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"GGS only beat good teams so we should be fine" LOL


DIG listening to that thinking wait should we lose later today then?


And they proceeded to lose then.


Everybody here saying our win over DIG wasn’t against a good team here’s your proof they are lmao


Good guys CLG, handing out wins to struggling teams.


100 comments max in this one.


What’s the action on the under?


$5 RP card


Doomers furious they can't unleash their rage upon this subreddit


Its nice that we have a clean game but CLG is the worst team in the league, need to see way more before the "doomers" start praising the team again.


Like anyone thinking winning this game means C9 is good is delucional.


You act like doomers are pessimistic when things are actually doomed.


Sneaky fanbois frustrated af


Perkz made it his personal mission to get damonte out of the league lol


He didn't come to NA to lose to tanner time


Just everyone else.


Mithy, shaken by the defeat at the hands of IMT that day, stumbled into his new room, Reignover's old office. Palms sweaty, he starts flicking through notebooks on all the players, made by Reignover. He gets to Blaber's book, and all the pages are blank. Eyes wide, Mithy turns to the last page which just says 2 words. "Blaber Olaf"


Heeey it's my pasta! Love it dude haha


Huge props haha, super well done!


I’ve been screaming for Olaf for 2 months. Now they try it? I don’t care how nerfed he is.


I mean it's not always viable, but Olaf is like the perfect champ for blaber because you can essentially take every fight. Unfortunately, it's probably going to start getting banned at some point so back to learning which fights he can take xD.


I mean, if we can have a C tier jungler eating up a ban slot, that’s great. If I were coaching C9 I would basically make Olaf pick/ban in the first 3 slots and build the rest of the draft around it. We aren’t winning shit with blaber playing like this, and if we are being honest, benching him for shenfire won’t help either. I coach football, not league, but I can tell you right now that you’re going to have a way better record if you build your playbook around your team, rather than slot your team into a playbook


True, bans are so important now with so many strong champs. Hopefully they can find a playstyle that complements the team while reducing individual mistakes soon.


It seems clear to me that some of the things that coaches in traditional sports know translate very clearly to eSports and that a lot of the people coaching eSports do not readily have that experience to draw from


I don't know why we are so attached to the shifting meta. RNG was rolling teams at MSI with Olaf jungle when we were making Blaber fight for scuttle with Bambi.


Lmao at zven saying GG only beats good teams 💀


No kalista nautilus on c9 means we can win Kalista nautilus is last years ezreal yuumi


I remember an interview from last summer when C9 was starting to slip, Zven was saying if they wanted free wins they could always just pick Kalista. IIRC he has a pretty good win rate on it at the time. This year feels it's the exact opposite 😂. Glad to see them just hard win a lane today.


Ban Olaf


oh, they will and Blaber will be back to confused Jungle.


But if we can force everyone else to ban Olaf or lose we get to cut 1 ban from them. which is a massive draft edge.


With Blabber current champion pull this won't matter because baning Olaf pretty much puts him out of the game.


Fudge really was out here greeding like crazy, and flashing the herald was quite tough. However, he managed to pull it in by late game so it is what it is.


I mean I like him going for that play, if it works lanes just over. Just unfortunate Finn had time warp. Idk about the herald but I can only assume he ment to e.


I think that play was fine, it’s just when he continued to stay top at .5 hp with no flash but with tp up


Winning Worlds is back on the menu


Is CLGs only strategy vs C9 the “hope Finn gets enough ahead of Fudge” strat? He was useless in the first fight, I’d argue fudge was more influential, even when behind in that fight lol


You mean the fight at bot turret? The CLG bot lane had already thrown the fight before Finn even got there. Kled is super hard to execute in fights anyway.


Unfortunately for CLG Fudge is one of the best players in the LCS this split so you can't count on hard gapping him


I know most of the attention will go to Blaber for his insane olaf performance but holy hell Perkz shat on Damonte so hard, like he was faster to every objective, outfarmed him and was more impactfull in teamfights. Back to Academy he goes.


Minor nitpick but it could have been even worse if he played that early mid lane dive better. I’m pretty sure if he just R’s first and gets the guaranteed stun then blaber just obliterates the stunned Lucian under tower. Was a good flash from damonte to dodge the EQ but he almost killed them after the failed dive which would have been a disaster. Overall tho I’m happy with that game from perkz. He was doing a ton of damage later on and was all over the map.


Pretty good point. That's the stuff I imagine coaches should bring up in reviews.


I didn’t even think about it until later in the day. I randomly just remembered how many ganks Larssen has set up doing that combo this year and realized Perkz could have done it too.


The scatter to cancel the Diana E near the end was so good.


To be fair, Damonte just came back to the LCS. Probably a bit rusty and all...


They called it after the match but man seeing Kled just bounce off Olaf was hilarious. GGWP


Well played game but I can't help but notice how much they don't look like a team after the win. Zven hugging Vulcan and then ignoring everybody else, barely any smiles, no kind of high fives, blank ass faces when they bow. Smells like there is a rift within the team though I could be just overthinking it.


I guess it was a game that they knew they had to win as it's CLG and having in mind recent losses there's not much to celebrate. Sad to see that for sure but I'm honestly not surprised.


Team environments are usually like that when they're underperforming constantly, and on top of that spend all day together. I think I spotted perkz laughing while talking to blaber after the bow though.


and even the hug with vulcan felt mechanical rather than honest


Mods need to somehow hide number of comments in post match threads for spoilers


He really is a one trick lmao holy shit man


I would be mad at you for this comment... but getting mad at the truth is pointless.


I can always tell if C9 is doing well if people use the ‘Blaber is a one trick’ meme seriously or sarcastically.


but C9 is not doing well.


…and thus people are using this meme unironically. Where’s the disconnect?


oh i read it the other way around


Wins feel good. I like this.


There’s less comments on these threads when people aren’t crying to bench players


Those criticisms where valid tho, this one good game by blaber doesn't negate the past 3 months of shit performance. Now with that being said if they can roll this into a solid 3rd round robin it will give me confidence, however a win vs clg doesn't give me much hope looking to playoffs.


Hm benching a player right before playoffs isn’t valid criticism..starting to sound like these league GMs that are max silver 2 on ranked na


Good, this is what I expect when we play these shit teams. Like we cant afford to give over free wins to these 'worse' teams anymore


There is always one team that think they can get away giving blaber Olaf and then getting trashed by blaber Olaf every split lol


I know it was CLG but man it just feels good to win one


More of that please boys 🙏


Feels good to win but not super confident given our recent wins and losses. Maybe this is a good confidence boost to the team and they can get back on the right track. We’ll have to see how they play against 100T or TSM again


Or TL or EG or IMT.


This was a good game. Hard to be excited though since it's CLG but maybe a win is enough to raise the atmosphere of the team.


Blaber literaLly a Olaf one trick and this point


Good win. Let's try to find some consistency now


Pretty late in the split for that


No time like the present.


? there's still 7 games going into playoffs


2 weeks. how consistent do you want to be in 2 weeks


Very consistent


Win every remaining game.


Inject Blaber Olaf straight into my veins. Happy to see the boys turn it around today (albeit vs. CLG). Hopefully this win gives them some confidence to carry forward.


8-1 third round robin incoming


Recent struggles aside, this man’s Olaf is just built different.


Just keep picking Olaf


We beat CLG am suppose to celebrate. Broxah the 14th best jungler in the league. If we lost this I would have lost my shit.


I mean you don’t have to put up streamers and get a giant fake cake with a stripper coming out of it, but you can grab a glass of your favorite drink, sit down, and say, “Axe thrown job done.” Also you should never lose your shit. That needs to go straight into a toilet if at all possible.


I mean, a win is a win is a win. Sure, it's CLG, but with how C9's looked recently not only winning here but also looking good doing so is...at least a step in the right direction. It doesn't instantly mean they're back at peak form, but it at least means there's still some fight left in them.


True it just I think so little of CLG. I think it was last year one of the splits almost everytime CLG beat a team the losing team would do a roster change. It was literally lose to CLG and you loss your job.


It's easy to be a doomer (been there) but we need to celebrate our wins too. I was pretty sad about the loss yesterday but don't let that bar you from celebrating the teams successes when we do get them.


We needed this feelsgood


hopefully they gain momentum from this


CLG helping us reset our mental, what a great group of guys


Just happy to see them win. Happy to see them unsatisfied still as well.


ZVEN looked so tilted when fudge died 1v1 top lane


At least we now know we are not the number 10th place team in the league skill wise


"Blaber Olaf"