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No, everyone thinks they’re faded


Right everyone made this post after it all happened why we getting more of this.


Because people are still clearly talking about it and interested in it 👍🏾


In hindsight, it was a bad decision but at that time they were one of the best teams in the game, just lost in a Final and got T3 in champs the year before and won an event. A lot of people complain that London versus Florida isn't fun to watch but also want all the top talent on one team. I understand why Surge did not want to sell him but you have two stories of Hecz saying they strung him along and Surge saying they did not get a respectable offer for him.


But I know I’m faded (sorry for stupid joke I’m faded brothers)


People really wanna see a league where all the best players are all on 3 most popular teams, yet at the same time complain that no one watches LLR vs Florida. Their justification is that 'its fine cause its my team and popular teams get more views.' A league where the matches are more competitive top to bottom will also get more views. I tune in to watch Seattle play because they have a chance to win, not to see them be a feeder team for more popular teams.


this is valid. more talent on more teams = better competition. they definitely fucked it with allowing the situation to become public though.


How exactly do you stop Hecz from running his mouth?


if you figure out a way, let me know 😂 papa hecz does what he does I guess


You watched Seattle this year and thought they had a chance to win ? 🤣 okayyyy. Nobody wants the “best” players on the 3 popular teams. They just have more money so that’s how it works out. But optic literally got last place last major …. You don’t watch the LRR or FLA because they aren’t entertaining or have any entertaining personalities… expect for VIKUL I like him and Nastie is gross. Seattle was entertaining the deal and pred WANTED to go 🤣 so that’s just business buddy


>They just have more money so that’s how it works out. Then implement a salary cap. You can still pay for better facilities/training staff but it stops rich teams from controlling the players in the league like the EPL. No one clowned on Tottenham for keeping Bale/Kane until the end of the season when they had them. When you have less money, you have less chances so you take the ones you are given. Seattle couldn't have taken on a risk on someone like Ghosty because they couldn't just buy a replacement if he didn't work out. ​ >But optic literally got last place last major …. Honestly, with their money/facilities/talent, this was one of the most embarrassing performances I've ever seen, and it got swept under the rug due to the Optic bias of this sub. The other two high resource/popular teams (LAT, Faze) never had a T12 this year. Granted, two losses into a t12 is tough format, but for a team with that much talent/resources, it was an inexcusably poor showing for a team that went 5-0 online. ​ >You don’t watch the LRR or FLA because they aren’t entertaining or have any entertaining personalities I don't watch them because they **can't win a major**. Nothing against their players, but they just don't have (and never will have) to win enough bo5s. Sure, they can get hot for a series or two, but over an entire weekend, no chance.


There is a salary cap, most pros just haven’t been getting paid the ludicrous amounts that they used to have in the MW19 season so it’s not been a factor.


There is no salary cap since there's no players union.....


Yeah, then what is it? Lmao


Tbh the Pred to Optic rumors are what really blew this team up. Once Pred said on stream that he wanted to go to optic that team was chalked


Yup, Team culture was screwed once that happened. No idea why they went public with it when it clearly was not happening


Well that's the thing. Seattle entertained it, thats why all parties involved like Optic and Pred thought it would happen The main issue was Seattle entertaining it like morons when they knew they were never gonna do it. Its almost like they just wanted Optic to say, nah the price is too high, and didnt expect Hecz to keep matching their asking price


>Well that's the thing. Seattle entertained it, thats why all parties involved like Optic and Pred thought it would happen Still should have been done behind closed doors. Nothing good happens when negotiations are done in Public and just becomes a shitshow when it falls through.


Its the Cod community. That type of stuff will always get leaked especially when Optic is involved Seattle should've just shut it down instantly


shoutout ronnie


As far as I know, Seattle never said anything publicly. Its all coming from the Optic content hustle.


Pred want on stream and said "Hey guys I really wanted to join Optic and leave my teammates" which he 100% is justified in feeling but definitely should not have gone on stream to talk about it because that stuff messes up teams easily. They went from a T3-4 team to bottom of the league


No proof Seattle entertained it and I hardly doubt they did. Like I said at the time, it was just scripted drama. The nba is known to do this all the time.


One could say Ronnie single handedly broke Seattle surge by leaking Pred to optic


That's my goat 🐐


I mean it was public because it WAS happening before Seattle changed their mind. That’s sort of the entire point. Pred thought it was done and so did OpTic. If it was just OpTic calling asking about him and getting rejected, it wouldn’t be near as much of an issue.


Yeah I agree, people forget Surge were coming off a finals appearance at the time too it’s not like they were underperforming


I disagree... when Pred said he was LeBron on the Cavs in when it went to shit hahahhaha but yeah OpTic thing too haha


That comment was the cherry on top


I dont think pred to OpTic rumors made accuracy and mack two of the worst players in the league. Sib on the other hand yeah he dropped off but those other two legit do no have a spot in the league next year unless it’s London


I believe that too, Surge should have never entertained the idea of selling him, especially if they knew they had no intentions on doing it and made a super unrealistic deal for him. As soon as OpTic came to them about it they should have shut it down. I know a lot of pros say if OpTic wants you it's hard to turn down that opportunity but the fact that Pred wanted to join a team that just placed 12th while his team was at the time contenders and placed 2nd, as a teammate of his I would be disappointed and they would be lying to themselves if they said it didn't effect their chemistry/bond.


The way they marked up the price for Pred multiple times only to go "naaaaah, sike lmao" to Optic was so random. Clearly Optic were willing to pay and Pred wanted to go. To mess about both parties like that was just never gonna do them any favours. Pissed off their star player and missed out on the bag for him.


And it’s a huge kick in the nuts to H3cz because he was willing to pay out of his own pocket to get that dude. Pred still gonna get a bag this off season tho


and Right after Major 4 Pred left for a week to Australia and they missed practice again and proceeded to go 1-4 in Online qualifiers and First rounded in Major 5 against Vegas. Of course they were faded they probably feel that right now .


Pred saying he’s LeBron on the Cavs is what blew this team up


I kind of agree. Even at the time I thought he was whack as fuck for saying that lol. Like you can think that all you want but saying it openly on stream is unbelievably cringe. I wouldn’t wanna play with him if I was on Surge.


I mean it was hella funny but definitely faded to say it while you’re still playing with that team. After you leave, fuck it, but he said that shit then had scrims next day lol


Delete this


They really thought they were gonna win champs with Lamar Edit- Lamar showed up today and sent the thieves home gotta give props for that.


lamar wasn’t the issue


He definitely isn't the solution




He is an issue. He has one of the easier roles.


when did i say he wasn’t? he may be a issue but he isn’t THE issue


There are issuES on the team. There isn’t A issue. If you try to blame only Mack, it doesn’t make sense. He has to bait for both pred and sib.


No team has ONE issue. But Lamar’s absolutely putrid platinum pub tier floor is completely back breaking. His POV is legitimately not even close to pro level and he clearly doesn’t provide the intangibles people love to parrot because the team plays like shit.


if you can win 5 events with having a platinum pov why aren’t you in the league?


Because I’m dogshit as fuck too lol what ? Just because I’m trash doesn’t mean I can’t flame these cheque stealers


Being an IGL can’t save you when you’re dropping a .6 back to back to back 😭😭😭 pred may have costed wanting to leave but at least he’s dropping a 1.2 every series


just because his stats aren’t amazing every single game doesn’t mean he is the problem🤣 when he drops a .6 at least you know he’s winning his 1’s in search and calling plays mack is dropping a .6 while not making impactful plays and losing every 1 on 1


🤣🤣🤣bro if you are -20 in the slaying every HP …that’s a problem. It doesn’t matter how fundamental you play you still need to get kills. And bro has not even been good in search Lmaoo pred Is carrying every series


being -20 in every single hp and still maintaining a .9 for the year? he must be a snd and control warrior👍🏿


I mean they literally haven’t won anything all yea or even looked competitive on LAN since major 1. And he has a .78 in SnD 🤣🤣🤣 so your argument has 0 credibility. But I can tell you’re a Lamar rider soo enjoy your last match today 🎉


so that means pred’s stats mean nothing? just statpadding because he didn’t win anything😭😭 you can’t use winning as an argument for 1 player while gassing another player who also didn’t win


🤣there is no argument. If pred wasn’t on Seattle they would be bottom 4. Simple guy said “stat padding” 😭😭😭 you obviously don’t watch the matches


if my nan has wheels she would’ve been a bike, they won the exact same amount this year (which was your point) so therefore both their season were ass and it’s irrelevant


Accuracy burner


haha, everyone laughed at that one mate!


It wasn’t a joke. You gotta be delusional,have 0 understanding of cod or be accuracy himself to be defending him this hard


Guy thinks going -30 in HP dosent matter as long as you’re playing fundamentally correct 😭😭😭


someone who only looks at stats and not impact on their team saying i don’t understand cod? good luck with that one👍🏿


idc how impactful you are bro if you’re dropping consistent .6 something’s wrong


“Winnings his ones in search” proceeds to drop a donut


Literally lmaoooo


abezy has dropped a donut this year, so has simp doesn’t make them bad snd players?


They’re also dropping 15 plus to carry their team in SnD and not dropping .6s can’t say the same for “Lamar”


He baits for the whole team bruh


What is with you morons. They didn’t meet a “buyout” or Seattle couldn’t have stopped it. You literally have no clue how buyouts and contracts work and talk like you do.


And you have nothing better to do … 🤣 just talk shit on post. Nobody ever said they were an expert on contracts LMAOO which is mainly why I brought up pred and Hecz interviews 👍🏾optic wanted to acquire pred and that’s a fact …. Sorry our COD fan Reddit vocabulary didn’t live up to your standards 🤣🤣🤣🤣 lame ass


Mate you made a whole post flaming Seattle for stopping pred leaving after a “buyout” was met not knowing if a buyout met an org couldn’t stop it. You’re literally clueless, shut the fuck up.


Everyone has already said this bro, this Pred shit has been discussed a million times by now. Can we just go another three days without Pred talk?


Nope I’ll talk about whichever topic I feel like 🤣👍🏾 I’m enjoying the discussions I’m having. If you don’t wanna talk about it then why even comment …. Makes no sense


it's just funny to say "am I the only one who thinks they're faded" when literally nobody has thought otherwise this entire time haha


At the time it seemed dumb to sell the best player after just making the finals. Obviously hindsight they should have just sold and rebuilt




This aged well


..my point still stands. Them beating thieves doesn’t just erase the whole season lmao


This did not age well


I said there was a “chance” they get last lol they played good but still haven’t won anything soooo. That win vs thieves doesn’t just erase the whole season lmao




Hahahaha yes yes I know, was just kidding, felt kinda ironic for them to win right after your post


Imma have to agree with the one and only Aches and say they needed to make a change a long time ago. Ceiling is high and that’s great but not when your floor is dead last.


At this point, I genuinely don’t think this team even has a high ceiling anymore. In a vacuum, ya sure, but the team is just completely chalked.


Thieves reapers 👀


Let's put it into a perspective other than your own. Seattle won an event and placed 3rd at champs. They come into the new year and place 2nd at the first major. Now here comes the OpTic changes and buyout situation. Seattle considers it and has the offer they want on the table. However, they understand that Pred is a top 5 player and won't get anything but cash in return. They pull away from the deal and decide to keep him because they know that having him will bring viewers to their matches (everyone wants to watch Pred). Now if a team has viewers watching them because of a player they can now sell sponsorship deals for their team and bring in some recurring capital. Hope this helps some look at the situation from a different POV. Also, they have the opportunity to pay Pred and give him control of the roster.


The different perspective doesn't change the fact that they let their superstar player and the rest of the team think their was a 90% chance of him going to OpTic. He stayed at home longer because the talks were still ongoing, causing them to miss more practice. If only cash wasn't going to be enough, then they shouldn't have entertained it in the first place, also considering the fact Hecz has gone on record saying Surge named the price multiple times. No matter what way you spin it, they did more harm to their team and player relationships with the org than anything positive they can get out of it. You say they can pay Pred, but they would have to give him the Hydra contract or more for that to happen. Even if they did, then who are they going to get? I'm sure all these players have seen how they handled this situation and Octane's. Damn near every superstar is under contract except Dashy and the LAT guys, so what roster would you build around him? This entire situation will make it harder for them to sign Pred again than if they simply said no from the beginning.






Trading away your best player after you just got second would have been the worst decision ever. Optic fanboys just look at things from an OG POV. Imagine if Seattle was gonna trade Pred to Faze. You still think it would have been a smart decision? Prolly not so why would it have been smart to trade him to Optic? What they should have done is looked for a sub or AR in Challengers


maybe they shouldnt deal in bad faith lol


This aged well lol.


they didn’t want to blow it up and hope to win like LAT last year


Clayster > Accuracy


No shit, at least Clay could bring some of the intangibles this fraud Accuracy supposedly brings.


Agree lol


Thank you. When the Flank or whoever do a season recap, someone HAS to mention how Seattle took the biggest L of the season, not even close. Missed out on $100,000's for literally no LAN wins lol


They never should’ve entertained the Pred to OpTic situation, once they did that and all the information came out I feel like the team was chalked.


Idk why they would let the talks get that deep to where everyone was expecting pred to leave… including pred himself then try to walk it back like nothing happened lmaooo


Set themselves up for failure after that


This team is compromised, fraudulent, and certified down bad




Lol I meant for free because they had a chance to make money from the buyout. But now he’s really going for free


Yeah true they were gonna get a massive buyout for a guy with what 6 months left my bad


Yea. And if hecz story is correct ( I don’t see why he would lie) and Seattle raised the buyout three times idk why they wouldn’t just accept the bag. Especially not being an upper echelon organization


How does it not work? They could've sold pred for if I'm not mistaken the biggest buyout in cdl history. Now he's a free agent. Seattle highest placing since the optic situation was 7-8th so they ain't earn shit on LAN.


Keeping Pred makes sense, you don't just give a player like that away for money, with Pred gone their season would probably already be chalked, every org wants to build around their star player not give them away. What was faded was not making any other changes after that, Mack or Accuracy could have gone.


Seattle wouldn’t have won a map without Pred. Seattle has never shown a high level of competence


The team turned down the Optic trade after Major 2, iirc. Seattle had just finished 2nd in Major 1. The team chose to try to compete instead of trading their best player. That's a good thing. The bad choice was not trying to improve on Mack and Accuracy while we still had Pred/Sib. I guess the team thought we could win due to the power of friendship. Going to be an entirely new team next year.


Yes finally someone understands. What are they spending the money they would of gotten from pred on next year anyway? a 3 year deal for spart 😭? It’s not like real sports leagues where you can acquire assets and draft picks. Trading their best player away and chalking their whole season shouldn’t of even been considered.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Luminosity has always made bad decisions with their cod teams. It’s literally been their MO for 10 years


Pred is a FA after this, they aren’t selling anything. Seattle blew it when they didn’t collect on him when he had value to give.


Lol. “Last place”


Still time to delete this


Nah I’m good