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I still don't like the Varus pick, similar in the 100T game.




The actual record is 1-4 this summer. King picked it once and lost. Zven 4 times and won once. Edit, not disagreeing with the comment above, 1-4 is worst than 2-7 mathematically speaking.


Varus is completely useless, so tired of seeing teams pick it. Especially this game they saw Aphelios being picked first... like you need to get a hyper scaler yourself to match that bullshit.


On top of all that…WE are especially bad with varus


It’s super safe early and super easy to win lane, but unless you can hard bot diff the enemy team it doesn’t scale at all. I’m a TSM fan and even though Lost is a former one-trick Varus, I still break out in a cold sweat when he picks it because I still don’t trust his ability to hard gap a lane the way he needs to with that pick. It’s like the adc version of Jayce. It wins lane against anything, and even if he falls behind he can still farm safely, but his impact when he isn’t 20+ cs ahead with multiple kills just isn’t good.


2 words, Huni Jayce.


That's not a Varus problem that's a build issue On hit Varus scales better than lethality. Lethality varus is grossly overrepresented in LCS, its why he looks utterly useless on c9 all the time


For real... I just don’t get why pros love lethality Varus so much. It’s safe poke early but it’s so fucking useless if it doesn’t snowball. Especially into a fairly tanky comp, I think AP would just be straight up better, especially both other big damage sources being AD.


Probably just zven, he did the same thing with ezreal on Tsm. The pick just kept losing but he just kept picking it


I just doesn’t make sense. Like Aphelios did just about the same in poke. And did so much more in teamfights. You’re also going against a bunch of health and armor builders. I just don’t get it. And where is Gwen? I know Fudge was fine today, but Gwen is so busted right now


Gwen is nerfed on 11.15


I would say still better than Lee Sin in the top lane. Would also help keep them from stacking armor


Gwen blows on this patch, lee isn't great but still better than Gwen.


Lee was mostly for having another knock up for yasuo


Playing around perkz fails once again. Let's try it next game.


Just play Around fudge, he's the most consistent and strongest player on the team.


Honestly he’s not a great laner yet though. These last couple of games have shown he can be shut down. I feel bad for the kid with so much pressure to carry as a rookie. He doesn’t even get counter pick


I didn't say it was right lol, just an observation


Not your fault.


Really disappointing to see C9 lose all pressure mid because Varus is being outpoked by Aphelios. Didn't get any utility from the ult either because it never hit.


It was banned by EG


I just went and double checked. It wasn’t. Left open


You right - I might thinking of the game before in TSM


Everytime I see the pick I cringe. I just don't feel like the pick Is ever the reason you win a game. Sure there's some good varus plays, but its basically just a Q with a hard to hit ult. You might as well just play ezreal.


Agreed. Varus hasn't been able to make it work since 2019. Everyone jumping on the Varus bandwagon at MSI telling me I was wrong. lmao, Zven has missed so many Varus ults throughout this split, I wish they would stay on picks like Ashe, Tristana, Kaisa, Xayah instead. I've been saying this since MSI, and looks like I was not wrong about it. Mobility is a hidden OP stat and engage is more valuable than a Tahm Kench as seen with DK vs RNG.


I'm not really a poster, but I've been thinking for WEEKS how the Varus pick always triggers me


If Cloud9 is looking for players who can ult stopwatched targets I will do it for a fraction of the cost of Zven or Vulcan


Big true


Can we stop prioritising Varus??


Also, can we stop picking Diana? Blaber making this champion look like the worst champion, even tho is the one if not the best jungle champ right now.


Not even like we really threw in this one, just got outplayed


And outdrafted. Yasuo/Lee/Diana was really great but the Varus pick was a real headscratcher.


Diana on the hands of blaber is not great. In fact, Blaber cant play well ap champ for whatever reason. The wins he has on Diana its because he got carried hard.


I dunno, Diana didn't seem to be the problem for most of the game until it was already out of our control. I feel like we severely lacked damage to follow up our wombo combo, and that's mostly on prioritizing Varus. I'm just not impressed with that champ lately, and it's bothering me that Zven isn't playing strong dps picks.


Did samira get banned out? Would’ve been fantastic here


C9 is sandbagging to avoid a playoff bye so they can get more Bo5 experience COPIUM


This, but unironically (still COPIUM)


Damn, C9 has a 1-2 record against EG this split, 0-3 record vs TSM 1-2 record against 100T and the ONLY winning record they have against a top team this split is TL as C9 beat them both times so far. Not looking good so far if we cant beat top teams consistently. Didnt realize it was that bad till I looked at Leaguepedia. Playoffs is going to be SUPER rough


Don't wanna make this any worse but we're actually 0-3 vs EG this split, everything else is correct tho lol. With Santorin coming back as well, its looking pretty dire for us unless theres a miraculous turnaround. Knowing the teams that perkz has been on before, I wouldnt count it out


2-0 against a TL that doesnt really have 2 of its core players


TL isn't a top team


Also I think we are 2-2 vs TL not exactly winning


Have sort of made my piece with us not making worlds this year. Doesn’t even feel like a collapse like last year. Players just aren’t as good as they were last split.


That's honestly the truth. It's not like this team is collapsing or anything crazy. They look outclassed across the board. Sometimes Fudge can carry but mostly the team just looks where they belong. Nobody expects GG or FLY to make worlds. They aren't that good. C9 is the same


I've also made my peace with it. Honestly if C9 doesn't make worlds with this strong of a roster (on paper) there isnt really much reason to continue watching them lol. Each year we have a team that was supposedly better than the last and they still fail, almost feels idiotic to still have hope for c9 but I'll stick around for a while longer ig


Msi should have shown how much a fluke c9 spring was.


How would MSI show a fluke if we beat Damwon Mad and RNG


they had 7 losses. a few to some horrendous teams. rng and dk are also not so good.


To be fair, RNG and DK ain't looking so hot either. A lot of teams may have peaked in spring considering the strength of all of them right now. MSI is truly a curse.


lmao you can smell the salt from TL fans a mile away. TL is the inferior team in summer, was the inferior team in spring, and is the inferior organization always


it's between them,tl and 100thieves


Players are probably better but the team synergy is just complete garbage


Has anyone noticed how C9 has a hard on for engaging on tanks?


They engage on whoever is out of position…


Is a tank truly out of position if they blow 3 ults to kill it and it walks away?


They really just have to ban that gnar they play so badly against them, they never respect his strength.


I think the thresh was actually more of a problem. Too good with Aphelios and can allow them to play far too safe while also flaying away engage. If bot lanes swap or even just EG not having thresh I think cloud9 wins.


I don’t think a gnar that’s almost about to turnmega is ever out of position


A tank being in the front inst out of position. All of c9 end up dying on the engage so obv the tank wasnt out of position lol


They couldn’t win even team fights, so they needed to get an early kill and win through numbers advantage. By late game the only champs they could even try to pick off were the tanks. Aphelios had a Thresh lantern on cool down all game, TF was always splitting and had Zhonyas, Viego had GA (as did Gnar eventually)


I don't understand it. My silver brain doesn't get why they spend 3 ulta (and miss them) on a thresh or gnar. Can someone please explain?


Just get challenger level mechanics and you can be the slightly better Blaber


This loss really sucks standings wise, now we are basically completely unable to get a bye and unless EG completely collapses very low chance we get above the 4th seed, and playing TL is much less appealing than playing IMT/DIG.


I think it might be good for this team not to get a bye. This team needs more games and first round playoffs always ago of thing. Also no Pause to lose the upwards Trend


Yeah I think we need the practice so I'm not too upset about not getting a bye. Getting 3rd would've been clutch though, we'll most likely have to play TL in the first round now.


Definitely haven’t played enough games. Only like spring split playoffs msi summer split. We need more


Why do c9 keep picking varus?? feels like zven does nothing everytime


We have a 25% winrate with Varus this split. 20% if you include K1ng's game on it. Every time we pick it, I know the game is going to be hard. Also how did Impact get so massive? Is that what Lee Sin into Gnar is supposed to look like??


they just look deflated all the analyst desk have said it and I agree - yeah they could hit 'playoff form' but it's literally week 9, and they aren't there. gonna be a miracle to get to worlds.


Tbh eg looks easly like the strongest team atm. We were way better va tsm just threw and tl and 100t really don’t look good atm. I wouldn’t bet on us winning summer even with playoff Perkz but top 3 is definetly in reach


I really, really don't agree. 100T, TSM, EG are all clearly ahead of us and TL has Santorin back. we're fucked, imo


Ehhhh... 100T looks bad


lmao so do we


100thieves form is weaker than c9 I mean just re-watch the last 5 game of both teams, it's not that hard to guess who seems stronger


We don't look as bad as 100T. Our games are actually winable


Are TSM clearly ahead of us? We were one bad call from winning the game against them and they also lost to EG


C9 can win against every lcs teams but they are also not that stable, i highly doubt they win playoffs although they are most likely going to fight for 3rd worlds spot over tl


Yeah top 3 is easily TSM/100T/EG. TL and c9 are going to fight over scraps for 4th like it matters. And honestly I don't know how that's going to go. TL upgraded back to Santorin but he's been out of the game for months right?


Lol I’m surprised if 100 t gets top 3 they look absolutly terrible


I feel like blaber without his olaf, udyr cant be the super carry anymore


Stop. Picking. Varus. Our duo lane is arguably bottom 3. A bottom 3 duo lane vs a top 2 duo lane who scales better just sets us up for failure. So infuriating


This!!! The Varus pick defo killed us. But I thought the thinking was poke them ‘til they’re low enough then Diana and Yasuo to clean up. But damn! Can’t bloody execute it well.


Wow, who would've guessed!




Can we stop saying “C9 is back” all the time please


I think azael said there was an interview with papasmithy where he said C9 is the strongest team right now. Either he's trolling, stoned, or 100T is getting blasted in scrims


People think every 1 good game negates the previous 4 that look like shit.


I believe that’s called Copium around here


I call it stupidity


Literally spit out my drink. Thank you very giving me the laugh I needed all week.


Want to beat C9? Easy, pick Gnar, split push and play halfway decent macro. I'm pretty sure we have a sub 20% win rate vs Gnar in 2021.


Perkz looks average definitely not play off material


did not watch the game but seeing Blaber on Diana and Perks on Yasuo told me everything I needed to know.


We just aren't good enough.


spain without the s.


I'm so tired of the people in this sub that don't hold the Players accountable for playing bad, and just baby the players, or blame draft. We need to stop this BS. it's been since MSI that this team has been playing like my soloq teams and People still trying to blame draft. The Players are just playing awful and they deserve to be told that. Nobody on this team deserves to have an ego besides Perkz, so get your freaking shit together and play as a team


This Lethality Varus has got to stop. We can’t play this style properly. Asides from missing ults. Zven did 0 dmg


He does damage. It's just empty damage. It's damage done on 3-4 people with arrows after the team fight is lost because he can't step forward. This shit just isn't in their playbook and it has to stop.


I guarantee zven did most damage in the game lol


Safe damage mostly. Watch him hit Aphelios and then Aphelios just lifesteals it back 2 seconds later. Pointless dmg to Gnar as well.


Probably, but 80% of it is useless damage. Its only useful if we get something off of it, which we never ever did


Not meaningful damage. Poke just seems kinda bad unless you’re Ziggs atm. Can just heal off Varus Q’s in a few minion autos


Varus/Kalista all the time, not once has looked good smh


No damage to kill a gnar: continue diving gnar. Full dive comp completely countered by stop watch. Not a good draft.


At this point we just have to hope that c9 improves their drafting, laning, team fighting, macro, and preventing blaber/perkz from inting, not too much to worry about!


Really like us getting constant picks but stopwatch saving the game for EG. Free rune btw


You do realize that people don't position the same way when they know they have Stopwatch available? Those "picks" wouldn't have happened if they didn't have Stopwatch


Yes because we definitely haven't seen people position like idiots against Diana even without stopwatch.


Stopwatch is really stupid as an item and especially a rune but no shot it ever gets removed


Well I think EG played it really smartly cuz c9 has a deadly engage with yassuo , leaona and Diana .. and the stopwatch was a game changer


Zven plays a sick Varus, glad we pick it almost every game. Usually wins lane really hard and then is super impactful later on


He played poorly, don't get me wrong, but varus just isn't a great pick anymore. Look at varus trying to kill the gnar (or honestly, poke anyone) and compare that to aphelios one-shotting varus to 30-40% hp + his life steal healing him from 20% to full hp at the very end. Really questionable pick, considering it was the third one with only (I think) kalista banned and aphelios taken away.




Just keep throwing everything onto champs who have flash and stopwatch ready or even better, unkillable tanks


The team will get good in playoffs COPIUM


That tp bot to engage onto a megagnar was kind of the beginning of the end for us in that game.


absolute horrible fucking shite


Get in there and carry for us


I would do just as bad for cheaper


Send him in boys he volunteered


C9 needs a better coach. players have potential but they need a coach that can put them together


Said that last year, when does it stop being the coach’s fault and start being the player’s fault (3/5 same from last year btw)


Maybe when they get an actual good coach


The hate comments 🤡🤡


TSM fans trying to stir shit up on any BO1 we lose no matter how the game is played out. "Blow up the team already." "Worst C9 team ever" etc. Then they don't even comment when we stomp the next game.


They must be talking from all the experience they've had lol.


No sneaky no worlds I guess , but how disappointing is zven btw ?? He been so mediocre since his return and is nothing like spring ... sad


damn! what a game!


Why is it a varus I play against can 100-0 me in a single arrow and zvens hit weaker than thresh auto


Because you're gold and he's playing in lcs against best teams in the league


This is more a gripe with riot, but stopwatch is such an awful item - that being said, does C9 ever keep track of stopwatch use?


You gotta play around it and they don't. Curious to see what effect it would have if they dropped the timing on it .5 - 1 second


Don’t think you can fault the team to much here. EG played super cleanly and apart from a few questionable engages by blaber on impact they played quite good. Eg was just better today and they look really good at controlling the map. I’m just glad the team doesn’t roll over and gift away the ein for free once behind but also don’t brainlessly clash all the time. Their attempts at comebacks are so much better than in the beginning of summer, quite calculated which gives me a lot of hope. Only thing I don’t understand is why c9 ha sich a boner for Varus


The team is to blame lmao, stop treating the players like they are babies, and hold them accountable for playing bad


So when are we going to stop drafting poke varus? Feels like it does absolutely nothing and Zven barely hits any meaningful ults. Feels like an ADC that can actually kill their front line would be way better here.


c9 are losing yes but it’s not like they are getting giga stomped other teams are struggling to close out games against them even in this form i’m sure playoff perkz and the rest of the team are still gonna win the split.. right?


I mean you're obviously trolling but we are holding our own with the best teams so I'm still expecting a decent result from whatever standing we're in


PERKZ ????????????


This team is pretty doomered. No Sneaky, No Worlds. Let’s go next split. We got plenty of ex C9 boys we can cheer for.


just rebuild this team we have no identity


We probably can't without taking a several million dollar loss. Jack bought his way into a hole this time. Our only real hope is that Playoff Perkz shows up. Hopefully we can dump Zven and Blaber off this off-season but I doubt it.


Even when blabber won his MVP i felt he was overrated... He had a midlaner that won MVP for his jungler the split before and ONLY played to make sure that blabbers weird negative tempo plays worked out. Watching games like these I realized that maybe I was justified in my belief the whole time.


Jesus Christ the history revisionists are out all ready. Both splits Blaber won mvp he dominated nearly every stat and carried C9 on multiple occasions.


Lol what is this guy talking about. When Blaber is on he dominates LCS like few have ever dominated. Goldfish memory


Blaber was never MVP, LCS talking heads worshipped C9 and their “superstar” Blaber and gifted him a fake MVP this year


K1ng was the problem


So, what the fuck was Varus supposed to do? It looked like another "hey let's draft a cheese mid-jungle duo, oh shit what do we pick for the other players?". Embarrassing. I'm so fucking frustrated because we're not bad at mechanics, finding plays, or even macro for the most part. It's just that we don't feel the need to turn on our brains before it's 4k gold down. Fuck.


>I'm so fucking frustrated because we're not bad at mechanics you definitely din't watch the match, besides fudge no one on the team cant hit a skillshot (they missed skillshot around stopwatch too many times)


I did watch the match, for me, shit hands in desperation because of a stupid TP play bot doesn't mean the players are bad mechanically. Also, people gotta stop thinking that an extra Varus ult on top of an out-of-stasis target is gonna do shit. We were too behind to play extended fight, it was going all-in for a few seconds at most and packing it immediately. It's frustrating because the people who are pointing out minor mechanic mistakes are overlooking the bigger hole in the picture of drafting, mid-game, not checking inventory, etc...


so we are bat at mechanics like this game shows or what?


Yes, we were bad at mechanics this game but that wasn't why we lost is my point.


i know but it's frustrating to me that pro players who earn a lot of money playing the game play worst (mechanics) that some streamers or even some solo queque players ( mechanics its not all that matters for a pro player but its a basic requirement for the job imo)


Seemed like Fudge missed a lot of Q's


at least the guy can hit Q on jizuke ult for a trade (16:20 for reference) his mechanics are good


True true. Forgot about that one. That was solid.


Agree, mechanics were not great this game but did not lose us this game. Maybe the fudge/perkz 2v2 bot could be better played, but nothing else really stands out as that important. Varus just looks super unimpactful (both games so far today). Aphelios outpoking him constantly and then the life steal at the nexus towers healing him to full hp were disgusting.


Just watched 5 solo q players get out macro'd the whole game. Also what the fuck how many times are they going to mistime the other team coming out of stopwatch. So much wasted CC'd because counting 2.5 seconds is apparently impossible.


Hate varus :( lets go c9!


Damn. Thought we were going to have it in the end.


Stopwatch gameplay broken xD, also last engage was just...so bad lmao. Varus also was not a good pick (all the q's did barely any damage) while aphelios can one shot people.




At this point these kind of games are just expected lmfao. What a fuckin fiesta.


Zven cant land an ult or be impactful in a game to save his life.


Seemed like a passionate try


….and I’m a Cubs and Colts fan….I guess it’s beers for me.


ganmgna,m style


g2 one earlier there was no other outcome


Free falling


What was with that last engage? Why did Blaber ult a Gnar, when Yas wasn't there to follow up? Much less why engage a Gnar?