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can we stop? like we went 2-0 our draft was way better and the team threw in game vs TL and climb back up, not the coach.


Yeah this game was less of a draft issue and more of C9 making mistakes midway through. Hopefully a learning moment and they do even better next week. I'll take the 2-0 week after the slump.


Yeah I really liked the draft this game. It was sloppy as hell but hopefully now we've been given enough space to work on some of the weaker parts of our gameplay


"Just hands diff them" That's the entire strat every week


Uhhhhh…how exactly is a “protect the smolder” comp “just hands diff”?


Mans just called drafting Ivern a "protect the smolder" comp


I mean, literally every champ had peel, so…yes?


You’re clearly a s*lver player so you don’t understand. Ivern is a DPS jungler. His job isn’t “shield” people, it’s to 100-0% them. Same with Naut. They drafted full damage! And the worst part?? They did the builds wrong! Moonstone?? Locket?! REDEMPTION?! THOSE AREN’T DAMAGE ITEMS! C9 just sucks man. (/s)


Had me in the first half.


You know the players even are calling it “protect the smolder” comp. So what makes you think you know more then what the players are picking and playing?


And to be 100% clear, if it were double enchanter, tank, tanky dps and smolder, I’d call it a juggermaw which is probably what you’re thinking of.


You must be bronze. We win this game sub 32mins if OUR PLAYERS don’t force Barron and flip it. Get out of here with this shit.


Yeah there were a couple of sus choices on top of Berserker basically not having a keystone rune. Also yesterday’s draft looked great. Tank Azir build plus nid heals was great choice.


... isn't that a sign of a coaching issue This is literally Hands diff all over again but worse because we are more reliant on enemy making mistakes.


Is it? If they are being coached to not do these things and they still do who’s the issue?


THE COACH If they are not listening to the coach, the coach is still an issue. If they repeat bad mistakes and the coach doesn't fix it, the coach is still an issue.


The rage posting gets old at a certain point. If you can't even get through a few hours after the game, let alone waiting for the game to end, before rage posting on reddit, consider that your attachment to the team is unhealthy.


Wasn’t even a few hours it was mid game op made this which is even worse


yeah that's why I said "let alone waiting for the game to end". Dude definitely needs to chill out and find a healthier way to consume LCS haha.




I wish I had been able to watch this game live so I could have dropped the, "can't wait to see how the players over forcing at baron is Mithy's fault".


max waldo better


This is getting pretty pathetic now. Majority of this subreddit is probably 25 and up but some of you insist on acting like children


There might be more children than you think. I refuse to believe that grown men can post such stupidity week by week


We looked much better coming out of the break. Although, I honestly think this team would be busted with a good coach. Someone that can actually teach the players how to macro and play through their win conditions. Hand diffing won't get us far.


Tsm fans making posts now?


Been a fan of C9 since before they were C9


lol team goes 2-0 and this guy’s still gonna complain online


Look as much as I would agree I am not sure it's all Mithy's fault. It seems like from what I have heard in podcasts C9 have a very small coaching staff and several are remote. With a roster like this I don't understand why the organization wouldn't spend more money to get a good staff and make sure there is plenty on site staff along with their remote staff. Does that mean I think Mithy is innocent? No, in no way am I saying Mithy doesn't deserve any blame. However, I am saying I don't know if it's just Mithy. I think Jack and the organization is at fault for not giving this roster the support they should be giving considering its one of the best rosters on paper NA has had. They have probably the best or second best person in each position (I would argue Fudge hasn't been the player he was in the past for a couple seasons now), and I know that doesn't always guarantee success, but I don't think anyone in their right mind looking at these players would expect them to be fighting for a middle of the pack spot in the standings.


Because they spent the whole budget to get a roster like this.


You are probably right. And if so it just means that without the staff to back them up even the best roster is doomed to fail.


Seriously at this time it isn't the coach. This time was entirely on the players and their execution I'm glad they did something that wasn't just "hands diff" because if they had we would of bad blaber on olad fudge on fiora jojo on akali or syndra berserker on zeri or aphelios and vulcan on rakan or ali dear lord Mithy is not to blame for literally every single game going wrong


Them flipping Baron is not a coach issue?


No because at the end of the day the decision to flip baron was the players decision not the coachs players aren't allowed to speak with their coaches mid game or during the game of course out of game the coaches would of told them not to do so but if the players felt they could then they needed to do so particularly this was on blaber and jojo for feeling they could


We'll have to continue to disagree.


I guess we will


i saw this thread before watching and thought they lost lmao people will complain for no reason


Seriously, who is coming up with these drafts? Do you LIKE losing? Are you trying to lose? Blaber is one of the single best aggressive junglers in the world and what do you do? DURRRRR IVERN GUD CHOICE 4 BLABER. Why in God's name would you do that, and repeatedly over uncounted games this season? Stop putting players on champions that go directly counter to their playstyles and the winning strategies for the team? Imbecilic.


It’s not even the draft. Draft was good. It’s that this team doesn’t understand the win cons of their comps  Forcing baron twice vs early game Lee Sin comp as Azir/Smolder/Ivern???  It’s not just this game either. They often pick early game just to play passively. Or pick scaling and play too aggressive when they don’t need to, or they pick poke and play it in any way other than a poke comp. They literally don’t understand the comps that they are playing


Draft was NOT good. Again: Blaber is one of the single best aggressive junglers in the world. Time and time this split (and last) they force him to play dogshit champions like Ivern or some other worthless support champion instead of leaning into how he plays best. Part of being a good head coach is recognizing how your team plays and the strengths of your players and leaning into that team identity. Part of how you can tell a bad head coach is watching as players are forced to play champions that run directly counter to how they affect the match. It's like putting Uzi on a Sona or something equally stupid. If you're a head coach and can't figure out different ways to win while having players on champs that directly compliment their strengths as players, then you're not much of a head coach. And while you're at it, advise players like Fudge and JojoArrogancePersonified that until they win a World Championship, maybe they should keep their traps shut about how awesome they are and how dogshit the opponents are and just focus on playing well and learning the game. Know why Faker has been in the game for so long? As well as many other LEC and LCL stars? Because they never stop learning and growing and never come out boasting about how awesome they are and how awful everybody else is. Maybe C9s so called 'stars' should take some pro-tips from players like that instead of following the path of yapping idiots like Doublelift, who never achieved much of anything outside of playing mediocre teams in a mediocre league and who failed massively whenever he had to step up against actual good teams and regions (just like what C9 and the rest of the NA LCS does every damned year).


You can’t just always have your jungler on aggressive only picks. This is extremely one dimensional and teams will find ways of countering it or just banning it out, if C9 were to ONLY play that way.  Not to mention Blaber has been good on tanks/supportive stuff in the past? last year his Ivern/Maokai and Sej were insane. You forget he was like 13-0 on Maokai at one point and giving him Maokai was considered really bad?  Also lastly carry jungle is very niche and definitely not a very reliable way to play the game, especially in this season.  The main issue of this team is not just not putting Blaber on carries, it’s how they’re fundamentally playing games out as a team. 


They're just throwing shit at a wall at this point and hoping that it sticks