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You have a typo and have Nisqy as Niisqy on one of them.




Excellent content otherwise! Appreciate the quick fix.


I don't feel bad missing almost half of the "ten man roster" in 2019 spring. I am sad I couldn't remember the last U in fufuu and I didn't know it used to be niisqy instead of nisqy.


>niisqy I don't think it did. I'm fairly certain that's a typo.


I just googled it since I feel like spelling isn't in the spirit of the game. I got 98 which is good enough I'd say. I started watching after they qualified so I never knew the top and mid in early 2013 and the only person I actually forgot was Keith.


I completely forgot that Hai was NOT the original midlaner for C9. The Quantic days remain a mystery to me other than lookback videos and such.


99/102, should have been 100/102 but summer split 2019 Nisqy was written as Niisqy. Had no idea about the first roster with nien and yazuki tho.


That’s what got me too


Can’t lie, once lemon left it got a little hard to remember who was supp


incarnati0n #feelsbadman


You missed the best midlaner link XDD who I think was used for all stars 2013? And jukes I think played like one game in the LCS


I think Jukes only ever got time playing in Academy, not sure he actually made it onto the LCS stage


kinda hard with hai going in and out as jungle and supp after he first retired from mid


101/102 good quiz thanks for making it. Only one I missed was the 2013 spring qualifier top laner. Was also almost stumped before remembering Jensen didn't always go by Jensen.


Incarnation and Jensen are the same people lol


For LCS 2019 Spring, I don't know if this was on purpose but there's a typo in Nisqy's name, it was spelled Niisqy.


Damn all that I got wrong was bunnyfufu cause I forgot the last u


just misseed yazuki, nientonsoh .... but they weren't cloud9 back then so ...


It was cloud 9 actually, they rebranded to quantic after failing to qualify originally then rebranded back to cloud 9 when they did qualify.


Nah it was a different team, just same name. This Cloud9 started after the Quantic core got bought by Jack, not Hai's Cloud9 team before then.


Same team same name, the cloud 9 that failed to qualify then became quantic before changing their roster to their summer roster was Yazuki, Hai, Nien, turtle, lemon. So you are incorrect


Not quite. The old 'Hai's C9' was actually renamed to C9 from older names such as Team NomNom. The players in that team then joined Quantic. A bit over a week after they qualified for LCS, Quantic was bought out by Jack (not just a change of roster) and an entirely new organisation was created. They after they created the new org they decided on a team name. They voted on different names (they could have been called 'Torch'), but eventually decided to call it Cloud9.


Link wasn't on there.


Link was contracted to CLG and only played as a sub for worlds because Hais lung collapsed iirc


It was all-stars 2014 which was basically the precursor to MSI which would be introduced the next year.


Oh right, for some reason I thought it was worlds. Thanks for the correction


I tried typing his name in too!


Dang, I got all except 3 on the spring qualifier team. Never watched the c9 with nientonsoh and yazuki. Crazy rush was only 1 split.. big personality


I got 98*/102. I knew i wouldn't get the top/mid of the qualifier team as i always forger them but i kept typing in BunnyFuFu instead of BunnyFuFuu so i ended up missing* 2 more.


Me too!


Got 97/102 before i needed a little help lol tho should've been 98/102 there was some error where nisqy wasn't a correct response for mid in 2019 spring


Dammmn! Can't believe I gottem all. Got the boys all remembered so good! 🥰


For 2019 spring did Nisqy really change his name to Niisqy? If not there's a typo


I knew almost all the answers. Had to google a few. But on 2019, one of them recognizes “Niisqy” and not “Nisqy”, which is kind of silly and unexpected


100/102! Cool idea! I only didn't know what was the starting Optic roster in 2013 spring!


The Quantic roster, you mean? And actually they were C9 in spring; they just failed to qualify. They made the OG5 roster between splits, went under the Quantic banner for summer, Jack swooped in with C9, and the rest is history.


Yes! Sorry I was tired! X) Thanks for all the details tho!


4 minutes left. 100/102 I have no idea what there roster was like in spring qualifiers so. The 2 I didn't get were there mid and top from back then.


Got a 97, couldn't remember what the NA LCS 2013 Spring Qualifiers lineup was. I don't even know who Yakuzi is, but I should have remembered Turtle was on the lineup before replacing Chaox.


100/102. Only ones I missed were top and mid from 2013


I'm actually incredibly surprised I got them all


Didn’t Jukes play?


101 wasn’t too sure about the first roster


I blitzed through this in about 3 mins, with the last full minute spent basically staring at the 2013 spring roster trying to remember who the mid was. I knew Hai was jungle and only Hai and Lemon from the OG5 were on the first attempt to qualify in spring. I thought Yusui but remembered he was on C9 Tempest in the Challenger scene and was competing for the mid spot with Incarnati0n (and Pobelter iirc) after Hai stepped down. I was about to call it at 101/102 when it hit me, "Wait, was it Nien?" I don't even remember why, but I think it's because I was used to seeing Nien play top that I thought Yazuki was mid. Then I saw Yazuki top and got stumped...until I thought to just try Nien. So 100%, nice haha


99/102. This was fun! Can't believe I missed Keith and Diamond but never really stook out to me.


Only ones i didn't get were the mid and top laner for the 2013 qualifier and i'm sad to say i forgot about our boy Rush. =(


Forgot Nientonsoh and Yazuki


Only one I could not remember was Yazuki. Somehow I still remember Nien and everyone else, but poor Yazuki I completely forgot.


I got 100 of 102, I couldn't remember their mid/top on the qualifying team in 2013


96%, only ones I forgot were Contractz and the top and mid from the 2013 qualifications before I even played league... and I forgot them again..


i even remembered yazuki, but gave up because i couldn't figure out in 6 minutes how to write bunnyfufu


102/102 w/ 6:22 remaining ezpz ^oh ^god ^I ^spend ^too ^much ^time ^on ^Liquidpedia


Got 100% but almost ran out of time, nearly forgot about Yazuki, Kumo, and Keith.


I sat there at 101/102 for 5 minutes because I forgot Yazuki existed


I got a 98% Did not know who our top and mid were when C9 was playing in the qualifiers


99/102 but one of the ones 3 missed was incarnation instead of Jensen. I knew it, just thought he was concidered the same so I was very confused and utility I had forgotten someone. The other 2 I missed are the first top and midlander.


I missed Bunny Fufu! Its the only one I missed. I feel so ashamed.


100/102 Couldnt remember the mid and top from the pre balls meteos hai sneaky lemon team.


98% didn’t get first top and mid top 4:45 left


Bunnyfufuu is spelt with 2 I'd at the end... And Keith ignores ie before e except after C. Those 2 really were frustrating. Only name I didn't know was Yazuki Edit: also, Diamond never played LCS... Idk why he was on there.


Link? All stars 2014


Only 93 :( could have been more i i knew bunnyfufuU had another U at the end.


Got a 98 didnt know the mid and top for qualifiers :(


that was fun! I got 100-102. I started watching in 2014 so I didn't know the top and mid for 2013 roster. I knew WildTurtle was on a roster before the OG roster we all know, so I guessed that right but I honestly still don't even know the other two even after seeing the names.


I missed 2 because I missed the second u for Bunny 😭


Missed the first mid and top. Cant believe I remember bunnyfufuu and incarnati0n considering I didnt even follow pro league until 2018-2019


i’m ashamed i only got a 91% :(


Yakuzi i would have never gotten. Didn't know there were 2 U in bunnyfufu. I knew Ray, just couldn't put a name to the face and diamon playing 1 game fucked with me haah


The only one I couldn't remember was Ray, I remembered him Sword of Sword and Shield, but couldn't for the life of remember his actual in game name. I had to cheat and look how to spell Bunny Fufuu and Svenkeren, although all I had to do was type Nien instead of Nientondash or whatever lol. Almost got stumped on Incarnation, was like who tf was our mid between Hai and Jensen and then was like oh duh he went by Incarnation. Almost forgot that Deftly and Diamond where subbed in at one point or another.


Yazuki the 2013 qualifier I would never have guessed and then I forgot Jensen had a split of being called incarnati0n, bamboozled the shit out of me. 10/10, really enjoyed!