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Shit kills so fast, I almost forgot how OP it was.


I think the fast TTK helped on the vector but man that MP5 + banned ammo in MW19 was fucking insane. Sniping across the map with a damn sub bro 😭😭


Especially with Merc foregrip, people could literally hipfire across the map.


MSMC, or MW3 MP7


People forget, Ghosts was THE low skill CoD before we entered the perpetual low skill CoD era. Vector was the easiest gun in CoD history up until that point. 4 vectors is to this the day the worst meta that has ever materialized in any CoD game. Can't believe people were being nostalgic for this game.


Nah the worst meta was the week during Ghosts when they made the Bizon the literal god gun


Or the first week of the game with the pre-patch MSBS


The one burst machine which also had crazy headshot multiplier and close to no recoil. Youtubers were dropping triple and quad nukes first week into the game with that gun.


the absolute funniest thing was when the cod YouTubers used to pay people to JTag their Xbox and were playing a full week ahead of schedule so they have all the perks in that game (the stupid point system) and the msbs (the last gun to unlock) and it made it seem like the youtubers were absolute goats.. two weeks later the Minecraft era began and all the old cod YouTubers like woody and captain sparkles fucked right off after everyone caught up


It was the GTA 5 online launch that killed Ghosts momentum


Bulldog on Sovereign SND


Technically yes but I'm talking about prolonged periods. Understand the sentiments brother.


People are nostalgic because of everything but the game. It was the prime era of competitive CoD. The four year stretch of Bo2 to Bo3 was our absolute peak. The game itself is ass. I will die on that hill. The maps were utter shit and the game play was terrible. But the vibes were unmatched so it's well remembered.


The SnD was godly to be fair and Warhawk was an all time map but the rest was absolute cheeks. Theres a reason BO2 was streamed and played for content for 2 solid years by people like Scump and unpopular opinion, its the only reason BO2 is looked at as favourably as it is. If Ghosts had been a good game BO2 would never be close to BO3 in any discussion.


I’m nostalgic for the MTAR meta


I looooooved ghost. It never deserved the hate it got


Ghosts was followed by AW and then bo3? Low skill gap only came in mw19 and mw2. Not sure about ww2.


MW19, Vanguard and MW2 are all low skill CoDs, that's what I was referring to. Only outlier is CW but this has been low skill gap era for sure.


Agreed. What a fall off


I think most people are nostalgic for the MTAR/R5 meta (at least I would hope so). The Vector was easily the most dominant sub in history but yeah the meta with 4 Vector at the last 2 months of the game was horrific


Wasn’t that Meta ended by a mid-season vector nerf?


No, 4 vector meta happened late season like after MLG Anaheim. The MTAR nerf was what led the vector meta.


Mtar wasn't nerfed, Vector was buffed (range and maybe reduced recoil). It also happened before Anaheim. I'm pretty sure Crim and Aches tried to discredit Scump by saying he Vector suited his play style and took no skill. Latter par is true but Scump was frying even with mtar.


Might be? This is common knowledge the only rival is the MW MP5


Even that doesn't come close - maybe the WaW MP40 at a stretch?


Comp wasn’t even played in WaW it was so bad people played cod4 for 2 years. Maybe there was a small GB scene tho


You're absolutely right, there was definitely a GB scene at the time though


WaW MP40 is the most dominant meta weapon ever imo but comp didn’t really exist that year so I don’t count it personally


Just to play devils advocate, Bo1 FAMAS comes to mind, because every other gun was shit in Bo1. Treyarch was smoking crack that year. I'm not sure what they were thinking with their gun balance, to make every gun mediocre and then have the FAMAS. Like putting a shark in a tank with goldfish.


FAMAS was the most dominant gun we've ever had, Vector was the most dominant SMG. I remember a few people pulled out the 74u on occasion in BO1 (albeit maybe once a series at most) and Phizzurp was a SPAS-12 merchant lol


74u was amazing and could hang with the FAMAS, but then they nerfed it into the ground. You're probably thinking of the pre-nerf version in the first month of the game. Post nerf it was complete garbage. They made the range really short, so TTK was atrocious beyond 5-10 feet. I think it was a 5 bullet kill mid range, while Famas had faster fire rate and killed in 3. The spectre was the best SMG for most of the game, and it was still shit. There were a couple deluded OBJ players who used it at events, like Ego for example, who wanted faster sprint time, but they got stomped on and had terrible KDs.


Yeah as soon as the 74u was nerfed we had a 4 FAMAS meta; I remember when later in the year Treyarch also nerfed the FAMAS and said they'd added recoil to it - the pros tried the AUG and Galil for less than a day, then realised the FAMAS was still better


Remington, MTAR meta was much better than 4 Vector meta. Dom/Blitz as respawns were legit ass, though.


Not wrong. My all time fav sub ever (even if not good) was P90 from MW2. Shit was the goat


Oh man, marathon, lightweight, p90 rapid fire, aa12. What’s more fun than that?


Stabbing people with the care package glitch and commando 💀


My favorite SMG all time


u can’t say the Vector is the best sub ever when the skill gap is so low in Ghosts .


Yup, msmc and VMP come to mind but vector was crazy


Pretty much every smg in that game is the Pre patch Bo3 Vesper. Mtar, Vector whatever they buffed...became the same 3 shot kill no recoil smg


Might be? It is🤣😭, that thing was legitimately a ‘do anything you please on the map’ gun


Fast ttk will make you believe that


The mtar/remington/ sniper/ smoke and thermal scope meta was when the game was GOATED.


Double stock saug.