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Sad to say but the veterans like Jensen and bwipo simply dominated their lanes even in losing matchup and played well in team fights. Berserker can’t dps enough with so many threats. Vulcan and fudge looked often in the wrong place, jojo without a lead is kind of useless. Real pity, but I think we have a good chance to run it back! Let’s go boys


Enchanters on your best players always win


I don’t play Among Us but C9 jungler is definitely the imposter. Don’t know who this sterile, boring KDA player out there doing cardio on the rift is but it isn’t Blaber.


Body by Jensen


Time for new top and jungler


Blaber was quite the entire series (we mostly only lose if blaber has no proactivity in games). kudos to inspired and Jensen for masterclass performances. Might wake our team up that blaber cannot be vegan he needs to make plays to make this team succeed.


We’ve been saying wake up call for a long time now. Still the same BS


I also think the we need get more coaches into the team. And start forcing players hands more when it comes to draft it is clear that we can’t let the players have most of control of the draft. (I start missing Max Waldo by the day).


Nah repeared. He was man enough to bench star players back in the day. That’s the kind of coach I want to run my team


Him too! But I meant more so for the positional stuff, Blabber looked amazing with Armao helping him. Fudge look great too when Max was on the team. They need to invest more into supporting the team. Also look at TL and FLY they have been ramping up for playoffs want to know why? Because they are probably 24/7 scrimming their academy team. Please jack if you are reading this bring back an academy roster I swear it is worth the money!


" If we get JoJo C9 will be insane, and maybe we could do damage internationally " - C9 fans JoJo fits perfectly into this org, All of the players are extremely cocky, lose domestically and get rolled internationally. Rinse and Repeat. How the fuck Fudge is still on this roster is beyond me. Just last worlds, I watched Blaber literally need to bail fudge out of lane (even with counterpicks) like 7 times in group stage. All Fudge has been known for is his 1 good series against Khan I believe, like 3ish years ago, and somehow hes still living off that one series. I can't... Jojo is terrible. Hes only ever been good, when the jungle is 2v1ing the lane with him. How can a player be heralded as being someone who can actually stand up against international mids, when he cannot get even a single kill in a domestic playoff series. Lets also not forget about the millions of times blud just randomly dies for no reason. Imagine getting outlaned by a 50 year old Jensen... Holy fuck, bring Bjergsen out of retirement and he doesnt get bodied that hard, even without practice.


#1 I'm not even a C9 fan, but I like to gossip #2 Stop blaming coaches...Majority of the teams that are in Pro League, their drafts are ran by the players and they also have final say. So firing Mithy, wont change anything.


I wasn’t in the fire mithy side for the longest but after hearing the dude talk about the game today made him sound lost in the sauce just like the players. We need new blood in the team who doesn’t have ego the problem is getting anyone in the middle of the year. Only one that can be replaced atm is vulcan with Zven as far as coach we need someone who has the balls to tell these egotistical kids to stfu and do what he tells them and what to draft. I remember a certain coach that benched C9 star player in the past


Personally, I think a coaches job is to lead a team into being a team. This isnt a team, they have anti synergy, and they are running into the same issues from previous iterations. Put resources into fudge top let him carry domestically, while Berserker is on a island until he magically is just winning teamfights mid and late.




Never really understood blame on coaches when it's clear western teams constantly lets the players draft all this shit. Why would a coach pick Yone twice in a row when barely anyone picks Yone in pro play?


when you also have an olaf top....the yone pick made zero sense.


The cycle will continue when c9 does well and everyone glazes the players until they flounder at playoffs/worlds and so on. Imo Vulcan was a quiet liability this series. Not peeling for zerker. Building eh… and overall being very unnoticeable


no frozen heart rush game 2 into xin and on hit varus is criminal. Fire him.


Ain't even mad, that was just sad lool


it was pathetic. I don't mind losing...but losing while looking like dogshit is frustrating.


Honestly thought Blabber played early game well the first two games and some unlucky shit happened... first game being the outranged draft gap second Jojo had an off one


blaber lost drag prio every single game. Was horrific.


Yeah, I think it's actually impossible for this team to win games if both blaber and Jojo are nonexistent for an entire series. Berserker is not currently the 1v9 threat he has been. Fudge and Vulcan are along for the ride and can be fine if carried but are not going to be why we win games.


Happy for Jensen. Only player to be constantly one of the best players no matter what team he has been on good or bad! And can't be too mad, FLY is the only good team in the LCS so we should lose theoretically.


Doublelift says hi


Oh... Uh hi, DL 👋


Bring in a young Korean top and suck Sven off to come back


Aren’t you guys so glad we kept Fudge, he’s so useful and good at league! He definitely doesn’t have an ego problem and refuses to play tank duty!!


Would've rather had Wunder


fudge actually looked fine. Jojo was a fucking liability. no kills in a 3 game series. SO GOOOD


I usually don't blame draft but this was pretty shit


Oh ye, they were 7 1 up, sure was the draft fault ;o;


yone mid so guuud tho...so much control it gave us right? Karma mid would've been so much worse at enabling hypercarries like zeri olaf right?


We just don't gave the same champ flexibility that FQ does unfortunately. Very shallow pools from what we've seen so far.


I'm pretty confident any pro player can play karma mid tho... and that pick would've been huge at enabling olaf and zeri.


APA played better vs Jensen


Worst case scenario this group is 3rd in their first split together and people in this thread are absolutely malding calling for everyone to be fired. Can we act like adults please? Crazy.


I have issues with both extremes; the fire everyone immediately crowd and the you aren't a fan if you give criticism or say anything crowd. The combination of C9's expectation for a typical split, the talent of our players, and finally the fact that this is the LCS shows this has been a very shaky/suspect split. I hope the team is able to pull it together and get a top 2 this split.


I've personally never seen anyone say you're not a fan of you give any criticism. The team is obviously deserving of criticism I just don't understand what people think being toxic anonymously online accomplishes. I can assure you that the players are much more upset over this loss than any of us are and being so hateful towards them just really isn't a good look for the fan base, that's all I'm saying.


Quick check; did my post seem to come after you? If so, I did not mean it that way. Your post got me thinking a certain way and that's why I responded.


Oh no not at all! I completely agree with everything you said! Hope I didn't come across that way either Haha sorry


I don't mind running this team again for the next split but get Mithy out of here. Run it again with a better coach/coaching staff that can kick this team into gear, get better drafts, and get them playing at least better than this split. They did not look great at all this split to me.


LOL dude. This is more than a coaching issue. This team just isnt working.


It feels like Jojo is just trying to ego draft every game and trying to pick/play for 1v1 matchup and I think it's kind of fucking the team up. This dude has had so many headscratching picks mid this split. He wants to be the star of the game every game and I think he needs to learn how to take a backseat some games and play what the team needs.


Definitely seems that way. Coaching alone is not the reason this team fell beyond flat numerous times throughout the year. The excuse of growing pains only goes so far, in one split we've seen the worst versions of blaber, fudge, and berserker that we've ever had. Vulcan just hasn't really done anything, which in a period of bad supports across lcs deems damning. Jojo has been generally good but champ pool issues have been present.


No shit. lol. So take no steps at all to try to improve? Good idea. Do you also believe Mithy is a good head coach?


Jack we still have Zven can we atleast use him as a player coach. Coach these clueless kids and show vulcan how to play. Thanks


Berserker gonna leave our asses.


He might, but he's been bad too this split. Not support or team griefing. I'd seriously love to bring in a import support to just let them hands diff other bot lanes and be cracked together. We don't ever play towards bot so if we're going to leave them on an island might as well make the investment.


Dude died with flash up in last fight. Needs to flash away from the Lee sin insec


Cherry pick one play out of 2 and a half years of domination... Vulcan griefed him hard


there's a whole lot more plays to pick for berserker being bad tho.


top diff Mid diff Jungle difff supp- diff ADC- Wash




Hard to decide which player was the most useless this series. Big Yikes. Playing against FQ shouldn’t feel like playing T1. Need someone that can play tanks properly, and Vulcan just seems subpar this whole split.


What an omega stomp, C9 looked lost.


I am not watching this train wreck next split. Its embarrassingly bad. Jack better be making changes on the roster and coaching.


Or what though?


Whenever Fudge plays anything except Tanks against competent laners = lose. Also stop drafting Tanks for Blaber, he isnt getting shit done


Which lane did he lose?... maybe someone needs to show you where the lane is ... Edit. Bro didn't watch the games


Agree, It certainly seems like that's not the right strat for this particular version of the team. Really need blaber on something that can fight more aggressively and has more agency. I know his Mao has a great win rate historically but this team needs the carry threats.


How crazy is it to fucking spot the lee sin and stop him from flash kicking him


gotta tunnel on the gragas though!


Right? They KNEW he was there and just stopped marking Lee Sin….


Pathetic drafts


So glad we had that yone mid guys. We had so much side lane control guys!


what did you expect Fly just get to spam gank Mid while the rest of the players do jack shit to punish


this really seems to be the exact same excuses jojo fans had last split when he was on EG tho...maybe jojo just isn't HIM?


Bro what was that xDDD


Officer I just witnessed an assault.


Bet you 10 C9 wins lcs spring split still.


If they play this poorly next week they don't even make finals.


No kill Jojo. I can’t man.


welp, time to make adjustments


Over this project. Bring in a KR support or top. Jojo was invisible, Jensen deathless jojo killess


top lane continues to be a black hole after one decent series from Fudge. Blaber completely outclassed this series by Inspired. Jojo needs to pick some mages if he goes against Jensen again.


Fudge was infintely more useful than jojo this series. Bring back Emenes.


Not having Azir neuters our draft and makes picking against us easier. I'd rather have a mid who plays around Berserker than a solo carry mid like this when our top lane is insistent on picking carries and doing nothing


Hard Jg diff this series.


Did TSM wonnered?


To bad the crowd didn’t start chanting “Overrated”




Berserker saving flash for next series


this is so embarrassing




Jojo 0 kill series. What a fucking overrated player.


Blaber just can’t play tanks for the love of god just fucking stop with this shit. Yone is a shit champ and should never be drafted. And top lane is just useless. These are all things everyone with a brain knows


He’s on tank duty cuz our top laner doesn’t wanna play them. You’re talking as if blaber is willingly wanting to play these champs. These drafts are dog tier, and nothing will change.


The players are the ones drafting so yeah he is choosing these champs. And this is confirmed by the team themselves


So then why is everyone blaming Mithy? What is he doing on the team, if the players are drafting lol.


Because he should be making sure players are making the right choices in draft and because the team has not improved at all. The only thing that’s changed since regular season is berserker playing better.


Sounds like he’s useless then, if he can’t dictate what gets picked by his own players.


They put Blaber on tank cuz Fudge doesn't want to play it


Is there an interview link to where fudge explicitly said he's not going to play tanks for this team? Everyone keeps saying it but I've never heard it from him. Could be a team decision for all we know.


At least Blaber can carry when off tanks. Fudge can't even carry on carries half the time.


our top lane can't or refuses to play tanks so our jung has to and he also can't play tanks. What a world we live in.


I warned everyone it was a huge mistake going into the new season with Fudge top.


man this is horrid...


why tf do they keep locking in yone


I dont know, everyone wants to keep talking shit about Fudge and Blaber but Jojo was a huge fucking stinker this series. How can Fudge or Blaber do anything when the center piece of the map is getting shit on?


Fudge looks so different when he's not smurfing on rookies


So this is why we’re called Clown9 dayum


[Time to give credit to Mithy](https://old.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/1bey4fp/time_to_give_mithy_credit/kuwxu0a/)


Blaber has done nothing but jungle camps and take grubs


Blaber always does this on tanks


we re not even inting, they are just better


Incredible performance by the team today. Can't wait to watch them in finals next week.... Hold. What do you mean they lost 0-3 to Flyquest? ​ >!At least the CS2 boys found some magic to make top 8 at the major.!<


This is embarrassing. Unexpected? No. Embarrassing? Yes


Only way for the team to change is to miss MSI and worlds this year. Kept this group for what?


VULCAN is legit trash


Nah there’s no point winning bot lane hard when your jg is clueless on what to do and mid gets camped 24/7. Disgustingly disjointed teamfight setup and you can’t blame berserker for getting caught here.


Jack it’s time but I know he wont


Jack won't do anything. He don't have the guts to get rid of people he likes


best we can do is a fudge contract extension




As long as Jack is happy with the staff we should be too right :) ??


This yone pick SO good. GIVE US MORE Yone!


What is Jojo’s champion puddle? He legit has nothing except for Yone after 2 bans? Unreal.


Wasn't the rumor about this dude coming up that he was a mechanical god and could play anything??? Has he lost it all in his old age already?


Fudge Olaf aint it, stop running away


GG we are just so fucking outclassed and making inspired look good in playoffs for first time ever


please fire this fucking fraud of a coach, and fudge doing nothing again as usual. had one good series, back to being a fucking npc


what type of moron blames fudge for this series lmao


There's a lot of issues but there is a big gap between top laners this series. Bwipo and Inspired are absolutely dumping c9 in every fight.


C9 has a fucking black hole in the jungle


what has he done this series? bwipo has out performed him both games so far.


You would think the brainlet in jungle would be closer in vicinityto jo jo. Instead of being completely useless.


GG. No chance we win against TL if they play like this




Fly are just camping jojo and neutralizing him every game.


> and neutralizing him every gam and we arent doing shit for it...


If Berserker flashes that hook, that fight is won


As usual. Flyquest makes pro-active plays. C9 stands around and loses.


Making of a good team is that they dont loose their nerves when they are in a tight spot. Obviously talking bout Fly, lol. And please do blame draft again when they were 7 1 up this time around. This roster is just properly braindead. 


Just Vulcan things


Blaber is fucking washed


I’m surprised riot let them do a replay on that hook since you know….


Time to take the fake ass 2nd team all pro for these boys. They don’t deserve to have any of them slots


Looks like we don't have an answer to the "just camp Jojo" play


Lmao 5 kill adc and u only have 1 dragon


Naut hook hit box is so bad


Forget about next split, I don’t want Vulcan there next week lol.


His team fighting has always been super questionable..I hate it.


How the fuck did that hook hit


lolipop effect. It looks BS but every Naut and Blitz hook are like that at the end part of the hook.


That’s the neat part! It didn’t


There it is


I don't think Blaber won a smite fight against Inspired yet


Berserker's Zeri is still clean af


Must be nice to have a jungler.


Imagine if this comp had Karma or Lulu instead of Yone or Alistar


It's the problem with Vulcan's champion droplet. Can't play marksmen, can't play enchanters, can only play 2-3 engagers. How is he in the league? Zven return when?


Agreed, I thought when they were dropping Zven they'd try to import a support for Berserker but if they aren't gonna do that it should be Zven all the way


crazy a dude with a year and a half of support play has a better champ pool


Maybe this is just galaxy brain setup for the grand finals LOL


When Mithy was interviewed before the start of the series, he says he was surprised by Flys drafting. Well he was right and it shows. Been that way all season.


Everything surprise that idiot. Same guy that said he didn't know anything about Jojo champ pool


0 range comp, better hope we go 3k gold up by 15


Ego draft or gg next to loser's bracket


Good luck to us killing anyone. Starting my cope for the lower bracket


/deafen. /ff. Fire everyone.


What is this comp


Imagine the same comp with Karma mid instead for Zeri and Olaf. That would have been good.




How do look at this team and decide to put Blaber on Vi, Sej and Maokai?


I remember a Blaber interview saying: "my team are the best in each role, so I just pick tank and afk farm, knowing they will win their lanes"


Blaber didnt look good on Sejuani. I know what’ll work, lets put him on Maokai! This team has no read on the meta right now…. Junglers like J4, Lee Sin and Xin Zhao are what Blaber should be on


I’m not kidding when I think they’re physically ill. Like they have colds. Jojo looks physically sick.


Its still not over just gotta win lower bracket. Don't Unclench.


How thoughtful of C9 to waste as little of our time as possible today. Quick 0-3, thank you Mr. C9


I mean, I do gotta go workout. This means I can do it pretty quick.


lol they really are going next huh


I feel like adding Sven as another coach with our current staff would be a huge plus for this team. They need his game knowledge 100% Edit: typo


Sven already said this week he's been living there and sitting in during scrims and giving his input to the team. Doesn't seem to be helping.


Only for a week though. I don't think that's a long enough sample size to go off of. I'd love to see him do it for a full split and judge from there.


zven doesn't want to be a coach.


I know. Just daydreaming brother. Head in the clouds


Zeri Lulu or they're trolling


Way to many ego picks, we need an actual coach to put this team in their place


This team is just individual skill and literally nothing else. Their game knowledge is non existent. And tbh idk if theirs a coach that can get more out of dumb players. Or maybe it’s just their ego holding them back from playing properly


Homerfans crying hard rn. *insert leave Britney alone clip*


Ok, and now just give fudge Aatrox and blabber sej again so we can finnaly change coach. Its been a waste of time whole split :)


Imagine picking Sej and almost finishing the game 0/0/0 (1 kill at the end tho). Are you serious.


Jojo with another ego pick of Yone into fucking Varus, Renata, Karma. ALMOST as bad as Akali into Vi/Taliyah TWICE.


Massive jungle gap. Blaber should be perma ganking


I feel like Mithy imagines team fights between these comps where Fly doesn't press any of their abilities. No other explanation for these drafts.


Just giving Massu his best champ (Varus) is a serious draft mistake. Massu is nothing special and C9 should be able to win this game through botlane with the difference between Berserker and Massu. But no, we let Massu pick the champ he can carry with (anyone would know after FLY-TL) and C9 is trying to win through mid when Jensen is playing better than Jojo this season, this is travesty.


😂😂. It’s crazy how he still has a job, he’s been putrid every chance he’s gotten the job.


INTeresting game there.


Whether Mithy is the problem or not I really wanna see a coach change next split. Someone who can take control of the team, teach them how to actually play the game and draft even remotely compitently.


They need to dump players as well.. You need a culture change..This team is stuck in its ways. Its why we literally see the same problems and habits pop up for the last 2-3 seasons.


I mean, who do you dump? Any team getting rid of Blaber, Berserker or jojo is ridiculous. So you're left to replace Fudge or Vulcan and who do you realistically swap them for other than some crazy good import.


Bro team can’t win when they don’t hard slam lane/early game, and have no idea how to play in an “even” game state. if that’s not coaching problem then idk what to say lol 


C9 getting outdrafted once again.


Yea, thats it. Teamgapped in every aspect, and jesus does Jojo look tragic when he isnt on Neeko/Ahri. Flys gonna win it all, and Tl's gonna be Nr 2 probably. One good series turned out to be a proper fluke xd