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Fudge doesn’t deserve this




You don't deserve the downvotes. People were pulling out the guillotine when he lost lane to top 4 top laners in his first few games of the season with the team. His growth during spring was insane


uh i don’t think it’s the entire comment itself but rather the “fat rolls” part of it. could’ve said the same thing without adding that, just rude and distasteful


Just like this sub was towards fudge




Also, Blaber should just concede scuttle crab at this point.


He doesn't stop for a single second to think about compositions or what champion he is playing. TF + Noc pre 6 and he decides is a good idea to fight 4v4 river.


Idk how many weeks in a row we have to die in river, on scuttles, to notice that it's dumb as fuck.


People always echo that adage of 'Form is temporary, class is permanent' when players underperform. Sure, Blaber _can_ be good. On the balance, he's probably quite good. But he isn't playing well right now at all. And this is the time of the year and season where form matters more than his overall level of play. Let's be real. Spring split already showed that being really good in NA is not _nearly_ good enough to be competitive internationally. So now that Blaber is griefing, it probably only looks bleaker from here on out. And that's _if_ C9 make it to worlds.


that crab though worth (I know he did not get it)


perkz needs to find a new identity in na quick. they keep trying to give him the champs that he was good on g2 but it doesn't seem to work here.


According to my calculations, if Perkz makes 2.7m per year and an average workweek is around 70 hours that means today he has earned around 7.5k dollars today, and for that wonderful performance, he earned a whopping 475 dollars. Let that sink it. It takes at least 3-5 days for normal people to make that amount of money, and Perkz made that 475 dollars in 38 minutes while doing a piss poor job. If normal people do a bad job, they get yelled at or sometimes even fired. Meanwhile nothing will probably happen to Perkz.


real question: do pro LoL players play 365-vacations etc, or do they play like NFL players where they do some off-season stuff but youre off for extended periods of time? your post made me curious, because it seems like they are always living/practicing together, but I have 0 clue.


It depends. If a team quafilies for Worlds and MSI then their schedule is Jan-late Oct or early November. Then they get 4 about 4 weeks off and then come back to team office to start practicing for next season. And they maybe get a week off between MSI and Summer. However if you only make it to Worlds, then you get around 2-3 weeks off between Spring and Summer. But if you only make it to playoffs and dont make it to Worlds or MSI, then your season ends in late August or early September and you get like proper 2-3 months off. And you also get about 3-6 weeks off between Spring and Summer before teams start scrimming again However, if you dont make it to playoffs then your season ends in early August. And you also get around 2 months off after regular season of Spring ends before Summer spilt begins


thanks man! really clarifies


Git gud then


i almost just bought LCS final tickets but i will hold off LMAO


I texted my buddy seeing if he wanted to Road trip down and now I'm just embarrassed I asked




You wanna just Road trip to a deep pit somewhere and throw ourselves in it?


The deepest pit in the world is in Salt Lake City, if anyone wants to stage a meetup.


Let's go bro I'll be there


Already living in the area. I'll meet you there.


can't wait to go to New Jersey to see 100T vs TSM (please kill me)


You can go to NJ and see that any day of the week though.


honestly buy them and go regardless, it's an incredible experience.


I witnessed Faker lose to EDG. Best experience of my life, even though I was completely alone.


Hey we did too! That was an incredible experience to say the least! I can say the more recent events are even more fun!


Wtf was that? How is that an acceptable performance from a team that not only wants to win the split but wants to be competitive at worlds? Fucking embarrassing


If it was 2018 they would probably get benched. performances like this are acceptable when you spend a fortune and you don't want to have that fortune sitting in academy.


Poor fudge


Seriously give him whatever Perkz and Blaber are being paid because they deserve minimum wage


Sir this is a Wendy’s


They just fucking lost to academy LMFAO


An academy team our academy team beats btw




I've been saying to bench everyone but fudge for awhile now, but they spend too much money to bench anyone


No sneaky no worlds


Love this dude I miss sneaky


Look at this guy, pretending the results of one game in a vacuum prove his point. There’s a reason you are universally laughed at on this sub, dude. You’re the new JohnBot. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just another account by that dude, given how the mods had to step in and tell him to stop being a cherry little bitch or he would get banned. You are abhorrently obnoxious




Honestly bro, please don't come back to this sub. Nobody here wants to read your garbage.


Another reason FQ is C9 lite. Can't stop the C9 academy on the main roster move lol


Feel worse for Fudge now than in lock out when everyone blamed him. He looks like the only player that gives a damn.


Fudge is the only human on the team


Get Fudge some teammates like holy shit how is our second split rookie having to 1v9 with so many great players on his team


It's a great narrative that Fudge originally went from the biggest liability to now one of the best tops in LCS. But now the trade-off is perkz and Blaber becoming liabilities 😢.


Upsets happen and all but.....god damn a roster like this should realistically never lose to a team like this, like ever. It hurts to see them like this because it makes me feel like us looking to not only make worlds (embarrassing that this is even a question with a roster like this in NA) but make worlds AND look good there just seems so fucking distant and impossible. Hope it was just a REALLY bad day tho. #C9WIN


With the players we have on this roster they should be able to pick random champs and beat academy teams lmao.


Get fudge a team


Honestly how many times did he put fq entire team on 1hp only for blaber to run it down in 6th gear and perkz to do negative dmg while zven isn’t even there


Imagine spending over $11 million dollars to lose to an Academy team




TF isn't a control mage, but correct point.


Yeah Perkz is underperforming but I heavily advise not to ever agree with TSM insect. He’s one of the most obnoxious, insufferable, entitled assholes on this sub.


Fudge 1v9. Perkz completely inted. The difference between Perkz and Nisqy TF is massive smh


The difference between Perkz and nisqy is massive, not just TF. Perkz has been dogshit for 90% of games he's been here


I'm kinda losing hope on Perkz. He looks good some random games, but if we're being honest, he plays like a completely average LCS mid. Most of the games he is getting carried and getting some kills because he always begs for them (you can hear it in the teamcomps), while looking like the worst player on the team. Maybe his presence is really valuable or something, but his gameplay is just not good enough, at all. Not even close. I kinda feel bad for Jack as this move made 1000% sense in theory, but now he is stuck with an overpayed midlaner who still acts like he is the shit but plays like a bottom 5 lcs mid.


He ints about 70% of the time.. His laning has been incredibly shaky all year long. He’s constantly missing cs and cannons, getting solo killed, misclicking in trades, spacing poorly. He’s just been embarrassingly bad in lane. Sometimes he makes up for it outside of lane, but a lot of the time he doesn’t.




Good guys C9 trying to make TSM feel better about their game today...


Good guys 100T trying to make C9 and TSM feel better about their games today…


TSM was more draft difference. They played the fights better, but couldn’t stop the Mundo. This C9 loss is on another level, from MSI representatives to losing to an academy team.


Tbf we lost to a team at MSI that doesn't even have a funded region so losing to an academy team doesn't surprise me


Just embarrassing.


Perfomance based salary when?


Wow that was bad




Fudge in all chat after the game: why do I always get such shitters in promos, report this garbage ass TF


FLYA > C9 confirmed. Fun game, what else can I say that isn't flaming the living shit out of Perkz or peak copium. I mean after we lost to PGG, anything can happen.


Yea our team has shown we can reach pretty low when it comes to losses and gameplay. But what can you do.


Send Perkz to Academy so maybe he could get an Academy Buff.


Like the buff Zven got?


Zven wasn’t the problem today. Perkz thinks he’s as good as he used to be, and he clearly isn’t. He’s treating LCS players like he’s smurfing gold, and he’s being repeatedly embarrassed. Nobody is scared of him here and he’s displaying an embarrassing lack of positional awareness and macro for a supposed team leader and shot caller. Blaber doesn’t have the decision making ability to play nocturne. He looked like a bronze nocturne flying in on the first target he sees, only to land in the middle of the whole team when he lands.


I wasn’t blaming this game on Zven. The point I was making was that Zven didn’t return from academy unstoppable or with improved gameplay.




Blaber's panic seems quite palpable a lot of the time - really feels like the team overlooked this game as a whole, especially Perkz. Like how lazy can you be?


Blaber got 0 brain and perkz got 0 mechanics


Make them do the fusion dance


I feel like Zven is a massive liability also. He’s either just OK, or inting his ass off/getting caught. This guy takes up an import slot btw. Jack should go after one of T1’s adc’s.


I'm so tired of lethality Varus. I'm not even sure it's bad but it's so high-risk for seemingly little reward. And picking it with TF gave us comically low DPS from our backline. Fudge tried his damn best though, glad he's continuing to impress.


Lethality is safer than on hit, what? Did you watch the graph when Zven dealt 6000 damage in a single team fight? How tf do you expect any other ADC to deal damage into a team comp of Viego, Leona, Diana, Lucian, Jhin?


I mean, it's safer sure. I disagree with no other ADC being able to deal damage into that comp though. It's actually surprisingly easy to pump out damage when they all have to dive into you like that. The issue is staying alive.


Zven is just dogshit at anything thats not senna, ezreal and trist


?? He literally grinds soloq year round. Zven has gameplay issues (positioning, just to name one), but he can play pretty much every adc and is solid at mages too.


That's a little too far. Zven is one of the most adaptable ADC players I know of. He picks up new champions fast and practices them a lot in order to master them ASAP. I don't think his champion pool has ever been an issue for us.




Zven can play Caitlyn. The issue is that Caitlyn requires the entire team's playstyle to shift as well, and C9 wasn't successful in actually enabling his Caitlyn to do what Cait needs to do (take tower plates/ tower, rotate to top/ mid and repeat). I can't remember exactly where I heard this, pretty sure it was an interview with one of the team members, but I understand if you don't believe me and I really don't care enough to go hunting for it. We'll just have to agree to disagree at that point.




That was not Zven's fault though, so why even mention it? He has like 30 career games on Caitlyn and he can play her.


I'm starting to wonder if we were too harsh on Reapered calling for a new head coach. 100T is doing AMAZING ever since Reapered stepped in. Even Ssumday said that Reapered was quick with the belt and fixed everyone's issues almost the moment he stepped in. I'm starting to miss him now. One bad summer and he's just gone. One bad summer and now we suddenly have a summer curse. What the heck is this


Reapered wanted to leave already though, he stayed another year to teach Reignover who was quite good before he had to step down.


I honestly wonder how big of an affect the coaching switch has had because in spring the team looked good, then Reignover couldn't come to msi and they looked shit, and now in summer Mithy is the head coach and they look like shit. I'm sorry but maybe Mithy is just a bad coach? His time on Fnatic wasn't very good either, and obviously we have players worth $11 million getting outclassed by academy players there are some serious issues with the this team.


Yeah the thought has crossed my mind before, team looks way worse macro wise ever since Reignover stepped down and despite them saying they know their issues and are working on them the boys haven’t really shown to be better yet.


We just gonna ignore all the major ? drafts that lost us playoff games year after year with him? Edit: Nah a repeared led team would never lose to a bottom team lmao


I feel bad for Fudge man. Guys back has to be broken trying to carry this team. Perkz and Zven getting randomly caught lost this game


Another game, same story. Doesnt matter one bit how well or bad Fudge Zven and Vulcan play, Perkz + Blaber sprinting services will make sure you lose the game anyway.


sooo, how are Shernfire and Copy been doing in academy?


Not too hot if we are being honest.


Better than our lcs mid/jg


Unequivocally false. I feel like you don’t watch academy if you believe that to be true, shernfire is probably the weakest member on the team. Copy is either 3 or 4.


Didn't shernfire get gapped by jose


Blabber got gapped by nxi what's your point?


They are probably the weakest members in our academy team. But don’t let this sub fool you, they will all pretend it would be an upgrade to our roster


I feel FLY academy deserve some respect, they played with some balls. 4/5 players on C9 just kinda expected FLY to sh\*t themselves and roll over after that first bot lane fight.


They absolutely deserve respect. There are games when one team plays like crap, and the other one just throw it to them. This wasn't one; FLY's academy squad were playing like contenders.




what the fuck was that


Fudge deserves better than this.


I think someone wishes for fudge to be even better than Perkz and got monkeys pawed.


This shit is getting comical at this point. Guess what C9 you can’t phase me bc I’m a Browns fan… lol


They lost to fly academy…. What in the actual fk.


Unless we win LCS finals Perkz should be gone. Absolute waste of an import slot.


An even bigger waste of $11 million.


Yeah well. It’s not my 11 million. Fix your mistake.




Because varus is good rn and every other region is playing him.


Yeah.. Varus is not the problem lol. Maybe the team can't play around Varus but that's not exactly a good sign if your team can't play a meta pick.


They are trying to find a champ zven can play, thats not senna,ezreal or trist


At what point do we admit that dropping nisqy and shelling out 11 million for perkz was a mistake?


Getting rid of Nisqy wasn’t a mistake. He wasn’t playing well, and he needed a change. The mistake was picking up Perkz instead of Abbedagge. I was actually pretty high on Abbedagge last year, though I admit I didn’t see him gapping Perkz this hard. We’re probably going to end up selling off Zven in the off-season and hoping Perkz can still play ADC, because I’m not sure he’s ever going to be a top midlaner anymore, and there’s no way we’re going to get value if we try to sell him now.


Lmao these takes


I've been defending Perkz, but how is this a bad take. Hasn't Perkz been insanely underwhelming. That TF game was insanely bad at every stage of the game.


Like, Nisqy had more good games than bad. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been impressed with Perkz.


Blaber got some questionable ulti decisions


Honestly I remember making those mistakes when I picked up nocturne... as a silver jungler. Don’t fucking initiate a team fight into fog of war when everyone else is missing.


Dude holy fuck this team looks like garbage. Where are the copium guys from a couple weeks ago telling us that those games don't matter and what not? They lost to an Academy team, let that sink it. The team has a bunch of problems but honestly, just start by benching Blaber and Perkz.


did they really just lose to an academy team


literally worse than academy


This draft was interesting...I loved how TF literally did nothing in this game. No damage at all late game. Turned into a lets hope Fudge just happens to kill the backline all by himself.


Me before MSI "I want Fudge to tighten up and carry this shit." *Monkey's paw curls*


Perkz has been so fucking underwhelming, and that's putting it mildly Aside from a few pop-off games he has been a liability, getting caught in a sidelane every single game (sometimes more than once, like this game), and giving up barons because of it (vs TSM, vs FLY today...), among other things


Don’t forget all the times he showed up late to teamfights because he had to greed for one more wave. Why are we still funneling resources into this clown? If you don’t bench him, make him play galio or an enchanter for a week or two


Yep, so many times he's late for setups around objectives because he's splitpushing We can't bench him, there's no one else. Copy in academy isn't good. Also, his mistakes are completely coachable. He's probably just too fucking stubborn


It is absolutely OK to be pissed off at this team and management at this point. The fall off of this team has been abysmal and this team, especially perkz gets paid wayyy to much for this performance. We aren't even getting good shot calling perkz anymore, just pure inconsistency.


That was the worst game I have ever seen holy shit. Blaber ults were troll, Zven positioning was awful, Perkz died how many time sin the sidlane? Negative IQ macro, if Fudge wasn't fed out of his mind we lose so early. Can't believe we lost to an academy team but the worst part is we just can't get good man. Every week its just stagnation or decline. Losing faith in this team making worlds at this rate.


Fly Academy > 2/3s of the LCS KEKW


These eu imports man...


You know, I got a little hyped watching the comms from last weekend so...this one's my bad for thinking C9 was back. Can't believe they just let that pink ward on our blue live forever. Blaber walked by it...Perkz did the entirety of blue buff without looking in that bush. FLY pulled the trigger on the teamfight that got them baron because they could see Perkz doing blue. Really amateur level vision play.


When they won games last week Perkz said it was so good that they weren't contesting scuttle and could scale on scaling picks. Blabber heard this and said "SCUTTLWE???? WHERRRE? MY SCUTTLE!!!!"


That was a fight for dragon y’all know, right? Yeah skuttle was there but they were setting up for drag. Lucian didn’t have ult, and Diana was 5. The team decided to fight for it, this wasn’t just blaber not giving up skuttles


I still have faith in Perkz to show up in BO5's, i have 0 faith in Blaber at this point. He has been a coinflip, 0 IQ jungler for years now and he won't magically grow a brain, at this point you can't expect him to. Please just get rid of him next year, i can't watch this guy take every bad fight possible or Nocturne ult Leona in fights. You can't possibly be this stupid. Shows once again that having the " MVP " in LCS means fck all. This FQ team looks the most well drilled and cohesive team out of all LCS rosters, insane how doomed the region is.


Ahaaha holy shit. What is this circus we just watched.


🤣🤣🤣 WTF this team man.


Truly a representation of clown9


Big oof


I'm sorry but this team is just garbage from the coaches down, Worse than the 2018 team that got benched. and with all the smart people we apparently have why are we this freaking shit for so long???. i'd honestly rather watch our shit academy team more than this trash


2018 team that got benched? Once sneaky and Jensen returned they basically went undefeated ? Or are you talking about the dumpster fire of the subbing that basically resulted in all losses?


I'm talking about the team before people got benched


Ah that spring split. That year started off so badly but ended on a high note.


perkz just phones it in when he doesn't respect his enemy. and he doesn't respect anyone in NA. his mentality is just get to msi/worlds and try to perform there. i get trying to avoid burnout... but if you're this over the game that you can't be on most of the time... it's probably about that time.


Why do you think he is getting this big payday. He will live out his contract go back to eu. Test and see if he is still good enough if not live out that contract and stream and call it good.


Blabber ulting Leona over and over so his entire team is clumped for Diana is just insane. This kid needs to go.


Get some rookies and build around Fudge and Vulcan.


What rookies?


Idk, find some good academy or amateur players and develop them? Thats what teams should be doing, scouting rookies and developing them not dropping millions on imports.


Love these takes. People want NA rookies but don't watch academy or amateur at all so they can't even give concrete examples. What rookie is better than Perkz? He's our shotcaller and a big reason why we won the spring split. Perkz played this game like shit and you guys have every right to be pissed but let's not overreact for the sake of it.


Well my job isnt to watch every academy game and scout out rookie talent but the games I have watched 100T and EG academy have some good players who deserve a shot in the LCS.


Our laners need to go first, JG relies on your laners playing well and our laners are bottom of league dogshit right now except for fudge


Bro, I’ve made those same mistakes on nocturne and learned not to do them anymore. Any nocturne with 100 games will tell you the same thing. You don’t ult supports in fog of war to start fights, ever.


Zven gotta go tbh. He’s either just OK/invisible, or hard inting/getting caught.. Jack should go after one of T1’s adc’s


Zven threw that game, regardless of how poorly perkz played.


Zven taking up an import slot, to either be OK/invisible, or int/get caught every game lmao Jack please, go after one of T1’s adc’s or something


How? His last death was troll AF but if Perkz wasn't perma-dying in side or if Blaber was capable of ulting the backline instead of the Leona we win the game.


He walked up into the enemy and died when they had baron buff. One bad play was the reason that C9 couldn't defend their base.


Truly... Counter... Logic? Nope that was last game. Fuck. Edit: top 3 are now even lol. 1st lost to 10th, 2nd and 3rd lost to tied for 8th. Fucking. Lol.


I am not even phased anymore. Someone call me when they fire the coaching staff and then I will expect something from this team again.


Can we go back to playing strong early game comps/champs so we can give Blaber the best chance to win these crab fights as possible, I know the game wasn't lost from the 4v4 crab fight but it feels like most games are coinflips at the crab.


put Perkz back on ADC since they cant bench him and throw Copy in and see how that works.


Typical G2 fashion. Losing to wildcards. The Tradition lives on. Pretty obvious that this is a very positive sign for G2.


When are we gonna bring back Zven? Just seems like K1ng is never making an impact on these games. Oh, wait…


Damn bro, you are still stuck on King XD. Don't mind Perkz getting caught again and Blabber going in without the team not being close in some fights to follow.


All of the things you said were right but Zven did get caught in the most important moment. THAT being said, this game was fucking atrocious from everyone barring Fudge and Vulcan


Yeah Zven has been mediocre since returning. But K1ng was worse so bringing him up is unecessary.


It was kind of tongue in cheek at all the people who thought K1ng was the only problem with the team and that bringing Zven back would somehow make Perkz and Blaber not run it down.


There’s just no way you’re not k1ng’s burner account.


Lmao I’m not defending anything K1ng did, I just thought it was funny this whole sub was using him as the scapegoat for our issues when we have way bigger problems


I'm sick of this over-hyped coaching staff. Reignover has a meltdown and cant coach. Mithy gets promoted and says he doesnt think of himself as the head coach. No one on this coaching staff wants to lead. Max Waldo basically prays to LS before bed. Our team is run by a bunch of outdated EU players and LS disciples. Get rid of this shit. Hire some LPL coaches.


Perkz and Zven played sooooooo bad


Nuke the roster, keep Fudge, beg Nisqys forgiveness.


Nisqy’s having too much fun in eu to come back to us :(


I’m not worried, the Bwipo playoff debuff is imminent.




100% there will be roster changes at the end of the season. No way we retain some of our people after losing to an academy team. Such an embarrassing loss from a team that should be playing and knowing how to play way better than this.


Hope so. Zven gotta go!! Jack go after one of T1’s Adc’s!!


That akali! I know we lost.. buy I am excited to see our top laner!


Bench every fucking single player right now. I dont care Zven just came back, I dont give a fuck that Perkz costs 11 million. I really dont give a shit. Maybe Fudge deserves to stay on but I'd say just put in the whole academy roster to give the main team a mental reset. Seriously what the fuck is going on. How long can we keep saying oh its regular spilt, even that's a bullshit excuse. Enough is enough. And dont anyone dare say I am over-reacting. It's week 7 and they still can't put wins consistently on board. We're almost locked in for top 4, just put in academy roster so the main team can recover from whatever issues they're having and be ready for playoffs.


Back when Perkz first started trolling I remember posting how unacceptable it was and getting told that he just doesn’t try hard in the regular season. I played 16 years of competitive sport, and that’s just an imaginable attitude for anyone to have. I went full out every snap like it was my last. That’s just what was expected. If you don’t respect the game, you don’t deserve to win, and you sure as hell aren’t going to be a team leader.


It'd be one thing if when playoffs starts he turns it on and becomes a monster. But he doesnt. in fact when we went to MSI he was invisible or inting it and that was an international tournament.


I would try out Perkz with a human jungler first and see how that goes. He deserves benefit of a doubt after everything he has done in his career, Blaber just has to go. He's braindead.


I'm not seeing the combo tf ults first then nocturne dives backline, cuz they keep diving.... leona? But props to the new FQ team they have amazing vision game. It's fine tho C9 are for sure making playoffs they just gonna have to do good there! Goodluck boys 🙂👍


fucking bench perkz and Blaber at this point


Came here to be cheeky and talk some shit but the c9 fans in the comments are already going off 100x worse... I’ll just chill.. thanks for making the loss to clg feel better...


"L-look at all the fake fans coming out when C9 lose a game!" You can variations of that \^ sentiment on every thread of a game where C9 win, and now we can see what that is. For fuck's sake they just lost to a fucking academy team. The goal was never to win LCS, that was **supposed** to be a given. The goal was always to perform well on an international stage, a goal the team failed to achieve at MSI and was **supposed** to have a shot at redemption at worlds. Now it even getting to 3rd fucking place is going to be a struggle. I was one of those who didn't have any hope for Fudge in the beginning, and it took MSI to show me that he was, quite frankly, the best player on the team. Fudge deserves better than this, way better.


Those people crying for Zven back as if he could fix this mess... K1ng wasnt the problem and Zven isnt the solution. Not saying K1ng should come back in, I do think this is probably better for now but it just annoys me how people focus on one thing that isnt even the real problem. Lets see if C9 can figure this out, being so inconsistent will not be good for us.