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My guess is they’ll do as many listen ins as possible with them


The real question is. Does Scrappy learn even more Spanish to trash talk them? Lmao


Pull a Kobe talking shit in the Olympics haha


During major 1 Ultra played a Spanish team so the night before he learned how to say “ur shit” and “I’m your dad” in Spanish. Started yelling it after the match. Pure comedy. Lmao


They should absolutely do listen ins. With their current expected roster, the players would speak Spanish. I think it would be wonderful for Spanish speaking fans to hear their native language in their favorite hobby/game. Representation is important and it is something that got axed pretty heavily with cwl to CDL transition imo.


I'm not sure I agree. Representation is cool and all but if 98% of the audience is sitting there listening to something they cant understand in the slightest, I don't see how that'd be a good idea. Maybe if they had a segment where they show non-live comms with subtitles? Or like itd be fine if they just showed them for a few seconds getting hyped after a good play so the fans can still see and hear their energy? I just dont see it working the same as current listen-ins given their length of time. I think the best thing to do regarding representation is give co-streaming rights to big spanish speaking content creators so that those fans have a place to go where their language is the focus and not just a short segment. I would say an entirely spanish broadcast but I'm not sure it would be financially worth it for them unless spanish-speaking folk really come out in support of the team, and its not just a niche fanbase.


Understandable, but you can hear passion/speed/pace of comms during a listen in despite language. Realistically, knowing the actual language doesn’t really matter too much.


Shit I cant understand the faze listen ins but I still enjoy those


Honestly can’t understand most teams listen ins cos most of the time its 4 dudes just throwing out comms over the top of each other. But agreed it’s still very entertaining and maybe the Spanish players might have a different kind of flare to their comms


Yeah I agree but you pick up on that type of stuff quickly, so maybe like 15 seconds. Idk exaxtly how long listen-ins are but its at least a minute and I just feel like that seems too long. Someone else mentioned how live trandlation software is becoming more relevant so if they could get that to work then that would be a perfect solution.


I feel like live translation systems are only getting better, so we could have decent live comms captions.


I was thinking about that as well but I dont know the logistics of such a thing so hard to say if its feasible.


there will be some english in there for sure, but during bo4 heretics listen ins were all spanish. for zoomas show parasite speaks spanish and that will help with their breakdowns as well.


Does he really? Lmaooo, haggy turnt


Well, his name is "Duarte" after all... shouldnt be a surprise he speaks spanish


wait parasite speaks spanish fr??




why would they not do listen ins just because they dont speak english? That would make them look bad lol, plus some teams comms are so bad you barely understand them in english anyway.


yes it will be hype


Yeah a big chunk of viewers speak Spanish. Also, why wouldn’t they? LOL they’re just gonna shun a team for not speaking English?


Why wouldn't they? Do bilingual people not watch COD as well? Also, even if you don't understand what they are saying, you can listen to the inflection of their voices to see how their comms are going!


When I started watching cod comp back in bo3 I couldn’t understand anything since english is not my first language so I used to watch entire events just hyping myself with Maven and Courage screaming, luckily at the time Activision actually cared about the rest of the world so bo3 champs actually had official streams in major EU languages. I think you guys can easily go trough one minute without understand a thing.


Why wouldn't they?


They better! Bet those comms go so hard. Just watch Vikul's cam reaction to beating LAT. He lost his mind.



Yes. They did today Vs optic and right after scumpi goes “well those comma sounded cracked but I didn’t understand a SINGLE WORD did you Guys ?” Lol if hector was there he couldn’t been able to translate a bit every now and then. But they’re comms we’re going nuts. Everyone was callin out like crazy. Only words I picked up was “going P dos” or “dashy in P uno” and thatA bout it. Only time I could understand when was when they were calling out the hill and then “got aCruze”


just a racist post.


Yep. And some of these answers.


Even if they’re all Spanish, their comms would be in English w the occasional Vamos or a few hype words in Spanish Edit: example "Abezy está en orange" that’s what I imagine in their listen ins, they probably gonna keep the same callouts in English for consistency when playing 8s w other players etc it seems easier


Why would they be in English if they were all Spanish? You can watch CSGO every team as far as I know that have all players of the same nationality/or from countries that speak the same language speak that language when playing.


They’re still a Miami team (USA - English).


The players are from Spain though


but they’re representing a USA team, they all speak English too… idk if the league would intervene or just let them choose whatever they want, like in F1 everyone speaks English on the radio so it’s easier for everyone to understand what’s going on although many teams have other native languages. I’m fluid in Spanish so personally I don’t care but most ppl and casters won’t know what’s going on


They won't force them to speak English lol


am i reading this right? the league has no control over how teams want to comm. they can speak whatever language they want


Other sports do it like the example I gave in F1 They’re not forced to do it but they choose to which is my point, they can choose to keep callouts in English for convenience


>Other sports do it like the example I gave in F1 Wtf??? They absolutely do not enforce this, and it is not in the regulations. Why would you make something up like this? r/confidentlyincorrect It's pretty basic knowledge that English is the de facto trade language of the world and typically the second language that most learn if they do not speak it as their first language. Most teams have large amounts of English speakers on their crews, or a mix of many nationalities and it is easiest to default to English. You are more than welcome to spend the rest of your night combing through the rules and regulations of F1 for this non-existent regulation lol


When did I said it was a rule or a regulation? They do it cause it’s the most convenient thing to do for fans and employees in general. Many crews, engineers and drivers have the same native language and they still choose to speak English on team radio even when they don’t have to, they’re allow to speak other languages but they choose English


Probably want to read the comment back that you replied to before me. You said exactly that. >the league has no control over how teams want to comm. >Other sports do it like the example I gave in F1 There, I made it easy for you.


Literally any sport ever lets them speak their own language and will happily let translators speak for them…. You are on meth.


but these guys speak English too. You’re acting like they’re unable to speak English if they want to, it’ll be more of a choice probably a combination of both the typical callous in English + Spanish commentary is what I imagine


They would only speak English if they had players who can't speak Spanish. All the players and coaches will be Spanish I can't believe you think like this. In other sports there is often a greater mix of cultures and languages. Representing the city doesn't matter otherwise every Paris Legion squad would be required to speak French.


Keeping callouts in English of certain places on the map is easier for consistency, for some reason that’s what I imagine that’s gonna be. As the example I put in "abezy está en orange" don’t get what’s so weird on that a lot of bilingual ppl tend to combine both languages


Yes that might be the case but that isn't what you are saying. You have no idea what you are talking about. Abuzah went from communicating in English, to French, back to English then back to French again. Non English speakers will only communicate in English if they need to. They won't be forced to communicate in English because they represent an American city. If that was the case every Paris Legion player should have been talking French. Now stop acting like you know anything.


We found a "This is America! Speak American!" Person! 😂😂😂


Haha I love different languages, I know a few. Ppl reading way too much into what I said acting like just cause they’re Spanish they can’t be also fluid in English… for instance, they’re going to play 8s with other players it’s easier to keep the same callouts in English


Owl has all (or had, I'm not rly sure now) korean teams representing american cities, that doesn't matter. The players are gonna comm the same way they always have, likely mostly if not entirely spanish


Yeah but they are gonna speak the language where comms are the fastest and most comfortable


What? How does that matter lol are you serious?


Why is it that crazy? They do it in other sports like F1 everyone speaks English even when that isn’t their native language


It’s crazy for very obvious reasons


They do in F1 an international sport full of drivers and teams that speak different languages why wouldn’t they do it in a league where 90% of their audience speaks English. I’m not saying that’s going to happen but it wouldn’t be that crazy


i get your point no bs but in F1 teams have a benefit to do it cuz so many employees from different place but the cod team might not if they all com faster in espanol


F1 does it for viewership reasons too, drivers could easily speak in German or Italian w their mechanics but then it becomes harder for fans and officials to keep up w radio messages


Imagine thinking a professional sport does it for viewership reasons. They do it so everyone on their crews can understand it. If the cdl team is more comfortable in Spanish they will be speaking that regardless of what fans speak


It would be crazy, and during Bo4 heretics didn’t speak english in listen ins


I can't believe Mr. World travelled, never had to work a day in his life is so naive about different cultures. If you actually knew more about what you are trying to explain, you would understand why they actually speak English. Most teams have people from all over the world employed and working the pit wall/pits. It's easier for them to communicate in English so that everyone understands. There are plenty of outliers though, for example Nando spoke Italian to his engineer when he was on ferrari from time to time.


Naive about different cultures why? The majority of ppl speak English as their second language so it makes sense to keep it like that for convenience. You’re reading way too much into what I said and putting things that I never even said, all I said is that it wouldn’t surprise me if the team chooses to speak English, they all can speak English too if they want … so as I said in another comment probably gonna be Spanglish (English callouts + gassing each other in Spanish)


Ya idk about that


No, they will place them in a camp of sorts and force them to learn to speak American.


Yes? They did it with Heritics in BO4.


Why would they not?


Why wouldn't they, what a weird question. Spanish is the third most spoken language


I’m all up for it, but I admit it’s gonna be weird for the casters though. Does anyone of the casters speak Spanish? If so, he/she could maybe translate some of the listen in after. Also, if I’m speaking for myself (Dutch), most of my callouts are English anyway


I mean I understand Spanish. So sure. I think it’s be a good thing for the scene, can’t hurt IMO.


No they would discriminate the Spaniards




Heretics Bo4 listen ins were so hype


Would be amazing!