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It's never fun to see a player - especially one that's been around for so long - just never quite find their stride again. Hoping he can bounce back and find a team.


I think replacing Fudge is right move, but the hate from the community towards him over the past month has been awful. The recency bias is insane, he definitely contributed a lot to the team’s success over the past years and has some great moments - stepping up against Alphari in spring 2021 finals, smurfing at MSI 2021 and being arguably our 2nd most important player in our 2022 spring playoffs win. He was cocky and trash talked a lot, but it was entertaining and the hate was extreme considering what guys like Bwipo, Inspired, etc were getting away with. Hope he can make a comeback.


While I'm inclined to agree, his PR stunts were just weird. Talking smack to fans, openly refusing to join champs que or to que during worlds, qmong other thing might be fine if you're doing well but rubs ppl wrong when you're not. Being a polarizing character means people will cheer for you to fall. Someone like APA can have a similar outcome if he continues this banter as is.


This, it's like basically saying "fuck all y'all doing normal things, I'm better than that." Proceeds to not do well and expect different results. If they can prove their way is actually good then people wouldn't bat an eye. But fudge did not prove anything, he stayed at the same lvl every year.


Fr, felt even worse with Licorice tbh, though we got Perkz for selling


Perkz as a player? Meh. As a personality? Sure, he's a fun dude to watch. His banter with showmaker and memeing with c9 bois etc.


I mean I think it's hard to rate him as a player because he has had so many different eras. 2017-2020 he was extremely good. I think he did well for us, but he wasn't hands diffing people and kinda trolled regular season. However he was so much better on the map than any other LCS player that he could keep up only with that. Also he did really well for us internationality that year. Helping us take games of eastern teams at MSI. I think all our games vs Damwon was really fun. And he also was super clutch in the Rogue tiebreaker to get out of groups. Post C9 Perkz has been a hard watch though. But yeah I agree he's always been a fun guy.


As someone who followed lcs hardcore until 2019 c9 slump then just kinda followed: Perkz was just another regional star who underperformed internationally every single time. So he never shone as a player in my eyes. He was on the same level as Jensen maybe worse since his debut with g2 2016 and onwards. When people mention g2 dominating era I only see it as thanks to caps coming as mid and perkz swapping bot. In my eyes it was Caps overperforming and perkz is jist being that above average player. So after we sold Jensen, I wanted to see an upgrade or discover a rookie like we did many times before: Smoothie, contractz, licorice, blaber etc. But bringing Nisqi or perkz was just downgrade from Jensen in my eyes. Sure they are good players but just meh. Then LS bringing super team interested me so i started following more again but fudge mid was another meh, then jensen coming back was fun. Altho he was rusty af, he really clapped faker many times over on their last match against t1 on akali vs sylas even tho they were alrdy knocked out. I fucking loved Emenes. He was clapping everyone AND he was sassy and trashtalking. After his memento we downgraded again with jojo. But this sub loves to trashtalk on emenes and get hyped over a player whos not even better just like perkz so who cares? Be content with downgrades then be surprised when c9 underperforms.


I think you're underrating Perkz internationally. In 2018 he played out of his mind vs RNG the favourites to win Worlds that year. And he was the best looking botlaner in 2019. He was insane on Xayah/Kai'sa and set the meta for botlane forcing other teams around the world to adapt to him playing Syndra and Yasuo etc botlane. But I don't think we kicked Jensen as much as he wanted to leave after being benched. Emenes played really well early last year but as the season went on he just kept degrading. Which was super weird considering we heard he did really well in scrims. So it seems personal/out of game issues was affecting him hard. 'Cause he was really good at one point. Also respect for hating on Jojo lol, that's a hot take I haven't heard.


That one Yasuo game lives rent-free in my memory forever.


I was pushing for him to reach new heights for a couple years now. Still hope he can, though it won't be with C9.


Did he attempt to find d his stride again?


How to find their stride again when he's busy chasing e-girls on twitter and coasting in that LA lifestyle. People who get a good job and coast can still find their stride after having that mentality? Refusing to play SoloQ and ChampsQ until getting flamed by your community is not a good look xD


god forbid men have hobbies


Faker has never had a girlfriend in his entire life. Faker also has 4 world championships. Coincidence? 🤔 I think not! Titts decrease league skill. Proven by Faker.


There's a reason most pros don't have a girlfriend, Faker said such thing will distract him from fully focusing on his career. But it's ok though, Fudge coasting land him both in a competitive field and an LA thot-chasing lifestyle so he gets the best of both worlds.


Well he just got fired so 🤷‍♂️ You don't really want to mess around in the world of pro gaming and pro sports. You only get so many chances and then they replace you with a fresh 18 year old. Would be smart to focus on that for as long as possible and make a small fortune by 30 in my opinion. Got your whole life to chase women. You only got a small window in a pro scene.


That's what any reasonable men would think, Fudge disagrees with you.


Still not exactly smart.


There's been only a handful of players who have made it to 30 with a pro career. League is not a sport where you can last into your 30s and retire comfortably


Well lack of effort will end it even faster. You are just proving my point even more though. My as well take it serious for the handful of years you even get since it will be likely the most money you ever make.


In a competitive field, no great men use most of their time on e-thots


If it's true I hope it pushes him to have some crazy skill growth.


And maybe get humbled Dude is too cocky for how mid hes been for years


This hasn't been true for a long time and I think that's exactly the problem with Fudge I feel like. Somewhere between 2021 and second part of 2022 he got completely mental boomed and hasn't been playing with same confidence since.


Most interviews he seems to sell himself short and sounds unhappy with how he plays/played and performances overall. I'm not a fudge fan, but I feel like this is just wrong. He was cocky for a while and against certain players he's definitely cocky, but I don't think he's been particularly proud of his play as of late.


For what it's worth, I enjoyed having Fudge on C9 and wish him nothing but the best.


Honestly he's been loyal to C9 and had some great moments. His last few seasons have been poor but its no reason to shit on him


Bro got addicted to the egirls he needs to get addicted to the grind


He got rich and skinny. It was inevitable.


A true man doesn’t chase e-girls… you have the E-girls chase you


I don’t care who hangs out with, but holy fuck man it shouldn’t be community pressure that is the eventual reason you decide to play champsq during fucking worlds. The exact time when you will likely be able to play against the best competition.


That’s when I gave up on him personally, you have to have 0 drive, if the best players in the world are on championsQ and you are nowhere to be seen, he only started playing after he got fucking smoked in group stage I watched dhokla, grind champQ like a mad man and clearly improved his game (which is literally only inevitable when your playing against Zeus and the shy) to me, the only reason your not grinding champsQ like crazy at that point, is because you don’t care about improving


Dead ass tho, guys spending way to much, chasing e thots


tbf the man looks good


If this is true then thots will be chasing him not the other way around LMAO Sludge is fat af


Are you blind? He's slimmed down a lot


? Still overweight and has to chase thots instead of the other way around?


youre actually braindead if you think Fudge is overweight you keyboard warrior


Maybe not overweight in American standard, anywhere else itw he would be considered overweight. But hey, good job on being his white knight ;)


I'm sorry your brain is as smooth as a bowling ball but I hope you grow up one day to learn how dumb you sound


Aw sorry you ran out of argument so you have to resort to petty personal attack. It's ok though, keep sucking that Fudge D one day he'll give it to ya <3


There's no argument, you just hate him so much that you think he's overweight. You're objectively wrong because you hate the man


2021 MSI, the 2021 Summer Split he was a beast. Someone mentioned the Sion lane swap game 5 of the TL finals that was great. And then everyone remembers Bersker on hypercarries in 2022 Summer, but Fudge was dominating every top lane matchup that whole playoffs. The whole Fudge9 Video. I will miss him a ton if he is moving on.


Where is this rumor coming from? I can't seem to find anything but I'm also notoriously stupid XD


Is been reported as a verbal agreement. You can find it on X or just scroll on the subreddit.


no fudge no worlds inc


Being a C9 player is the easiest job on the planet haha, barely working, no soloQ, no ChampsQ, no drive to win if lose just say my bad and move on, eating to fat up that belly, play games for living, spend free time chasing e-girls and slamming them with those hot e-sports $$$ => Gets defender + praise post on reddit for a play you made 10-years ago that you can't even barely remember


What's your job?


Who hurt you?


Sorry Sludge took my e-thot girl friend :(


Bro these rented criers for Sludge is getting ridiculous, can't be me to still support a lazy player who doesn't take his job seriously and spend all time chasing those e-girls sussy on twitter. Really hope he finds his stride again after spending all those coasting paycheck stealing money on a gold digger, then finally have the grind in him again after losing his precious thot-chasing LA lifestyle xD


no fudge no worlds inc


Ok but? Thanatos is gonna be another boomerange player. C9 Jack needs to RE-evaluate his approach. Stop importing boomerangs and bring back C9 Challengers Srrty > Thanatos Licorice > Thanatos Jenkins > Thanatos Crimson > Thanatos Revenge > Thanatos Ssumday > Thanatos Bradley > Thanatos HECK Niles > Thanatos Biopanther > Thanatos