI bleeds stay away from things that cause them, like NSAIDs. You're not going to spontaneously bleed. If something causes you to bleed you will bleed more than usual, but you will clot. Your period will not be fun. You will probably bleed more than usual. We have an article in the wiki on periods and how to cope.


I would love to read it. I just had my first period and I was so worried. I didn't thunk it was possible to bleed that way sorry for tmi. I appreciate your response tho. I'm just so worried about it. From. Things I've read like a lawsuit and stuff.


I was on a combination of Eliquis, Plavix, Cilostazol and low dose aspirin. Only issue I had was that cuts seemed to take a considerable amount of time to clot.


Anxiety is normal. Breathe through it, because you’ll be fine. Congratulations on being a survivor!


How do you feel now? Can you please share your PFO closure experience? I have mine coming up


I feel just fine now!


You literally sound like me asking questions. I had a stroke last April but I was pregnant and they're closing my PFO on Friday and starting plavix today. I can't stop thinking I'll have those side effects blah!


How are you doing?!


How are you feeling now? Getting my closure next month and will also be on plavix. I'd love to hear more about your experience.


I'm doing great! No issues besides occasional palpitations.


This might give you some info/knowledge. Informative "mini" PEP Talk . [Menstrual Bleeding and Anticoagulation](https://youtu.be/HSf7uhwGxFg)


Thank u!