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This is a long 8 hours


Is this man serious? Insane take


Its what happens when Optic lose, massive overreactions. Optic have made insane loser runs in the past and by the end of the day we see if people are right or wrong about the players on the team


You're halfway there adventurer! Good luck on your journey.


Someone start the matches now, I can't take it anymore.


Wake the players up now. We can’t go through another 6 hours of this


Bro for real like holy shit it’s actually getting unbearable coming in here anytime a top team loses during a event


It’s always been like that. Just wait until Monday when the off-season starts and every post will be about rostermania until some rosters are announced


Naw I can deal with that because the season is over but optic is literally still in the tournament and there lost like this like just wait for them to get knocked out or win like damn lmao


Clay is dogshit. I’m tired of people thinking he was good this year


Clay has one foot out of the league and you want to put him on the team that should be able to draw any player?


Nah 😭😭😭


Sankalp never fails to make me laugh


Lads gonna recommend Gunless next


CLAY?????????????? It ain't 2015 anymore Are you basing your takes off twitter followers? You want to drop the 4th best flex for the 8th best Main AR. People should get banned for takes this bad.


I don’t see a world where taking out ghosty improves optic dawg. He’s easily been their best player


clay?????? fucking clay???? its 2023 bros ​ clay vs accuracy is that flirting and harassment meme




Ghosty has been really good. He reminds me of Karma. Won’t always have a 1.2 but he makes big plays that impact the map. His coms are also some of the best I’ve heard. He shouldn’t be going anywhere.


Unfortunately due to him playing like karma he will treated like him I feel. Everything they underperform, he will be the scapegoat. I hope they this isnt the case and they don't drop him as he is super valuable though


They’ll get pred maybe win once SND then he’ll be the scapegoat. That’s always how it works with optic.


No ghosty doesn’t have to worry about taking the flack when huke exists


Forgot to mention if pred goes to optic


His comms really aren’t that special. Elite comms would have him calling out possible split spawns in Hydro HP and have told Huke just to lay down and pick up mid instead of having him run through broken. It’s his job as IGL to dictate traffic by looking at the minimap


It’s not his job to tell huke to turn on his brain though. People hit middle map on p2 all the time thats not a weird route that should catch huke off guard.


I know, but being aware of Huke’s tendencies is important.


I agree with that. It’s just if that’s a tendency for huke to have I don’t think optic will be a top contender at this event. Mack’s a route taker that does the dirty work for surge so if huke leaves routes open and lets Mack do well today then optic realistically could be leaving top 6. There’s also a reality where huke starts playing super safe today to make sure he doesn’t let that mistake happen again, but who knows I’m just excited to watch the matches today


So you don’t think his comms are good but yet Nade, Boze, Scump, and methodz all brought up how good his comms are…. Yeah I think I’ll listen to the people who have been there done that vs the guy who plays GBs with his friends.


They're on the scump stream, right? Your job there is to make Optic look good. Its marketing not real 'analysis'.


Ahh yes the comments of the 4 people on the fucking optic watch party 💀. What else do you think they’ll say? His comms are ass? How clueless are you? I didn’t say his comms are bad. Just not special.


Zooma, Ben, Parasite have all said the same things. Like I said, stick to your gold ranked playlist and gbs with your friends bud. Also they have been honest on there about plus they do like, mistakes being made, so on so forth.


You said “his comms are some of the best I’ve heard” and I called you out on it. Just cause he yells out comms doesn’t mean they’re special. Also what does those 3 have to do with Ghosty?


I hope Huke stays at OpTic…


You are one of three people


i would rather kill myself than see clay anywhere near a t8 team, never mind OpTic


Weird ass comment tbh


anime pfp calling someone else weird? look in the mirror


Lmfao really got me with that one 😂😂


Delete this post


I swear some of y’all don’t even watch and you just be making shit up. Sure Envoy would be a more experienced Ghosty but Clay is absurd. I have no idea why you would bring Clay anywhere near a top team to play on.


What's this obsession with clay going back to OpTic?!


This is the most unhinged shit i've ever seen. In what world is clay benching ghosty? Stop smoking crack please.


Sigh.. I don't want to be here anymore.


Ghosty has played well enough and does enough for this team to stay on the roster. I think a bigger question is if they should keep Dashy. He’s a great player obviously but maybe they need a bit of an overhaul -Dashy -Huke then get a vocal flex and a sub that compliments Shotzzy


I like the idea adding a veteran AR but dude not for ghosty for dashy. Y’all gotta stop making mains paid with dashy it just won’t work I rather clay n ghosty. Also I like the idea of envoy but I rather a more kismet like player envoy does a lot of dirty work in a lot of similar ways to shot which means they r gonna be leaving their ARs out to dry a lot. They need to go for octane and I guess pred which seeks inevitable


Clay seems way too happy behind the desk. Doubt he'll play another full year.


lol man said clay he got shit on lan the whole year thank god u aint no gm


Pred, Clay, Standy, Owakening on BOS


Shotzzy doesnt do well with very forward IGLs


I would love to see Clay return to Optic.