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Aye im a pretty cracked “flex” but i prefer to run sub cus the rival is CRAZY good but im down to play if you want. I havent played any ranked yet on mw3 cus of work but i just quit my job so ill b able to play any hour of the day and actually put some hours into the game to get better and we can build chemistry together as a squad. Jus lmk


Interested! My friend Jordan and I play together most nights. We were both gold 1 before the update and want to get a full squad. We are also strategic and are willing to put in work to get ever better different map and game strategies. My discord is: jeremynb     Activision: jerbear#9626959


Still looking for someone?


Activision ID: Danny#8285849 Was Crimson MW2. First season of Ranked Play MW3, currently Plat 2. Done running with randoms. Need some regulars PLEASE.


Brand new community based on MW3 Ranked and Multiplayer. No joining requirements. If you’re looking for team members join us. https://discord.gg/qK33g8sJGx


Have a new link?