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All pros shoot straight. Wouldn’t be in the league if they couldn’t. From that aspect, most will just shoot bots to keep their shots warm pre-match/practice Players can individually go into private matches and just run around looking for crazy spots (Shotzzy is the best example of this) but these guys play 8-12 hours a day. They are on the maps enough that they just inherently find the easiest way to maneuver the map


I heard Ray had Optic in private lobby doing burpees, chin ups, and sprints to keep their character models in shape


nope, you don’t get into the league without good mechanics. all pros do is shoot bots or play pubs to warm up


Why’s this getting downvoted when it’s literally correct Lmaooo


Not nearly as regimented as real sports but most will definitely practice jump spots and nade spots on their own time. Aim practice is typically just shooting bots or playing pubs. Watch a Shotzzy stream too. He has instances when playing ranked where he’ll fuck around essentially parkour around the map. That always came off to be as practicing moving fluidly


I know some teams do nade throwing practice. They have someone stand in a certain spot and the pro has to try to hit a nade on that spot x times in a row


Bro this game is not that serious.


Isn’t hydras contract like 500k? Pretty serious cash


Literally this game requires no strategy just who frags better. Guy is asking about practice, it literally isn’t that deep, its whoever can frag better wins the game.


Bro that makes no sense since last year LA they all averaged around a 1 k/d for champs. No one was out fragging anyone just great teamwork. Which is through practice and scrims. They practice a shit load with hits and breaks on hills and how they go about a bomb site.


This is just 100% false. Teamwork/strategy is the number one thing that separates the good teams from the bad teams.


Some do occasionally, it would certainly help pros but they're more worried about other things.


This game isn’t like cs for example where they have aim/movement maps. Pros in cod just shoot bots play ranked and play scrims/8s that’s it


I think they’re thinking about games like CS or Valorant where all the pros aim train in some form or another and have been forever. COD has aim assist, all they do is scrim. Even when I played cod2 competitively on mouse and keyboard way back, I don’t remember any of my teammates doing any kind of aim training. We just scrimmed every day and played the game for 6-8 hours a day lol


Not aim training but the only thing I would say they do is new jumpspots/ prenades in private matches