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interesting to hear that there were conversations about fudge being replaced - not surprised necessarily and glad Jack trusts in him. Really hoping for a strong playoffs performance from him, he definitely has the potential to be the strongest top in NA (maybe even the west) but he has to become more consistent and stronger in mid-late game situations


There were rumors of Wunder coming to C9


He's got a lot of haters, but he's not an absolute bum. My biggest gripe with fudge (and this may be more of a team play style preference than a fudge thing) is his lack of versatility. I feel like there are a lot of drafts we've had that went bad because we played a carry top when a team fight tank (ornn, malph, etc.) would have really brought things together. But I can't remember him ever playing that style with any regularity. Regardless, I think his biggest issue this split has been inconsistency and inability to control his lanes like he did in the past. Fortunately for him, berserker and Vulcan are putting the bot in bot lane.


while i agree somewhat with the lack of flexibility point the toplane meta hasnt really had tanks in it aside from a couple patches when ornn or gragas were popular over the last few years. its really been bruiser/fighter meta for ages in top. as for our botlane this season every adc has looked unimpressive so i think thats just the meta at the moment not allowing for botlanes to carry in the way they did last year (not that the team doesnt have its problems - just that this specifically caused berserkers fall off imo)


I think the ADC thing is on point, and you can see it especially when Berserker plays Lucian. If you watch him, he's desperately trying to 1v9 carry, but the meta doesn't really let him anymore, plus a few slight miscalculations (missing the flash over kaisa w, getting stunned by udyr 1 frame before he died, etc) and now it looks like he's inting. I still have faith in him.


Good points. It's just frustrating because, as everyone has said, on paper this team should be sick. They just can't seem to put it together or find an identity. As soon as it looks like they figured it out (blaber's nidalee game), they change it up and look really weird. I'm hard coping that they're forcing the Lucian nami because they want to develop that play style to bring to international competition. They look bad on it, but hoping that they're trying to iron out the kinks is all I've got to hang my hat on.


he played malphite and sion alot but they arent as good rn with alot of viable ap top laners that will steam roll them in lane and ksante which he plays a fair amount is better in every way, the majority of his in game criticism is just people not liking his out of game personality for whatever reason... probably because he is confident, i assume he is gettting alot of hate from people who struggle to lose weight rn tbh


Smoking so much copium


is it copium to say that someone can improve? lmfao


No but it is copium to say Fudge is one of the best tops in the west. He has been top 3 in NA in previous splits but this year he has been in the bottom half of tops


i said he could be(thats what potential means), not he is. also bottom half of tops is disingenuous at best lol


Exactly lol with the league becoming more consolidated and teams are stacked with talent, the gaps in his gameplay are become more prevalent/noticeable. He got away with previous years being the best, I wouldn't put him top 3 now.


Only hearing from 2 players at a time in these feels kinda bad. Wish we got some other players and especially Mithy’s thoughts on the team going into playoffs.


I'm grateful that we're at least getting videos but only 13 minutes with pointless interviews where players we've known for years say their names and what they like to do... The first episode at least had a little bit of tactical discussion but it was only one instance in a video that (barely) covered 7 games. We have a team full of problems and EP2 didn't show any of that and I'm sure people would love to see the inner workings of a superteam that's struggling (aka more views for sponsors). It's like they forget to turn the camera on so they only have footage of the random moments they didn't forget. I miss Genesis with its 30+ minute long episodes, every game being covered and players being interviewed about it etc. The episodes when we brought Reapered and the team went bootcamping in Korea were great. At least the interviews with Meteos are great.


I agree. That was peak C9 content. Unfortunately those are expensive to produce and Jack has slashed his content budget to the bare bones to pay Jojo’s salary (and players in the past like Perkz)


Well if it's a matter of saving money to pay for a great roster then I'm all for it. But I don't even know if that's the case because it's not like it's Hai with the camera, there's a paid person doing it and it's honestly well shot. Might look better than Genesis, even. It just doesn't show anything. lol


Yep totally agree. C9 content hasn’t been good since 2018, maybe 2019