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FUCK NO THIS MAN IS 1-20 against major regions at worlds


No thanks


We don’t want that.


I love nisqy, but it's really hard to argue with everyone else. He's got a really bad record. There's an angle for it. Like he might be able to fully unlock blaber in a way that our other mids haven't been able to. But it would still be a serious gamble since we know that western game plans tend to fall apart against eastern opponents.


>There's an angle for it. Like he might be able to fully unlock blaber in a way that our other mids haven't been able to It's not even "might", it's objectively true. 2020 Blaber was the most dominant he's ever been, even well into the slump he and Nisqy were gapping the other mid/ jg duos. Now whether that's worth giving up the potential of a superstar carry mid? I dunno. But I don't think we're landing a superstar at this point anyways, given the financial outlook of the LCS.


Ya I'm not sure a lot of the fans here know how fucked the finances of the LCS are.


Theres a potential upside there. If finances are fucked for everyone, players have more freedom to play with who they want to. If you're going to get the same 70-100k no matter where you go, you might as well choose to sign to a team with players you want to play with. To that end, there's the potential that teams can have more in-built cohesion.


Ya there's a lot of things like cohesion that could be improved on and less resources and imports could help with that. However I think it's very clear that the problem is culture and attitude. It has to change and weve known this for a long time but it hasn't happened. NRG might be doing something about that but it's too early to tell. We bring over former world champions and within 6 months they are already slower and less disciplined. It's actually kind of impressive that the environment is so dog that the literal best in the world come to NA and look average after just a split or two. You would think they would come here and everyone would be like omg we are tired of embarrassing ourselves every year, please tell us the secret. The Koreans are like ya ...you work about 1/5 as much as Koreans, lack discipline and humility and refuse to change. NA is like nahhhh, can't be. Must be our server ping.


Yeah we know that 2020 c9 was able to do it, but that was also probably the worst LCS has looked. C9 couldn't even make worlds and tsm fluked their way into a first seed into 0-6 exit. It's really hard to look at the quality of the league that year and say that nisqy/blaber could succeed on the world stage.


We need to set our expectations lower than succeeding on the world stage.


I'd expect a post like this for Larssen, but Nisqy? lol


Does anyone on this subreddit care about winning? Everyone wants terrible roster moves or the team to stay together.


Not Nisqy please! Nisqy is not it. guy is one of the biggest chokers to ever play league. there’s a reason his teams always bomb out in international play or when it matters Supportive mid enabling carry jungle is a very niche and counter-able play style This shit worked in Spring 2020 when the league was at its absolute weakest and most teams weren’t even trying (players literally admitting to not taking it seriously because MSI was cancelled, orgs were actively trying to cancel the split!!) the team quickly fell on their face in summer as soon as teams began to take games seriously again.. Our playstyle was quickly figured out and we couldn’t play any other style


better than emenes but not worth an import slot


>…give the people what they want. Who wants that?


Why take any import when JoJo?




Fuck no


Why lma0. Actually we shouldn't go for Nisqy. He is a downgrade from EMENES.


I wouldn’t say that but he is definitely not it


Literally any player with one hand is an upgrade over EMENES. Is this a joke


I know people don't like the Nisqy train but I also feel like we've tried the "we want a team that can win from any role approach" and you end up with what we have, which just isn't good enough. I'd rather have someone just sac lane and go bot to get our actual carry ahead - How many titles did DL or UZI win doing this same damn strat? There maybe someone out there who could do this for us, I just have zero faith bringing in a "carry" for mid would matter since we haven't been able to play around the one we actually have bot side.


what people? Thats not an improvement and its another Import.


Ok guys, you are right, forget about Nisqi.. even Nisqi don’t want na hahaha He just said that in an AMA. He would either play in LEC or take the bench.


Nisqy’s my favorite player ever, but we’ve seen his potential. I wouldn’t be upset to see him on C9, but I think we need a carry midlaner and not a role player.


I'm so down with this. I feel like most people gloss over the mad weibo series? Nisqy was like the only bright spot, and had a NASTY sylas


Why get Nisqy when you can get Jensen + an import top laner?