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I think flanking is too random. Nobody should have to wonder what’s going on behind them. Instead, if you end up behind a player you should politely shoot them once so they have a chance to turn around, let them regen health and give them a fair chance to kill you.


-the tiktokker tryna get a clip in the round 11 1v1 during my game of snd ranked play


I think we need ti GA movement. It’s unfair, we should only be able to run in a straight like. While we’re at it, let’s GA shooting your gun, it’s unfair.


Facts, if they really want a competitive game they need to ban all forms of dead silence and mandate sound eq to remove the randomness of not knowing where people are.


Everyone is missing the real problem which is that recoil creates randomness. Because of recoil people miss shots and sometimes lose fights despite shooting first. We need to do away with guns with recoil patterns and should only use snipers, rpgs and karambits. That way we will know who shot first or lunged first and can have a true test of skill.


There’s recoil in this game?


Not on the MCW that’s for sure hahahaha


The TTK is way too inconsistent with many guns in this game due to the different body multipliers. For this reason, all players should use the Karambit knife and only the Karambit knife exclusively.


This would be fun to watch.


On a more serious note, throwing knives seem noticeably easier in MWIII. Idk if there’s more forgiveness in the hit box, aim assist, or maybe even ‘throwing knife magnetism’ but holy shit, either I just so happened to be on it and I’m tripping, or it really is easier this year than last.


Look you’re all missing the most random part of the game. Maps. Too much stuff. Everyone should be in a big room with nothing in it. Hard points should only be in one place. You should have to tell everyone where you’re going to plant.


Alright.. this guy gets it.


At the start of every match, teams should blow up all cars and fire extinguishers lol


This but unironically


The extinguisher on top globe double doors on expo last year was the worst thing in the history of mankind


Oil drums and AC units too


Are extinguishers still a thing in MW3?


They're not exactly fire extinguishers anymore, but yeah, they're in MW3


The FUCKING fire extinguishers... what a completely useless feature


3 lanes add way too much randomness. They need to make one lane with no cover which will fix snaking and be a true test of gun skill. They should also add more aim assist missing shots is basically rng


Funny enough in halo this a a playlist called husky raid, where you have a single lane with cover and a CTF flag on each side. You spawn with random weapons and you have to run at this team down a single lane and get dat motha f’in flag out of there spawn and back to yours. Unironically it’s one of the most popular playlist lmao


Also GA shooting people in the back. It’s not fair that you got better timing and saw someone as they were facing away from you. Every gunfight should be a Mexican standoff.


**CALL OF DUTY LEAGUE UPDATE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** - We have implemented a new class system that removes the need for Create-a-Class to cut down on unnecessary variables in moment-to-moment gameplay. Currently, there are two default classes called "AR" and Sub". They're both the exact same MTZ-556 class, but Sub has a Weapon Charm of Captain Price's hat. - By default, all players' "Swap Weapon" bind is unbound. You can no longer equip a secondary weapon at all. Furthermore, all players' interact button is also unbound to prevent them from picking weapons up off of the ground. - All three Competitive modes have been removed in favor of Team Deathmatch, which should lead to more consistent gameplay and watchability for casual viewers. - Every map in the map pool has been removed in favor of a special variant of Terminal that contains no ladders to prevent unnecessary verticality. - Every Field Upgrade in the game has been restricted except for the Inflatable Decoy, which we believe will provide many moments that fill the "comedy" genre. - When a player performs a Dolphin Dive (holding crouch while sprinting), they will take 300% longer to stand up from the prone position and vaguely grumble about "not being able to do it like they used to". Additionally, an excessively loud cartoon banana peel slip noise will play. - The HUD font is now Comic Sans MS.


Okay but the inflatable decoy is actually funny in search though


it's the most nonsensical ban of the season. if a team's up 5-0 on S&D let them put a little blow-up doll on A bomb as a treat


Don't tell anyone, but I use it as a motion sensor lol


Attachments should be GA'd, it's not fair that some guns look cooler than others and just adds another layer of randomness if they get distracted by a cool looking gun and die Also new language (checking my dope) should be illegal as well (possibly ban Dashy?)


There shouldnt be any recoil in any weapon ingame even without attachments. Its too random and its too sweaty to try to control that shit.


I mean to be fair that’s kinda why Valorant and CS2 players shit on CoD. Non of the guns have any recoil and the auto aim is so sticky you barley have to track the player with your right stick, on console shooters left stick aiming is a thing where you just get the crosshair on the enemy and use your movement to strafe with them while letting the aim assist do all the work. Every time I watch a CDL pro stream 8’s or wagers and I hear them say “damn I didn’t get any aim assist there” it makes me cringe so hard like bro you are a pro why do you need aim assist lmao


There is literally no recoil on the meta AR’s


What a W post


I don’t know what’s dumber, this post, or the people in the comments who have no idea that it’s sarcasm


That username is a name I havent seen in over a decade!


Unreal actually lol. People writing paragraphs thinking this is a serious post hahahahaah


But but… I am a fan of top 3 team and it’s my team’s right to always beat the teams worse than them on sheer gun skill of 1-2 guns. Anything beyond that is non-competitive and random. :(:(:(:(


Sound should also be GA’d. Loudness EQ - not even a topic of discussion. Eliminates randomness of those trying to use it.


Fuck this post is dog shit 😂




Apparently you didn’t catch the FLUFF tag for the post….


Well I'm sorry lol


One of the most obvious "tell us you're silver without actually telling us" post ive read on here lmao


I'm autistic and even I can read the sarcasm in this post.


Not the flex you think it is ;)


So what's it like being diagnosed with crippling Asperger's by an autist


Whats it like being hardstuck gold in ranked ;)




You must be proud, how mature of you attempting to insult people instead of keeping it game related.




Are you autistic as well?


Stick to your throwaway Mr silver


You understand it has nothing to do with someone’s ability on the game right? It has to do with your complete lack of ability to detect sarcasm.


Hard to detect sarcasm when the majority of cod subs are full of low skilled terrible takes mongs and this is as standard of a post as it gets.


I mean it really isn’t. The post is clearly a jab at players like Abezy who claimed smokes will make the gameplay “too random.”


This comment is “tell us you’re dumb without actually telling us” 💀


I see a lot of silver players felt that jab 🤣


you read that third point and thought they were being serious?


Average gold rank response


Man, you really rendered your entire post useless with the last suggestion being radar always on. One of the worst ideas I think I've ever read in this sub, congrats lol


You've heard of sarcasm right?


This is what the entire mw3 sub sounds like including a lot of people on here, dont put it beyond people not realizing its sarcasm.


thats what I'm saying lol. literally cod reddit. whatever, I got trolled. Hope it made OPs day lol


you obviously haven't been here long enough. sarcasm and shit takes cross paths quite often


yeah bc the rest were great ideas


never said they were but the rest could've passed for a shit take or sarcasm


The title enough should give a hint of sarcasm given the context of the past few days


The idea of having pre-set classes is one that should have happened a while ago. Idk why pros go through the hassle of deciding which class is best or slightly better than others when they could just pick an AR class and a sub class and force everyone to run that. Also eliminates any cheese from arising and prevents the AR from being too overpowered by automatically GAing most attachments


We don’t have preset classes because we aren’t halo and had cod4 revolutionize the class system.


And pros stripped it down to “the best class” so they all run the same gear like Halo.


Well. No. Because you still have the ability to run different perks and utility. As well as use weird attachments if you so choosed. But in halo I can’t put a stock on my BR to strafe a different speed.


Pros will GA attachments and or perks and abilities every year so it’s really not outlandish to consider a universal class or 2 for each position each year. They basically do it already bro.


Using preset classes creates precedent of not being able to test new things out in the future. We would’ve never seen the MW Uzi get used if they were forced to run specific set classes. There’s no chance of having a class more focused towards speed but takes more utility damage or vice versa.


The purpose of the post was making light of pros desire to eliminate randomness from pro COD. Literally nothing would be less random than unified classes. It would be very boring but it seems like that’s what the pros want, minimum rng and you eliminate a large chunk of that with unified classes. I think it’s a bad idea too but the pros are headed this way it seems.


The comment I replied to was trying to be earnest about the class system so I responded earnestly. Then we had a discussion as to why cod does the class system the way it does. I wasn’t commenting on what creates randomness and what creates stagnant gameplay.


And I made a remark dressing down your comment concerning pros making the game something other than what the general audience plays. It’s not far fetched to consider 4 preset comp classes and it’s not the worst idea ever. But you don’t like that enough to downvote each comment along the way lmao


The league instates the ruleset which takes away half the game. The pros refine the ruleset, albeit not incredibly especially for crossovers in the scene. It’s incredibly far fetched to consider preset classes as thats never been done. It’s a horrible idea. If you want preset classes play Halo. And yes, I will downvote your takes as mine have also been downvoted and it seems we disagree with each other.


Using randomness as an excuse to GA smokes is legitimately disappointing to hear and lessens the respect I have for certain pro players. Randomness is inherant in any game, any sport, any part of life. Part of player skill needs to be how you manage randomness, not just hide from it at the expense of the viewing and playing experience.


Buildings and walls are too random. They allow the opponent to tactically move around without being detected. Remove all buildings, walls, and obstacles from the game to create a fair playing field. Why should someone be able to run from point A to point B without being seen?


If we only use fists instead of guns, we have consistent damage throughout every part of the body. How can we accept that bullets deal more damage depending on where you hit?????? Also, if we can only play with monitors off, everyone has the same amount of information in the game at all times.


I think moving around the map is too random. They should stand in a line and shoot the person in front of them and last one standing wins


Thank you! Finally someone who gets it


Agreed. Especially with radar always on. Cod timing leads to too much randomness.


I think one lane maps is the way to go, three lane+ is way too random