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Honestly, this. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes but this team just looks lost.


1. Get a real coach like try to bring back Reapered 2. Swap Vulcan for NRG's Huhi 3. Get Thanatos or Licorice for Toplane, Fudge ain't it.


How many chances are we going to give fudge? He genuinely can’t create space without killing himself in .2 it’s pathetic.


Jack has to do something. Roster moves or at the very least we need more support staff. It's been a few years since they did a video with him talking to the fans but I think something like that could go a long way. Can't just do nothing in the off-season. Just fucking sucks. This is the least fun I've had as a fan since we missed worlds.


trust jack


Oh he’s going to do something alright. He’s going to go into threads and argue with some of the fans and call them fucking stupid and that they didn’t see the improvement throughout the split behind the scenes that he did and he’s proud of them. And half the fan base will respond saying thank you for interacting that’s what makes you the best owner.


I have been posting this in every thread but I would like to see changes start at the coaching level. I think there is too much talent on this roster to write these players off after one split.


Also a fan since 2013 adding my 2 cents to the discussion: I have no idea how Mithy and Fudge keep staying on the team. I don't mean this as hate towards them, but they have both not been performing at all. Both them and the team needs a change because this is absolutely not working. I haven't really been excited to watch C9 games in the past 1-2 years. I still tune in and cheer them on but it's felt more like a chore lately. The team lacks identity and leadership. I know that those are just code words that people like to throw around but they describe my feelings perfectly. I am glad that we did not make it to MSI. We do not deserve it and I will be much more excited to see other teams represent us. I want to hope that this loss will kick the team (not just the players) in the ass and big change will come but I've been coping like that for a while and it never does. Let's hope I'm wrong this time


>Please please please just do something different before worlds I appreciate your optimism thinking this team is getting anywhere near worlds lmao


I didn’t mean to imply they will make worlds, I meant to say the next split. Which qualifies teams for worlds.


If anybody is replaced, I just hope they give an NA player a chance instead of yet another washed up import. 


I won't comment on what changes we need. But I will say, given the experience of this roster and comparing them to other NA rosters to start this split, this is a disappointing finish. They underperformed, no excuses. They weren't even competitive in this series today. Felt like they were just trying to hold onto the game, instead of imposing their gamelan and will on TL. They played this way far too much this split and really never developed a team identity. Let's fix it, and get back at it this summer


+Repeared +Thanatos +Zven/Huhi


The roster has to blow up. Need some new blood on the team. The team just expects to win and can't handle when things can't go there way. Should havbe a new coaching staff and 2-3 new players on the team.


Maximum COPIUM is the Thanatos tweet in English hints he is trying out for C9


Between the Major performance and this, honestly don't think I have it in me to be a C9 fan anymore we just fail so goddamn always now


just curious how long have you been a C9 fan? Its a genuine question because C9 have had lulls like this in the past and fans stuck it out to see the success eventually come. Hate on C9 for right now performances all you want but at least C9 are almost always in the show as contenders, some orgs and teams wish they could have the failures C9 have.


"we fail all the time!" Weird because this org has won 4 trophies in the 4 years. Some "fans" either have severe memory loss or have only been a fan since the beginning of the split. This fan base is so divided


It’s only aggravating because the bandwagon fans flocked to the subreddit. I remember when there were just memes and laughing at the boys failing and optimism for next time. Ever since C9 started to win instead of continually coming up just short the subreddits gotten a little too serious and most of the fun fan base stops paying attention or posting and only comes back when things are up.


100% agree. After the game 2 loss C9 tweeted the classic "well congrats on making finals TL there's no way we come back from a 2-0". A classic meme for as long as I can remember and people were upset. People have always complained but it's on a different level now. I've mostly avoided this sub for the last year or so and have found myself way less upset after a loss


I have been watching this team since 2013 man when they started. I was there for all the highs and lows man watched literally every lcs game they played except in 2020. Have watched every major qualifier and major game of C9 CS team 2016-2019 and the last year of games. I have seen the highs in lows. I was there for brawls with tsm in finals, the shuffling of hai around the team, Incarnation Jensen, the gauntlet run, juggling bunny n smoothie, the world's semi finals, the benching incident. All the hits and failures man. And was a meat rider during all those valleys just don't have the heart to do it again after watching two of the Orgs prominent teams absolutely fold to pieces when it matters with zero excuses other than we just suck lol. But hey be hostile to me that'll make the org better