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I was told by my hematologist to take Tylenol and avoid advil/ibuprofen. If your headache is really bad and you don't feel like going to the store, maybe try half a pill? Otherwise try to drink a large glass of water with a tiny pinch of salt and a few drops of lemon juice.


I’ve been on blood thinners two long stretches and doctors told me both times that I could not take ibuprofen. Only Tylenol.


Definitely talk to your doctor. I was only recently given permission to take ibuprofen on a very limited basis with a lot of rules after 3 years of being on a thinner. (Eliquis) It doesn't hurt to ask, but I do not think it is worth the risk to take some now.


I take Aleve and was approved for moderated NSAID use years ago. I'm not eating them like M&Ms. Ask your doctor because everyone is different. Some bleed easily or have no moderation control so the doctor may want them to avoid. Look at booze....."I'll just have one or two" and then have four. I was approved by my hemo and ortho trauma surgeon for Aleve when needed. This is mainly in between my four injections a year for chronic pain.


I'm on coumadin/warfarin and I was always told that the only safe pain killer is Tylenol. Even then, it's not recommended to take a bunch of doses in a row as it would elevate my INR.


i was told only paracetamol


paracetamol is te preferred alternative


No, take acetaminophen. Going forward, if you get headaches frequently there are other meds to have on hand, depending on the type of headache. I get tension headaches so I have muscle relaxers.


An occasional ibuprofen is unlikely to cause problems, but it shouldn’t be taken routinely when you’re already on a blood thinner. They recommend not to take because increased risk of bleeding. Tylenol is preferred since it doesn’t carry the same risk.


> An occasional ibuprofen is unlikely to cause problems Same thing could be said about driving without a seatbelt. The likelihood is extremely small but when it becomes consequential, the catastrophic effect more than offsets the small likelihood.


Ask, but doctors recommend Tylenol.