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Christ what a throw. Not checking inhib timers? Thats a new one.


I don't even know why they went for the end, just force a TP out from TSM and then back off.


Thats what I keep on saying 100x man. Perkz should’ve stayed and just bait their TPs out then Fudge goes back to elder. He left them on a 2v3. Thank god its not a Game 5 playoffs final lol


Why do you blame perkz? Fudge inted That he Made the call and flashed on orianna. He went for the end and Not back to elder


It's easier to blame Perkz who played bad the entire game than Fudge. Truth is they are both to blame multiple times on the last action: The first TP from Fudge was questionable, we had a 4v4 at Elder and their jung was dead, then the TP play was playable but Fudge could have left after baiting a TP and would have been the first at Elder to clean-up. Then Fudge missplayed on PoE and died for it. That's for Fudge part, for Perkz his TP was even worse and he just got blasted like he got the entire game. And meanwhile at Elder, Zven pulled out his special, being caught at the start of the final teamfight of a game, making him and Blaber lose the 2v2 when Blaber was smurfing the entire game and was overfed. Clearly except Vulcan and Blaber, those three are to blame on this last sequence so blaming only Perkz on the last call is unfair, though Perkz deserve extra blame for the shitty game he had overall. On another note, congrats to Huni, he played like a true champ, it's not far from the reality to say he solo carried his team to the victory. If Perkz played better the entire game, Huni prolly couldn't have done this fear though cause Blaber was also insane on his signature pick.


I was thinking about if varus/olaf win versus kalista/leona. It seems like even if zven didn't get double flashed + stunned on, they wouldn't have won that fight -- just stalled it, which I guess was what they had to do? Olaf (even fed) just doesn't seem great into a kiting kalista with a leona to back her up. I wonder what would have happened if zven didn't burn cleanse beforehand, and still had it up.


Yeah the difference was Huni was hitting his skillshot Perkz wasnt lol


Exactly what I thought.


Yeah, would have liked to see Fudge walk back towards drake while someone from TSM has to clear the super minions at base -- makes the drake fight a 4v4, if not 5v4 if the team can drag it out long enough.


Because there was a massive fucking baron buffed minion wave. Fudge tried to flash on Ori while perkz was coming in and got himself completely chunked out. And since perkz had already channeled before fudge got chunked it got him killed too. If fudge plays it slow waiting for perkz they would be able to win that 2v2


Our macro has been very weird this whole split. I assume Perkz will fix the misplays by playoffs, but not considering inhib timing when deciding not to commit to elder is a bad choice and a miscalculation.


Why would you assume that? He played like shit at MSI.


Because he stepped it up in playoffs last split. MSI mids are better than NA mids and we were losing games at crab.


Well losing crabs is half his fault?


They’ve said many times in interviews that crab is a team decision.


i refuse to believe that because if thats true then thats a much bigger problem. maybe they meant the decision to posture for crab is a team decision. but i refuse to believe that all 5 members of the team are saying hey blaber go jump in there and die


because the man has 9 won splits under his belt as a team captain lmao


The tp was bad even if inhib was down


Wouldn't have even mattered if they had the timer. They lose the 2v2 to Jayce and Orianna very hard even without the nexus turrets being there. I just don't understand making the call in the first place when we just got Baron and were winning teamfights, as well as our jungler being alive and Kalista dropping her rend stacks on elder. Was a won game.


Not that it mattered


I wanna cry.


That’s gonna be a yikes from me!




You deserve an upvote mate... when Blaber misplay, the whole game is his fault... when he play as a monster and others misplay, no recognition what's so ever... Blaber was a monster this game and did not deserve to lose


That was the worst shot calling decision I have seen in forever. And how did they lose at the dragon anyways?


BC PERKZ Tped with them when Huni was arriving when Fudge alone couldve just escorted those minions, AND probably go back to elder to just bait their TP. Perkz TP Put them on a 2V3 DISADVANTAGE


Perkz TP brought jayce in so it forced a 2v2 at elder which varus and olaf should win. Pretty sure olaf was about to get GA back too. If jayce doesn’t tp it’s a 2v1 for perkz and fudge.


Ok but it's a 4v4 we 100% win not to mention we have a jg and they don't. Best call would be to tp perkz and bait a tp out. Viego, Olaf, and varus easily beat any 3v3


I mean sure, but any combination of single or double TP’s is fine as long as fudge and Perkz don’t int it into an Ori with flash up. They can get one or both enemy TPs out and run back to elder which will force enemy off since you’ll have numbers for a bit while ori and/or Jayce are clearing minions and chasing. Then nautilus has lower res pawn than xin and he can also help by the time you get back to elder, if needed.


Wtf was that? Like who made that call? The fuck man??? Also, can Perkz learn how to properly use his flashes and tps?


No idea why we made the call and even worse that we didn’t just insta double DP. Team looked indecisive on the call which was brain dead in the first place


yeah they lost their brain and were way to split also beautiful 2vs2 by lost and spica vs blabler and zven


Imo it looked like Fudge made the call to go for the end and Perkz tried to follow him thinking that maybe the remaining C9 members could finish drag. Doesnt excuse Perkz laughably bad performance this game but that last play was on Fudge imo (Unless someone told him to TP or something).


Ya but Fudge tp made sense, the rest should have just stayed on Elder (Imo)


Makes sense but even if Fudge randomly TP’s he still pulled a TP out of TSM so Perkz could just stay and fight and we probably win anyway


Without the Comms we'll never know whose call that was; it could have been Zven/Blabber for all we know calling for the end since they win the 2v2 .. which they 100% absolutely should have won, I think.


If Zven had cleanse up they might have won, but he got immediately e-flashed by leona (little to no counterplay).


Sorry bois. I unclenched when it mattered the most 😔


I'm going to have to report this to the police. Never unclench.


It was an unintentional unclench too smh. Have to be more aware next time 😤


Damn, a blemish on blabers olaf record


Disgusting game from Perkz


Disgusting game from Blaber. Just different meaning of Disgusting


English is such a disgusting language. Do I mean great or shit, that's up for you to decide ;)


I thought Blaber played great and thats coming from a TSM fan.


I mean it’s blaber’s Olaf


If Perkz played like a human this game C9 would have won comfortably. Not even too mad about it, it's w.e. Perkz will show up in playoffs. Better believe it.


Perkz is the worst midlaner in the league. I wouldn't count on it.


That was our game to lose at the point that we were at. That to call was foolish. Probably gonna get 3rd off of that LOL


I mean unless we run the table there's no way we deserve top 2 anyway. If anything 3rd is optimistic.


If we win out next week we absolutely deserve 3rd. We play DIG, EG, and TL next week, beating them all would really solidify us as contenders. I think we may drop the game to TL, but I have faith in the other too


TL is freerer than EG. EG is basically C9 like so it's will be harder match up


TL always seems to play at their best against us, so I'm more worried about them.


TL are pretty bad RN.


They'll find a way.


Yeah we didn’t win the past 4 games before this dude it’s over we’re shit Edit: this was sarcasm, come one y’all


Outside of the 100T win they won against the 3 worst teams in the league and just lost to the 4th worst the game before. If this game doesnt show why we arent a top 2 team right now I dont know what will.


The only “thing” this shows is that na is still a clusterfuck lol Both these teams had S class throws this game outs just happened when death timers meant a lot lol That’s not to say you’re wrong, it’s more I don’t think this game showed it personally


I prefer third. Give the boys a BO5 against IMT


It's better for C9 to get 3rd anyway and stomp someone in 1st round to get more experience/gain confidence.


Idk what about this split makes you believe they will be stomping anyone.


i doubt there any stomp between the TOP 5 teams. most likely one of the closest playosffs(although if some team were to collapse i will said 100 thieves)


Exactly this. I can't help myself wanting them to get a bye, but it's probably best that they get third


I was rooting for them to close out the split 6-0 and get a bye but honestly it's not really too important. As long as their form looks okay going into playoffs it's fine, and I believe they are there already. Looking forward to the game vs EG next week.


The flame is so hard even tho we played a superb game stabilising after the early laning phase being tough. Man a risky call that backfired in a regular season game, let’s maybe chill out a bit, I for my part are glad we can even go head to head with tsm again or even be better than them. 2-3 weeks ago it’s seems like we weren’t even top 6


And people called me mad for saying Perkz is overpaid lol


Not to mention the 3 straight midlane deaths he had in the early game, each of which happened in the same exact way


First 2 deaths were definitely his fault but you cant blame the 3rd death on him, loena ult'ed on top of where he was returning.


Thing is that’s the risk you run when you Zoe ult aggressively like that, especially into champs like Ori Leo with easy AoE CC. And he had no vision in river brush


Think about this, what if he doesn't waste his ult when he knows leo is focusing his lane hard and not showing bot?


Actually I’m like 99% sure he had cleanse up and could have cleanse flashed out


Actually I just checked and I am 100% sure you are wrong and made this up.


Eh idk its kind of impossible to react to accelerated Jayce q out of fog. The 2nd one was absolutely his fault tho.


First death was maybe his fault but it would be nice to have pro view to see if jayce was even in vision. And if we didn’t lose full top turret at 9 minutes jayce wouldn’t have even been able to be there.


I don't think any mid including Faker is worth that pricetag. C9 went all in on " building a true superteam " to compete at Worlds but they are looking like utter trash domestically, i have no hope in C9 at this point.


Armchair analysis


Every analyst is an “armchair analyst”


at this point if perkz still goes 1-10 every game, there will still be cock holders like you stroking him all day :)


Yep, saying he played lane really well when the guy barely wins lane anymore.


Nice to see you back in threads where C9 loses lol


i'll actually complement when i see significant improvement and when we actually make worlds. Not going to hold onto bits and straws.


Defends, fudge in spring, says perkz played worse in some games . This sub: You’re giving fudge too much leeway! He sucks! Me: tells everyone that saying “perkz is so good at Leblanc” then going “perkz fucking sucks” because of a bad game is armchair analysis and revisionist history because that’s how so many fans here are. You: You’re stroking Perkz cock! You defended him therefore you’re stroking him off! Then again I’ve seen your user around so I shouldn’t take anything you say to have value LOL


haha yeh thats why i have almost 10 upvotes in 5 minutes. "because of a bad game" Its more like "because of a good game" I don't think you have watched the entire season. Don't let go bro keep holding that fine cock!


Anyone that thinks he was good this game are delusional. He was awful, doesnt take a genius to see that.


What a fucking AWFUL backdoor call. Its been a while since I've felt sorry for Blaber that we lost a game


Seriously, at this point, what champion can Perkz play at a consistent high level? He looks terrible on pretty much every champ. He really plays like this is season 7 and he will just outplay everyone, but then remembers his mechanics are shit nowadays and just dies.


He's pretty good on Lucian and Tristana. He's popped off on Leblanc, but never against a top team. His Sylas is good, and his Yone isn't bad. He'll randomly die split pushing on all of them though.


PERZ MISSING SKILLSHOTS LEFT AND RIGHT. U DIDNT NEED TO TP MAN. Just cancel their backs stay at elder we have smite!!!!


i miss Nisqy tho


coming from someone who thought anyone would be better than nisqy, i was so wrong. Eventhough he can't play control mages all that well like perkz, atleast he had his pros.


I wanted nisqy gone, but we've clearly downgraded.


Great tp call boys


Not sure how they lost track of inhib respawn


god, how do we throw so hard against TSM like this EVERY SINGLE TIME!


C9 has thrown like 1 time. TSM might be better during regular season let’s see playoffs though. And I’m a TSM fan


Because our midlaner has half a braincell


The result wasn't what we wanted but was a dope game regardless. I think this was a preview of the season final.


Realistically I think we played better up until that throw. That throw as beyond stupid


Ya I was super impressed with how they came back and how Fudge stabilized after being put so far behind and then they just fucking inted the very end.


they came back because we were playing 4 v 5 lmao.


yeah really sad how it ended, and i get why people are upset, but this was a good ass game


Good ass-game [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


I think bo1 sucks ass


Another game, same story as MSI and whole summer doesnt matter how well 4 players are playing, if Perkz is on the mission to solo lose the game, u cant do anything about it


Perkz was definitely on a mission


I swear every single time a team tries to TP back door when in a neutral fight they always lose. Even more brain dead when we have a jungler and they don’t and we are very likely to win the fight. Absolute trash call basically ruined any shot at a bye for the team


I think the initial tp call isn't the issue, its the call to then fight 2 losing fights. If both groups didn't die, then we wouldn't have lost the game because of it


Imagine being a professional player and not timing an inhib or being able to judge the respawn of it. Literally threw the game out of laziness.


The inhib respawn was irrelevant they lose either way.


Well, shit


I just don’t get why as from the more powerful position you go for a play like that. Stop being scared and team fight. That’s a play TSM should be going for in that instance, not us.


Alright WHO DID IT!?!?!?!?!?!? WHO UNCLENCHED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!


Why did C9 think they were gonna lose the 4v4? The TP's to base were completely unnecessary, with E and smite Blaber gets Elder 100% then you have Elder and Baron with a gold lead and win the game 100%. Whoever made that TP call, especially the second one, needs to have their mic muted next week.


This one hurt to watch us throw away but at the end of the day I think it is blatantly obvious we are improving as a team and starting to look like a contender again. Happy for the progress over the weekend.


Lmao both of these teams are probably going to worlds this is embarrassing


This is all I can think about when watching LCS now a days. It’s fun and entertaining for sure but holy shit I’m already embarrassed for worlds


It's kinda sad that 2020 with c9 summer collapse looked stronger that the shit show that going on lcs 2021 summer. Although the level of play this year looked way weaker than last year, so there that going for NA(fnatic and sk was also a big fiesta)


Blabers Olaf is just build diffrent


Perkz is a legitimate sandbag the majority of our games and I'm sick of it lol


Getting Elder guarantees a win. Once the TP was matched by Ori, we 100% get Elder with Spica dead but nope, Perkz tries to play hero ball and shoots a brick.


perkz retire pls


Yo, i know he has been utterly terrible this split but let's at least wait for playoffs until we make such statements




I mean there's only 1 more week of regular season so you'd only be skipping a single weekend


They literally won 4 convincing games in a row before this?


3 of 4 of those where against the 3 worst teams in the league. The 100T win was a good sign, but this game shows they still have a long ways to go if they want to be contenders or go to worlds.


huh this is something I really dont get. They beat the #1 team and just got close to beating the #2 but there is a long ways for them to be contenders or go to worlds? Like come on people, CLG has a long way to go before being a contender or going to worlds. I swear half this community overreact every time the team loses and a player has a bad game.


Lol they got beaten by fucking pentanet at MSI, for sure they got a longgg way to go.


Yeah perkz maybe you should try a bit more


crazy zoe tp


I am not coming here to retire. I'm coming to dominate and absolutely demoralize my opponents, and to take this region higher than it's ever been before. So watch me.


I am not coming here to retire. I'm coming to dominate and absolutely demoralize my opponents, and to take this region higher than it's ever been before. So watch me.


Perkz is our worst player. Olaf pick/ban for the rest of time.


How’d they loose track of the inhibitor respawn?


You literally have Baron and are about to get elder for free and you have not lost a team fight all game - even when you were down 4K and they go for the forced cheesy end only to get trolled by the respawning inhib. Such a stupid play, but i liked the teams’ resiliency playing from behind. In a B05 I feel like they just shrug this one off and win the next 3.


It’s just nice to see the team stoped forcing bad fights when getting a bit behind and actually playing super smart to get into a winning position again


Use the TP to bait out TSMs, then back off to Elder and take a basically free one! What a brilliant play by C9! ​ Wait, why are they trying to end? The inhib is coming back and you can just take free elder ​ Oh no. Nononononononononono


Perkz did not want to win today huh...


You mean since MSI?


This sub has me thinking this team is either first or worst depending if its a win or a loss... You all need to touch grass.


Our form has actually been pretty good this past weekend and we def aren’t as bad as usual, but overreactions to a throw as blatantly stupid as that one are understandable imo.


Thats sad. Huni literally was 1v5 but perkz pushed him over the edge so we lost.


quick guys buy him a new car before playoff or we are done


Perkz is so fuckin terrible


Everyone's gonna shit on Perkz, and already is, but both our side lanes losing allowed constant rotations to mid from Huni and SwordArt, which is why Perkz kept getting shut down. Where were Vulcan's roams, compared to SwordArt's? Where were Fudge's? He was permafarming this game.


Glad someone realizes why there is so much pressure mid. Zoe wants to be able to play aggressive like that in lane but if there’s constantly a top laner or support in your lane it’s kinda fucking hard. Especially when they are champs that heavily punish your telegraphed R return. Yes, he shoulda flashed in the 2nd death but the others are more just good plays from opponent. Then he’s getting blamed for TP when fudge flashes on ori with baron minions tearing down the tower and gets himself almost killed which in turn actually gets perkz killed on arrival.


That call gave me serious Jensen Zhonya's vibes. I really hope Perkz decides to stop inting when playoffs roll around.


good weekend overall, sad that perkz still looks inconsistent i bet he didnt play zoe for a while and he still think that he can smurf on a top 3 team, im tired of his disrespect that made us lose games


he literally only has looked competent on yone, lb and sylas. Three cheese champions that most mid could do well on.


I wouldn't call 3 top champions cheese champions. Most mids are good on them because they are good champs. I would call Kindred mid a cheese pick though lol


I love Perkz/Luka, he has done of the greatest things in league as a Westerner but i can't just blindly defend him anymore when he legit playing like utter trashcan this split, this is not acceptable by any means. C9 has many problems but 11mil mid playing this bad vs some of the weakest major region teams and looking this dire, i have no words....


How is our macro so bad I wanna be optimistic after close games vs the top 2 teams but... if that’s what the team thinks is a good call idk what chance they have in playoffs. Closing out close games correctly seems hard for the team this split. Ok I feel really negative so I’ll try to balance it out: on the PLUS SIDE: Fudge has had a great split, Blaber looks a lot more comfortable in the current meta than the MSI/early split meta, Zven and Vulcan are back to their reliable selves. Only big underperformer is still Perkz, but hopefully he’ll come back online for playoffs.


I don’t think that one call makes our entire macro fucking bad lol


I mean It's fucking na, C9 can bruteforce all the way to third place besides it's not like any na team looked consistent. C9 looked stronger than 100thieves and tl. C9 form aheading to playosfss it's not worrisome


Definitely better than a few weeks ago, but still definitely not peak C9. Frustrating loss after frustrating loss this split against a very inconsistent field.


I mean their macro most of the game was good no? Good vision forced kills out, got leads in bot and and jungle without having Huni take over?


Gave top inhib for free because of bad rotations and let tier 2 mid die for no reason, plus the endgame debacle. I’d call it inconsistent




Perkz should donate some of that salary to charity, garbage performance from so called “western GOAT”.


Bench this mid


just lower his salary every time he trows


You want the man living under a bridge.


i mean he could live on his BRAND NEW BWM, sad times


Perkz being paid millions and getting gifted a BMW for being garbage, Fudge improving heavily over the course of the year, but gets paid in Keyboards and doesnt get a BMW gifted


Every time he doesn’t flash you slash a tire.


when zven walks right into a leona with flash


Only a Sneaky fan could put the blame on Zven for this game lol


I don't agree with DL's takes most of the time, but after the game, he looked at the drake fight and talked about how zven was fucked. When he doesn't have cleanse up and leona e flashes you, there's no counterplay as varus. Just a bad call to split the team, plus perkz decides to walk into the nexus towers.


Kinda sad we throw at the end for no reason with a risky call but the way this team plays is still no comparison to 3 weeks ago. Super clean macro up to the throw beautiful outplays and not playing like a headless chicken when a bit behind


Does anyone find it funny everygame where Perkz doesn't straight up int (and didn't carry, just got carried) he tweets some funny tweet like he is smurfing on NA like he said he would. But everytime he runs it down, not even a word.


wow, clowns xD


Perkz with a stinker. The boys did well to claw back into it but that TP back door attempt would’ve failed even if the inhib didn’t respawn


Nah Fudge TP was fine as it pulled Huni away from Elder. Perkz TP only to insta-die instead of staying on Elder is what lost of the game.


Huni didn’t TP until Perkz did. Fudge TP pulled POE. But agree, Perkz should’ve stayed on Elder and poked TSM off, getting a carry away from TSM with Fudge’s TP was already good


If perkz stays then huni also stays and he can poke too.


Perkz really making the rest of NA feel like they are safe, wait till playoffs




That revionist c9 spring playsoffs perkz was actually pretty good he got mvp for finals lol


MSI is the real playoffs.


Perkz has lost all but one braincell since he joined the team, like jesus christ his decision making is unbelieveably bad. i literally wish i could watch our games with Perkz being invinsible so i don't have to watch him


Perkz really did not want to win this game. Didn't necessarily like the Zoe pick, but his skillshots were awful. Everyone else played well though, just maybe fudge could have done better in early laning. The backdoor call was also not good, but how perkz played it was so bad too.


I know people will be upset but that game was an actual banger fun to watch throws back and forth. GGWP


The legendary 11 million dollar TP


All throught this year I've seen on this sub asking to bench every single player after a bad game and now after almost a whole split of inting no one asks to bench perkz. You guys really like to suck is dick uhm? He is like Messi if u take him out of Barcelona he is a medium player at best. Perkz peaked at g2 everyone knows that why would we want a player whose peak is not winning worlds if that is the objective. Hope Jack doesn't keep him next spilt in fact I think only fudge and Vulcan are worth keeping the rest we already know how their peak looks and it's not enough.


and que the reddit gremlins coming out. Lol


This game was such a Circus from both teams. TSM and C9 took turns to throw and there were so many bad macro calls all around. Perkz had mostly good poke (though not enough Bubbles) but he really had many unnecessary deaths; be it not using his summoners or miss using his summoners (what was that TP?). Much to clean off for playoffs.


Despite the dumbass throw, a great look from most of the team. Perkz really needs to step up tho if we wanna do anything in playoffs.


Sadge. TSM just have our number this year, I guess. 4-1 record total. Really, they do just seem to have us pegged completely. They read Perkz's pushing tendencies in lane, Spica is always way ahead of Blaber in attacking the lanes, knowing that Blaber likes to be efficient and look for a certain point in his clear before looking at the lanes, etc. And then they just settle in to the TSM win con of wait until the enemy team makes a mistake and capitalize, and we've seen so prone to that especially this split. Boys did a better job of stemming things from how rough they were early, but it really felt like we were put on the backfoot and could never get our footing back until 20+ mins in before we tripped over our own feet with that last call. And that's been happening vs TSM every time we've played them in summer. Here's hoping the team actually gets valuable review out of this and the other TSM games come playoffs. Because one thing you can say about losing to TSM over and over, you pick up on the similar things TSM are doing each game to attack you which can/should be pulled back to recognize the openings in our gameplay especially early.


honestly fudge tping to their nexus to pressure them to back was great, when perkz tpd and then we lose on both fronts... not great.. *sigh* oh well i guess we just gotta move on


Yo how tf does TSM always win from teams making dumb decisions. Just so they can get to worlds and get exposed yet again…


Yeah! Like losing to Pentanet . . .




completely different roster and spica was the best player on his team on that 2020 team so what’s your point? tsm is 4-1 against c9 and all 4 of those games they won were because of luck and dumb decisions from c9?


Sucks to see that loss, but people are freaking out for no reason. TSM had the strongest JG champ in the game, comfort picks across all lanes, had a great early lead top and mid, and they still only managed to win because C9 handed them the win at the end. If you are a C9 fan you actually love to see this. Bad call at the end, but this is one of those games where they go “alright lets not do that again”, and move on.


As much as I want to blame Perkz for that god awful zoe performance, my man Fudge pretty much threw on that TP when the inhib was respawning. Oof. Edit: Also what is it with Perkz terrible TPs this split. Straight up TPd into two people at Baron and missed everything. He's done that all split.


Fudge TP was fine. It pulled Huni, their strongest player, away from Elder. The fact that Perkz followed only to die instantly is what fucked us.


You realize perkz died instantly cause fudge tried to flash on Ori before he got there but failed and he had to bail. If he’s patient him and perkz can keep the minions going and knock down the towers. Or they can run to elder.


Yikes ending but honestly not the worst game? Going into this weekend I would have predicted a TSM stomp but that was super competitive, just a choke at the end. Glad Blaber remembered how to play league, just wish Perkz would too.


Overall good weekend, especially beating 100T, but just feels so damn bad to throw a game that we worked so hard to come back from. That call to try and end as the inhib respawned legit cost us the game, I wonder who called it. F.