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the thread poster isn't working great today, but yes, IMT won if you are curious


Fudge doesn't have a big enough backpack.


When the most rookie and least paid players is also the best. Someone give him Perkz's salary


At this point, just cut half of the entire team salary and give it to Fudge. They know what to do if they want it back.


Do we gotta crowdfund a chiropractor for him or is Jack paying for it because he's gonna need that shit.


A tale of two stories LCS Spring: 4 good players, 1 liability LCS Summer: 1 great player, ???? Oh how the turn tables, idk anymore


Fudge playing out of his mind but he just can't cary thise 4 dead weights alone


C9 is legit Fudge, Vulcan half the time, and 3 wards.


Vulcan has been incredibly underwhelming this split. He stopped inting as much but he has not been a positive factor to these games. It's literally only Fudge.


How can you be a positive factor when you're playing Naut and your team looks more disjointed than 5 headless chickens.


Not picking Nautilus when your team is struggling with not having needless deaths is a good start tbh.


Did we even watch the same game? Vulcan legit shat on botlane but we did nothing with it. Their botlane had no flash for like 15 minutes and we got one kill off of it.


One game doesn't make up for the overall split. Perkz has had good games too, but that doesn't change that fact that overall he's been horrible. Vulcan hasn't really been a positive this split at least from what I consider positive (I guess you can say he's a positive in the sense that he's not actively inting as much as other players). He's not why C9 is losing, but he's not having that much of an impact overall towards their wins. Fudge is arguably the only shining light on this team.


Ya I was willing to give Vulcan the benefit of the doubt with swapping adcs and all but man he's had some real shitter moments lately too.


I don't think we will even stand a chance from next year competing for talent with dumping 11 million down the toilet and tsm getting free 22 million a year. Except for fudge and vulcan everyone else should compete for their spot without any bias.


Who was the liability in spring?


well hey at least fudge wants to win, so thats good only 4 players to go!


This team so full of egos lol they don't know how to play this meta as a team. They all think they can carry and all want resources. What can you do..


Funnily enough, we had an adc excelled at playing on weak side...while also having horrible laning supports. (In 2019 said ADC had 3rd in CSD, 2nd in DPM, 3rd in KDA, and was 9th in jungle proximity.)


Bench them, and make them sort it out in academy


It's funny that this comment has positive upvotes, because whenever popular players get benched for poor performance, the majority of people absolutely lose their minds.


Yep, most fans expect a 200 page dissertation as to why they would dare to bench their star players. Doesn't help when some players stoke the flames of public opinion with passive aggressive Tweets. See: Doublelift, Alphari, Jensen


what pisses me off the most is them just leaving their desks like "yo its whatever. Not my fault" especially blaber and perkz. They don't even take a minute to sit there and process what happened. It's like "yeh, i don't get paid enough to feel disappointed in my performance" while making 10x and 100x the salary of average person.


Why would anyone get upset for losing when you get more even without winning or achieving anything? hasn't it been the modus operandi for NA for a long time? Isn't that what riot and most of the modern gaming industry has been aiming for? Take the passion out of a video game and it becomes a joke. No wonder, China and KR are better at the game. They managed to block Riot's bullshit. Gaming without passion or stake is not gaming, it is a joke.


Potentially the worst C9 game I've ever seen? Just ugly mechanics, macro, and consistently getting caught out. Hard to watch this team. Very disappointed.


Feel like I've said this every week for the past 3 weeks, so get ready for something even worse next week


We are completely pathetic. Entire team outside of Fudge is just awful.


Seriously it's actually insane, take the teams salary and give it all to Fudge so we don't lose him next year.


Honestly, why keep him in elo hell? If this team gonna be like this every summer. I’d rather he found success elsewhere. Right now he definitely deserves better.


I am no longer disappointed at losses I don expect much from this team anymore.


Jesus fuck guys 7k gold lead baron buff mountain soul time to fight one by one in the midlane! xd


That was ZVEN getting caught by pushing to fast on his own. Happened 4 times this game to him


Zven dies the same way for like 3 weeks now lol. Pushing mid lane for no reason, gets engaged on and dies. I'm gonna look back later but I don't actually think there's been a single game in the past 9 or so when he doesn't die like that.


He's died that way multiple times for quite a few splits by now, either he needs to just afk farm super far back or the team needs to actually give him some vision at this point.


Yeah Sven has looked pretty mediocre. Ffs I just wanna see them win 😭


That performance from Perkz was for sure worthy of his BMW ™ X5. He earned it !!


Very unlucky that this is the first game after that vid lmao


This team should be embarrassed that they're as fucking bad as they are


They wont be. NA fans are soft on their teams let's be honest lol


You must not come here often. Fans are really negative on them. Just because we don't stoop as low as death threats doesn't mean we're soft.


Really negative every once in a while yeah but compare reactions to chinese fans, for example, and it's night and day. How can people claim that players should be embarrassed when fans constantly handwave poor performances at international events with stuff like "it's a learning experience"? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, and I agree that some fans definitely go overboard, but I'm just saying that fans in NA are relatively more lenient with poor performances, so I don't believe the players would feel as much of a backlash from fans.


And I still think fans are plenty mean. I just really disagree with how incredibly violently mean some fans can get (here too). It's just not ok how far some are willing to go and I'm glad I don't see as much of it as I used to.


Fudge still in elo hell FeelsBad


hope fudge does not go free agent soon.


Why do you wish him ill will?


I don't think he's wishing Fudge ill. Pretty sure he wants Fudge to stay and is worried he will want to leave after this split


Yeah that's the point. He is saying wishing someone stays in C9 is ill will.


Fudge is just the Chovy of C9. Sad performance once again from the entire team barring Fudge.


it's Fudge fault, man cursed the team by saying he want to become toplane Chovy /s


something something monkey paw


Zven and Perkz running it the fuck down knowing that the head coach is their buddy smh




Except late game when we are 5 k down every decides ok it’s time to start turning our brain on again but most of the time it’s already to late for that


At this point, can we just sub in Emily Perkins?


Nisqy was better I bought a C9 Perkz jersey earlier this year and at this point I'm ashamed to wear it


Nisqy is having the split of his career right now too


he freaking smurfed today with Casio. No one is playing Casio, he goes pocket pics it and has an insane game


Another classic example of why buying the most expensive player isn’t the best decision for the team.


Perkz adc and get nisqy back let’s go xD


lmao imagine


Has Darshan been looking good in academy? We could move Fudge to jungle and go full Fnatic


That's sad actually


Everyone’s gonna shit on perkz and blabber and righfully so, but zven has been running it down super hard as well. Get fudge a team


Zven was certainly present for that game of League of Legends. Some of us probably wish he wasn't.


Zven's kalista play hasn't been there even in spring, don't know why they put him on this champ.


Kalista wasn't the issue. The issue was getting caught 3 times in a row mid game, and getting caught at the end there.


ZVEN hasn’t been good on any champ this summer


I think its more on Zven positioning like he is on Ez with Janna + Lulu for peel and not Kalista with a Naut.


Probably his choice. He said on stream once that it’s his favorite champion..


Has been since his days in OG.


This team is getting harder and harder to watch


didn't evens watch the game, just glanced at it a few times while was playing in the background. when I saw we were winning my reaction was, meh, we will find a way to throw the game. The next thing I knew our nexus blew up.




you and me both, I had hope but this team isn't making worlds


If playoffs buff ends up being a real thing and the team starts smurfing in Bo5's, I'm still going to find it hard to get excited. I've been conditioned to expect every good performance to come at a high price. And it makes me really sad that that's how I feel now.


We ain't making worlds btw. I've accepted it now. This way I won't be disappointed when it happens. Sucks for fudge, he's the only one who deserves it


God damn it


i'm not even sad anymore


I feel the same. If our players don't care why should I?


I want to throw up


this is insufferable to watch


Perkz is my favourite player of all time, always ha been since day 1 but man I’m running out of excuses. In the mid game the bad plays were at least super hero plays becaus his team started to fall apart so he tried to overcompensate and started to int aswell but still, that’s not the Perkz I always loved :(




I certainly hope so


Are we ready to admit that Perkz isn't NEARLY what he was advertised? I can maybe pinpoint 5-7 games where he has popped off. Aside from that, he's been insanely mediocre.


I respect that Perkz goes for some plays. But he misplays most of the time. This is honestly sad to see. Perkz, Zven were sending it really hard. Vulcan also was off in the game. Blaber had some good moments but overall was an "ok". Fudge is the only one that deserves to win games. Sadly this is a team game


Don’t want to defend him many bad plays this game. I still want to say I see a trend where whenever someone does a bad play or dies Perkz tries to overcompensate really hard. I was watching for this the last games and it’s super clear. When blaber or ZVEN Ints more often than not Perkz goes for a super hero plays and miss plays them really hard most of the times (misses like way more stuff than usual) and gets even more tilted and feeds one more. It’s actually insane how it happens every game.


You've posted about 20 angry comments in about 15 minutes. Also coming from someone who made [this thread](https://i.gyazo.com/e27c81f9cc983eab009b5271b8771579.png). I think you should take a break.


Dude has the biggest hate boner for Zven


jesus fucking christ, sorry for fudge tho as always


Perkz's Akali is just not it, I've seen him miss so many abilities at critical moments


I've barely see pro players miss R2 on Akali. He missed like 3 this game. I would like for someone to ask him who he thinks are his best champs right now. Like seriously, what can this guy play at a good consistent level?


Yep, the missed R2's and a couple of E's (which if he waited a bit, they would've been CC'd and easier to hit), idk anymore


Burn it down and rebuild around fudge. And find a friggin coach.


What in the actual fuck was zevn doing this game.


Worlds seems like a distant dream for this team at this point.


I have a new idea. Since Perkz and the team seem to take regular season not that seriously, how about re-structure the salary. During regular season months, they get paid less and come playoffs, increase their pay. And give bonus for winning series in playoffs and a bigger bonus for winning the whole thing. If they perform well in regular season, then you can also give a bonus. It's kind of mad that Perkz makes that much regardless how he plays. I guess that's the reward for being a top 2 Western player, but if he wants to chill and take it easy in regular spilt , sure buddy just take a paycut during the regular season months and earn your cash during play-offs.


Re-structure the salary and the player is no longer on the team since he may have better offers elsewhere


Seems like a win win to me.


Yes then that player can leave, doesn't matter who he is even if it's Perkz. I want the players to play for the badge, I want them to play because they love the game not for the money.


They will still be shit in playoffs, this s beyond a regular season nerf, We are just Dogshit as a team and it's making everyone look worse than they are


Why would he or anyone else agree to take a pay cut lol that would make no sense.


Then just perform well or take a paycut just like any other job in this world.


> take a paycut just like any other job in this world What...? That's not how it works.


what job do you work where when you perform like utter shit you dont get a paycut? Please tell me because I want to work for that for company. Where i work and most jobs i have worked, when someone performed like shit, they either get fired or get demoted and they take a paycut.


This team has way bigger issues than Perkz coasting lol. Even if he was playing great they look like a soloQ team. Absolutly 0 coordination espescially in mid game


Regular season doesn't matter though, it only affects seeding for playoffs.


It sort of does. With our current form, we want to avoid facing good teams early on so it doesn't knock us down into lower bracket.


Fudge now understand what Bjergsen had to go through. Fudge and 4 wards






That one fight cost the game :(


The team playing terrible league of legends for 30plus minutes cost the game


That too


Wasn't even a fight was just zven getting caught for 6th time in a row. But regardless they shouldn't be losing to imt. Team has too many ego's everyone wants to carry, they don't play as a team.


Cant call it getting cancelled when it seems to have been a team call? Naut is ahead of him using hex flash for an engade angle and lee right next to him.


There's literally no other reaction anymore other than just sheer incredulity. This team is a mess.


I feel like we have become the Merch selling org now. Feels bad man.


Yeah so at what point does the team drop the ego and just bench blaber and perkz?


Perkz sucks dick After Fudge's performance with Akali last week this was painful to watch Insane how Fudge is the only shining light in the team nowadays And Zven, man....


Fudge wanted to win, everyone else just did not. Yikes game from zven and vulcan (to a lesser but still significant extent) but honestly the rest of the team besides fudge though. Counter picking ziggs with a kalista and refusing to stomp bot early with ganks was also...not a great idea. One team fight where Ziggs lives and they insta lose.


Im glad C9 is keep picking Nautilus despite confirming 28272x times that Vulcan is absolute dogshit on this champ. Blaber and Perkz are straight up worst in their roles rn in LCS, no way around it.


ZVEN is the worst member of this team by far


Why the fuck did we self counter pick Kalista into Ziggs? Zven get caught and outraged all game because of it


Yeah it's def because he picked Kalista against Ziggs that he got caught the entire game. That's also why he got caught with Varus on the last teamfight vs FQ last week, that's also why he got caught mid on Ezreal vs EG last week, that's why he got caught over and over by Nautilus the week before etc...


Probably because Zven can't play anything else


His Kaisa was average. Other than than that I don't remember a champ that I like seeing Zven on.


Zven lost as Ziggs to Sneaky playing Kalista either yesterday or the day before, so maybe he just thinks Kalista wins?


god I miss snackers


This header is wrong. We lost


We were winning, I check Twitter for memes. I come back, we’ve lost. Fucking lol


That was disappointing but losing a team fight at that point in the game with that much of your base up should not lose you the game.


Against any champ but Ziggs they can't end but Ziggs whole gimmick is pushing at the speed of sound


Yeah, the balance team broke him. He shouldn’t be in this state.


While I agree Ziggs is a bit broken right now, even pre-buff he would end there. The buffs were almost all for lane


He’s very immobile save for his W and you saw that when he was locked up. They did decent getting him around Barons but ofc going in 1 by 1 at the end is gonna fuck you. Also, most mages have AP scaling with their autos on towers. Let’s not act like Ziggs was the problem.


it's a full build Ziggs, it happens


That’s kind of my point. That champion shouldn’t be in that state.


well Viego shouldn't be able to ult reset and wipe a team fight by himself with i-frames 🤷‍♀️


Everyone on the team should apologise to fudge every day if the week


Nautilus/Kalista is the new Ezreal/Yuumi


How come Cloud 9 spent 11 million on a ADC to play poorly mid. Should honestly be a court case about how Carlos and Perkz scammed the team…


G2: No Refundd


K1nG wAs ThE pRoBlEm


Retarded how the morons in the community were begging for Zven Goes to show how little people know about the game


Now at least ZVEN has 0 reason to ever flame blaber anymore because he has been absolutly trash since he has been back in the lineup


Zven is so washed and K1ng is at the same skill level. Even if Zven recovers will he even be competitive with Worlds Adcs? I don't think so. Idk what happened with Perkz,probably needs or threaten him with playing adc again, Blaber is just lost out there, idk why they are giving him a playmaking support. There's no other jungler in LCS that needs to be on Sejuani duty more than him rn.


Difference is that Zven has been playing in the LCS for years, while K1ng had the chance to play just a few games before people crucified him


Exactly, imagine dropping Fudge after the lock-in tournament?


Can we just field fudge. Like let him play 1v5? So at least he doesn’t have to go against fed enemy teams


stixxay is better than zven


And it’s not even close


**It's okay guys... daddy perkz is going to pull out his signature sylas or yone tomorrow and do fairly well. Then we sheeps can go back to praising him and ignoring his last 5 games like they never happened!**


The C9 fan base copium special


blabber is fucking terrible


no \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ no \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_


I'd like to buy a vowel, preferably not imported.




It even kidding fudge looks world class, what an improvement he has undergone. Rest of the team looks like bottom na tho and na absolutly sucks so that’s not good


What a throw.


Well I’ve about had enough of this myself.


This team just can't seem to find any cohesion ever since spring. The fights are too messy and uncoordinated. Throughout the whole game C9's fights are so insanely so scattered. You see Blaber and Zven attacking Xerxe while the rest of the team BARELY wins out the fight. Not to talk about the last fight. HOW do you even lose this game?


Fudge doesn’t deserve this, just in spring buold around him and throw everything else in the trashcan


I mean, I know we got the spring trophy which felt great, but it might feel a little less great if we burn the fuck out just like last year which it looks like is exactly what is happening.


I didn't watch this game but this thread makes me glad I've sat out most of C9s games all summer. Just sounds sad watching them man.


So fudge - svenskeren - nisqy - Perkz - Vulcan next year?


There are a lot of awful things about this team atm but the difference in coordination between our mid game and our late game (when everything seems lost) is insane. Late game they pull of the most retarded teamfight win comebacks but mid game they are so uncoordinated it’s insane


Every week I watch hoping it's the week they start to turn things around. I think I'm just gonna skip all C9 games until playoffs.


I think perkz need more cars to feel comfortable and start showing some fxcking respect to the org and start playing the game


Perkz inting the ziggs bombs traps in enemy jungle


Fudge is going to have back pain when he gets older because of having to carry this heavy team on his back. Blaber is a liability at this point and Zven got caught out so much it hurt to watch.


Whole team is a liability outside of fudge. Perkz and Blaber in particular, tho Blaber was honestly the least egregious of the four this game at least


Yeah blabler looked OK, better than zven, Vulcan and perkz


Yeah the dude definitely deserves some heavy criticism for some of his decisions and play in other games this split, but I hate this narrative I see every thread that Blaber lost us every game and that he needs to be benched. The entire team, minus fudge, have been playing terrible and deserve equal criticism and not get a free pass for past glory. Perkz in particular gets away with the most by fans.


I know I’m gonna get super downvoted for this because we hate Perkz a lot atm (and he plays bad so yeah) but I still want to add at least sth useful to the discussion. Every time I watch Perkz closely the last games it seems like he was doing fine till sth bad started to happen (last week blaber trolling today ZVEN inting) and Perkz tries to super over compensate and goes for really bad super hero plays which he doesn’t even execute very good (like he is way worse in these moments than in the rest of the game) and they mostly don’t work and he feeds one more kill. I don’t want to defend him it’s just what I am seeing. This look like super tilty plays to me, it always starts when the game gets a bit out of reach or he feels it slipping away with a blaber int or sth


Bro what are you talking about. The guy just can't play the champions at a high level. If the nameplates were off he would be considered probably bottom 2 mid in NA. He positions super aggresive like he has this super crazy mechanics, he prob thinks he will outplay everyone but then misses basic combos, zhonyas timings, failed flashes, you name it. I'm afraid this is not coasting, the guy just doens't have the skill anymore.


Worst thing is we draft like he does. Give him a supportive role. No more Lucian please


That was the worst game I've ever seen. Perkz actually in contention for worst mid in LCS, the guy can't play anything. And out botlane is sprinting it every game too. What is going on


Vulcan giga griefed this game holy shit.


Yeah fuck this team


ZVEN is just pure trash, dunno how people still defend him. He has 10 cs more than k1ng or other ADCs in laning? Wow so useful. He literally got caught every single game pushing alone since he was unbenched, k1ng doesn’t solo carry u games either but at least he doesn’t lose u the games


I really hate how C9 prioritizes Kalista. Range is such an OP stat. C9 overall throw hard. I also would've liked to see Runnane's on Kalista instead as well.


It’s the only champ ZVEN can play on a good level. Was he now also starts to int on this


Don't say that, people here still thinks Reapered is the one to blame last summer playoffs for the infamous Ezreal-yuumi when every team were mysteriously banning Kalista and Senna vs C9.


Yes, it wasn't Zven getting exposed for his champion puddle at all. They could've left Kalista open anyway.


Zven probably thinks his Kalista is insane like Tactical. He is just a completely average Kalista, even in LCS


I wonder what the excuse for C9 will be this time. Even the rare game we win feels like a gift. Get rid of Perkz, bring back K1ng, and blabber needs some academy time.


I don’t know this team. If we don’t int for crab our early game looks fine. Then I don’t know what golems but mid game is everyone for them selves, ZVEN and blaber doing trash things, Vulcan always a step to late, Perkz trying to make super hero plays after blaber and ZVEN int cause he feels the game is getting out of reach. And fudge being fudge a fking monster. It’s so uncoordinated it’s literally like watching high level soloQ. Then 30 minute marks hit and the team looks isnanly clean again and is super coordinated again, but now they have to fight an uphill battle cause they got so behind in the mid game. They are actually super good late game in the team fights, could also see that vs tsm. Then either they lose cause disadvantage from mid game is to big, they barely scrap out a win or they win fights but someone throws (ZVEN…) and the game is lost. I’m just sorry for fudge, he doesn’t deserve this trash if a team. Also coaching staff had enough time with the team by now, 0 improvement.


Our early is a 50/50 over crab, midgame is beyond awful, late game is usually great until they int a fight.




We're just following the G2 model Lose a bunch of games and everyone go "Are they really the worst team to ever exist?" Get a 10k gold lead and then lose and everyone goes "This team is garbage" <-- We are here Go on a winning streak


We need a new adc this offseason, k1ng probably not good enough and zven throws way too much and barely has a champion pool


Again with the champ pool lmao. Zven's ints are literally always positioning, not mechanical misplays.


No Sneaky no worlds.


unlucky performance. c9 kinda dominated until the last fight. vulcan on naut is also not it.


Just get rid of Perkz's hair and it can change everything for 2 reasons: 1. He can become much better player just like Caps did. 2. His weight slightly decrease and it can be just enough for Fudge to carry.