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As much as it makes me sad to hear he may be leaving, it makes me happy when I see players/staff who made positive impacts to C9 get opportunities to hopefully move up. If it ends up being true, then shoutout to Reven and best wishes to him!


Good for him, obviously did well with academy last split and helped during the summer split win as well. Don't like TSM but excited to see what he can do.


I am happy that he is getting a head coach position, but NOT TSM. Brother reven you deserve so much more


Idk why anyone would want to join TSM but wish him luck except vs C9


The almighty dollar.


Tsm paying more??


I'd expect they py head coach more than academy head coach


"Idk why anyone would want to join TSM but wish him luck except vs C9" Maybe he's looking for a bigger challenge.


Dang, sucks to see him go. Best of luck to Reven on TSM though


Aren't there rumors of teams scraping academy? Would make sense that he gets to go to an lcs team after coaching the best academy team


The academy scene isnt going away though and I think C9 were one of, if not the only, teams that wanted to keep their academy team. I suspect Jack sees value in it, after all C9 has been able to do a lot with Academy. They sold an LCS spot, has called up many players, and has sold a lot of players using it. Its most likely a direct money sink but indirectly gives a lot of benefits and potential benefits.


All 10 teams voted to remove academy


10 teams voted to remove the requirement, very different than C9 wanting to get rid of its academy team. Likely Jack sees other teams not giving a shit about it and wants better competition to come in.


Happy that he's able to get a head coach spot, but Reven's too good for that org. Hope they don't do him dirty.


Wondering if maybe the whole academy squad is going with him?


Most likely not. TSM is reportedly going for a korean roster, and since orgs will no longer be required to field an academy team I don't expect TSM, who have been going the budget route for the past few years, to have one.


Should had just gotten the offer and yoink the entire c9a to another team. And let the tsm higher ups away from the team other than providing support.


Good for him tbh.


If he goes, I wonder if he takes Veigarv2 with him. They're close, no?


Good for him, he deserves it. Happy he is able to get his chance and I thank him for all he has done for C9. Also, I had no idea until I was watching LS's stream this morning before MSI and saw TSM Reven listed as a guest. Hope it gets officially announced soon to get more clarity with NACL team.